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// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// span.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header file defines a `Span<T>` type for holding a reference to existing
// array data. The `Span` object, much like the `absl::string_view` object,
// does not own such data itself, and the data being referenced by the span must
// outlive the span itself. Unlike `view` type references, a span can hold a
// reference to mutable data (and can mutate it for underlying types of
// non-const T.) A span provides a lightweight way to pass a reference to such
// data.
// Additionally, this header file defines `MakeSpan()` and `MakeConstSpan()`
// factory functions, for clearly creating spans of type `Span<T>` or read-only
// `Span<const T>` when such types may be difficult to identify due to issues
// with implicit conversion.
// The C++20 draft standard includes a `std::span` type. As of June 2020, the
// differences between `absl::Span` and `std::span` are:
// * `absl::Span` has `operator==` (which is likely a design bug,
// * `absl::Span` has the factory functions `MakeSpan()` and
// `MakeConstSpan()`
// * bounds-checked access to `absl::Span` is accomplished with `at()`
// * `absl::Span` has compiler-provided move and copy constructors and
// assignment. This is due to them being specified as `constexpr`, but that
// implies const in C++11.
// * A read-only `absl::Span<const T>` can be implicitly constructed from an
// initializer list.
// * `absl::Span` has no `bytes()`, `size_bytes()`, `as_bytes()`, or
// `as_mutable_bytes()` methods
// * `absl::Span` has no static extent template parameter, nor constructors
// which exist only because of the static extent parameter.
// * `absl::Span` has an explicit mutable-reference constructor
// For more information, see the class comments below.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/throw_delegate.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/base/port.h" // TODO(strel): remove this include
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/types/internal/span.h"
namespace absl {
// Span
// A `Span` is an "array reference" type for holding a reference of contiguous
// array data; the `Span` object does not and cannot own such data itself. A
// span provides an easy way to provide overloads for anything operating on
// contiguous sequences without needing to manage pointers and array lengths
// manually.
// A span is conceptually a pointer (ptr) and a length (size) into an already
// existing array of contiguous memory; the array it represents references the
// elements "ptr[0] .. ptr[size-1]". Passing a properly-constructed `Span`
// instead of raw pointers avoids many issues related to index out of bounds
// errors.
// Spans may also be constructed from containers holding contiguous sequences.
// Such containers must supply `data()` and `size() const` methods (e.g
// `std::vector<T>`, `absl::InlinedVector<T, N>`). All implicit conversions to
// `absl::Span` from such containers will create spans of type `const T`;
// spans which can mutate their values (of type `T`) must use explicit
// constructors.
// A `Span<T>` is somewhat analogous to an `absl::string_view`, but for an array
// of elements of type `T`, and unlike an `absl::string_view`, a span can hold a
// reference to mutable data. A user of `Span` must ensure that the data being
// pointed to outlives the `Span` itself.
// You can construct a `Span<T>` in several ways:
// * Explicitly from a reference to a container type
// * Explicitly from a pointer and size
// * Implicitly from a container type (but only for spans of type `const T`)
// * Using the `MakeSpan()` or `MakeConstSpan()` factory functions.
// Examples:
// // Construct a Span explicitly from a container:
// std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// auto span = absl::Span<const int>(v);
// // Construct a Span explicitly from a C-style array:
// int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// auto span = absl::Span<const int>(a);
// // Construct a Span implicitly from a container
// void MyRoutine(absl::Span<const int> a) {
// ...
// }
// std::vector v = {1,2,3,4,5};
// MyRoutine(v) // convert to Span<const T>
// Note that `Span` objects, in addition to requiring that the memory they
// point to remains alive, must also ensure that such memory does not get
// reallocated. Therefore, to avoid undefined behavior, containers with
// associated spans should not invoke operations that may reallocate memory
// (such as resizing) or invalidate iterators into the container.
// One common use for a `Span` is when passing arguments to a routine that can
// accept a variety of array types (e.g. a `std::vector`, `absl::InlinedVector`,
// a C-style array, etc.). Instead of creating overloads for each case, you
// can simply specify a `Span` as the argument to such a routine.
// Example:
// void MyRoutine(absl::Span<const int> a) {
// ...
// }
// std::vector v = {1,2,3,4,5};
// MyRoutine(v);
// absl::InlinedVector<int, 4> my_inline_vector;
// MyRoutine(my_inline_vector);
// // Explicit constructor from pointer,size
// int* my_array = new int[10];
// MyRoutine(absl::Span<const int>(my_array, 10));
template <typename T>
class Span {
// Used to determine whether a Span can be constructed from a container of
// type C.
template <typename C>
using EnableIfConvertibleFrom =
typename std::enable_if<span_internal::HasData<T, C>::value &&
// Used to SFINAE-enable a function when the slice elements are const.
template <typename U>
using EnableIfValueIsConst =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_const<T>::value, U>::type;
// Used to SFINAE-enable a function when the slice elements are mutable.
template <typename U>
using EnableIfValueIsMutable =
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_const<T>::value, U>::type;
using element_type = T;
using value_type = absl::remove_cv_t<T>;
using pointer = T*;
using const_pointer = const T*;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using iterator = pointer;
using const_iterator = const_pointer;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
using size_type = size_t;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
static const size_type npos = ~(size_type(0));
constexpr Span() noexcept : Span(nullptr, 0) {}
constexpr Span(pointer array, size_type length) noexcept
: ptr_(array), len_(length) {}
// Implicit conversion constructors
template <size_t N>
constexpr Span(T (&a)[N]) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: Span(a, N) {}
// Explicit reference constructor for a mutable `Span<T>` type. Can be
// replaced with MakeSpan() to infer the type parameter.
template <typename V, typename = EnableIfConvertibleFrom<V>,
typename = EnableIfValueIsMutable<V>,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfNotIsView<V>>
explicit Span(
V& v
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/references)
: Span(span_internal::GetData(v), v.size()) {}
// Implicit reference constructor for a read-only `Span<const T>` type
template <typename V, typename = EnableIfConvertibleFrom<V>,
typename = EnableIfValueIsConst<V>,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfNotIsView<V>>
constexpr Span(
const V& v
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: Span(span_internal::GetData(v), v.size()) {}
// Overloads of the above two functions that are only enabled for view types.
// This is so we can drop the ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND annotation. These
// overloads must be made unique by using a different template parameter list
// (hence the = 0 for the IsView enabler).
template <typename V, typename = EnableIfConvertibleFrom<V>,
typename = EnableIfValueIsMutable<V>,
span_internal::EnableIfIsView<V> = 0>
explicit Span(V& v) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/references)
: Span(span_internal::GetData(v), v.size()) {}
template <typename V, typename = EnableIfConvertibleFrom<V>,
typename = EnableIfValueIsConst<V>,
span_internal::EnableIfIsView<V> = 0>
constexpr Span(const V& v) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: Span(span_internal::GetData(v), v.size()) {}
// Implicit constructor from an initializer list, making it possible to pass a
// brace-enclosed initializer list to a function expecting a `Span`. Such
// spans constructed from an initializer list must be of type `Span<const T>`.
// void Process(absl::Span<const int> x);
// Process({1, 2, 3});
// Note that as always the array referenced by the span must outlive the span.
// Since an initializer list constructor acts as if it is fed a temporary
// array (cf. C++ standard [dcl.init.list]/5), it's safe to use this
// constructor only when the `std::initializer_list` itself outlives the span.
// In order to meet this requirement it's sufficient to ensure that neither
// the span nor a copy of it is used outside of the expression in which it's
// created:
// // Assume that this function uses the array directly, not retaining any
// // copy of the span or pointer to any of its elements.
// void Process(absl::Span<const int> ints);
// // Okay: the std::initializer_list<int> will reference a temporary array
// // that isn't destroyed until after the call to Process returns.
// Process({ 17, 19 });
// // Not okay: the storage used by the std::initializer_list<int> is not
// // allowed to be referenced after the first line.
// absl::Span<const int> ints = { 17, 19 };
// Process(ints);
// // Not okay for the same reason as above: even when the elements of the
// // initializer list expression are not temporaries the underlying array
// // is, so the initializer list must still outlive the span.
// const int foo = 17;
// absl::Span<const int> ints = { foo };
// Process(ints);
template <typename LazyT = T,
typename = EnableIfValueIsConst<LazyT>>
Span(std::initializer_list<value_type> v
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: Span(v.begin(), v.size()) {}
// Accessors
// Span::data()
// Returns a pointer to the span's underlying array of data (which is held
// outside the span).
constexpr pointer data() const noexcept { return ptr_; }
// Span::size()
// Returns the size of this span.
constexpr size_type size() const noexcept { return len_; }
// Span::length()
// Returns the length (size) of this span.
constexpr size_type length() const noexcept { return size(); }
// Span::empty()
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this span is considered empty.
constexpr bool empty() const noexcept { return size() == 0; }
// Span::operator[]
// Returns a reference to the i'th element of this span.
constexpr reference operator[](size_type i) const noexcept {
return ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(i < size()), ptr_[i];
// Span::at()
// Returns a reference to the i'th element of this span.
constexpr reference at(size_type i) const {
return ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(i < size()) //
? *(data() + i)
: (base_internal::ThrowStdOutOfRange(
"Span::at failed bounds check"),
*(data() + i));
// Span::front()
// Returns a reference to the first element of this span. The span must not
// be empty.
constexpr reference front() const noexcept {
return ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(size() > 0), *data();
// Span::back()
// Returns a reference to the last element of this span. The span must not
// be empty.
constexpr reference back() const noexcept {
return ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(size() > 0), *(data() + size() - 1);
// Span::begin()
// Returns an iterator pointing to the first element of this span, or `end()`
// if the span is empty.
constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept { return data(); }
// Span::cbegin()
// Returns a const iterator pointing to the first element of this span, or
// `end()` if the span is empty.
constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return begin(); }
// Span::end()
// Returns an iterator pointing just beyond the last element at the
// end of this span. This iterator acts as a placeholder; attempting to
// access it results in undefined behavior.
constexpr iterator end() const noexcept { return data() + size(); }
// Span::cend()
// Returns a const iterator pointing just beyond the last element at the
// end of this span. This iterator acts as a placeholder; attempting to
// access it results in undefined behavior.
constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return end(); }
// Span::rbegin()
// Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the last element at the end of this
// span, or `rend()` if the span is empty.
constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
return reverse_iterator(end());
// Span::crbegin()
// Returns a const reverse iterator pointing to the last element at the end of
// this span, or `crend()` if the span is empty.
constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept { return rbegin(); }
// Span::rend()
// Returns a reverse iterator pointing just before the first element
// at the beginning of this span. This pointer acts as a placeholder;
// attempting to access its element results in undefined behavior.
constexpr reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
return reverse_iterator(begin());
// Span::crend()
// Returns a reverse const iterator pointing just before the first element
// at the beginning of this span. This pointer acts as a placeholder;
// attempting to access its element results in undefined behavior.
constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return rend(); }
// Span mutations
// Span::remove_prefix()
// Removes the first `n` elements from the span.
void remove_prefix(size_type n) noexcept {
ptr_ += n;
len_ -= n;
// Span::remove_suffix()
// Removes the last `n` elements from the span.
void remove_suffix(size_type n) noexcept {
len_ -= n;
// Span::subspan()
// Returns a `Span` starting at element `pos` and of length `len`. Both `pos`
// and `len` are of type `size_type` and thus non-negative. Parameter `pos`
// must be <= size(). Any `len` value that points past the end of the span
// will be trimmed to at most size() - `pos`. A default `len` value of `npos`
// ensures the returned subspan continues until the end of the span.
// Examples:
// std::vector<int> vec = {10, 11, 12, 13};
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).subspan(1, 2); // {11, 12}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).subspan(2, 8); // {12, 13}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).subspan(1); // {11, 12, 13}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).subspan(4); // {}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).subspan(5); // throws std::out_of_range
constexpr Span subspan(size_type pos = 0, size_type len = npos) const {
return (pos <= size())
? Span(data() + pos, (std::min)(size() - pos, len))
: (base_internal::ThrowStdOutOfRange("pos > size()"), Span());
// Span::first()
// Returns a `Span` containing first `len` elements. Parameter `len` is of
// type `size_type` and thus non-negative. `len` value must be <= size().
// Examples:
// std::vector<int> vec = {10, 11, 12, 13};
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).first(1); // {10}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).first(3); // {10, 11, 12}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).first(5); // throws std::out_of_range
constexpr Span first(size_type len) const {
return (len <= size())
? Span(data(), len)
: (base_internal::ThrowStdOutOfRange("len > size()"), Span());
// Span::last()
// Returns a `Span` containing last `len` elements. Parameter `len` is of
// type `size_type` and thus non-negative. `len` value must be <= size().
// Examples:
// std::vector<int> vec = {10, 11, 12, 13};
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).last(1); // {13}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).last(3); // {11, 12, 13}
// absl::MakeSpan(vec).last(5); // throws std::out_of_range
constexpr Span last(size_type len) const {
return (len <= size())
? Span(size() - len + data(), len)
: (base_internal::ThrowStdOutOfRange("len > size()"), Span());
// Support for absl::Hash.
template <typename H>
friend H AbslHashValue(H h, Span v) {
return H::combine(H::combine_contiguous(std::move(h),, v.size()),
pointer ptr_;
size_type len_;
template <typename T>
const typename Span<T>::size_type Span<T>::npos;
// Span relationals
// Equality is compared element-by-element, while ordering is lexicographical.
// We provide three overloads for each operator to cover any combination on the
// left or right hand side of mutable Span<T>, read-only Span<const T>, and
// convertible-to-read-only Span<T>.
// TODO(zhangxy): Due to MSVC overload resolution bug with partial ordering
// template functions, 5 overloads per operator is needed as a workaround. We
// should update them to 3 overloads per operator using non-deduced context like
// string_view, i.e.
// - (Span<T>, Span<T>)
// - (Span<T>, non_deduced<Span<const T>>)
// - (non_deduced<Span<const T>>, Span<T>)
// operator==
template <typename T>
bool operator==(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::EqualImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <typename T>
bool operator==(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::EqualImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <typename T>
bool operator==(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return span_internal::EqualImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator==(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::EqualImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator==(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return span_internal::EqualImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
// operator!=
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return !(a == b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator!=(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a == b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator!=(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return !(a == b);
// operator<
template <typename T>
bool operator<(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::LessThanImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <typename T>
bool operator<(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::LessThanImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <typename T>
bool operator<(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return span_internal::LessThanImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator<(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return span_internal::LessThanImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator<(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return span_internal::LessThanImpl<Span, const T>(a, b);
// operator>
template <typename T>
bool operator>(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return b < a;
template <typename T>
bool operator>(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return b < a;
template <typename T>
bool operator>(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return b < a;
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator>(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return b < a;
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator>(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return b < a;
// operator<=
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(b < a);
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(b < a);
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return !(b < a);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator<=(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return !(b < a);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator<=(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return !(b < a);
// operator>=
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(Span<T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a < b);
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(Span<const T> a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a < b);
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(Span<T> a, Span<const T> b) {
return !(a < b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator>=(const U& a, Span<T> b) {
return !(a < b);
template <
typename T, typename U,
typename = span_internal::EnableIfConvertibleTo<U, absl::Span<const T>>>
bool operator>=(Span<T> a, const U& b) {
return !(a < b);
// MakeSpan()
// Constructs a mutable `Span<T>`, deducing `T` automatically from either a
// container or pointer+size.
// Because a read-only `Span<const T>` is implicitly constructed from container
// types regardless of whether the container itself is a const container,
// constructing mutable spans of type `Span<T>` from containers requires
// explicit constructors. The container-accepting version of `MakeSpan()`
// deduces the type of `T` by the constness of the pointer received from the
// container's `data()` member. Similarly, the pointer-accepting version returns
// a `Span<const T>` if `T` is `const`, and a `Span<T>` otherwise.
// Examples:
// void MyRoutine(absl::Span<MyComplicatedType> a) {
// ...
// };
// // my_vector is a container of non-const types
// std::vector<MyComplicatedType> my_vector;
// // Constructing a Span implicitly attempts to create a Span of type
// // `Span<const T>`
// MyRoutine(my_vector); // error, type mismatch
// // Explicitly constructing the Span is verbose
// MyRoutine(absl::Span<MyComplicatedType>(my_vector));
// // Use MakeSpan() to make an absl::Span<T>
// MyRoutine(absl::MakeSpan(my_vector));
// // Construct a span from an array ptr+size
// absl::Span<T> my_span() {
// return absl::MakeSpan(&array[0], num_elements_);
// }
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T>
constexpr Span<T> MakeSpan(T* ptr, size_t size) noexcept {
return Span<T>(ptr, size);
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T>
Span<T> MakeSpan(T* begin, T* end) noexcept {
return ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(begin <= end),
Span<T>(begin, static_cast<size_t>(end - begin));
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename C>
constexpr auto MakeSpan(C& c) noexcept // NOLINT(runtime/references)
-> decltype(absl::MakeSpan(span_internal::GetData(c), c.size())) {
return MakeSpan(span_internal::GetData(c), c.size());
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T, size_t N>
constexpr Span<T> MakeSpan(T (&array)[N]) noexcept {
return Span<T>(array, N);
// MakeConstSpan()
// Constructs a `Span<const T>` as with `MakeSpan`, deducing `T` automatically,
// but always returning a `Span<const T>`.
// Examples:
// void ProcessInts(absl::Span<const int> some_ints);
// // Call with a pointer and size.
// int array[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
// ProcessInts(absl::MakeConstSpan(&array[0], 3));
// // Call with a [begin, end) pair.
// ProcessInts(absl::MakeConstSpan(&array[0], &array[3]));
// // Call directly with an array.
// ProcessInts(absl::MakeConstSpan(array));
// // Call with a contiguous container.
// std::vector<int> some_ints = ...;
// ProcessInts(absl::MakeConstSpan(some_ints));
// ProcessInts(absl::MakeConstSpan(std::vector<int>{ 0, 0, 0 }));
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T>
constexpr Span<const T> MakeConstSpan(T* ptr, size_t size) noexcept {
return Span<const T>(ptr, size);
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T>
Span<const T> MakeConstSpan(T* begin, T* end) noexcept {
return ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(begin <= end), Span<const T>(begin, end - begin);
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename C>
constexpr auto MakeConstSpan(const C& c) noexcept -> decltype(MakeSpan(c)) {
return MakeSpan(c);
template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename T, size_t N>
constexpr Span<const T> MakeConstSpan(const T (&array)[N]) noexcept {
return Span<const T>(array, N);
} // namespace absl
#endif // ABSL_TYPES_SPAN_H_