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// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: log/log_entry.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header declares `class absl::LogEntry`, which represents a log record as
// passed to `LogSink::Send`. Data returned by pointer or by reference or by
// `absl::string_view` must be copied if they are needed after the lifetime of
// the `absl::LogEntry`.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/log_severity.h"
#include "absl/log/internal/config.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
namespace absl {
namespace log_internal {
// Test only friend.
class LogEntryTestPeer;
class LogMessage;
} // namespace log_internal
// LogEntry
// Represents a single entry in a log, i.e., one `LOG` statement or failed
// `CHECK`.
// `LogEntry` is thread-compatible.
class LogEntry final {
using tid_t = log_internal::Tid;
// For non-verbose log entries, `verbosity()` returns `kNoVerbosityLevel`.
static constexpr int kNoVerbosityLevel = -1;
static constexpr int kNoVerboseLevel = -1; // TO BE removed
// Pass `LogEntry` by reference, and do not store it as its state does not
// outlive the call to `LogSink::Send()`.
LogEntry(const LogEntry&) = delete;
LogEntry& operator=(const LogEntry&) = delete;
// Source file and line where the log message occurred. Taken from `__FILE__`
// and `__LINE__` unless overridden by `LOG(...).AtLocation(...)`.
// Take special care not to use the values returned by `source_filename()` and
// `source_basename()` after the lifetime of the entry. This is always
// incorrect, but it will often work in practice because they usually point
// into a statically allocated character array obtained from `__FILE__`.
// Statements like `LOG(INFO).AtLocation(std::string(...), ...)` will expose
// the bug. If you need the data later, you must copy them.
absl::string_view source_filename() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
return full_filename_;
absl::string_view source_basename() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
return base_filename_;
int source_line() const { return line_; }
// LogEntry::prefix()
// True unless the metadata prefix was suppressed once by
// `LOG(...).NoPrefix()` or globally by `absl::EnableLogPrefix(false)`.
// Implies `text_message_with_prefix() == text_message()`.
bool prefix() const { return prefix_; }
// LogEntry::log_severity()
// Returns this entry's severity. For `LOG`, taken from the first argument;
// for `CHECK`, always `absl::LogSeverity::kFatal`.
absl::LogSeverity log_severity() const { return severity_; }
// LogEntry::verbosity()
// Returns this entry's verbosity, or `kNoVerbosityLevel` for a non-verbose
// entry. Verbosity control is not available outside of Google yet.
int verbosity() const { return verbose_level_; }
// LogEntry::timestamp()
// Returns the time at which this entry was written. Captured during
// evaluation of `LOG`, but can be overridden by
// `LOG(...).WithTimestamp(...)`.
// Take care not to rely on timestamps increasing monotonically, or even to
// rely on timestamps having any particular relationship with reality (since
// they can be overridden).
absl::Time timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
// LogEntry::tid()
// Returns the ID of the thread that wrote this entry. Captured during
// evaluation of `LOG`, but can be overridden by `LOG(...).WithThreadID(...)`.
// Take care not to *rely* on reported thread IDs as they can be overridden as
// specified above.
tid_t tid() const { return tid_; }
// Text-formatted version of the log message. An underlying buffer holds
// these contiguous data:
// * A prefix formed by formatting metadata (timestamp, filename, line number,
// etc.)
// The prefix may be empty - see `LogEntry::prefix()` - and may rarely be
// truncated if the metadata are very long.
// * The streamed data
// The data may be empty if nothing was streamed, or may be truncated to fit
// the buffer.
// * A newline
// * A nul terminator
// The newline and nul terminator will be present even if the prefix and/or
// data are truncated.
// These methods give access to the most commonly useful substrings of the
// buffer's contents. Other combinations can be obtained with substring
// arithmetic.
// The buffer does not outlive the entry; if you need the data later, you must
// copy them.
absl::string_view text_message_with_prefix_and_newline() const
return absl::string_view(,
text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_and_nul_.size() - 1);
absl::string_view text_message_with_prefix() const
return absl::string_view(,
text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_and_nul_.size() - 2);
absl::string_view text_message_with_newline() const
return absl::string_view( + prefix_len_,
text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_and_nul_.size() - prefix_len_ - 1);
absl::string_view text_message() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
return absl::string_view( + prefix_len_,
text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_and_nul_.size() - prefix_len_ - 2);
const char* text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_c_str() const
// Returns a serialized protobuf holding the operands streamed into this
// log message. The message definition is not yet published.
// The buffer does not outlive the entry; if you need the data later, you must
// copy them.
absl::string_view encoded_message() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
return encoding_;
// LogEntry::stacktrace()
// Optional stacktrace, e.g. for `FATAL` logs and failed `CHECK`s.
// Fatal entries are dispatched to each sink twice: first with all data and
// metadata but no stacktrace, and then with the stacktrace. This is done
// because stacktrace collection is sometimes slow and fallible, and it's
// critical to log enough information to diagnose the failure even if the
// stacktrace collection hangs.
// The buffer does not outlive the entry; if you need the data later, you must
// copy them.
absl::string_view stacktrace() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
return stacktrace_;
LogEntry() = default;
absl::string_view full_filename_;
absl::string_view base_filename_;
int line_;
bool prefix_;
absl::LogSeverity severity_;
int verbose_level_; // >=0 for `VLOG`, etc.; otherwise `kNoVerbosityLevel`.
absl::Time timestamp_;
tid_t tid_;
absl::Span<const char> text_message_with_prefix_and_newline_and_nul_;
size_t prefix_len_;
absl::string_view encoding_;
std::string stacktrace_;
friend class log_internal::LogEntryTestPeer;
friend class log_internal::LogMessage;
} // namespace absl