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// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/exception_safety_testing.h"
namespace {
constexpr size_t kInlinedCapacity = 4;
constexpr size_t kLargeSize = kInlinedCapacity * 2;
constexpr size_t kSmallSize = kInlinedCapacity / 2;
using Thrower = testing::ThrowingValue<>;
using MovableThrower = testing::ThrowingValue<testing::TypeSpec::kNoThrowMove>;
using ThrowAlloc = testing::ThrowingAllocator<Thrower>;
using ThrowerVec = absl::InlinedVector<Thrower, kInlinedCapacity>;
using MovableThrowerVec = absl::InlinedVector<MovableThrower, kInlinedCapacity>;
using ThrowAllocThrowerVec =
absl::InlinedVector<Thrower, kInlinedCapacity, ThrowAlloc>;
using ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec =
absl::InlinedVector<MovableThrower, kInlinedCapacity, ThrowAlloc>;
// In GCC, if an element of a `std::initializer_list` throws during construction
// the elements that were constructed before it are not destroyed. This causes
// incorrect exception safety test failures. Thus, `testing::nothrow_ctor` is
(N > kInlinedCapacity \
? std::initializer_list<T>{T(0, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(1, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(2, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(3, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(4, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(5, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(6, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(7, testing::nothrow_ctor)} \
: std::initializer_list<T>{T(0, testing::nothrow_ctor), \
T(1, testing::nothrow_ctor)})
static_assert(kLargeSize == 8, "Must update ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(...)");
static_assert(kSmallSize == 2, "Must update ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(...)");
template <typename TheVecT, size_t... TheSizes>
class TestParams {
using VecT = TheVecT;
constexpr static size_t GetSizeAt(size_t i) { return kSizes[1 + i]; }
constexpr static size_t kSizes[1 + sizeof...(TheSizes)] = {1, TheSizes...};
using NoSizeTestParams =
::testing::Types<TestParams<ThrowerVec>, TestParams<MovableThrowerVec>,
using OneSizeTestParams =
::testing::Types<TestParams<ThrowerVec, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowerVec, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize>>;
using TwoSizeTestParams = ::testing::Types<
TestParams<ThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<MovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kLargeSize, kSmallSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kLargeSize>,
TestParams<ThrowAllocMovableThrowerVec, kSmallSize, kSmallSize>>;
template <typename>
struct NoSizeTest : ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(NoSizeTest, NoSizeTestParams);
template <typename>
struct OneSizeTest : ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(OneSizeTest, OneSizeTestParams);
template <typename>
struct TwoSizeTest : ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TwoSizeTest, TwoSizeTestParams);
template <typename VecT>
bool InlinedVectorInvariants(VecT* vec) {
if (*vec != *vec) return false;
if (vec->size() > vec->capacity()) return false;
if (vec->size() > vec->max_size()) return false;
if (vec->capacity() > vec->max_size()) return false;
if (vec->data() != std::addressof(vec->at(0))) return false;
if (vec->data() != vec->begin()) return false;
if (*vec->data() != *vec->begin()) return false;
if (vec->begin() > vec->end()) return false;
if ((vec->end() - vec->begin()) != vec->size()) return false;
if (std::distance(vec->begin(), vec->end()) != vec->size()) return false;
return true;
// Function that always returns false is correct, but refactoring is required
// for clarity. It's needed to express that, as a contract, certain operations
// should not throw at all. Execution of this function means an exception was
// thrown and thus the test should fail.
// TODO(johnsoncj): Add `testing::NoThrowGuarantee` to the framework
template <typename VecT>
bool NoThrowGuarantee(VecT* /* vec */) {
return false;
TYPED_TEST(NoSizeTest, DefaultConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, SizeConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(size, allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, SizeRefConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(size, value_type{});
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(size, value_type{}, allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, InitializerListConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, size));
ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, size), allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, RangeConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
std::array<value_type, size> arr{};
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(arr.begin(), arr.end());
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(arr.begin(), arr.end(), allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, CopyConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
VecT other_vec{size};
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(other_vec, allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, MoveConstructor) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using allocator_type = typename VecT::allocator_type;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
if (!absl::allocator_is_nothrow<allocator_type>::value) {
testing::TestThrowingCtor<VecT>(VecT{size}, allocator_type{});
TYPED_TEST(TwoSizeTest, Assign) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
constexpr static auto to_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
*vec = ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, to_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
VecT other_vec{to_size};
*vec = other_vec;
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
VecT other_vec{to_size};
*vec = std::move(other_vec);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
value_type val{};
vec->assign(to_size, val);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->assign(ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, to_size));
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
std::array<value_type, to_size> arr{};
vec->assign(arr.begin(), arr.end());
TYPED_TEST(TwoSizeTest, Resize) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
constexpr static auto to_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->resize(to_size); //
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->resize(to_size, value_type{}); //
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, Insert) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
vec->insert(it, value_type{});
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
vec->insert(it, value_type{});
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->end();
vec->insert(it, value_type{});
TYPED_TEST(TwoSizeTest, Insert) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
using value_type = typename VecT::value_type;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
constexpr static auto count = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
vec->insert(it, count, value_type{});
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
vec->insert(it, count, value_type{});
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->end();
vec->insert(it, count, value_type{});
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
vec->insert(it, ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, count));
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
vec->insert(it, ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, count));
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->end();
vec->insert(it, ABSL_INTERNAL_MAKE_INIT_LIST(value_type, count));
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
std::array<value_type, count> arr{};
vec->insert(it, arr.begin(), arr.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
std::array<value_type, count> arr{};
vec->insert(it, arr.begin(), arr.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->end();
std::array<value_type, count> arr{};
vec->insert(it, arr.begin(), arr.end());
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, EmplaceBack) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
// For testing calls to `emplace_back(...)` that reallocate.
VecT full_vec{size};
// For testing calls to `emplace_back(...)` that don't reallocate.
VecT nonfull_vec{size};
nonfull_vec.reserve(size + 1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester().WithContracts(
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.WithInitialValue(nonfull_vec).Test([](VecT* vec) {
[](VecT* vec) { vec->emplace_back(); }));
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, PopBack) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->pop_back(); //
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, Erase) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() - 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
vec->erase(it, it);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
vec->erase(it, it);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() - 1);
vec->erase(it, it);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin();
vec->erase(it, it + 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() / 2);
vec->erase(it, it + 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
auto it = vec->begin() + (vec->size() - 1);
vec->erase(it, it + 1);
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, Clear) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->clear(); //
TYPED_TEST(TwoSizeTest, Reserve) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
constexpr static auto to_capacity = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) { vec->reserve(to_capacity); }));
TYPED_TEST(OneSizeTest, ShrinkToFit) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
vec->shrink_to_fit(); //
TYPED_TEST(TwoSizeTest, Swap) {
using VecT = typename TypeParam::VecT;
constexpr static auto from_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(0);
constexpr static auto to_size = TypeParam::GetSizeAt(1);
auto tester = testing::MakeExceptionSafetyTester()
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
VecT other_vec{to_size};
EXPECT_TRUE(tester.Test([](VecT* vec) {
using std::swap;
VecT other_vec{to_size};
swap(*vec, other_vec);
} // namespace
#endif // defined(ABSL_HAVE_EXCEPTIONS)