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<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" id="svg-root"
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 480 360"
<!--= SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Test Case =-->
<!--= Copyright 2009 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for =-->
<!--= Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), Keio University). =-->
<!--= All Rights Reserved. =-->
template-version="1.4" reviewer="DJ" author="CL" status="issue"
version="$Revision: 1.8 $" testname="$RCSfile: animate-elem-85-t.svg,v $">
The first subtest tests animate with 'to' and 'from' values including
currentColor. The second subtest checks that the value of currentColor is the
current animated value of the color property, by animating the color property
at the same time as animating fill with a 'from' or 'to' value of currentColor.
<!-- moved from accepted to issue pending verification of correct behaviour for lower rect on second subtest -->
<d:operatorScript xmlns="">
<p>Run the test. No interaction required.
<d:passCriteria xmlns="">
The first subtest is passed if all
four rectangles at the top smoothly animate from black to green over 5 seconds.
During this time the bottom two rectangles must be blue.</p>
<p>The second subtest, which starts after the first one completes, is passed if
the bottom two rectangles smoothly animate from green (at five seconds), through
dark cyan (at 7.5 seconds), to cyan (at 10 seconds and above). Colored circles
indicate the appropriate colors at these times.
<title id="test-title">$RCSfile: animate-elem-85-t.svg,v $</title>
<font-face font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII" unicode-range="U+0-7F">
<font-face-uri xlink:href="../resources/SVGFreeSans.svg#ascii"/>
<g id="test-body-content" font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="18">
<g id="subtest_1">
<rect fill="#f00" x="30" y="50" height="100" width="90">
<!-- basic test from two numeric hex values -->
<animate attributeName="fill" from="#000000" to="#008000" begin="0s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<rect fill="#f00" x="140" y="50" height="100" width="90">
<!-- same, check color keywords accepted in animations -->
<animate attributeName="fill" from="#000000" to="green" begin="0s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<rect color="green" fill="#f00" x="250" y="50" height="100" width="90">
<!-- same, static value of currentColor in 'to' -->
<animate attributeName="fill" from="#000000" to="currentColor" begin="0s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<rect color="black" fill="#f00" x="360" y="50" height="100" width="90">
<!-- same, static value of currentColor in 'from' -->
<animate attributeName="fill" to="#008000" from="currentColor" begin="0s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<g id="subtest_2">
<rect color="black" fill="blue" x="100" y="180" height="60" width="280">
<animate attributeName="color" to="cyan" from="blue" begin="5s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<animate attributeName="fill" from="#008000" to="currentColor" begin="5s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<rect color="black" fill="blue" x="100" y="245" height="60" width="280">
<animate attributeName="fill" from="#008000" to="currentColor" begin="5s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
<animate attributeName="color" to="cyan" from="blue" begin="5s" dur="5s" fill="freeze"/>
color fill
4s #000000 #0000ff
5s #0000ff #008000
7.5s #0080ff #008080
10s #00ffff #00ffff
<circle r="30" cx="100" cy="240" fill="#0000ff"/>
<circle r="30" cx="193" cy="240" fill="#008000"/>
<circle r="30" cx="287" cy="240" fill="#008080"/>
<circle r="30" cx="380" cy="240" fill="#00ffff"/>
<g font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="32">
<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.8 $</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000"/>
<!-- comment out this watermark once the test is approved -->
<g id="draft-watermark">
<rect x="1" y="1" width="478" height="20" fill="red" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
<text font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="20" x="240"
text-anchor="middle" y="18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke="black" fill="white">DRAFT</text>