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Test Info:

// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/fledge/tentative/resources/fledge-util.sub.js
// META: script=/common/subset-tests.js
// META: script=/shared-storage/resources/util.js
// META: script=/fenced-frame/resources/utils.js
// META: timeout=long
"use strict;"
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
let worklet = await sharedStorage.createWorklet('resources/simple-module.js');
const ancestor_key = token();
let url0 = generateURL("/shared-storage/resources/frame0.html",
let url1 = generateURL("/shared-storage/resources/frame1.html",
// Override the default resource path, as we are not running within the Fledge
// repository.
RESOURCE_PATH = '/fledge/tentative/resources/';
const pa_uuid = generateUuid(test);
let biddingLogicURL = createBiddingScriptURL(
new SharedStorageAppendMethod('key', 'a'),
new SharedStorageAppendMethod('key', 'a')
], {withLock: 'lock1'});
return {};
let decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL(pa_uuid);
// Invoke `selectURL()` to perform the following steps:
// 1. Acquires the lock.
// 2. Reads the current value at the given key.
// 3. Waits for 500ms.
// 4. Sets the shared storage value to the read value appended with the given letter.
// 5. Releases the lock.
// After 100ms, run a Protected Audience auction that starts a worklet that:
// - Acquires the same named lock.
// - Executes two `append` methods, each appending the same letter.
// Expected behavior: After both of them finish, the value at the given key
// should contain the letter repeated three times.
// This demonstrates that:
// 1. The `withLock` option is effective, preventing the `batchUpdate()`
// method interfering with the "get and set" operation. If the lock were
// not used, the final value would likely be a single letter.
// 2. `batchUpdate()` correctly executes all `append` methods within the
// batch.
// Note: This test remains valid even if the `batchUpdate()` call happens
// outside the critical section protected by the lock within the worklet. The
// test effectively demonstrates mutual exclusion as long as there's a
// reasonable chance for `batchUpdate()` to occur while the worklet is still
// running.
let select_url_result = await worklet.selectURL(
[{url: url0}, {url: url1}],
{data: {'key': 'key',
'lock_name': 'lock1',
'append_letter': 'a'},
resolveToConfig: true});
// Busy wait for 100ms.
const startWaitTime =;
while ( - startWaitTime < 100) {}
// Run a Protected Audience auction which triggers `append()` with the same
// lock and the same letter.
await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
uuid: pa_uuid,
interestGroupOverrides: {
name: pa_uuid,
biddingLogicURL: biddingLogicURL,
auctionConfigOverrides: {
decisionLogicURL: decisionLogicURL
attachFencedFrame(select_url_result, 'opaque-ads');
const result = await nextValueFromServer(ancestor_key);
assert_equals(result, "frame1_loaded");
await verifyKeyValueForOrigin('key', 'aaa', location.origin);
await deleteKeyForOrigin('key', location.origin);
}, 'Test for batchUpdate() with a batch lock in a Protected Audience Worklet context');