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// This library supports HTML5lib-style test cases.
// The HTMLlib test case format describes an actual DOM tree. For testing, and
// particular for testing of DOM parsers and DOM parser-related functionality,
// this has the advantage of being able to represent edge cases.
// Example: If `.replaceWithChildren` is called on the `<span>` element as a
// result of parsing `"<p>Hello<span>World</span></p>"`, then this results in
// a tree with two adjacent text nodes. This behaviour will affect subsequent
// DOM operations and should thus be tested. The HTML5lib format makes it easy
// to describe the expected result unambiguously.
// References:
// - test case format description:
// The main "API" is:
// - parse_html5lib_testcases(string)
// This returns an array of dictionaries, where the dictionary contains the
// the text of the test file, keyed by the lines starting with a hashtag.
// E.g. #data\nbla results in [{data: "bla"}].
// - html5lib_testcases_from_script()
// Wrapper for parse_html5lib_testcases that gets the test data from a script
// element with type "html5lib-tests". This allows to specify the test data
// in the test file, but requires working around closing script tags.
// - html5lib_testcases_from_response(response_promise)
// Wrapper for parse_html5lib_testcases that gets the data from a Response
// Promise, as is returned from `fetch()`, and returns a Promise for the array
// of testcases. This allows getting the test dat from a text resource.
// - build_node_tree(node, documentstr)
// This builds a node tree from the "#document" string from a testcase, and
// appends it to the node argument. Returns node.
// - assert_subtree_equals(node1, node2)
// Asserts that the child trees of node1 and node2 are equals. This
// recursively descends the trees.
// - assert_testcase(node, testcase)
// Wrapper for build_node_tree and assert_subtree_equals, for use with a
// result of parse_html5lib_testcases.
function html5lib_testcases_from_script() {
return parse_html5lib_testcases(
function html5lib_testcases_from_response(response_promise) {
return response_promise
.then(response => response.text())
function add_html5lib_testcase(testcases, current) {
for (const item in current) {
current[item] = current[item].join("\n");
if (Object.entries(current).length) {
function parse_html5lib_testcases(content) {
const testcases = [];
var state = undefined;
var current = {};
for (const line of content.split("\n")) {
if (!line) {
add_html5lib_testcase(testcases, current);
state = undefined;
current = {};
} else if (line[0] == "#") {
state = line.substring(1);
current[state] = [];
} else if (state) {
} else {
// Error handling is for another day.
return testcases;
function get_child_at(node, level) {
for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
if (is_html_template(node)) {
// For <template>, continue with the content fragment.
node = node.content;
} else {
node = node.lastChild;
return node;
function append_child_at(node, level, child) {
get_child_at(node, level).appendChild(child);
function is_element(node) {
return node.tagName && node.namespaceURI;
function is_html_template(node) {
return is_element(node) && node.tagName == "TEMPLATE" &&
function build_node_tree(root, docstr) {
// Format described here:
// Special-case empty string: Don't build anything.
// (Happens for test docs that cause parse errors, but also for genuinely
// empty expectation documents.)
if (!docstr) return root;
for (const line of docstr.split("\n")) {
const [_, indent, remainder] = line.match(/^\| ( *)(.*)/);
const level = indent.length / 2;
if (match = remainder.match(/^<([a-z]*)>$/)) {
// `Element nodes must be represented by a "<, the tag name string, ">".`
append_child_at(root, level, document.createElement(match[1]));
} else if (match = remainder.match(/^"([^"]*)"$/)) {
// `Text nodes must be the string, in double quotes.`
append_child_at(root, level, document.createTextNode(match[1]));
} else if (match = remainder.match(/^(.*)="(.*)"$/)) {
// `Attribute nodes must have the attribute name string, then an "=" sign,
// then the attribute value in double quotes (").`
get_child_at(root, level).setAttribute(match[1], match[2]);
} else if (match = remainder.match(/^<!--(.*)-->$/)) {
// `Comments must be "<" then "!-- " then the data then " -->".`
append_child_at(root, level, document.createComment(match[1]));
} else if (match = remainder.match(
/^<!DOCTYPE ([^ ]*)( "([^"]*)"( "([^"]*)")?)?>$/)) {
// `DOCTYPEs must be "<!DOCTYPE " then [... bla bla ...]`
append_child_at(root, level,
document.implementation.createDocumentType(match[1], match[3], match[5]));
} else if (match = remainder.match(/^<?([a-z]*)( (.*))>$/)) {
// `Processing instructions must be "<?", then the target, then [...]`
append_child_at(root, level, document.createProcessingInstruction(
match[1], match[3]));
} else if (remainder == "content") {
// Template contents are represented by the string "content" with the
// children below it.
// Nothing to do here; so let's just check we're actually in a template.
assert_true(is_html_template(get_child_at(root, level)),
"\"content\" only expected as child of a <template>.");
} else {
`Unknown line type. Maybe test data is malformed. ("${line}")`);
return root;
function assert_subtree_equals(node1, node2) {
// Iterate in parallel over both trees.
const tree1 = document.createNodeIterator(node1);
const tree2 = document.createNodeIterator(node2);
// Skip the root/context node, so that we can re-use the test with different
// context types.
var current1 = tree1.nextNode();
var current2 = tree2.nextNode();
do {
current1 = tree1.nextNode();
current2 = tree2.nextNode();
// Conceptually, we only want to check whether a.isEqualNode(b). But that
// yields terrible error messages ("expected true but got false"). With
// this being a test suite and all, let's invest a bit of effort into nice
// error messages.
if (current1 && !current1.isEqualNode(current2)) {
let breadcrumbs = "";
let current = current1;
while (current) {
const here = is_element(current) ? `<${current.tagName}>` : `${current}`;
breadcrumbs = `${here} / ${breadcrumbs}`;
current = current.parentNode;
breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs.substring(0, breadcrumbs.length - 3);
`${current1}.isEqual(${current2}) fails. Path: ${breadcrumbs}.`);
} while (current1);
// Ensure that both iterators have come to an end.
assert_false(!!current2, "Additional nodes at the of node2.");
function assert_testcase(node, testcase) {
const context = document.createElement(testcase["document-fragment"] ?? "div");
const tree = build_node_tree(context, testcase.document);
assert_subtree_equals(node, tree);