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Test Info: Warnings

// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js
// META: script=/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js
// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/remote-context-helper/resources/remote-context-helper.js
// META: timeout=long
'use strict';
const TEST_VALUE = "popin-partition-test";
async function seedPartition(remoteContextWrapper, name) {
await remoteContextWrapper.executeScript((name, TEST_VALUE) => {
window.localStorage.setItem(name, TEST_VALUE);
document.cookie = name + "-strict=" + TEST_VALUE + "; SameSite=Strict; Secure";
document.cookie = name + "-lax=" + TEST_VALUE + "; SameSite=Lax; Secure";
document.cookie = name + "-none=" + TEST_VALUE + "; SameSite=None; Secure";
document.cookie = name + "-partitioned-strict=" + TEST_VALUE + "; Partitioned; SameSite=Strict; Secure";
document.cookie = name + "-partitioned-lax=" + TEST_VALUE + "; Partitioned; SameSite=Lax; Secure";
document.cookie = name + "-partitioned-none=" + TEST_VALUE + "; Partitioned; SameSite=None; Secure";
}, [name, TEST_VALUE]);
async function openPopin(test, remoteContextWrapper, origin) {
const popin = await remoteContextWrapper.addWindow(
/*extraConfig=*/ origin ? { origin } : null,
/*options=*/ { features: "popin" });
assert_equals(await popin.executeScript(() => { return window.popinContextType(); }), "partitioned");
test.add_cleanup(async () => {
await popin.executeScript(() => { window.close(); });
return popin;
async function getCookies(remoteContextWrapper) {
return await remoteContextWrapper.executeScript((TEST_VALUE) => {
if (!document.cookie) {
return [];
const cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
let cookieNames = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
let cookieName = cookies[i].split("=")[0].trim();
let cookieValue = cookies[i].split("=")[1].trim();
if (cookieValue === TEST_VALUE) {
return cookieNames.sort();
async function getLocalStorage(remoteContextWrapper) {
return await remoteContextWrapper.executeScript((TEST_VALUE) => {
let storageNames = [];
for (let i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) {
if (window.localStorage.getItem(window.localStorage.key(i)) === TEST_VALUE) {
return storageNames.sort();
const rcHelper = new RemoteContextHelper();
const handles = {};
promise_setup(async () => {
assert_in_array("partitioned", window.popinContextTypesSupported());
handles.main = await rcHelper.addWindow();
handles.frameSameSite = await handles.main.addIframe();
handles.frameCrossSite = await handles.main.addIframe(
/*extraConfig=*/ {
/*attributes=*/ {
allow: "popins",
handles.frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor =
await handles.frameCrossSite.addIframe(
/*extraConfig=*/ null,
/*attributes=*/ {
allow: "popins",
handles.crossSite = await rcHelper.addWindow(
/*extraConfig=*/ {
handles.crossSiteFrameSameSite = await handles.crossSite.addIframe();
await seedPartition(handles.main, "main");
await seedPartition(handles.frameSameSite, "frameSameSite");
await seedPartition(handles.frameCrossSite, "frameCrossSite");
await seedPartition(handles.frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor, "frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor");
await seedPartition(handles.crossSite, "crossSite");
await seedPartition(handles.crossSiteFrameSameSite, "crossSiteFrameSameSite");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.main);
// The popin, it's opener and all their ancestors are same-site, so the popin
// should have access to all cookies and storage of the main host.
await getCookies(popin),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameSameSite", "main"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Main site opens same-site popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.main, "HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN");
// The popin is cross-site to its opener, so the popin should only have access
// to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies of the cross-site
// frame, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None cookie of the cross-site window.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popin), ["crossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-partitioned-none"]);
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameCrossSite"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Main site opens cross-site popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameSameSite);
// The popin, it's opener and all their ancestors are same-site, so the popin
// should have access to all cookies and storage of the main host.
await getCookies(popin),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameSameSite", "main"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Same-site frame opens same-site popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameCrossSite);
// The main-host popin has a cross-site ancestor, so it should only have
// access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies set in a
// cross-site ancestor context, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None cookies of
// the main-host contexts.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popin),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Cross-site frame opens main-host popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameCrossSite, "HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN");
// The popin and its opener is cross-site to the main frame, so the popin
// should only have access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None
// cookies of the cross-site frame, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None cookie
// of the cross-site window.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popin), ["crossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-partitioned-none"]);
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameCrossSite"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Cross-site frame opens alternative-host popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor);
// The main-host popin has a cross-site ancestor, so it should only have
// access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies set in a
// cross-site ancestor context, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None cookies of
// the main-host contexts.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popin),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popin), ["frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Same-site frame with cross-site ancestor opens main-host popin.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.main);
// The frame in the popin, the popin, it's opener and all their ancestors are
// same-site, so the popin should have access to all cookies and storage of
// the main host.
const popinFrame = await popin.addIframe();
await getCookies(popinFrame),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popinFrame), ["frameSameSite", "main"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Main site opens same-site popin with same-site frame.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.main);
const popinFrame = await popin.addIframe(
/*extraConfig=*/ {
/*attributes=*/ {
allow: "popins",
// The frame in the popin is cross-site to the main frame, so the popin should
// only have access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies of
// the cross-site frame, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None cookie of the
// cross-site window.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popinFrame), ["crossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-partitioned-none"]);
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popinFrame), ["frameCrossSite"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Main site opens same-site popin with cross-site frame.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.main, "HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN");
const popinFrame = await popin.addIframe();
// The main-host frame in the popin has a cross-site ancestor, so it should
// only have access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies
// set in a cross-site ancestor context, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None
// cookies of the main-host contexts.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popinFrame),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popinFrame), ["frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Main site opens cross-site popin with main-host frame.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameCrossSite);
const popinFrame = await popin.addIframe(
/*extraConfig=*/ {
/*attributes=*/ {
allow: "popins",
// The frame in the popin is cross-site to the main frame, so the popin should
// only have access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies of
// the cross-site frame, and the unpartitioned SameSite=Nonecookie of the
// cross-site window.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popinFrame), ["crossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-none", "frameCrossSite-partitioned-none"]);
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popinFrame), ["frameCrossSite"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Cross-site frame opens main-host popin with cross-site frame.");
promise_test(async t => {
const popin = await openPopin(t, handles.frameCrossSite, "HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN");
const popinFrame = await popin.addIframe();
// The main-host frame in the popin has a cross-site ancestor, so it should
// only have access to the local storage variable and SameSite=None cookies
//set in a cross-site ancestor context, and the unpartitioned SameSite=None
// cookies of the main-host contexts.
assert_array_equals(await getCookies(popinFrame),
assert_array_equals(await getLocalStorage(popinFrame), ["frameSameSiteWithCrossSiteAncestor"]);
}, "Verify Partitioned Popins have access to the proper cookie/storage partitions - Cross-site frame opens alternative-host popin with main-host frame.");