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Test Info:

// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js
// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=resources/ba-fledge-util.sub.js
// META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js
// META: script=/common/subset-tests.js
// META: script=third_party/cbor-js/cbor.js
// META: timeout=long
// META: variant=?1-last
// These tests focus on the debugReports field in AuctionConfig's
// serverResponse, i.e. auctions involving forDebuggingOnly reports.
// NOTE: Due to DB's fDO lockout/cooldown tables are not cleaned after each run
// of a test, fDO reports will not be sent after the first run of the test sent
// it, so we cannot reliably test fDO reports being sent when downsampling is
// enabled yet.
function createDebugReport(
url, isWinReport = null, isSellerReport = null, componentWin = null) {
let report = {};
if (url !== null) {
report.url = url;
if (isWinReport !== null) {
report.isWinReport = isWinReport;
if (isSellerReport !== null) {
report.isSellerReport = isSellerReport;
if (componentWin !== null) {
report.componentWin = componentWin;
return report;
function createDebugReportsPerOrigin(
adTechOrigin = MAIN_ORIGIN, reports = null) {
let reportsPerOrigin = {};
if (adTechOrigin !== null) {
reportsPerOrigin.adTechOrigin = adTechOrigin;
if (reports !== null) {
reportsPerOrigin.reports = reports;
return reportsPerOrigin;
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, ms));
// No forDebuggingOnly requests are observed, until time out.
async function noRequestsObserved(uuid, timeout = 2000 /*ms*/) {
const endTime = + timeout;
do {
let trackedData = await fetchTrackedData(uuid);
// Replace UUID to print consistent errors on failure.
let trackedRequests = => url.replace(uuid, '<uuid>'))
// No forDebuggingOnly requests should be observed.
for (const request of trackedRequests) {
'Unexpected forDebuggingOnly request: ' + request);
await delay(/*ms=*/ 100);
} while ( < endTime);
async function testInvalidDebugReportsFields(
test, uuid, debugReports, ownerOverride = null) {
let result = await BA.testWithMutatedServerResponse(
test, /*expectWin=*/ true,
(msg) => {
msg.debugReports = debugReports;
(ig, uuid) => {[0].renderURL = createRenderURL(uuid);
createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, result);
await noRequestsObserved(uuid);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [createDebugReportsPerOrigin(
/*adTechOrigin=*/ null,
[createDebugReport(bidderDebugReportURL, /*isWinReport=*/ true)])];
await testInvalidDebugReportsFields(test, uuid, debugReports);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - missing required adTechOrigin`);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [createDebugReportsPerOrigin(
/*adTechOrigin=*/ '',
[createDebugReport(bidderDebugReportURL, /*isWinReport=*/ true)])];
await testInvalidDebugReportsFields(test, uuid, debugReports);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - HTTP adTechOrigin`);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [createDebugReportsPerOrigin(
/*adTechOrigin=*/ window.location.origin,
[createDebugReport('', /*isWinReport=*/ true)])];
await testInvalidDebugReportsFields(test, uuid, debugReports);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - HTTP debug report url`);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [createDebugReportsPerOrigin(
/*adTechOrigin=*/ window.location.origin,
[createDebugReport('not a url', /*isWinReport=*/ true)])];
await testInvalidDebugReportsFields(test, uuid, debugReports);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - debug report url not a url`);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const igOwner = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly', igOwner);
let sellerDebugReportURL =
createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [
[createDebugReport(bidderDebugReportURL, /*isWinReport=*/ true)]),
window.location.origin, [createDebugReport(
sellerDebugReportURL, /*isWinReport=*/ true,
/*isSellerReport=*/ true)])
let result = await BA.testWithMutatedServerResponse(
test, /*expectWin=*/ true,
(msg) => {
msg.debugReports = debugReports;
(ig, uuid) => {[0].renderURL = createRenderURL(uuid);
createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, result);
await waitForObservedRequests(
uuid, [bidderDebugReportURL, sellerDebugReportURL]);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - debug reports sent`);
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const igOwner = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
let bidderDebugReportURL =
createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly', igOwner);
let sellerDebugReportURL =
createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/ 'forDebuggingOnly');
let debugReports = [
igOwner, [createDebugReport('not a url', /*isWinReport=*/ true)]),
window.location.origin, [createDebugReport(
sellerDebugReportURL, /*isWinReport=*/ true,
/*isSellerReport=*/ true)])
let result = await BA.testWithMutatedServerResponse(
test, /*expectWin=*/ true,
(msg) => {
msg.debugReports = debugReports;
(ig, uuid) => {[0].renderURL = createRenderURL(uuid);
createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, result);
await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [sellerDebugReportURL]);
}, `B&A forDebuggingOnly - invalid debug reports don't affect other debug reports`);
// TODO(qingxinwu): multi seller auctions.