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Test Info: Warnings

// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/fetch/fetch-later/resources/fetch-later-helper.js
// META: script=/fetch/fetch-later/quota/resources/helper.js
'use strict';
// Skips FormData & URLSearchParams, as browser adds extra bytes to them
// in addition to the user-provided content. It is difficult to test a
// request right at the quota limit.
// Skips File & Blob as it's difficult to estimate what additional data are
// added into them.
const dataType = BeaconDataType.String;
// Request headers are counted into total request size.
const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'});
// Test 2 direct same-origin iframes use the same quota with top-level document.
promise_test(async _ => {
const uuid = token();
const requestUrl = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid, {host: HTTPS_ORIGIN});
// Queues a max bytes request in the 1st same-origin iframe.
await loadFetchLaterIframe(HTTPS_ORIGIN, {
targetUrl: requestUrl,
method: 'POST',
bodyType: dataType,
bodySize: getRemainingQuota(QUOTA_PER_ORIGIN, requestUrl, headers),
// Required, as the size of referrer also take up quota.
referrer: '',
// Queues a max bytes request to `HTTPS_ORIGIN` in the 2nd same-origin iframe,
// which should be rejected because the target URL's origin `HTTPS_ORIGIN`
// already has 64kb pending from 1st request.
await loadFetchLaterIframe(HTTPS_ORIGIN, {
targetUrl: requestUrl,
method: 'POST',
bodyType: dataType,
bodySize: getRemainingQuota(QUOTA_PER_ORIGIN, requestUrl, headers),
// Required, as the size of referrer also take up quota.
referrer: '',
expect: new FetchLaterIframeExpectation(
FetchLaterExpectationType.ERROR_DOM, 'QuotaExceededError'),
// Queues a max bytes request in the root document, which should also be
// rejected, because the target URL's origin `HTTPS_ORIGIN` already has 64kb
// pending from 1st request.
() => fetchLater(requestUrl, {
method: 'POST',
body: generatePayload(
getRemainingQuota(QUOTA_PER_ORIGIN, requestUrl, headers), dataType),
// Required, as the size of referrer also take up quota.
referrer: '',
// Release quota taken by the pending requests for subsequent tests.
for (const element of document.querySelectorAll('iframe')) {
}, `fetchLater() request quota are shared by same-origin iframes and root.`);