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// Looks for <template> elements, and runs each test in turn, for example:
// <template data-name="Example test">
// <style>
// @function --f() returns <length> {
// result: calc(1px + 1px);
// }
// #target {
// --actual: --f();
// --expected: 2px;
// }
// </style>
// </template>
// The test passes if the computed value of --actual matches
// the computed value of --expected on #target.
// Elements <div id=target> and <div=main> are assumed to exist.
function test_all_templates() {
let templates = document.querySelectorAll('template');
for (let template of templates) {
test((t) => {
t.add_cleanup(() => main.replaceChildren());
let cs = getComputedStyle(target);
let actual = cs.getPropertyValue('--actual');
let expected = cs.getPropertyValue('--expected');
assert_equals(actual, expected);
}, template.getAttribute('data-name'));