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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /bluetooth/legacy/service/getCharacteristics/gen-characteristic-not-found-with-uuid.https.window.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js
// META: script=/common/gc.js
// META: script=/bluetooth/resources/bluetooth-test.js
// META: script=/bluetooth/resources/bluetooth-fake-devices.js
// Generated by //third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/bluetooth/
'use strict';
const test_desc = 'Request for absent characteristics with UUID. ' +
'Reject with NotFoundError.';
bluetooth_test(() => getEmptyHealthThermometerService()
.then(({service}) => assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
new DOMException(
`No Characteristics matching UUID ${battery_level.uuid} found ` +
`in Service with UUID ${health_thermometer.uuid}.`,