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/* globals add_completion_callback, Promise, showdown, done, assert_true, Ajv, on_event */
* Creates a JSONtest object. If the parameters are supplied
* it also loads a referenced testFile, processes that file, loads any
* referenced external assertions, and sets up event listeners to process the
* user's test data. The loading is done asynchronously via Promises. The test
* button's text is changed to Loading while it is processing, and to "Check
* JSON" once the data is loaded.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} [params.test] - object containing JSON test definition
* @param {string} [params.testFile] - URI of a file with JSON test definition
* @param {string} params.runTest - IDREF of an element that when clicked will run the test
* @param {string} params.testInput - IDREF of an element that contains the JSON(-LD) to evaluate against the assertions in the test / testFile
* @event DOMContentLoaded Calls init once DOM is fully loaded
* @returns {object} Reference to the new object
function JSONtest(params) {
'use strict';
this.Assertions = []; // object that will contain the assertions to process
this.AssertionText = ""; // string that holds the titles of all the assertions in use
this.DescriptionText = "";
this.Base = null; // URI "base" for the test suite being run
this.TestDir = null; // URI "base" for the test case being run
this.Params = null; // paramaters passed in
this.Promise = null; // master Promise that resolves when intialization is complete
this.Properties = null; // testharness_properties from the opening window
this.SkipFailures = []; // list of assertionType values that should be skipped if their test would fail
this.Test = null; // test being run
this.AssertionCounter = 0;// keeps track of which assertion is being processed
this._assertionCache = [];// Array to put loaded assertions into
this._assertionText = []; // Array of text or nested arrays of assertions
this._loading = true;
showdown.extension('strip', function() {
return [
{ type: 'output',
regex: /<p>/,
replace: ''
{ type: 'output',
regex: /<\/p>$/,
replace: ''
this.markdown = new showdown.Converter({ extensions: [ 'strip' ] }) ;
var pending = [] ;
// set up in case DOM finishes loading early
pending.push(new Promise(function(resolve) {
on_event(document, "DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// create an ajv object that will stay around so that caching
// of schema that are compiled just works
this.ajv = new Ajv({allErrors: true, validateSchema: false}) ;
// determine the base URI for the test collection. This is
// the top level folder in the test "document.location"
var l = document.location;
var p = l.pathname;
this.TestDir = p.substr(0, 1+p.lastIndexOf('/'));
this.Base = p.substr(0, 1+p.indexOf('/', 1));
// if we are under runner, then there are props in the parent window
// if "output" is set in that, then pause at the end of running so the output
// can be analyzed. @@@TODO@@@
if (window && window.opener && window.opener.testharness_properties) {
this.Properties = window.opener.testharness_properties;
this.Params = params;
// if there is a list of definitions in the params,
// include them
if (this.Params.schemaDefs) {
var defPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var promisedSchema = {
return this.loadDefinition(item);
// Once all the loadAssertion promises resolve...
.then(function (schemaContents) {
.catch(function(err) {
// these schema need to load up too
pending.push(defPromise) ;
// start by loading the test (it might be inline, but
// loadTest deals with that
.then(function(test) {
// if the test is NOT an object, turn it into one
if (typeof test === 'string') {
test = JSON.parse(test) ;
this.Test = test;
// Test should have information that we can put in the template
if (test.description) {
this.DescriptionText = test.description;
if (test.hasOwnProperty("skipFailures") && Array.isArray(test.skipFailures) ) {
this.SkipFailures = test.skipFailures;
if (test.content) {
// we have content
if (typeof test.content === "string") {
// the test content is a string - meaning it is a reference to a file of content
var cPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(function(content) {
if (typeof content === 'string') {
content = JSON.parse(content) ;
test.content = content;
.catch(function(err) {
reject("Loading " + test.content + ": " + JSON.stringify(err));
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (test.assertions &&
typeof test.assertions === "object") {
// we have at least one assertion
// get the inline contents and the references to external files
var assertFiles = this._assertionRefs(test.assertions);
var promisedAsserts = {
return this.loadAssertion(item);
// Once all the loadAssertion promises resolve...
.then(function (assertContents) {
// assertContents has assertions in document order
var typeMap = {
'must' : "<b>[MANDATORY]</b> ",
'may' : "<b>[OPTIONAL]</b> ",
'should' : "<b>[RECOMMENDED]</b> "
var assertIdx = 0;
// populate the display of assertions that are being exercised
// returns the list of top level assertions to walk through
var buildList = function(assertions, level) {
if (level === undefined) {
level = 1;
// accumulate the assertions - but only when level is 0
var list = [] ;
var type = "";
if (assertions) {
if (typeof assertions === "object" && assertions.hasOwnProperty('assertions')) {
// this is a conditionObject
if (level === 0) {
type = assertContents[assertIdx].hasOwnProperty('assertionType') ?
assertContents[assertIdx].assertionType : "must" ;
// ensure type defaults to must
if (!typeMap.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
type = "must";
this.AssertionText += "<li>" + typeMap[type] + this.markdown.makeHtml(assertContents[assertIdx++].title);
this.AssertionText += "<ol>";
buildList(assertions.assertions, level+1) ;
this.AssertionText += "</ol></li>\n";
} else {
// it is NOT a conditionObject - must be an array
assertions.forEach( function(assert) {
if (typeof assert === "object" && Array.isArray(assert)) {
this.AssertionText += "<ol>";
// it is a nested list - recurse
buildList(assert, level+1) ;
this.AssertionText += "</ol>\n";
} else if (typeof assert === "object" &&
!Array.isArray(assert) &&
assert.hasOwnProperty('assertions')) {
if (level === 0) {
type = assertContents[assertIdx].hasOwnProperty('assertionType') ?
assertContents[assertIdx].assertionType : "must" ;
// ensure type defaults to must
if (!typeMap.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
type = "must";
// there is a condition object in the array
this.AssertionText += "<li>" + typeMap[type] + this.markdown.makeHtml(assertContents[assertIdx++].title);
this.AssertionText += "<ol>";
buildList(assert, level+1) ; // capture the children too
this.AssertionText += "</ol></li>\n";
} else {
if (level === 0) {
type = assertContents[assertIdx].hasOwnProperty('assertionType') ?
assertContents[assertIdx].assertionType : "must" ;
// ensure type defaults to must
if (!typeMap.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
type = "must";
this.AssertionText += "<li>" + typeMap[type] + this.markdown.makeHtml(assertContents[assertIdx++].title) + "</li>\n";
return list;
// Assertions will ONLY contain the top level assertions
this.Assertions = buildList(test.assertions, 0);
.catch(function(err) {
} else {
if (!test.assertions) {
reject("Test has no assertion property");
} else {
reject("Test assertion property is not an Array");
this.Promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// once the DOM and the test / assertions are loaded... set us up
.then(function() {
this.loading = false;
.catch(function(err) {
// loading the components failed somehow - report the errors and mark the test failed
test( function() {
assert_true(false, "Loading of test components failed: " +JSON.stringify(err)) ;
}, "Loading test components");
done() ;
reject("Loading of test components failed: "+JSON.stringify(err));
return ;
return this;
JSONtest.prototype = {
* @listens click
init: function() {
'use strict';
// set up a handler
var runButton = document.getElementById(this.Params.runTest) ;
var closeButton = document.getElementById(this.Params.closeWindow) ;
var testInput = document.getElementById(this.Params.testInput) ;
var assertion = document.getElementById("assertion") ;
var desc = document.getElementById("testDescription") ;
if (!this.loading) {
if (runButton) {
runButton.disabled = false;
runButton.value = "Check JSON";
if (desc) {
desc.innerHTML = this.DescriptionText;
if (assertion) {
assertion.innerHTML = "<ol>" + this.AssertionText + "</ol>\n";
} else {
window.alert("Loading did not finish before init handler was called!");
// @@@TODO@@@ implement the output showing handler
if (0 && this.Properties && this.Properties.output && closeButton) {
// set up a callback
add_completion_callback( function() {
var p = new Promise(function(resolve) { = "inline";
closeButton.disabled = false;
on_event(closeButton, "click", function() {
if (runButton) {
on_event(runButton, "click", function() {
// user clicked
var content = testInput.value;
runButton.disabled = true;
// make sure content is an object
if (typeof content === "string") {
try {
content = JSON.parse(content) ;
} catch(err) {
// if the parsing failed, create a special test and mark it failed
test( function() {
assert_true(false, "Parse of JSON failed: " + err) ;
}, "Parsing submitted input");
// and just give up
return ;
// iterate over all of the tests for this instance
this.runTests(this.Assertions, content);
// explicitly tell the test framework we are done
// runTests - process tests
* @param {object} assertions - List of assertions to process
* @param {string} content - JSON(-LD) to be evaluated
* @param {string} [testAction='continue'] - state of test processing (in parent when recursing)
* @param {integer} [level=0] - depth of recursion since assertion lists can nest
* @param {string} [compareWith='and'] - the way the results of the referenced assertions should be compared
* @returns {string} - the testAction resulting from evaluating all of the assertions
runTests: function(assertions, content, testAction, level, compareWith) {
'use strict';
// level
if (level === undefined) {
level = 1;
// testAction
if (testAction === undefined) {
testAction = 'continue';
// compareWith
if (compareWith === undefined) {
compareWith = 'and';
var typeMap = {
'must' : "",
'may' : "INFORMATIONAL: ",
'should' : "WARNING: "
// for each assertion (in order) load the external json schema if
// one is referenced, or use the inline schema if supplied
// validate content against the referenced schema
var theResults = [] ;
if (assertions) {
assertions.forEach( function(assert, num) {
var expected = assert.hasOwnProperty('expectedResult') ?
assert.expectedResult : 'valid' ;
var message = assert.hasOwnProperty('errorMessage') ?
assert.errorMessage : "Result was not " + expected;
var type = assert.hasOwnProperty('assertionType') ?
assert.assertionType.toLowerCase() : "must" ;
if (!typeMap.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
type = "must";
// first - what is the type of the assert
if (typeof assert === "object" && !Array.isArray(assert)) {
if (assert.hasOwnProperty("compareWith") && assert.hasOwnProperty("assertions") && Array.isArray(assert.assertions) ) {
// this is a comparisonObject
var r = this.runTests(assert.assertions, content, testAction, level+1, assert.compareWith);
// r is an object that contains, among other things, an array of results from the child assertions
testAction = r.action;
// evaluate the results against the compareWith setting
var result = true;
var data = r.results ;
var i;
if (assert.compareWith === "or") {
result = false;
for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i]) {
result = true;
} else {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!data[i]) {
result = false;
// create a test and push the result
test(function() {
var newAction = this.determineAction(assert, result) ;
// next time around we will use this action
testAction = newAction;
var err = ";";
if (testAction === 'abort') {
err += "; Aborting execution of remaining assertions;";
} else if (testAction === 'skip') {
err += "; Skipping execution of remaining assertions at level " + level + ";";
if (result === false) {
// test result was unexpected; use message
assert_true(result, message + err);
} else {
assert_true(result, err) ;
}.bind(this), "" + level + ":" + (num+1) + " " + assert.title);
// we are going to return out of this
} else if (typeof assert === "object" && Array.isArray(assert)) {
// it is a nested list - recurse
var o = this.runTests(assert, content, testAction, level+1);
if (o.result && o.result === 'abort') {
// we are bailing out
testAction = 'abort';
if (testAction === 'abort') {
return {action: 'abort' };
var schemaName = "inline " + level + ":" + (num+1);
if (typeof assert === "string") {
// the assertion passed in is a file name; find it in the cache
if (this._assertionCache[assert]) {
assert = this._assertionCache[assert];
} else {
test( function() {
assert_true(false, "Reference to assertion " + assert + " at level " + level + ":" + (num+1) + " unresolved") ;
}, "Processing " + assert);
return ;
if (assert.assertionFile) {
schemaName = "external file " + assert.assertionFile + " " + level + ":" + (num+1);
var validate = null;
try {
validate = this.ajv.compile(assert);
catch(err) {
test( function() {
assert_true(false, "Compilation of schema " + level + ":" + (num+1) + " failed: " + err) ;
}, "Compiling " + schemaName);
return ;
if (testAction === 'continue') {
// a previous test told us to not run this test; skip it
// test(function() { }, "SKIPPED: " + assert.title);
// start an actual sub-test
var valid = validate(content) ;
var theResult = this.determineResult(assert, valid) ;
// remember the result
var newAction = this.determineAction(assert, theResult) ;
// next time around we will use this action
testAction = newAction;
// only run the test if we are NOT skipping fails for some types
// or the result is expected
if ( theResult === true || !this.SkipFailures.includes(type) ) {
test(function() {
var err = ";";
if (validate.errors !== null && !assert.hasOwnProperty("errorMessage")) {
err = "; Errors: " + this.ajv.errorsText(validate.errors) + ";" ;
if (testAction === 'abort') {
err += "; Aborting execution of remaining assertions;";
} else if (testAction === 'skip') {
err += "; Skipping execution of remaining assertions at level " + level + ";";
if (theResult === false) {
// test result was unexpected; use message
assert_true(theResult, typeMap[type] + message + err);
} else {
assert_true(theResult, err) ;
}.bind(this), "" + level + ":" + (num+1) + " " + assert.title);
return { action: testAction, results: theResults} ;
determineResult: function(schema, valid) {
'use strict';
var r = 'valid' ;
if (schema.hasOwnProperty('expectedResult')) {
r = schema.expectedResult;
if (r === 'valid' && valid || r === 'invalid' && !valid) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
determineAction: function(schema, result) {
'use strict';
// mapping from results to actions
var mapping = {
'failAndContinue' : 'continue',
'failAndSkip' : 'skip',
'failAndAbort' : 'abort',
'passAndContinue': 'continue',
'passAndSkip' : 'skip',
'passAndAbort' : 'abort'
// if the result was as expected, then just keep going
if (result) {
return 'continue';
var a = 'failAndContinue';
if (schema.hasOwnProperty('onUnexpectedResult')) {
a = schema.onUnexpectedResult;
if (mapping[a]) {
return mapping[a];
} else {
return 'continue';
// loadAssertion - load an Assertion from an external JSON file
// returns a promise that resolves with the contents of the assertion file
loadAssertion: function(afile) {
'use strict';
if (typeof(afile) === 'string') {
var theFile = this._parseURI(afile);
// it is a file reference - load it
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this._loadFile("GET", theFile, true)
.then(function(data) {
data.assertionFile = afile;
this._assertionCache[afile] = data;
.catch(function(err) {
if (typeof err === "object") {
err.theFile = theFile;
else if (afile.hasOwnProperty("assertionFile")) {
// this object is referecing an external assertion
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var theFile = this._parseURI(afile.assertionFile);
this._loadFile("GET", theFile, true)
.then(function(external) {
// okay - we have an external object
Object.keys(afile).forEach(function(key) {
if (key !== 'assertionFile') {
external[key] = afile[key];
.catch(function(err) {
if (typeof err === "object") {
err.theFile = theFile;
} else {
// it is already a loaded assertion - just use it
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
// loadDefinition - load a JSON Schema definition from an external JSON file
// returns a promise that resolves with the contents of the definition file
loadDefinition: function(dfile) {
'use strict';
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this._loadFile("GET", this._parseURI(dfile), true)
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(err) {
// loadTest - load a test from an external JSON file
// returns a promise that resolves with the contents of the
// test
loadTest: function(params) {
'use strict';
if (params.hasOwnProperty('testFile')) {
// the test is referred to by a file name
return this._loadFile("GET", params.testFile);
} // else
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty('test')) {
} else {
reject("Must supply a 'test' or 'testFile' parameter");
_parseURI: function(theURI) {
'use strict';
// determine what the top level URI should be
if (theURI.indexOf('/') === -1) {
// no slash - it's relative to where we are
// so just use it
return this.TestDir + theURI;
} else if (theURI.indexOf('/') === 0 || theURI.indexOf('http:') === 0 || theURI.indexOf('https:') === 0) {
// it is an absolute URI so just use it
return theURI;
} else {
// it is relative and contains a slash.
// make it relative to the current test root
return this.Base + theURI;
* return a list of all inline assertions or references
* @param {array} assertions list of assertions to examine
_assertionRefs: function(assertions) {
'use strict';
var ret = [] ;
// when the reference is to an object that has an array of assertions in it (a conditionObject)
// then remember that one and loop over its embedded assertions
if (typeof(assertions) === "object" && !Array.isArray(assertions) && assertions.hasOwnProperty('assertions')) {
ret.push(assertions) ;
assertions = assertions.assertions;
if (typeof(assertions) === "object" && Array.isArray(assertions)) {
assertions.forEach( function(assert) {
// first - what is the type of the assert
if (typeof assert === "object" && Array.isArray(assert)) {
// it is a nested list - recurse
this._assertionRefs(assert).forEach( function(item) {
} else if (typeof assert === "object") {
ret.push(assert) ;
if (assert.hasOwnProperty("assertions")) {
// there are embedded assertions; get those too
} else {
// it is a file name
ret.push(assert) ;
return ret;
// _loadFile - return a promise loading a file
_loadFile: function(method, url, parse) {
'use strict';
if (parse === undefined) {
parse = true;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if ( {
var s =;
s = s.replace(/^\?/, '');
if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
url += "&" + s;
} else {
url += "?" + s;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url);
xhr.onload = function () {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
var d = xhr.response;
if (parse) {
try {
d = JSON.parse(d);
catch(err) {
reject({ status: this.status,
statusText: "Parsing of " + url + " failed: " + err }
} else {
} else {
status: this.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText
xhr.onerror = function () {
status: this.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText