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var subtle = crypto.subtle;
function runTests(algorithmName) {
var algorithm = {name: algorithmName};
var data = keyData[algorithmName];
var jwkData = {jwk: {kty: data.jwk.kty, crv: data.jwk.crv, x: data.jwk.x}};
[true, false].forEach(function(extractable) {
// Test public keys first
allValidUsages(data.publicUsages, true).forEach(function(usages) {
['spki', 'jwk', 'raw'].forEach(function(format) {
if (format === "jwk") { // Not all fields used for public keys
testFormat(format, algorithm, jwkData, algorithmName, usages, extractable);
if (extractable) {
testJwkAlgBehaviours(algorithm, jwkData.jwk, algorithmName, usages);
} else {
testFormat(format, algorithm, data, algorithmName, usages, extractable);
// Next, test private keys
allValidUsages(data.privateUsages).forEach(function(usages) {
['pkcs8', 'jwk'].forEach(function(format) {
testFormat(format, algorithm, data, algorithmName, usages, extractable);
if (format === "jwk" && extractable) {
testJwkAlgBehaviours(algorithm, data.jwk, algorithmName, usages);
// Test importKey with a given key format and other parameters. If
// extrable is true, export the key and verify that it matches the input.
function testFormat(format, algorithm, keyData, keySize, usages, extractable) {
[algorithm,].forEach((alg) => {
promise_test(function(test) {
return subtle.importKey(format, keyData[format], alg, extractable, usages).
then(function(key) {
assert_equals(key.constructor, CryptoKey, "Imported a CryptoKey object");
assert_goodCryptoKey(key, algorithm, extractable, usages, (format === 'pkcs8' || (format === 'jwk' && keyData[format].d)) ? 'private' : 'public');
if (!extractable) {
return subtle.exportKey(format, key).
then(function(result) {
if (format !== "jwk") {
assert_true(equalBuffers(keyData[format], result), "Round trip works");
} else {
assert_true(equalJwk(keyData[format], result), "Round trip works");
}, function(err) {
assert_unreached("Threw an unexpected error: " + err.toString());
}, function(err) {
assert_unreached("Threw an unexpected error: " + err.toString());
}, "Good parameters: " + keySize.toString() + " bits " + parameterString(format, keyData[format], alg, extractable, usages));
// Test importKey/exportKey "alg" behaviours, alg is ignored upon import and alg is missing for Ed25519 and Ed448 JWK export
function testJwkAlgBehaviours(algorithm, keyData, crv, usages) {
[algorithm,].forEach((alg) => {
promise_test(function(test) {
return subtle.importKey('jwk', { ...keyData, alg: 'this is ignored' }, alg, true, usages).
then(function(key) {
assert_equals(key.constructor, CryptoKey, "Imported a CryptoKey object");
return subtle.exportKey('jwk', key).
then(function(result) {
assert_equals(Object.keys(result).length, keyData.d ? 6 : 5, "Correct number of JWK members");
assert_equals(result.alg, undefined, 'No JWK "alg" member is present');
assert_true(equalJwk(keyData, result), "Round trip works");
}, function(err) {
assert_unreached("Threw an unexpected error: " + err.toString());
}, function(err) {
assert_unreached("Threw an unexpected error: " + err.toString());
}, "Good parameters with ignored JWK alg: " + crv.toString() + " " + parameterString('jwk', keyData, alg, true, usages));
// Helper methods follow:
// Are two array buffers the same?
function equalBuffers(a, b) {
if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) {
return false;
var aBytes = new Uint8Array(a);
var bBytes = new Uint8Array(b);
for (var i=0; i<a.byteLength; i++) {
if (aBytes[i] !== bBytes[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// Are two Jwk objects "the same"? That is, does the object returned include
// matching values for each property that was expected? It's okay if the
// returned object has extra methods; they aren't checked.
function equalJwk(expected, got) {
var fields = Object.keys(expected);
var fieldName;
for(var i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
fieldName = fields[i];
if (!(fieldName in got)) {
return false;
if (expected[fieldName] !== got[fieldName]) {
return false;
return true;
// Build minimal Jwk objects from raw key data and algorithm specifications
function jwkData(keyData, algorithm) {
var result = {
kty: "oct",
k: byteArrayToUnpaddedBase64(keyData)
if (, 3) === "AES") {
result.alg = "A" + (8 * keyData.byteLength).toString() +;
} else if ( === "HMAC") {
result.alg = "HS" + algorithm.hash.substring(4);
return result;
// Jwk format wants Base 64 without the typical padding at the end.
function byteArrayToUnpaddedBase64(byteArray){
var binaryString = "";
for (var i=0; i<byteArray.byteLength; i++){
binaryString += String.fromCharCode(byteArray[i]);
var base64String = btoa(binaryString);
return base64String.replace(/=/g, "");
// Convert method parameters to a string to uniquely name each test
function parameterString(format, data, algorithm, extractable, usages) {
if ("byteLength" in data) {
data = "buffer(" + data.byteLength.toString() + ")";
} else {
data = "object(" + Object.keys(data).join(", ") + ")";
var result = "(" +
objectToString(format) + ", " +
objectToString(data) + ", " +
objectToString(algorithm) + ", " +
objectToString(extractable) + ", " +
objectToString(usages) +
return result;
// Character representation of any object we may use as a parameter.
function objectToString(obj) {
var keyValuePairs = [];
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return "[" +{return objectToString(elem);}).join(", ") + "]";
} else if (typeof obj === "object") {
Object.keys(obj).sort().forEach(function(keyName) {
keyValuePairs.push(keyName + ": " + objectToString(obj[keyName]));
return "{" + keyValuePairs.join(", ") + "}";
} else if (typeof obj === "undefined") {
return "undefined";
} else {
return obj.toString();
var keyValuePairs = [];
Object.keys(obj).sort().forEach(function(keyName) {
var value = obj[keyName];
if (typeof value === "object") {
value = objectToString(value);
} else if (typeof value === "array") {
value = "[" +{return objectToString(elem);}).join(", ") + "]";
} else {
value = value.toString();
keyValuePairs.push(keyName + ": " + value);
return "{" + keyValuePairs.join(", ") + "}";