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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /IndexedDB/idbobjectstore-getAll-enforcerange.any.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
- /IndexedDB/idbobjectstore-getAll-enforcerange.any.serviceworker.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
- /IndexedDB/idbobjectstore-getAll-enforcerange.any.sharedworker.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
- /IndexedDB/idbobjectstore-getAll-enforcerange.any.worker.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
// META: global=window,worker
// META: title=IndexedDB: IDBObjectStore getAll() uses [EnforceRange]
// META: script=resources/support.js
'use strict';
(t, db) => {
const store = db.createObjectStore('store');
(t, db) => {
const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readonly');
const store = tx.objectStore('store');
[NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, -1, -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER].forEach(
count => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
store.getAll(null, count);
}, `getAll with count ${count} count should throw TypeError`);
`IDBObjectStore.getAll() uses [EnforceRange]`);