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# This script is for building the DirectX Shader Compiler (DXC).
# It takes the target CPU architecture as parameter ("x86_64" or "aarch64").
# Detect a windows SDK version by looking at the directory names in
# "Windows Kits/10/Include/". At the time of writing this comment, there
# is one, but we pick the first result in alphabetical order in to reduce
# the risk of breakage if the vs-toolchain job changes.
export MOZ_DXC_WIN10_SDK_VERSION=`ls fetches/vs/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/ | sort | head -n 1`
cd "$HOME/fetches/DirectXShaderCompiler"
# Configure and build.
mkdir build
cd build
# Note: it is important that LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS remains enabled.
cmake .. \
-C ../cmake/caches/PredefinedParams.cmake \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/platforms/WinMsvc.cmake \
-DCMAKE_RC_COMPILER="$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/clang/bin/llvm-rc" \
-G Ninja
# Only build the required target.
ninja dxcompiler.dll
# Pack the result and upload.
mkdir dxc
mv bin/dxcompiler.dll dxc
mkdir -p $UPLOAD_DIR
tar cavf $UPLOAD_DIR/dxc.tar.zst dxc