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Partner attribution
.. _partner attribution:
In contrast to :ref:`partner repacks`, attributed builds only differ from the normal Firefox
builds by the adding a string in the dummy windows signing certificate. We support doing this for:
* Windows stub installers,
* Windows full installers,
* macOS DMGs.
The parameters of the string are carried into the telemetry system, tagging an install into
a cohort of users. This a lighter weight process because we don't repackage or re-sign the builds.
Parameters & Scheduling
Partner attribution uses a number of parameters to control how they work:
* ``release_enable_partner_attribution``
* ``release_partner_config``
* ``release_partner_build_number``
* ``release_partners``
The enable parameter is a boolean, a simple on/off switch. We set it in shipit's
`is_partner_enabled() <>`_
when starting a release. It's true for Firefox betas >= b5 and releases, but otherwise false, the
same as partner repacks.
``release_partner_config`` is a dictionary of configuration data which drives the task generation
logic. It's usually looked up during the release promotion action task, using the Github
GraphQL API in the `get_partner_config_by_url()
<python/>`_ function, with the
url defined in `taskcluster/config.yml <®exp=false&redirect=true>`_.
``release_partner_build_number`` is an integer used to create unique upload paths in the firefox
candidates directory, while ``release_partners`` is a list of partners that should be
attributed (i.e. a subset of the whole config). Both are intended for use when respinning a partner after
the regular Firefox has shipped. More information on that can be found in the
`RelEng Docs <>`_.
``release_partners`` is shared with partner repacks but we don't support doing both at the same time.
This is done using an ``attribution_config.yml`` file which next lives to the ``default.xml`` used
for partner repacks. There are no repos for each partner, the whole configuration exists in the one
file because the amount of information to be tracked is much smaller.
An example config looks like this:
.. code-block:: yaml
medium: distribution
source: mozilla
- campaign: sample
content: sample-001
- en-US
- de
- ru
- macosx64-shippable
- win64-shippable
- win32-shippable
upload_to_candidates: true
publish_to_releases: true
The four main parameters are ``medium, source, campaign, content``, of which the first two are
common to all attributions. The combination of ``campaign`` and ``content`` should be unique
to avoid confusion in telemetry data. They correspond to the repo name and sub-directory in partner repacks,
so avoid any overlap between values in partner repacks and atrribution.
The optional parameters of ``variation``, and ``experiment`` may also be specified.
Non-empty lists of locales and platforms are required parameters (NB the `-shippable` suffix should be used on
the platforms).
The Firefox installers are uploaded into the `candidates directory
<>`_ when ``upload_to_candidates`` is set to true and
``publish_to_releases`` is too.
Repacking process
Attribution only works with these type of tasks:
* attribution - add attribution code to the regular builds
* beetmover - move the files to a partner-specific destination
* bouncer - create partner-attributed links that point to the latest version.
* kind: ``release-partner-attribution``
There is one task per OS.
On Windows, `python/mozrelease/mozrelease/
handles the attribution. It takes full and stub installers as input. The ``ATTRIBUTION_CONFIG``
environment variable controls the script. It produces more installers. The size of
``ATTRIBUTION_CONFIG`` variable may grow large if the number of configurations increases,
and it may be necessary to pass the content of ``attribution_config.yml`` to the script
instead, or via an artifact of the promotion task.
On macOS, the `dmg attribute <>`_
binary handles the attribution. Unlike Windows, ``ATTRIBUTION_CONFIG`` is not used. Instead,
the payload is passed as a CLI argument.
* kinds: ``release-partner-attribution-beetmover``, ``release-beetmover-push-to-release``
The first kind moves and renames the artifacts to their public location in the `candidates directory
Each task will have the ``project:releng:beetmover:action:push-to-partner`` and
``project:releng:beetmover:bucket:release`` scopes. There's a partner-specific
code path in `beetmoverscript
The second kind moves it under the release directory. In the case of partner builds, this is
* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-bouncer-sub`` and ``release-bouncer-aliases``.
``release-partner-repack-bouncer-sub`` creates the bouncer entries for both partner repacks
and partner attributed builds. ``release-bouncer-aliases`` creates/updates the aliases of
all type of builds (standard Firefox, partner repacks, partner attributed builds) to point
to their latest bouncer entry.