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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput};
use servo_arc::Arc;
use style::custom_properties::{
CssEnvironment, CustomPropertiesBuilder, CustomPropertiesMap, Name, SpecifiedValue,
use style::properties::CustomDeclarationValue;
use test::{self, Bencher};
fn cascade(
name_and_value: &[(&str, &str)],
inherited: Option<&Arc<CustomPropertiesMap>>,
) -> Option<Arc<CustomPropertiesMap>> {
let values = name_and_value
.map(|&(name, value)| {
let mut input = ParserInput::new(value);
let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input);
SpecifiedValue::parse(&mut parser).unwrap(),
let env = CssEnvironment;
let mut builder = CustomPropertiesBuilder::new(inherited, &env);
for &(ref name, ref val) in &values {
builder.cascade(name, &CustomDeclarationValue::Value(val.clone()));
fn cascade_custom_simple(b: &mut Bencher) {
b.iter(|| {
let parent = cascade(&[("foo", "10px"), ("bar", "100px")], None);
&[("baz", "calc(40em + 4px)"), ("bazz", "calc(30em + 4px)")],