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Test Info: Warnings

const BinaryOutputStream = Components.Constructor(
const server = new HttpServer();
registerCleanupFunction(() => server.stop(() => {}));
const SERVER_BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}`;
const proxyServer = new HttpServer();
proxyServer.identity.add("http", "localhost", server.identity.primaryPort);
registerCleanupFunction(() => proxyServer.stop(() => {}));
const PROXY_PORT = proxyServer.identity.primaryPort;
// A sequence of bytes that would become garbage if it were to be read as UTF-8:
// - 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF is a byte order mark.
// - 0xC0 on its own is invalid (it's the first byte of a 2-byte encoding).
const INVALID_UTF_8_BYTES = [0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf, 0xc0];
server.registerPathHandler("/binary.dat", (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(null, 201, "StatusLineHere");
response.setHeader("headerName", "HeaderValue: HeaderValueEnd");
let binaryOut = new BinaryOutputStream(response.bodyOutputStream);
binaryOut.writeByteArray([0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf, 0xc0]);
// HTTPS requests are proxied with CONNECT, but our test server is HTTP,
// which means that the proxy will receive GET http://localhost:port.
var proxiedCount = 0;
proxyServer.registerPrefixHandler("/", (request, response) => {
Assert.equal(request.path, "/binary.dat", `Proxy request ${proxiedCount}`);
// Close connection without sending any response.
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_binary() {
let res = await Utils.fetch(`${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`);
Assert.equal(res.status, 201, "res.status");
Assert.equal(res.statusText, "StatusLineHere", "res.statusText");
"HeaderValue: HeaderValueEnd",
"Utils.fetch should return the header"
Array.from(new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer())),
"Binary response body should be returned as is"
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_binary_as_text() {
let res = await Utils.fetch(`${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`);
Array.from(await res.text(), c => c.charCodeAt(0)),
"Interpreted as UTF-8, the response becomes garbage"
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_binary_as_json() {
let res = await Utils.fetch(`${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`);
await Assert.rejects(
/SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character/,
"Binary data is invalid JSON"
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_has_conservative() {
let channelPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("http-on-modify-request");
await Utils.fetch(`${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`);
let channel = (await channelPromise)[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
Assert.equal(channel.URI.spec, `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`, "URL OK");
let internalChannel = channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal);
Assert.ok(internalChannel.beConservative, "beConservative flag is set");
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_has_conservative() {
let channelPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("http-on-modify-request");
await Utils.fetch(`${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`);
let channel = (await channelPromise)[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
Assert.equal(channel.URI.spec, `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`, "URL OK");
let internalChannel = channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal);
Assert.ok(internalChannel.beConservative, "beConservative flag is set");
add_task(async function test_utils_fetch_with_bad_proxy() {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 1);
Services.prefs.setStringPref("network.proxy.http", "");
Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.http_port", PROXY_PORT);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost", true);
// The URL that we're going to request.
const DESTINATION_URL = `${SERVER_BASE_URL}/binary.dat`;
Assert.equal(proxiedCount, 0, "Proxy not used yet");
info("Bad proxy, default prefs");
let res = await Utils.fetch(DESTINATION_URL);
Assert.equal(res.status, 201, "Bypassed bad proxy");
// 10 instead of 1 because of reconnect attempts after a dropped request.
Assert.equal(proxiedCount, 10, "Proxy was used by HttpChannel");
// Disables the failover logic from HttpChannel.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.proxy.failover_direct", false);
proxiedCount = 0;
info("Bad proxy, disabled network.proxy.failover_direct");
let res = await Utils.fetch(DESTINATION_URL);
Assert.equal(res.status, 201, "Bypassed bad proxy");
// 10 instead of 1 because of reconnect attempts after a dropped request.
Assert.equal(proxiedCount, 10, "Proxy was used by ServiceRequest");
proxiedCount = 0;
info("Using internal option of Utils.fetch: bypassProxy=true");
let res = await Utils.fetch(DESTINATION_URL, { bypassProxy: true });
Assert.equal(res.status, 201, "Bypassed bad proxy");
Assert.equal(proxiedCount, 0, "Not using proxy when bypassProxy=true");
// Disables the failover logic from ServiceRequest/Utils.fetch
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.proxy.allow_bypass", false);
proxiedCount = 0;
info("Bad proxy, disabled network.proxy.allow_bypass");
await Assert.rejects(
"Bad proxy request should fail without failover"
// 10 instead of 1 because of reconnect attempts after a dropped request.
Assert.equal(proxiedCount, 10, "Attempted to use proxy again");