Attachments.sys.mjs |
@returns {object} The attachment record, if found. null otherwise.
24065 |
components.conf |
566 |
Database.sys.mjs |
Database is a tiny wrapper with the objective
of providing major kinto-offline-client collection API.
(with the objective of getting rid of kinto-offline-client)
19980 |
docs |
dumps |
IDBHelpers.sys.mjs |
Wrap IndexedDB errors to catch them more easily.
7044 | |
903 |
remote-settings.sys.mjs |
Default entry filtering function, in charge of excluding remote settings entries
where the JEXL expression evaluates into a falsy value.
@param {Object} entry The Remote Settings entry to be excluded or kept.
@param {ClientEnvironment} environment Information about version, language, platform etc.
@returns {?Object} the entry or null if excluded.
25987 |
RemoteSettings.worker.mjs |
A worker dedicated to Remote Settings.
6323 |
RemoteSettingsClient.sys.mjs |
cacheProxy returns an object Proxy that will memoize properties of the target.
@param {Object} target the object to wrap.
@returns {Proxy}
45723 |
RemoteSettingsComponents.sys.mjs |
834 |
RemoteSettingsWorker.sys.mjs |
Interface to a dedicated thread handling for Remote Settings heavy operations.
7308 |
servicesSettings.manifest |
489 |
SharedUtils.sys.mjs |
Common logic shared by RemoteSettingsWorker.js (Worker) and the main thread.
1817 |
static-dumps |
SyncHistory.sys.mjs |
A helper to keep track of synchronization statuses.
We rely on a different storage backend than for storing Remote Settings data,
because the eventual goal is to be able to detect `IndexedDB` issues and act
3859 |
test |
Utils.sys.mjs |
Logger instance.
18181 |