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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "dbtool.h"
#include "argparse.h"
#include "nss_scoped_ptrs.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <cert.h>
#include <certdb.h>
#include <nss.h>
#include <pk11pub.h>
#include <prerror.h>
#include <prio.h>
const std::vector<std::string> kCommandArgs(
{"--create", "--list-certs", "--import-cert", "--list-keys", "--import-key",
"--delete-cert", "--delete-key", "--change-password"});
static bool HasSingleCommandArgument(const ArgParser &parser) {
auto pred = [&](const std::string &cmd) { return parser.Has(cmd); };
return std::count_if(kCommandArgs.begin(), kCommandArgs.end(), pred) == 1;
static bool HasArgumentRequiringWriteAccess(const ArgParser &parser) {
return parser.Has("--create") || parser.Has("--import-cert") ||
parser.Has("--import-key") || parser.Has("--delete-cert") ||
parser.Has("--delete-key") || parser.Has("--change-password");
static std::string PrintFlags(unsigned int flags) {
std::stringstream ss;
if ((flags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) && !(flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA) &&
ss << "c";
if ((flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) && !(flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED)) {
ss << "p";
if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA) {
ss << "C";
ss << "T";
if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED) {
ss << "P";
if (flags & CERTDB_USER) {
ss << "u";
if (flags & CERTDB_SEND_WARN) {
ss << "w";
if (flags & CERTDB_INVISIBLE_CA) {
ss << "I";
ss << "G";
return ss.str();
static const char *const keyTypeName[] = {"null", "rsa", "dsa", "fortezza",
"dh", "kea", "ec"};
void DBTool::Usage() {
std::cerr << "Usage: nss db [--path <directory>]" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --create" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --change-password" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --list-certs" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --import-cert [<path>] --name <name> [--trusts <trusts>]"
<< std::endl;
std::cerr << " --list-keys" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --import-key [<path> [-- name <name>]]" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --delete-cert <name>" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " --delete-key <name>" << std::endl;
bool DBTool::Run(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments) {
ArgParser parser(arguments);
if (!HasSingleCommandArgument(parser)) {
return false;
PRAccessHow how = PR_ACCESS_READ_OK;
bool readOnly = true;
if (HasArgumentRequiringWriteAccess(parser)) {
readOnly = false;
std::string initDir(".");
if (parser.Has("--path")) {
initDir = parser.Get("--path");
if (PR_Access(initDir.c_str(), how) != PR_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "Directory '" << initDir
<< "' does not exist or you don't have permissions!" << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Using database directory: " << initDir << std::endl
<< std::endl;
bool dbFilesExist = PathHasDBFiles(initDir);
if (parser.Has("--create") && dbFilesExist) {
std::cerr << "Trying to create database files in a directory where they "
"already exists. Delete the db files before creating new ones."
<< std::endl;
return false;
if (!parser.Has("--create") && !dbFilesExist) {
std::cerr << "No db files found." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Create them using 'nss db --create [--path /foo/bar]' before "
<< std::endl;
return false;
// init NSS
const char *certPrefix = ""; // certutil -P option --- can leave this empty
SECStatus rv = NSS_Initialize(initDir.c_str(), certPrefix, certPrefix,
"secmod.db", readOnly ? NSS_INIT_READONLY : 0);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "NSS init failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
bool ret = true;
if (parser.Has("--list-certs")) {
} else if (parser.Has("--import-cert")) {
ret = ImportCertificate(parser);
} else if (parser.Has("--create")) {
ret = InitSlotPassword();
if (ret) {
std::cout << "DB files created successfully." << std::endl;
} else if (parser.Has("--list-keys")) {
ret = ListKeys();
} else if (parser.Has("--import-key")) {
ret = ImportKey(parser);
} else if (parser.Has("--delete-cert")) {
ret = DeleteCert(parser);
} else if (parser.Has("--delete-key")) {
ret = DeleteKey(parser);
} else if (parser.Has("--change-password")) {
ret = ChangeSlotPassword();
// shutdown nss
if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "NSS Shutdown failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
return ret;
bool DBTool::PathHasDBFiles(std::string path) {
std::regex certDBPattern("cert.*\\.db");
std::regex keyDBPattern("key.*\\.db");
PRDir *dir = PR_OpenDir(path.c_str());
if (!dir) {
std::cerr << "Directory " << path << " could not be accessed!" << std::endl;
return false;
PRDirEntry *ent;
bool dbFileExists = false;
while ((ent = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_BOTH))) {
if (std::regex_match(ent->name, certDBPattern) ||
std::regex_match(ent->name, keyDBPattern) ||
"secmod.db" == std::string(ent->name)) {
dbFileExists = true;
return dbFileExists;
void DBTool::ListCertificates() {
ScopedCERTCertList list(PK11_ListCerts(PK11CertListAll, nullptr));
CERTCertListNode *node;
std::cout << std::setw(60) << std::left << "Certificate Nickname"
<< " "
<< "Trust Attributes" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(60) << std::left << ""
<< " "
<< "SSL,S/MIME,JAR/XPI" << std::endl
<< std::endl;
for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(list); !CERT_LIST_END(node, list);
node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
CERTCertificate *cert = node->cert;
std::string name("(unknown)");
char *appData = static_cast<char *>(node->appData);
if (appData && strlen(appData) > 0) {
name = appData;
} else if (cert->nickname && strlen(cert->nickname) > 0) {
name = cert->nickname;
} else if (cert->emailAddr && strlen(cert->emailAddr) > 0) {
name = cert->emailAddr;
CERTCertTrust trust;
std::string trusts;
if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) == SECSuccess) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << PrintFlags(trust.sslFlags);
ss << ",";
ss << PrintFlags(trust.emailFlags);
ss << ",";
ss << PrintFlags(trust.objectSigningFlags);
trusts = ss.str();
} else {
trusts = ",,";
std::cout << std::setw(60) << std::left << name << " " << trusts
<< std::endl;
bool DBTool::ImportCertificate(const ArgParser &parser) {
if (!parser.Has("--name")) {
std::cerr << "A name (--name) is required to import a certificate."
<< std::endl;
return false;
std::string derFilePath = parser.Get("--import-cert");
std::string certName = parser.Get("--name");
std::string trustString("TCu,Cu,Tu");
if (parser.Has("--trusts")) {
trustString = parser.Get("--trusts");
CERTCertTrust trust;
SECStatus rv = CERT_DecodeTrustString(&trust, trustString.c_str());
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "Cannot decode trust string!" << std::endl;
return false;
ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot());
if (slot.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: Init PK11SlotInfo failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> certData = ReadInputData(derFilePath);
ScopedCERTCertificate cert(CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(, certData.size()));
if (cert.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: Could not decode certificate!" << std::endl;
return false;
rv = PK11_ImportCert(slot.get(), cert.get(), CK_INVALID_HANDLE,
certName.c_str(), PR_FALSE);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
// TODO handle authentication -> PK11_Authenticate (see certutil.c line
// 134)
std::cerr << "Error: Could not add certificate to database!" << std::endl;
return false;
rv = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), cert.get(), &trust);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "Cannot change cert's trust" << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Certificate import was successful!" << std::endl;
// TODO show information about imported certificate
return true;
bool DBTool::ListKeys() {
ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot());
if (slot.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: Init PK11SlotInfo failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
if (!DBLoginIfNeeded(slot)) {
return false;
ScopedSECKEYPrivateKeyList list(PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot(slot.get()));
if (list.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Listing private keys failed with error "
<< PR_ErrorToName(PR_GetError()) << std::endl;
return false;
SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node;
int count = 0;
for (node = PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD(list.get());
!PRIVKEY_LIST_END(node, list.get()); node = PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
char *keyNameRaw = PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname(node->key);
std::string keyName(keyNameRaw ? keyNameRaw : "");
if (keyName.empty()) {
ScopedCERTCertificate cert(PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey(node->key));
if (cert.get()) {
if (cert->nickname && strlen(cert->nickname) > 0) {
keyName = cert->nickname;
} else if (cert->emailAddr && strlen(cert->emailAddr) > 0) {
keyName = cert->emailAddr;
if (keyName.empty()) {
keyName = "(none)"; // default value
SECKEYPrivateKey *key = node->key;
ScopedSECItem keyIDItem(PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey(key));
if (keyIDItem.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey failed!"
<< std::endl;
std::string keyID = StringToHex(keyIDItem);
if (count++ == 0) {
// print header
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(20) << "<key#, key name>"
<< std::setw(20) << "key type"
<< "key id" << std::endl;
std::stringstream leftElem;
leftElem << "<" << count << ", " << keyName << ">";
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(20) << leftElem.str() << std::setw(20)
<< keyTypeName[key->keyType] << keyID << std::endl;
if (count == 0) {
std::cout << "No keys found." << std::endl;
return true;
bool DBTool::ImportKey(const ArgParser &parser) {
std::string privKeyFilePath = parser.Get("--import-key");
std::string name;
if (parser.Has("--name")) {
name = parser.Get("--name");
ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot());
if (slot.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: Init PK11SlotInfo failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
if (!DBLoginIfNeeded(slot)) {
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> privKeyData = ReadInputData(privKeyFilePath);
if (privKeyData.empty()) {
return false;
SECItem pkcs8PrivKeyItem = {
siBuffer, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(,
static_cast<unsigned int>(privKeyData.size())};
SECItem nickname = {siBuffer, nullptr, 0};
if (!name.empty()) { = const_cast<unsigned char *>(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(name.c_str()));
nickname.len = static_cast<unsigned int>(name.size());
SECStatus rv = PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfo(
slot.get(), &pkcs8PrivKeyItem, == nullptr ? nullptr : &nickname, nullptr /*publicValue*/,
true /*isPerm*/, false /*isPrivate*/, KU_ALL, nullptr);
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "Importing a private key in DER format failed with error "
<< PR_ErrorToName(PR_GetError()) << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Key import succeeded." << std::endl;
return true;
bool DBTool::DeleteCert(const ArgParser &parser) {
std::string certName = parser.Get("--delete-cert");
if (certName.empty()) {
std::cerr << "A name is required to delete a certificate." << std::endl;
return false;
ScopedCERTCertificate cert(CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(
CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), certName.c_str()));
if (!cert) {
std::cerr << "Could not find certificate with name " << certName << "."
<< std::endl;
return false;
SECStatus rv = SEC_DeletePermCertificate(cert.get());
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
std::cerr << "Unable to delete certificate with name " << certName << "."
<< std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Certificate with name " << certName << " deleted successfully."
<< std::endl;
return true;
bool DBTool::DeleteKey(const ArgParser &parser) {
std::string keyName = parser.Get("--delete-key");
if (keyName.empty()) {
std::cerr << "A name is required to delete a key." << std::endl;
return false;
ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot());
if (slot.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Error: Init PK11SlotInfo failed!" << std::endl;
return false;
if (!DBLoginIfNeeded(slot)) {
return false;
ScopedSECKEYPrivateKeyList list(PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot(
slot.get(), const_cast<char *>(keyName.c_str()), nullptr));
if (list.get() == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Fetching private keys with nickname " << keyName
<< " failed with error " << PR_ErrorToName(PR_GetError())
<< std::endl;
return false;
unsigned int foundKeys = 0, deletedKeys = 0;
SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node;
for (node = PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD(list.get());
!PRIVKEY_LIST_END(node, list.get()); node = PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = node->key;
// see PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey for example usage
// calling PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey directly does not work because it also
// destroys the SECKEYPrivateKey (by calling SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey) -
// then SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList does not
// work because it also calls SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey
SECStatus rv =
PK11_DestroyTokenObject(privKey->pkcs11Slot, privKey->pkcs11ID);
if (rv == SECSuccess) {
if (foundKeys > deletedKeys) {
std::cerr << "Some keys could not be deleted." << std::endl;
if (deletedKeys > 0) {
std::cout << "Found " << foundKeys << " keys." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Successfully deleted " << deletedKeys
<< " key(s) with nickname " << keyName << "." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "No key with nickname " << keyName << " found to delete."
<< std::endl;
return true;