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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifdef SOLARIS
static const double TwoTo16 = 65536.0;
static const double TwoToMinus16 = 1.0 / 65536.0;
static const double Zero = 0.0;
static const double TwoTo32 = 65536.0 * 65536.0;
static const double TwoToMinus32 = 1.0 / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
double upper32(double);
double lower32(double, double);
double mod(double, double, double);
void i16_to_d16_and_d32x4(const double * /*1/(2^16)*/,
const double * /* 2^16*/,
const double * /* 0 */,
double * /*result16*/,
double * /* result32 */,
float * /*source - should be unsigned int* converted to float* */);
#include <math.h>
#define floor(d) ((double)((unsigned long long)(d)))
static double
upper32(double x)
return floor(x * TwoToMinus32);
static double
lower32(double x, double y)
return x - TwoTo32 * floor(x * TwoToMinus32);
static double
mod(double x, double oneoverm, double m)
return x - m * floor(x * oneoverm);
static void
cleanup(double *dt, int from, int tlen)
int i;
double tmp, tmp1, x, x1;
tmp = tmp1 = Zero;
/* original code **
**end original code ***/
/* new code ***/
for (i = 2 * from; i < 2 * tlen; i += 2) {
x = dt[i];
x1 = dt[i + 1];
dt[i] = lower32(x, Zero) + tmp;
dt[i + 1] = lower32(x1, Zero) + tmp1;
tmp = upper32(x);
tmp1 = upper32(x1);
/** end new code **/
conv_d16_to_i32(unsigned int *i32, double *d16, long long *tmp, int ilen)
int i;
long long t, t1, a, b, c, d;
t1 = 0;
a = (long long)d16[0];
b = (long long)d16[1];
for (i = 0; i < ilen - 1; i++) {
c = (long long)d16[2 * i + 2];
t1 += (unsigned int)a;
t = (a >> 32);
d = (long long)d16[2 * i + 3];
t1 += (b & 0xffff) << 16;
t += (b >> 16) + (t1 >> 32);
i32[i] = (unsigned int)t1;
t1 = t;
a = c;
b = d;
t1 += (unsigned int)a;
t = (a >> 32);
t1 += (b & 0xffff) << 16;
i32[i] = (unsigned int)t1;
conv_i32_to_d32(double *d32, unsigned int *i32, int len)
int i;
#pragma pipeloop(0)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
d32[i] = (double)(i32[i]);
conv_i32_to_d16(double *d16, unsigned int *i32, int len)
int i;
unsigned int a;
#pragma pipeloop(0)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
a = i32[i];
d16[2 * i] = (double)(a & 0xffff);
d16[2 * i + 1] = (double)(a >> 16);
conv_i32_to_d32_and_d16(double *d32, double *d16,
unsigned int *i32, int len)
int i = 0;
unsigned int a;
#pragma pipeloop(0)
for (; i < len - 3; i += 4) {
i16_to_d16_and_d32x4(&TwoToMinus16, &TwoTo16, &Zero,
&(d16[2 * i]), &(d32[i]), (float *)(&(i32[i])));
for (; i < len; i++) {
a = i32[i];
d32[i] = (double)(i32[i]);
d16[2 * i] = (double)(a & 0xffff);
d16[2 * i + 1] = (double)(a >> 16);
adjust_montf_result(unsigned int *i32, unsigned int *nint, int len)
long long acc;
int i;
if (i32[len] > 0)
i = -1;
else {
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i32[i] != nint[i])
if ((i < 0) || (i32[i] > nint[i])) {
acc = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
acc = acc + (unsigned long long)(i32[i]) - (unsigned long long)(nint[i]);
i32[i] = (unsigned int)acc;
acc = acc >> 32;
** the lengths of the input arrays should be at least the following:
** result[nlen+1], dm1[nlen], dm2[2*nlen+1], dt[4*nlen+2], dn[nlen], nint[nlen]
** all of them should be different from one another
mont_mulf_noconv(unsigned int *result,
double *dm1, double *dm2, double *dt,
double *dn, unsigned int *nint,
int nlen, double dn0)
int i, j, jj;
int tmp;
double digit, m2j, nextm2j, a, b;
double *dptmp, *pdm1, *pdm2, *pdn, *pdtj, pdn_0, pdm1_0;
pdm1 = &(dm1[0]);
pdm2 = &(dm2[0]);
pdn = &(dn[0]);
pdm2[2 * nlen] = Zero;
if (nlen != 16) {
for (i = 0; i < 4 * nlen + 2; i++)
dt[i] = Zero;
a = dt[0] = pdm1[0] * pdm2[0];
digit = mod(lower32(a, Zero) * dn0, TwoToMinus16, TwoTo16);
pdtj = &(dt[0]);
for (j = jj = 0; j < 2 * nlen; j++, jj++, pdtj++) {
m2j = pdm2[j];
a = pdtj[0] + pdn[0] * digit;
b = pdtj[1] + pdm1[0] * pdm2[j + 1] + a * TwoToMinus16;
pdtj[1] = b;
#pragma pipeloop(0)
for (i = 1; i < nlen; i++) {
pdtj[2 * i] += pdm1[i] * m2j + pdn[i] * digit;
if ((jj == 30)) {
cleanup(dt, j / 2 + 1, 2 * nlen + 1);
jj = 0;
digit = mod(lower32(b, Zero) * dn0, TwoToMinus16, TwoTo16);
} else {
a = dt[0] = pdm1[0] * pdm2[0];
dt[65] = dt[64] = dt[63] = dt[62] = dt[61] = dt[60] =
dt[59] = dt[58] = dt[57] = dt[56] = dt[55] = dt[54] =
dt[53] = dt[52] = dt[51] = dt[50] = dt[49] = dt[48] =
dt[47] = dt[46] = dt[45] = dt[44] = dt[43] = dt[42] =
dt[41] = dt[40] = dt[39] = dt[38] = dt[37] = dt[36] =
dt[35] = dt[34] = dt[33] = dt[32] = dt[31] = dt[30] =
dt[29] = dt[28] = dt[27] = dt[26] = dt[25] = dt[24] =
dt[23] = dt[22] = dt[21] = dt[20] = dt[19] = dt[18] =
dt[17] = dt[16] = dt[15] = dt[14] = dt[13] = dt[12] =
dt[11] = dt[10] = dt[9] = dt[8] = dt[7] = dt[6] =
dt[5] = dt[4] = dt[3] = dt[2] = dt[1] = Zero;
pdn_0 = pdn[0];
pdm1_0 = pdm1[0];
digit = mod(lower32(a, Zero) * dn0, TwoToMinus16, TwoTo16);
pdtj = &(dt[0]);
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++, pdtj++) {
m2j = pdm2[j];
a = pdtj[0] + pdn_0 * digit;
b = pdtj[1] + pdm1_0 * pdm2[j + 1] + a * TwoToMinus16;
pdtj[1] = b;
/**** this loop will be fully unrolled:
pdtj[2] += pdm1[1] * m2j + pdn[1] * digit;
pdtj[4] += pdm1[2] * m2j + pdn[2] * digit;
pdtj[6] += pdm1[3] * m2j + pdn[3] * digit;
pdtj[8] += pdm1[4] * m2j + pdn[4] * digit;
pdtj[10] += pdm1[5] * m2j + pdn[5] * digit;
pdtj[12] += pdm1[6] * m2j + pdn[6] * digit;
pdtj[14] += pdm1[7] * m2j + pdn[7] * digit;
pdtj[16] += pdm1[8] * m2j + pdn[8] * digit;
pdtj[18] += pdm1[9] * m2j + pdn[9] * digit;
pdtj[20] += pdm1[10] * m2j + pdn[10] * digit;
pdtj[22] += pdm1[11] * m2j + pdn[11] * digit;
pdtj[24] += pdm1[12] * m2j + pdn[12] * digit;
pdtj[26] += pdm1[13] * m2j + pdn[13] * digit;
pdtj[28] += pdm1[14] * m2j + pdn[14] * digit;
pdtj[30] += pdm1[15] * m2j + pdn[15] * digit;
/* no need for cleenup, cannot overflow */
digit = mod(lower32(b, Zero) * dn0, TwoToMinus16, TwoTo16);
conv_d16_to_i32(result, dt + 2 * nlen, (long long *)dt, nlen + 1);
adjust_montf_result(result, nint, nlen);