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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
Helper library for creating a Signed Certificate Timestamp given the
details of a signing key, when to sign, and the certificate data to
sign. See RFC 6962.
When run with an output file-like object and a path to a file containing
a specification, creates an SCT from the given information and writes it
to the output object. The specification is as follows:
[key:<key specification>]
<certificate specification>
[] indicates an optional field or component of a field
<> indicates a required component of a field
By default, the "default" key is used (logs are essentially identified
by key). Other keys known to pykey can be specified.
The certificate specification must come last.
import binascii
import calendar
import datetime
import hashlib
from io import StringIO
from struct import pack
import pycert
import pykey
from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder
class InvalidKeyError(Exception):
"""Helper exception to handle unknown key types."""
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def __str__(self):
return 'Invalid key: "%s"' % str(self.key)
class UnknownSignedEntryType(Exception):
"""Helper exception to handle unknown SignedEntry types."""
def __init__(self, signedEntry):
self.signedEntry = signedEntry
def __str__(self):
return 'Unknown SignedEntry type: "%s"' % str(self.signedEntry)
class SignedEntry(object):
"""Base class for CT entries. Use PrecertEntry or
class PrecertEntry(SignedEntry):
"""Precertificate entry type for SCT."""
def __init__(self, tbsCertificate, issuerKey):
self.tbsCertificate = tbsCertificate
self.issuerKey = issuerKey
class X509Entry(SignedEntry):
"""x509 certificate entry type for SCT."""
def __init__(self, certificate):
self.certificate = certificate
class SCT(object):
"""SCT represents a Signed Certificate Timestamp."""
def __init__(self, key, date, signedEntry):
self.key = key
self.timestamp = calendar.timegm(date.timetuple()) * 1000
self.signedEntry = signedEntry
self.tamper = False
def signAndEncode(self):
"""Returns a signed and encoded representation of the
SCT as a string."""
# The signature is over the following data:
# sct_version (one 0 byte)
# signature_type (one 0 byte)
# timestamp (8 bytes, milliseconds since the epoch)
# entry_type (two bytes (one 0 byte followed by one 0 byte for
# X509Entry or one 1 byte for PrecertEntry)
# signed_entry (bytes of X509Entry or PrecertEntry)
# extensions (2-byte-length-prefixed, currently empty (so two 0
# bytes))
# A X509Entry is:
# certificate (3-byte-length-prefixed data)
# A PrecertEntry is:
# issuer_key_hash (32 bytes of SHA-256 hash of the issuing
# public key, as DER-encoded SPKI)
# tbs_certificate (3-byte-length-prefixed data)
timestamp = pack("!Q", self.timestamp)
if isinstance(self.signedEntry, X509Entry):
len_prefix = pack("!L", len(self.signedEntry.certificate))[1:]
entry_with_type = b"\0" + len_prefix + self.signedEntry.certificate
elif isinstance(self.signedEntry, PrecertEntry):
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
issuer_key_hash = hasher.digest()
len_prefix = pack("!L", len(self.signedEntry.tbsCertificate))[1:]
entry_with_type = (
b"\1" + issuer_key_hash + len_prefix + self.signedEntry.tbsCertificate
raise UnknownSignedEntryType(self.signedEntry)
data = b"\0\0" + timestamp + b"\0" + entry_with_type + b"\0\0"
if isinstance(self.key, pykey.ECCKey):
signatureByte = b"\3"
elif isinstance(self.key, pykey.RSAKey):
signatureByte = b"\1"
raise InvalidKeyError(self.key)
# sign returns a hex string like "'<hex bytes>'H", but we want
# bytes here
hexSignature = self.key.sign(data, pykey.HASH_SHA256)
signature = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(hexSignature[1:-2]))
if self.tamper:
signature[-1] = ~signature[-1] & 0xFF
# The actual data returned is the following:
# sct_version (one 0 byte)
# id (32 bytes of SHA-256 hash of the signing key, as
# DER-encoded SPKI)
# timestamp (8 bytes, milliseconds since the epoch)
# extensions (2-byte-length-prefixed data, currently
# empty)
# hash (one 4 byte representing sha256)
# signature (one byte - 1 for RSA and 3 for ECDSA)
# signature (2-byte-length-prefixed data)
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
key_id = hasher.digest()
signature_len_prefix = pack("!H", len(signature))
return (
+ key_id
+ timestamp
+ b"\0\0\4"
+ signatureByte
+ signature_len_prefix
+ signature
def fromSpecification(specStream):
key = pykey.keyFromSpecification("default")
certificateSpecification = StringIO()
readingCertificateSpecification = False
tamper = False
for line in specStream.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if readingCertificateSpecification:
print(line, file=certificateSpecification)
elif line == "certificate:":
readingCertificateSpecification = True
elif line.startswith("key:"):
key = pykey.keyFromSpecification(line[len("key:") :])
elif line.startswith("timestamp:"):
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
line[len("timestamp:") :], "%Y%m%d"
elif line == "tamper":
tamper = True
raise pycert.UnknownParameterTypeError(line)
certificate = pycert.Certificate(certificateSpecification).toDER()
sct = SCT(key, timestamp, X509Entry(certificate))
sct.tamper = tamper
return sct
# The build harness will call this function with an output
# file-like object and a path to a file containing an SCT
# specification. This will read the specification and output
# the SCT as bytes.
def main(output, inputPath):
with open(inputPath) as configStream: