browser.toml |
1220 |
browser_add_exception_dialog.js |
2266 |
browser_bug627234_perwindowpb.js |
2692 |
browser_certificateManager.js |
3206 |
browser_certViewer.js |
Given an certificate URL, opens the new certificate viewer and check
if a certain element exists, with its expected result.
@param {string} url
The URL with the certificate info
@param {string} expectedTabName
The expected name of the tab in the certificate viewer
3663 |
browser_clientAuth_connection.js |
13134 |
browser_clientAuth_fetch_from_extension.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1567 |
browser_clientAuth_speculative_connection.html |
117 |
browser_clientAuth_speculative_connection.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout |
3024 |
browser_clientAuth_ui.js |
Test certificate (i.e. build/pgo/certs/mochitest.client).
@type {nsIX509Cert}
5559 |
browser_clientAuthRememberService.js |
Test certificate (i.e. build/pgo/certs/mochitest.client).
@type {nsIX509Cert}
8262 |
browser_deleteCert_ui.js |
An array of tree items corresponding to TEST_CASES.
@type {nsICertTreeItem[]}
7798 |
browser_downloadCert_ui.js |
@typedef TestCase
@type {object}
@property {string} certFilename
Filename of the cert for this test case.
@property {string} expectedDisplayString
The string we expect the UI to display to represent the given cert.
@property {nsIX509Cert} cert
Handle to the cert once read in setup().
4204 |
browser_editCACertTrust.js |
The cert we're editing the trust of.
@type {nsIX509Cert}
3816 |
browser_exportP12_passwordUI.js |
@typedef TestCase
@type {object}
@property {string} name
The name of the test case for display purposes.
@property {string} password1
The password to enter into the first password textbox.
@property {string} password2
The password to enter into the second password textbox.
@property {string} strength
The expected strength of the password in the range [0, 100].
5393 |
browser_HSTS.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
9818 |
browser_loadPKCS11Module_ui.js |
Opens the dialog shown to load a PKCS #11 module.
@returns {Promise}
A promise that resolves when the dialog has finished loading, with
the window of the opened dialog.
8505 |
ca.pem |
1025 |
ca.pem.certspec |
91 |
client-cert-via-intermediate.pem |
1123 |
client-cert-via-intermediate.pem.certspec |
129 |
client-cert-with-ocsp-signing.pem |
1200 |
client-cert-with-ocsp-signing.pem.certspec |
193 |
code-ee.pem |
1025 |
code-ee.pem.certspec |
60 |
ee-from-expired-ca.pem |
1017 |
ee-from-expired-ca.pem.certspec |
45 |
ee-from-untrusted-ca.pem |
1021 |
ee-from-untrusted-ca.pem.certspec |
49 |
email-ee.pem |
1025 |
email-ee.pem.certspec |
65 |
expired-ca.pem |
1038 |
expired-ca.pem.certspec |
126 |
has-cn.pem |
1042 |
has-cn.pem.certspec |
44 |
has-empty-subject.pem |
940 |
has-empty-subject.pem.certspec |
35 |
has-non-empty-subject.pem |
985 |
has-non-empty-subject.pem.certspec |
24 |
has-o.pem |
1005 |
has-o.pem.certspec |
30 |
has-ou.pem |
1021 |
has-ou.pem.certspec |
37 |
head.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2369 |
hsts_headers.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
650 |
hsts_headers_framed.html |
581 |
intermediate.pem |
1224 |
intermediate.pem.certspec |
237 |
invalid.pem |
1013 |
invalid.pem.certspec |
65 |
longOID.pem |
1549 |
longOID.pem.certspec |
810 |
md5-ee.pem |
989 |
md5-ee.pem.certspec |
56 | |
334 |
pgo-ca-all-usages.pem |
1277 |
pgo-ca-all-usages.pem.certspec |
363 |
pgo-ca-regular-usages.pem |
1277 |
pgo-ca-regular-usages.pem.certspec |
285 |
revoked.pem |
993 |
revoked.pem.certspec |
26 |
some_content.html |
69 |
some_content_framed.html |
304 |
ssl-ee.pem |
1038 |
ssl-ee.pem.certspec |
69 |
unknown-issuer.pem |
1009 |
unknown-issuer.pem.certspec |
38 |
untrusted-ca.pem |
1042 |
untrusted-ca.pem.certspec |
101 |