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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import os
import sys
from argparse import REMAINDER, SUPPRESS, ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from mozlint.errors import NoValidLinter
from mozlint.formatters import all_formatters
class MozlintParser(ArgumentParser):
arguments = [
"nargs": "*",
"default": None,
"help": "Paths to file or directories to lint, like "
"'browser/components/loop' or 'mobile/android'. "
"If not provided, defaults to the files changed according "
"to --outgoing and --workdir.",
["-l", "--linter"],
"dest": "linters",
"default": [],
"action": "append",
"help": "Linters to run, e.g 'eslint'. By default all linters "
"are run for all the appropriate files.",
"dest": "list_linters",
"default": False,
"action": "store_true",
"help": "List all available linters and exit.",
["-W", "--warnings"],
"const": True,
"nargs": "?",
"choices": ["soft"],
"dest": "show_warnings",
"help": "Display and fail on warnings in addition to errors. "
"--warnings=soft can be used to report warnings but only fail "
"on errors.",
["-v", "--verbose"],
"dest": "show_verbose",
"default": False,
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Enable verbose logging.",
["-f", "--format"],
"dest": "formats",
"action": "append",
"help": "Formatter to use. Defaults to 'stylish' on stdout. "
"You can specify an optional path as --format formatter:path "
"that will be used instead of stdout. "
"You can also use multiple formatters at the same time. "
"Formatters available: {}.".format(", ".join(all_formatters.keys())),
["-n", "--no-filter"],
"dest": "use_filters",
"default": True,
"action": "store_false",
"help": "Ignore all filtering. This is useful for quickly "
"testing a directory that otherwise wouldn't be run, "
"without needing to modify the config file.",
"dest": "include_third-party",
"default": False,
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Also run the linter(s) on third-party code",
["-o", "--outgoing"],
"const": True,
"nargs": "?",
"help": "Lint files touched by commits that are not on the remote repository. "
"Without arguments, finds the default remote that would be pushed to. "
"The remote branch can also be specified manually. Works with "
"mercurial or git.",
["-w", "--workdir"],
"const": "all",
"nargs": "?",
"choices": ["staged", "all"],
"help": "Lint files touched by changes in the working directory "
"(i.e haven't been committed yet). On git, --workdir=staged "
"can be used to only consider staged files. Works with "
"mercurial or git.",
["-r", "--rev"],
"default": None,
"type": str,
"help": "Lint files touched by changes in revisions described by REV. "
"For mercurial, it may be any revset. For git, it is a single tree-ish.",
"action": "store_true",
"default": False,
"help": "Fix lint errors if possible. Any errors that could not be fixed "
"will be printed as normal.",
"action": "store_true",
"default": False,
"help": "Each file containing lint errors will be opened in $EDITOR one after "
"the other.",
"action": "store_true",
"default": False,
"help": "Bootstrap linter dependencies without running any of the linters.",
["-j", "--jobs"],
"default": None,
"dest": "num_procs",
"type": int,
"help": "Number of worker processes to spawn when running linters. "
"Defaults to the number of cores in your CPU.",
# Paths to check for linter configurations.
# Default: tools/lint set in tools/lint/
"action": "append",
"default": [],
"dest": "config_paths",
"help": SUPPRESS,
"dest": "check_exclude_list",
"default": False,
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Run linters for all the paths in the exclude list.",
"nargs": REMAINDER,
"help": "Extra arguments that will be forwarded to the underlying linter.",
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ArgumentParser.__init__(self, usage=self.__doc__, **kwargs)
for cli, args in self.arguments:
self.add_argument(*cli, **args)
def parse_known_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Allow '-wo' or '-ow' as shorthand for both --workdir and --outgoing.
for token in ("-wo", "-ow"):
if token in args[0]:
i = args[0].index(token)
args[0][i:i] = [token[:2], "-" + token[2]]
# This is here so the eslint mach command doesn't lose 'extra_args'
# when using mach's dispatch functionality.
args, extra = ArgumentParser.parse_known_args(self, *args, **kwargs)
args.extra_args = extra
return args, extra
def validate(self, args):
if args.edit and not os.environ.get("EDITOR"):
self.error("must set the $EDITOR environment variable to use --edit")
if args.paths:
invalid = [p for p in args.paths if not os.path.exists(p)]
if invalid:
"the following paths do not exist:\n{}".format("\n".join(invalid))
if args.formats:
formats = []
for fmt in args.formats:
if isinstance(fmt, tuple): # format is already processed
path = None
if ":" in fmt:
# Detect optional formatter path
pos = fmt.index(":")
fmt, path = fmt[:pos], os.path.realpath(fmt[pos + 1 :])
# Check path is writable
fmt_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.access(fmt_dir, os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
"the following directory is not writable: {}".format(
if fmt not in all_formatters.keys():
"the following formatter is not available: {}".format(fmt)
formats.append((fmt, path))
args.formats = formats
# Can't use argparse default or this choice will be always present
args.formats = [("stylish", None)]
def find_linters(config_paths, linters=None):
lints = {}
for search_path in config_paths:
if not os.path.isdir(search_path):
sys.path.insert(0, search_path)
files = os.listdir(search_path)
for f in files:
name = os.path.basename(f)
if not name.endswith(".yml"):
name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
if linters and name not in linters:
lints[name] = os.path.join(search_path, f)
linters_not_found = list(set(linters).difference(set(lints.keys())))
return {"lint_paths": lints.values(), "linters_not_found": linters_not_found}
def get_exclude_list_output(result, paths):
# Store the paths of all the subdirectories leading to the error files
error_file_paths = set()
for issues in result.issues.values():
error_file = issues[0].relpath
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(error_file)
while parent_dir:
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)
paths = [os.path.dirname(path) if path[-1] == "/" else path for path in paths]
# Remove all the error paths to get the list of green paths
green_paths = sorted(set(paths).difference(error_file_paths))
if green_paths:
out = (
"The following list of paths are now green "
"and can be removed from the exclude list:\n\n"
out += "\n".join(green_paths)
out = "No path in the exclude list is green."
return out
def run(
from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters
from mozlint.editor import edit_issues
lintargs["config_paths"] = [
os.path.join(lintargs["root"], p) for p in lintargs["config_paths"]
# Always perform exhaustive linting for exclude list paths
lintargs["use_filters"] = lintargs["use_filters"] and not check_exclude_list
if list_linters:
lint_paths = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters)
linters = [
os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths["lint_paths"]
"\nNote that clang-tidy checks are not run as part of this "
"command, but using the static-analysis command."
return 0
lint = LintRoller(setupargs=setupargs or {}, **lintargs)
linters_info = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters)
result = None
if check_exclude_list:
if len(lint.linters) > 1:
print("error: specify a single linter to check with `-l/--linter`")
return 1
paths = lint.linters[0]["local_exclude"]
if (
not paths
and Path.cwd() == Path(lint.root)
and not (outgoing or workdir or rev)
"warning: linting the entire repo takes a long time, using --outgoing and "
"--workdir instead. If you want to lint the entire repo, run `./mach lint .`"
# Setting the default values
outgoing = True
workdir = "all"
# Always run bootstrapping, but return early if --setup was passed in.
ret = lint.setup(virtualenv_manager=virtualenv_manager)
if setup:
return ret
if linters_info["linters_not_found"] != []:
raise NoValidLinter
# run all linters
result = lint.roll(
paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir, rev=rev, num_procs=num_procs
except NoValidLinter as e:
result = lint.result
if edit and result.issues:
result = lint.roll(result.issues.keys(), num_procs=num_procs)
for every in linters_info["linters_not_found"]:
if check_exclude_list:
# Get and display all those paths in the exclude list which are
# now green and can be safely removed from the list
out = get_exclude_list_output(result, paths)
print(out, file=sys.stdout)
return result.returncode
for formatter_name, path in formats:
formatter = formatters.get(formatter_name)
out = formatter(result)
# We do this only for `json` that is mostly used in automation
if not out and formatter_name == "json":
out = "{}"
if out:
fh = open(path, "w") if path else sys.stdout
if not path and fh.encoding == "ascii":
# If sys.stdout.encoding is ascii, printing output will fail
# due to the stylish formatter's use of unicode characters.
# Ideally the user should fix their environment by setting
# `LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` or similar. But this is a common enough
# problem that we help them out a little here by manually
# encoding and writing to the stdout buffer directly.
out += "\n"
fh.buffer.write(out.encode("utf-8", errors="replace"))
print(out, file=fh)
if path:
return result.returncode
def main() -> int:
parser = MozlintParser()
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
return run(**args)
if __name__ == "__main__":