child_channel_id.js |
Send HTTP requests and notify the parent about their channelId
1437 |
child_cookie_header.js |
global NetUtil, ChannelListener |
3081 |
child_dns_by_type_resolve.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/head_trr.js |
777 |
child_is_proxy_used.js |
global NetUtil, ChannelListener, CL_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_CL |
712 |
child_veto_in_parent.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/head_trr.js |
1560 |
head_channels_clone.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/head_channels.js |
345 |
head_http3_clone.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/head_http3.js |
271 |
head_trr_clone.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/head_trr.js |
267 |
test_alt-data_closeWithStatus_wrap.js |
401 |
test_alt-data_cross_process_wrap.js |
2572 |
test_alt-data_simple_wrap.js |
392 |
test_alt-data_stream_wrap.js |
80 |
test_cache-entry-id_wrap.js |
340 |
test_cache_jar_wrap.js |
121 |
test_cacheflags_wrap.js |
179 |
test_channel_close_wrap.js |
78 |
test_channel_id.js |
Test that when doing HTTP requests, the nsIHttpChannel is detected in
both parent and child and shares the same channelId across processes.
3429 |
test_channel_priority_wrap.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1382 |
test_chunked_responses_wrap.js |
166 |
test_cookie_header_stripped.js |
2797 |
test_cookiejars_wrap.js |
379 |
test_dns_by_type_resolve_wrap.js |
1796 |
test_dns_cancel_wrap.js |
159 |
test_dns_service_wrap.js |
160 |
test_duplicate_headers_wrap.js |
166 |
test_event_sink_wrap.js |
159 |
test_getHost_wrap.js |
72 |
test_gio_protocol_wrap.js |
503 |
test_head_wrap.js |
153 |
test_headers_wrap.js |
156 |
test_http3_prio_disabled_wrap.js |
862 |
test_http3_prio_enabled_wrap.js |
773 |
test_httpcancel_wrap.js |
1376 |
test_httpsuspend_wrap.js |
76 |
test_is_proxy_used.js |
global NodeHTTPServer, NodeHTTPProxyServer |
1048 |
test_multipart_streamconv_wrap.js |
85 |
test_orb_empty_header_wrap.js |
289 |
test_original_sent_received_head_wrap.js |
176 |
test_post_wrap.js |
69 |
test_predictor_wrap.js |
import-globals-from ../unit/test_predictor.js |
1960 |
test_progress_wrap.js |
73 |
test_redirect-caching_canceled_wrap.js |
176 |
test_redirect-caching_failure_wrap.js |
360 |
test_redirect-caching_passing_wrap.js |
175 |
test_redirect_canceled_wrap.js |
168 |
test_redirect_different-protocol_wrap.js |
176 |
test_redirect_failure_wrap.js |
237 |
test_redirect_from_script_wrap.js |
85 |
test_redirect_history_wrap.js |
165 |
test_redirect_passing_wrap.js |
165 |
test_redirect_veto_parent.js |
1598 |
test_redirect_veto_wrap.js |
164 |
test_reentrancy_wrap.js |
75 |
test_reply_without_content_type_wrap.js |
175 |
test_resumable_channel_wrap.js |
82 |
test_simple_unknown_uris_wrap.js |
361 |
test_simple_wrap.js |
155 |
test_trackingProtection_annotateChannels_wrap1.js |
673 |
test_trackingProtection_annotateChannels_wrap2.js |
671 |
test_trr_httpssvc_wrap.js |
3162 |
test_XHR_redirects.js |
78 |
test_xmlhttprequest_wrap.js |
79 |
xpcshell.toml |
8654 |