Name Description Size
client-cert.p12 2499
client-cert.p12.pkcs12spec 84
head_cache.js 3308
head_cache2.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 12773
head_channels.js Read count bytes from stream and return as a String object 16681
head_cookies.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 37654
head_http3.js import-globals-from head_channels.js 4127
head_servers.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 26891
head_telemetry.js Prints the Histogram to console. @param {*} name The identifier of the Histogram. 5464
head_trr.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 17605
head_websocket.js 1774
head_webtransport.js import-globals-from head_cookies.js 3456
http2-ca.pem 1042
http2-ca.pem.certspec 103
http2_test_common.js import-globals-from head_channels.js 47208
perftest.toml 34
proxy-ca.pem 1042
proxy-ca.pem.certspec 103
socks_client_subprocess.js global arguments 2310
test_304_headers.js 2529
test_304_responses.js 2627
test_307_redirect.js 2835
test_421.js 1546
test_1073747.js 898
test_about_networking.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3120
test_about_protocol.js 1356
test_aboutblank.js 864
test_addr_in_use_error.js 919
test_alt-data_closeWithStatus.js Test for the "alternative data stream" - closing the stream with an error. - we load a URL with preference for an alt data (check what we get is the raw data, since there was nothing previously cached) - we store something in alt data (using the asyncWait method) - then we abort the operation calling closeWithStatus() - we flush the HTTP cache - we reload the same URL using a new channel, again prefering the alt data be loaded - again we receive the data from the server. 4887
test_alt-data_cross_process.js Test for the "alternative data stream" stored withing a cache entry. - we load a URL with preference for an alt data (check what we get is the raw data, since there was nothing previously cached) - we store the alt data along the channel (to the cache entry) - we flush the HTTP cache - we reload the same URL using a new channel, again prefering the alt data be loaded - this time the alt data must arive 4092
test_alt-data_overwrite.js Test for overwriting the alternative data in a cache entry. - run_test loads a new channel - readServerContent checks the content, and saves alt-data - cacheFlushObserver creates a new channel with "text/binary" alt-data type - readAltContent checks that it gets back alt-data and creates a channel with the dummy/null alt-data type - readServerContent2 checks that it gets regular content, from the cache and tries to overwrite the alt-data with the same representation - cacheFlushObserver2 creates a new channel with "text/binary" alt-data type - readAltContent2 checks that it gets back alt-data, and tries to overwrite with a kind of alt-data - cacheFlushObserver3 creates a new channel with "text/binary2" alt-data type - readAltContent3 checks that it gets back the newly saved alt-data 6246
test_alt-data_simple.js Test for the "alternative data stream" stored withing a cache entry. - we load a URL with preference for an alt data (check what we get is the raw data, since there was nothing previously cached) - we store the alt data along the channel (to the cache entry) - we flush the HTTP cache - we reload the same URL using a new channel, again prefering the alt data be loaded - this time the alt data must arive 5787
test_alt-data_stream.js Test for the "alternative data stream" stored withing a cache entry. - we load a URL with preference for an alt data (check what we get is the raw data, since there was nothing previously cached) - we write a big chunk of alt-data to the output stream - we load the URL again, expecting to get alt-data - we check that the alt-data is streamed. We should get the first chunk, then the rest of the alt-data is written, and we check that it is received in the proper order. 4773
test_alt-data_too_big.js Test for handling too big alternative data - first we try to open an output stream for too big alt-data which must fail and leave original data intact - then we open the output stream without passing predicted data size which succeeds but writing must fail later at the size limit and the original data must be kept 2455
test_altsvc.js 16549
test_altsvc_http3.js 15373
test_altsvc_pref.js 3595
test_anonymous-coalescing.js - test to check we use only a single connection for both onymous and anonymous requests over an existing h2 session - request from a domain w/o LOAD_ANONYMOUS flag - request again from the same domain, but different URI, with LOAD_ANONYMOUS flag, check the client is using the same conn - close all and do it in the opposite way (do an anonymous req first) 4588
test_auth_dialog_permission.js 7163
test_auth_multiple.js 11811
test_auth_proxy.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 12521
test_authentication.js 38913
test_authpromptwrapper.js 5464
test_backgroundfilesaver.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 23677
test_be_conservative.js 7384
test_be_conservative_error_handling.js 6171
test_bhttp.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6498
test_blob_channelname.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1042
test_brotli_decoding.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4670
test_brotli_http.js 3446
test_brotli_unknown_content_type.js 2176
test_bug_1918928.js 4539
test_bug203271.js 5958
test_bug248970_cache.js 3436
test_bug248970_cookie.js 4323
test_bug261425.js 680
test_bug263127.js 1209
test_bug282432.js 870
test_bug321706.js 265
test_bug331825.js 1076
test_bug336501.js 570
test_bug337744.js verify that certain invalid URIs are not parsed by the resource protocol handler 3606
test_bug368702.js 4239
test_bug369787.js do nothing 1571
test_bug371473.js 830
test_bug376844.js 644
test_bug376865.js 567
test_bug379034.js 573
test_bug380994.js check resource: protocol for traversal problems 569
test_bug388281.js 769
test_bug396389.js 1440
test_bug401564.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 1224
test_bug411952.js 1305
test_bug412457.js 2445
test_bug412945.js 960
test_bug414122.js 1642
test_bug427957.js Test for Bidi restrictions on IDNs from RFC 3454 3036
test_bug429347.js 1542
test_bug455311.js 3606
test_bug464591.js 1342
test_bug468426.js 3704
test_bug468594.js 4442
test_bug470716.js nonBlockingInput 4353
test_bug477578.js 810
test_bug479413.js Test for unassigned code points in IDNs (RFC 3454 section 7) 1120
test_bug479485.js 1819
test_bug482601.js 6878
test_bug482934.js 5407
test_bug490095.js 3831
test_bug504014.js 1872
test_bug510359.js 2483
test_bug526789.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8059
test_bug528292.js 2665
test_bug536324_64bit_content_length.js Test to ensure our 64-bit content length implementation works, at least for a simple HTTP case 1624
test_bug540566.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 527
test_bug553970.js 2059
test_bug561042.js 1163
test_bug561276.js 1915
test_bug580508.js 1071
test_bug586908.js 2612
test_bug596443.js 2896
test_bug618835.js 3915
test_bug633743.js 5623
test_bug650522.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 939
test_bug650995.js 5132
test_bug652761.js 396
test_bug654926.js 1621
test_bug654926_doom_and_read.js 1467
test_bug654926_test_seek.js 1436
test_bug659569.js 1773
test_bug660066.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 1352
test_bug667087.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 850
test_bug667818.js 1284
test_bug667907.js 2106
test_bug669001.js 3664
test_bug770243.js this test does the following: Always requests the same resource, while for each request getting: 1. 200 + ETag: "one" 2. 401 followed by 200 + ETag: "two" 3. 401 followed by 304 4. 407 followed by 200 + ETag: "three" 5. 407 followed by 304 6996
test_bug812167.js - get 302 with Cache-control: no-store - check cache entry for the 302 response is cached only in memory device - get 302 with Expires: -1 - check cache entry for the 302 response is not cached at all 4238
test_bug826063.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2029
test_bug856978.js 4025
test_bug894586.js Tests for bug 894586: nsSyncLoadService::PushSyncStreamToListener should not fail for channels of unknown size 3303
test_bug935499.js 225
test_bug1064258.js Check how nsICachingChannel.cacheOnlyMetadata works. - all channels involved in this test are set cacheOnlyMetadata = true - do a previously uncached request for a long living content - check we have downloaded the content from the server (channel provides it) - check the entry has metadata, but zero-length content - load the same URL again, now cached - check the channel is giving no content (no call to OnDataAvailable) but succeeds - repeat again, but for a different URL that is not cached (immediately expires) - only difference is that we get a newer version of the content from the server during the second request 4633
test_bug1177909.js 7597
test_bug1195415.js 5012
test_bug1218029.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3656
test_bug1279246.js 2581
test_bug1312774_http1.js 3977
test_bug1312782_http1.js 5852
test_bug1355539_http1.js 5307
test_bug1378385_http1.js 5910
test_bug1411316_http1.js 2928
test_bug1527293.js 3961
test_bug1683176.js 2479
test_bug1725766.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2542
test_bug1830022.js 5260
test_bug1883496.js 5112
test_bug1889130.js Test that channels blocks ip address 2483
test_bug1913022.js 393
test_bug1940663.js 1426
test_bug1948203.js 5881
test_cache-control_request.js 11882
test_cache-entry-id.js Test for the "CacheEntryId" under several cases. 5343
test_cache_204_response.js Test if 204 response is cached. 1. Make first http request and return a 204 response. 2. Check if the first response is not cached. 3. Make second http request and check if the response is cached. 1872
test_cache_jar.js 2509
test_cache2-00-service-get.js 344
test_cache2-01-basic.js 1157
test_cache2-01a-basic-readonly.js 1161
test_cache2-01b-basic-datasize.js 1423
test_cache2-01c-basic-hasmeta-only.js 1169
test_cache2-01d-basic-not-wanted.js 1156
test_cache2-01e-basic-bypass-if-busy.js 988
test_cache2-01f-basic-openTruncate.js 586
test_cache2-02-open-non-existing.js 1184
test_cache2-02b-open-non-existing-and-doom.js 4327
test_cache2-03-oncacheentryavail-throws.js 813
test_cache2-04-oncacheentryavail-throws2x.js 1143
test_cache2-05-visit.js 2870
test_cache2-06-pb-mode.js 1305
test_cache2-07-visit-memory.js 2813
test_cache2-07a-open-memory.js 2780
test_cache2-08-evict-disk-by-memory-storage.js 491
test_cache2-09-evict-disk-by-uri.js 699
test_cache2-10-evict-direct.js 598
test_cache2-10b-evict-direct-immediate.js 386
test_cache2-11-evict-memory.js 2016
test_cache2-12-evict-disk.js 1844
test_cache2-13-evict-non-existing.js 280
test_cache2-14-concurent-readers.js 980
test_cache2-14b-concurent-readers-complete.js 1509
test_cache2-15-conditional-304.js 1448
test_cache2-16-conditional-200.js 2078
test_cache2-17-evict-all.js 276
test_cache2-18-not-valid.js 1132
test_cache2-19-range-206.js 1699
test_cache2-20-range-200.js 1762
test_cache2-21-anon-storage.js 1629
test_cache2-22-anon-visit.js 1056
test_cache2-23-read-over-chunk.js 821
test_cache2-24-exists.js 1064
test_cache2-25-chunk-memory-limit.js 1340
test_cache2-26-no-outputstream-open.js 829
test_cache2-27-force-valid-for.js 758
test_cache2-28-last-access-attrs.js 1185
test_cache2-28a-OPEN_SECRETLY.js 1020
test_cache2-29a-concurrent_read_resumable_entry_size_zero.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits This test is using a resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 0 - first channel makes a request for a resumable response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read happens - first channel sets predicted data size on the entry, it's doomed - second channel now must engage interrupted concurrent write algorithm and read the content again from the network - both channels must deliver full content w/o errors 2492
test_cache2-29b-concurrent_read_non-resumable_entry_size_zero.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits. This test is using a non-resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 0 - first channel makes a request for a non-resumable (chunked) response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read is bypassed (non-resumable response) - first channel writes first bytes to the cache output stream, but that fails because of the max-entry-size limit and entry is doomed - cache entry output stream is closed - second channel gets the entry, opening the input stream must fail - second channel must read the content again from the network - both channels must deliver full content w/o errors 2554
test_cache2-29c-concurrent_read_half-interrupted.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits. This is enhancement of 29a test, this test checks that cocurrency is resumed when the first channel is interrupted in the middle of reading and the second channel already consumed some content from the cache entry. This test is using a resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 1 (=1024 bytes) - first channel makes a request for a resumable response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read happens - first channel sets predicted data size on the entry with every chunk, it's doomed on 1024 - second channel now must engage interrupted concurrent write algorithm and read the rest of the content from the network - both channels must deliver full content w/o errors 4376
test_cache2-29d-concurrent_read_half-corrupted-206.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits. This is enhancement of 29c test, this test checks that a corrupted 206 response is correctly handled (no crashes or asserion failures) This test is using a resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 1 (=1024 bytes) - first channel makes a request for a resumable response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read happens - first channel sets predicted data size on the entry with every chunk, it's doomed on 1024 - second channel now must engage interrupted concurrent write algorithm and read the rest of the content from the network - the response to the range request is broken (bad Content-Range header) - the first must deliver full content w/o errors - the second channel must correctly fail 4426
test_cache2-29e-concurrent_read_half-non-206-response.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits. This is enhancement of 29c test, this test checks that a corrupted 206 response is correctly handled (no crashes or asserion failures) This test is using a resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 1 (=1024 bytes) - first channel makes a request for a resumable response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read happens - first channel sets predicted data size on the entry with every chunk, it's doomed on 1024 - second channel now must engage interrupted concurrent write algorithm and read the rest of the content from the network - the response to the range request is plain 200 - the first must deliver full content w/o errors - the second channel must correctly fail 4134
test_cache2-30a-entry-pinning.js 998
test_cache2-30b-pinning-storage-clear.js 1228
test_cache2-30c-pinning-deferred-doom.js This is a complex test checking the internal "deferred doom" functionality in both CacheEntry and CacheFileHandle. - We create a batch of 10 non-pinned and 10 pinned entries, write something to them. - Then we purge them from memory, so they have to reload from disk. - After that the IO thread is suspended not to process events on the READ (3) level. This forces opening operation and eviction sync operations happen before we know actual pinning status of already cached entries. - We async-open the same batch of the 10+10 entries again, all should open as existing with the expected, previously stored content - After all these entries are made to open, we clear the cache. This does some synchronous operations on the entries being open and also on the handles being in an already open state (but before the entry metadata has started to be read.) Expected is to leave the pinned entries only. - Now, we resume the IO thread, so it start reading. One could say this is a hack, but this can very well happen in reality on slow disk or when a large number of entries is about to be open at once. Suspending the IO thread is just doing this simulation is a fully deterministic way and actually very easily and elegantly. - After the resume we want to open all those 10+10 entries once again (no purgin involved this time.). It is expected to open all the pinning entries intact and loose all the non-pinned entries (get them as new and empty again.) 6143
test_cache2-30d-pinning-WasEvicted-API.js This test exercises the CacheFileContextEvictor::WasEvicted API and code using it. - We store 10+10 (pinned and non-pinned) entries to the cache, wait for them being written. - Then we purge the memory pools. - Now the IO thread is suspended on the EVICT (7) level to prevent actual deletion of the files. - Index is disabled. - We do clear() of the cache, this creates the "ce_*" file and posts to the EVICT level the eviction loop mechanics. - We open again those 10+10 entries previously stored. - IO is resumed - We expect to get all the pinned and loose all the non-pinned (common) entries. 4128
test_cache2-31-visit-all.js 2532
test_cache2-32-clear-origin.js 1975
test_cache2-33-clear-base-domain.js Helper to wrap the OpenCallback in a Promise. 1952
test_cache2_clear_with_principal.js 4289
test_cache2_clear_with_usercontext_oa.js 2319
test_cacheflags.js defaults to false 11014
test_captive_portal_service.js 11157
test_cert_info.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4915
test_cert_verification_failure.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2278
test_channel_close.js 1904
test_channel_long_domain.js 483
test_channel_priority.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2783
test_chunked_responses.js Test Chunked-Encoded response parsing. 5269
test_client_auth_with_proxy.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 5178
test_coaleasing_h2_and_h3_connection.js 3518
test_compareURIs.js 1742
test_compressappend.js 2018
test_connection_based_auth.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2824
test_connection_coalescing.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 5826
test_content_encoding_gzip.js 4677
test_content_length_underrun.js Test Content-Length underrun behavior 9981
test_content_sniffer.js This object is both a factory and an nsIContentSniffer implementation (so, it is de-facto a service) 4029
test_cookie_blacklist.js 1286
test_cookie_header.js 2576
test_cookie_ipv6.js Test that channels with different LoadInfo are stored in separate namespaces ("cookie jars") 1516
test_cookie_partitioned_attribute.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2475
test_cookiejars.js Test that channels with different LoadInfo are stored in separate namespaces ("cookie jars") 5096
test_cookiejars_safebrowsing.js Description of the test: We show that we can separate the safebrowsing cookie by creating a custom OriginAttributes using a unique safebrowsing first-party domain. Setting this custom OriginAttributes on the loadInfo of the channel allows us to query the first-party domain and therefore separate the safebrowsing cookie in its own cookie-jar. For testing safebrowsing update we do >> NOT << emulate a response in the body, rather we only set the cookies in the header of the response and confirm that cookies are separated in their own cookie-jar. 1) We init safebrowsing and simulate an update (cookies are set for localhost) 2) We open a channel that should send regular cookies, but not the safebrowsing cookie. 3) We open a channel with a custom callback, simulating a safebrowsing cookie that should send this simulated safebrowsing cookie as well as the real safebrowsing cookies. (Confirming that the safebrowsing cookies actually get stored in the correct jar). 7757
test_cookies_async_failure.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 16345
test_cookies_partition_counting.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5499
test_cookies_partition_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5874
test_cookies_privatebrowsing.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5329
test_cookies_profile_close.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2989
test_cookies_purge_counting.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2140
test_cookies_purge_counting_per_host.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2324
test_cookies_read.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3838
test_cookies_sync_failure.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8790
test_cookies_thirdparty.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4890
test_cookies_upgrade_10.js 1750
test_data_protocol.js run some tests on the data: protocol handler 2837
test_defaultURI.js 5749
test_dns_by_type_resolve.js 2681
test_dns_cancel.js 3017
test_dns_disable_ipv4.js 1880
test_dns_disable_ipv6.js 1126
test_dns_disabled.js 2150
test_dns_localredirect.js 1306
test_dns_offline.js 2544
test_dns_onion.js 1957
test_dns_originAttributes.js 2386
test_dns_override.js 14510
test_dns_override_for_localhost.js 2319
test_dns_proxy_bypass.js 2422
test_dns_retry.js 9392
test_dns_service.js 4380
test_domain_eviction.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5596
test_dooh.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 11430
test_doomentry.js Test for nsICacheStorage.asyncDoomURI(). It tests dooming - an existent inactive entry - a non-existent inactive entry - an existent active entry 2326
test_duplicate_headers.js Tests bugs 597706, 655389: prevent duplicate headers with differing values for some headers like Content-Length, Location, etc. 17428
test_early_hint_listener.js 5036
test_early_hint_listener_http2.js 3251
test_ech_grease.js 7475
test_essential_domain_fallback.js 4270
test_event_sink.js This object is both a factory and an nsIChannelEventSink implementation (so, it is de-facto a service). It's also an interface requestor that gives out itself when asked for nsIChannelEventSink. 4645
test_eviction.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6757
test_extract_charset_from_content_type.js 5677
test_file_protocol.js run some tests on the file:// protocol handler 7358
test_file_url_with_host.js 941
test_filestreams.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8311
test_freshconnection.js 738
test_getHost.js 1775
test_gio_protocol.js run some tests on the gvfs/gio protocol handler 5475
test_gre_resources.js 785
test_h2proxy_connection_limit.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2520
test_head.js 5269
test_head_request_no_response_body.js Test that a response to HEAD method should not have a body. 1. Create a GET request and write the response into cache. 2. Create the second GET request with the same URI and see if the response is from cache. 3. Create a HEAD request and test if we got a response with an empty body. 2483
test_header_Accept-Language.js 2907
test_header_Accept-Language_case.js 1383
test_header_Server_Timing.js 2170
test_headers.js 5948
test_hostnameIsLocalIPAddress.js 1372
test_hostnameIsSharedIPAddress.js 432
test_hpke_config_manager.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3001
test_hpke_out_of_process.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2564
test_http_408_retry.js 2706
test_http_headers.js 1649
test_http_server_timing.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3256
test_http_sfv.js 17551
test_http1-proxy.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 7270
test_http2-proxy-failing.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 5248
test_http2-proxy.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 27875
test_http2.js import-globals-from http2_test_common.js 15614
test_http2_with_proxy.js import-globals-from http2_test_common.js 13618
test_http3.js 17601
test_http3_0rtt.js 2621
test_http3_421.js 4515
test_http3_alt_svc.js import-globals-from head_servers.js 4858
test_http3_coalescing.js 3968
test_http3_direct_proxy.js 1619
test_http3_dns_retry.js 9387
test_http3_early_hint_listener.js 2706
test_http3_error_before_connect.js 3659
test_http3_fast_fallback.js 26753
test_http3_fatal_stream_error.js 4182
test_http3_kyber.js 2326
test_http3_large_post.js aMerge = 5061
test_http3_network_change.js 5189
test_http3_perf.js exported perfMetadata 6690
test_http3_prio_disabled.js global inChildProcess, test_flag_priority 3310
test_http3_prio_enabled.js global inChildProcess, test_flag_priority 3448
test_http3_prio_helpers.js exported inChildProcess, test_flag_priority 3217
test_http3_server.js 4769
test_http3_server_not_existing.js 3545
test_http3_trans_close.js 2368
test_http3_version1.js 2670
test_http3_with_third_party_roots.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4487
test_httpauth.js 5030
test_httpcancel.js 7495
test_httpResponseTimeout.js ms 4865
test_https_rr_ech_prefs.js 15865
test_https_rr_sorted_alpn.js 6042
test_httpssvc_ech_with_alpn.js 7136
test_httpssvc_https_upgrade.js 11892
test_httpssvc_iphint.js 10330
test_httpssvc_priority.js 3445
test_httpssvc_retry_with_ech.js 14482
test_httpssvc_retry_without_ech.js 3911
test_httpsuspend.js 2054
test_idn_blacklist.js 4056
test_idn_spoof.js 49008
test_idn_urls.js Behaviour of this test changed in IDNA2008, replacing the non-XID character with U+FFFD replacement character - when all platforms use IDNA2008 it can be uncommented and the punycode URL changed to "xn--mgbl3eb85703a" // new non-XID character in Unicode 6.3 ["حلا\u061cل", "xn--bgbvr6gc", false], 11019
test_idna2008.js 1664
test_idnservice.js 1120
test_immutable.js 5922
test_inhibit_caching.js 2495
test_ioservice.js 413
test_ip_space_glean.js 4501
test_large_port.js 1591
test_link.desktop 54
test_link.lnk 345
test_link.url 107
test_loadgroup_cancel.js 2911
test_loadgroup_glean.js 3824
test_localhost_offline.js 2218
test_localstreams.js 2580
test_MIME_params.js Tests for parsing header fields using the syntax used in Content-Disposition and Content-Type See also 21622
test_mismatch_last-modified.js 4587
test_mozTXTToHTMLConv.js Test that mozITXTToHTMLConv works properly. 10518
test_multipart_byteranges.js 3134
test_multipart_contentdisp.js ", multipartListener, null ); var chan = make_channel(`${uri}/multipart`); chan.asyncOpen(conv, null); }); Assert.ok(req.length); req[0].request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel); Assert.equal(req[0].request.contentType, "text/html"); Assert.equal( req[0].request.contentDisposition, Ci.nsIChannel.DISPOSITION_INLINE ); }); add_task(async function test_contentDisp() { var streamConv = Cc[";1"].getService( Ci.nsIStreamConverterService ); let req = await new Promise(resolve => { let multipartListener = new MultipartListener(resolve); var conv = streamConv.asyncConvertData( "multipart/mixed", " 3403
test_multipart_set_cookie.js 2721
test_multipart_streamconv-byte-by-byte.js 2810
test_multipart_streamconv.js 2582
test_multipart_streamconv_empty.js 1789
test_multipart_streamconv_inputstream.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2736
test_multipart_streamconv_missing_boundary_lead_dashes.js 2207
test_multipart_streamconv_missing_lead_boundary.js 2221
test_nestedabout_serialize.js 1235
test_net_addr.js TestServer: A single instance of this is created as |serv|. When created, it starts listening on the loopback address on port |serv.port|. Tests will connect to it after setting |serv.acceptCallback|, which is invoked after it accepts a connection. Within |serv.acceptCallback|, various properties of |serv| can be used to run checks. After the callback, the connection is closed, but the server remains listening until |serv.stop| Note: TestServer can only handle a single connection at a time. Tests should use run_next_test at the end of |serv.acceptCallback| to start the following test which creates a connection. 5606
test_NetUtil.js This file tests the methods on NetUtil.sys.mjs. 22960
test_network_connectivity_service.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6347
test_networking_over_socket_process.js 4787
test_no_cookies_after_last_pb_exit.js 3335
test_node_execute.js global my_defined_var 2810
test_node_execute_npm.js global NodeServer 671
test_nojsredir.js 1610
test_non_ipv4_hostname_ending_in_number_cookie_db.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3865
test_nsIBufferedOutputStream_writeFrom_block.js 7617
test_ntlm_authentication.js 7197
test_ntlm_proxy_and_web_auth.js 13603
test_ntlm_proxy_auth.js 13466
test_ntlm_web_auth.js 7918
test_oblivious_http.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6663
test_obs-fold.js 2461
test_offline_status.js 415
test_ohttp.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1327
test_orb_empty_header.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2398
test_origin.js 8337
test_original_sent_received_head.js 6843
test_pac_reload_after_network_change.js 2336
test_parse_content_type.js ", charset, hadCharset); check("", "", false); type = netutil.parseResponseContentType( "text/html, 8979
test_partial_response_entry_size_smart_shrink.js This is only a crash test. We load a partial content, cache it. Then we change the limit for single cache entry size (shrink it) so that the next request for the rest of the content will hit that limit and doom/remove the entry. We change the size manually, but in reality it's being changed by cache smart size. 3180
test_permmgr.js 3761
test_ping_aboutnetworking.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2874
test_plaintext_sniff.js 5700
test_port_remapping.js 1599
test_post.js 3564
test_predictor.js 22248
test_prio_header_override_forbid.js 2367
test_private_cookie_changed.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1313
test_private_necko_channel.js 1459
test_progress.js 3944
test_progress_no_proxy_and_proxy.js 5834
test_protocolproxyservice-async-filters.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 11790
test_protocolproxyservice.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 28864
test_proxy-failover_canceled.js 1550
test_proxy-failover_passing.js 1228
test_proxy-replace_canceled.js 1727
test_proxy-replace_passing.js 1186
test_proxy-slow-upload.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 3707
test_proxy_cancel.js globals setTimeout 12993
test_proxy_pac.js globals dnsResolve, alert 3378
test_proxyconnect.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 9795
test_proxyconnect_https.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2159
test_proxyDNS_leak.js 3430
test_psl.js exported checkPublicSuffix 1050
test_race_cache_with_network.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 10000
test_range_requests.js 15506
test_rcwn_always_cache_new_content.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3375
test_rcwn_interrupted.js Checkes if the concurrent cache read/write works when the write is interrupted because of max-entry-size limits. This is enhancement of 29a test, this test checks that cocurrency is resumed when the first channel is interrupted in the middle of reading and the second channel already consumed some content from the cache entry. This test is using a resumable response. - with a profile, set max-entry-size to 1 (=1024 bytes) - first channel makes a request for a resumable response - second channel makes a request for the same resource, concurrent read happens - first channel sets predicted data size on the entry with every chunk, it's doomed on 1024 - second channel now must engage interrupted concurrent write algorithm and read the rest of the content from the network - both channels must deliver full content w/o errors 4722
test_readline.js 18854
test_redirect-caching_canceled.js 1969
test_redirect-caching_failure.js The test is checking async redirect code path that is loading a cached redirect. But creation of the target channel fails before we even try to do async open on it. We force the creation error by forbidding the port number the URI contains. It must be done only after we have attempted to do the redirect (open the target URL) otherwise it's not cached. 2461
test_redirect-caching_passing.js 1637
test_redirect_baduri.js Test whether we fail bad URIs in HTTP redirect as CORRUPTED_CONTENT. 1216
test_redirect_canceled.js 1461
test_redirect_different-protocol.js 1337
test_redirect_failure.js The test is checking async redirect code path that is loading a redirect. But creation of the target channel fails before we even try to do async open on it. We force the creation error by forbidding the port number the URI contains. 1751
test_redirect_from_script.js Test whether the rewrite-requests-from-script API implemented here: is functioning correctly The test has the following components: testViaXHR() checks that internal redirects occur correctly for requests made with XMLHttpRequest objects. testViaAsyncOpen() checks that internal redirects occur correctly when made with nsIHTTPChannel.asyncOpen(). Both of the above functions tests four requests: Test 1: a simple case that redirects within a server; Test 2: a second that redirects to a second webserver; Test 3: internal script redirects in response to a server-side 302 redirect; Test 4: one internal script redirects in response to another's redirect. The successful redirects are confirmed by the presence of a custom response header. 7966
test_redirect_from_script_after-open_passing.js Test whether the rewrite-requests-from-script API implemented here: is functioning correctly The test has the following components: testViaXHR() checks that internal redirects occur correctly for requests made with XMLHttpRequest objects. testViaAsyncOpen() checks that internal redirects occur correctly when made with nsIHTTPChannel.asyncOpen(). Both of the above functions tests four requests: Test 1: a simple case that redirects within a server; Test 2: a second that redirects to a second webserver; Test 3: internal script redirects in response to a server-side 302 redirect; Test 4: one internal script redirects in response to another's redirect. The successful redirects are confirmed by the presence of a custom response header. 7968
test_redirect_history.js 2309
test_redirect_loop.js This xpcshell test checks whether we detect infinite HTTP redirect loops. We check loops with "Location:" set to 1) full URI, 2) relative URI, and 3) empty Location header (which resolves to a relative link to the original URI when the original URI ends in a slash). 2733
test_redirect_passing.js 1586
test_redirect_protocol_telemetry.js 2068
test_redirect_veto.js 2712
test_reentrancy.js 2270
test_referrer.js 9215
test_referrer_cross_origin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 10174
test_referrer_policy.js 4513
test_remove_invalid_first_party_partitioned_cookie.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5154
test_reopen.js 3118
test_reply_without_content_type.js 3342
test_resumable_channel.js Tests various aspects of nsIResumableChannel in combination with HTTP 14036
test_resumable_truncate.js 2593
test_retry_0rtt.js 3604
test_safeoutputstream.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 1963
test_safeoutputstream_append.js atomic-file-output-stream and safe-file-output-stream should throw and exception if PR_APPEND is explicity specified without PR_TRUNCATE. 1286
test_schema_2_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 7486
test_schema_3_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3607
test_schema_10_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3744
test_schema_12_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3745
test_schema_13_db.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2498
test_schema_14_migration.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2442
test_separate_connections.js 3022
test_servers.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 10994
test_signature_extraction.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 5931
test_simple.js 1603
test_simple_unknown_uris.js Test that default uri is bypassable by an unknown protocol that is present in the bypass list (and the pref is enabled) 2302
test_sockettransportsvc_available.js 207
test_socks.js 11730
test_speculative_connect.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 11954
test_stale-while-revalidate_loop.js Tests the Cache-control: stale-while-revalidate response directive. Loads a HTTPS resource with the stale-while-revalidate and tries to load it twice. 1080
test_stale-while-revalidate_max-age-0.js Tests the Cache-control: stale-while-revalidate response directive. Purpose is to check we perform the background revalidation when max-age=0 but the window is set and we hit it. Make request #1. - response is from the server and version=1 - max-age=0, stale-while-revalidate=9999 Switch version of the data on the server and prolong the max-age to not let req #3 do a bck reval at the end of the test (prevent leaks/shutdown races.) Make request #2 in 2 seconds (entry should be expired by that time, but fall into the reval window.) - response is from the cache, version=1 - a new background request should be made for the data Wait for "http-on-background-revalidation" notifying finish of the background reval. Make request #3. - response is from the cache, version=2 Done. 3248
test_stale-while-revalidate_negative.js Tests the Cache-control: stale-while-revalidate response directive. Purpose is to check we DON'T perform the background revalidation when we make the request past the reval window. Make request #1. - response is from the server and version=1 - max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=1 Switch version of the data on the server. Make request #2 in 3 seconds (entry should be expired by that time and no longer fall into the reval window.) - response is from the server, version=2 Done. 2515
test_stale-while-revalidate_positive.js Tests the Cache-control: stale-while-revalidate response directive. Purpose is to check we perform the background revalidation when the window is set and we hit it. Make request #1. - response is from the server and version=1 - max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=9999 Switch version of the data on the server and prolong the max-age to not let req #3 do a bck reval at the end of the test (prevent leaks/shutdown races.) Make request #2 in 2 seconds (entry should be expired by that time, but fall into the reval window.) - response is from the cache, version=1 - a new background request should be made for the data Wait for "http-on-background-revalidation" notifying finish of the background reval. Make request #3. - response is from the cache, version=2 Done. 3643
test_standardurl.js Use if/else instead of |do_check_eq(expect, a.spec == b.spec)| so that we get the specs output on the console if the check fails. 37936
test_standardurl_default_port.js -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2023
test_standardurl_port.js 1767
test_streamcopier.js 1539
test_substituting_protocol_handler.js 1819
test_SuperfluousAuth.js Create two http requests with the same URL in which has a user name. We allow first http request to be loaded and saved in the cache, so the second request will be served from the cache. However, we disallow loading by returning 1 in the prompt service. In the end, the second request will be failed. 2789
test_suspend_channel_before_connect.js 2489
test_suspend_channel_on_authRetry.js 6658
test_suspend_channel_on_examine.js 1952
test_suspend_channel_on_examine_merged_response.js 5498
test_suspend_channel_on_modified.js 4933
test_suspendable_channel_wrapper.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8411
test_synthesized_response.js 8477
test_throttlechannel.js 1324
test_throttlequeue.js 591
test_throttling.js 1949
test_tldservice_nextsubdomain.js 670
test_tls_flags.js 6885
test_tls_flags_separate_connections.js 3094
test_tls_handshake_timing.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4023
test_tls_server.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8385
test_tls_server_multiple_clients.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3268
test_tls13_disabled.js 2403
test_traceable_channel.js 4162
test_trackingProtection_annotateChannels.js 12078
test_transparent_redirect.js 3034
test_trr.js import-globals-from trr_common.js 31258
test_trr_additional_section.js 9149
test_trr_af_fallback.js 3441
test_trr_blocklist.js 4137
test_trr_cancel.js 5149
test_trr_case_sensitivity.js 3835
test_trr_cname_chain.js 5836
test_trr_confirmation.js 12304
test_trr_decoding.js 1434
test_trr_domain.js 3568
test_trr_enterprise_policy.js 3153
test_trr_extended_error.js 7438
test_trr_https_fallback.js 30991
test_trr_https_rr_with_cname.js 6199
test_trr_httpssvc.js 24490
test_trr_nat64.js Waits for an observer notification to fire. @param {String} topic The notification topic. @returns {Promise} A promise that fulfills when the notification is fired. 3410
test_trr_noPrefetch.js 5076
test_trr_proxy.js globals dnsResolve, alert 4614
test_trr_proxy_auth.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 3164
test_trr_strict_mode.js 1596
test_trr_telemetry.js import-globals-from trr_common.js 2879
test_trr_ttl.js 1583
test_trr_with_proxy.js This test checks that a TRRServiceChannel can connect to the server with a proxy. Steps: - Setup the proxy (PAC, proxy filter, and system proxy settings) - Test when "network.trr.async_connInfo" is false. In this case, every TRRServicChannel waits for the proxy info to be resolved. - Test when "network.trr.async_connInfo" is true. In this case, every TRRServicChannel uses an already created connection info to connect. - The test test_trr_uri_change() is about checking if trr connection info is updated correctly when trr uri changed. 6558
test_udp_multicast.js 2638
test_udpsocket.js -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3005
test_udpsocket_offline.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3415
test_unescapestring.js 1029
test_unix_domain.js 21547
test_uri_mutator.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 1334
test_URIs.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 36098
test_URIs2.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 22372
test_use_httpssvc.js 7589
test_verify_traffic.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4730
test_websocket_500k.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 5791
test_websocket_fails.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 6723
test_websocket_fails_2.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 2074
test_websocket_offline.js 1378
test_websocket_server.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 8608
test_websocket_server_multiclient.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 4076
test_websocket_with_h3_active.js 2670
test_webtransport_simple.js import-globals-from head_webtransport.js 12283
test_XHR_redirects.js 8106
test_xmlhttprequest.js 1351
trr_common.js import-globals-from head_cache.js 43210
xpcshell.toml 30272