Name Description Size
ExtensionProtocolHandler.cpp Helper class used with SimpleChannel to asynchronously obtain an input stream or file descriptor from the parent for a remote moz-extension load from the child. 33111
ExtensionProtocolHandler.h To be called in the parent process to obtain an input stream for a a web accessible resource from an unpacked WebExtension dir. @param aChildURI a moz-extension URI sent from the child that refers to a web accessible resource file in an enabled unpacked extension @param aTerminateSender out param set to true when the params are invalid and indicate the child should be terminated. If |aChildURI| is not a moz-extension URI, the child is in an invalid state and should be terminated. @return NS_OK with |aTerminateSender| set to false on success. On failure, returns an error and sets |aTerminateSender| to indicate whether or not the child process should be terminated. A moz-extension URI from the child that doesn't resolve to a resource file within the extension could be the result of a bug in the extension and doesn't result in |aTerminateSender| being set to true. 11090 1007
nsIResProtocolHandler.idl Protocol handler interface for the resource:// protocol 574
nsISubstitutingProtocolHandler.idl Protocol handler superinterface for a protocol which performs substitutions from URIs of its scheme to URIs of another scheme. 2075
nsResProtocolHandler.cpp 6534
nsResProtocolHandler.h aEnforceFileOrJar = 2776
PageThumbProtocolHandler.cpp 12754
PageThumbProtocolHandler.h To be called in the parent process to obtain an input stream for the given thumbnail. @param aChildURI a moz-page-thumb URI sent from the child. @param aTerminateSender out param set to true when the params are invalid and indicate the child should be terminated. If |aChildURI| is not a moz-page-thumb URI, the child is in an invalid state and should be terminated. This outparam will be set synchronously. @return RemoteStreamPromise The RemoteStreamPromise will resolve with an RemoteStreamInfo on success, and reject with an nsresult on failure. 5125
RemoteStreamGetter.cpp 4030
RemoteStreamGetter.h Helper class used with SimpleChannel to asynchronously obtain an input stream and metadata from the parent for a remote protocol load from the child. 2089
SubstitutingJARURI.h 8f8c54ed-aba7-4ebf-ba6f-e58aec0aba4c 8683
SubstitutingProtocolHandler.cpp virtual 21790
SubstitutingProtocolHandler.h SubstitutingProtocolHandler_h___ 4686
SubstitutingURL.h SubstitutingURL_h 1834