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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
export const ESSENTIAL_DOMAINS_REMOTE_BUCKET = "moz-essential-domain-fallbacks";
export class EssentialDomainsRemoteSettings {
#initialized = false;
classID = Components.ID("{962dbf40-2c3f-4c1f-8ae8-90e8c9d85368}");
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]);
observe(subject, topic) {
// signal selected because RemoteSettingsClient is first getting initialised
// by the AddonManager at addons-startup
if (topic == "profile-after-change" || !this.#initialized) {
this.#initialized = true;
* This method updates the io service with the local scheme list used to
* bypass the defaultURI parser and use the simpleURI parser.
* It also subscribes to Remote Settings changes to this list which are then
* broadcast to processes interested in URL parsing.
* note that there doesn't appear to be a way to get a URI with a non-special
* scheme into about:preferences so it should be safe to spin this up early
async #init() {
if (!this.#fallbackDomains) {
this.#fallbackDomains = lazy.RemoteSettings(
// Trigger a get from local remote settings and update the io service.
const settingsList = await this.#getFallbackList();
for (let setting of settingsList) {,;
// Listen for future updates after we first get the values.
this.#fallbackDomains.on("sync", this.#updateFallbackDomains.bind(this));
async #updateFallbackDomains() {;
const settingsList = await this.#getFallbackList();
for (let setting of settingsList) {,;
async #getFallbackList() {
if (this._getSettingsPromise) {
return this._getSettingsPromise;
const settings = await (this._getSettingsPromise =
delete this._getSettingsPromise;
return settings;
* Obtains the current bypass list from remote settings. This includes
* verifying the signature of the bypass list within the database.
* If the signature in the database is invalid, the database will be wiped
* and the stored dump will be used, until the settings next update.
* Note that this may cause a network check of the certificate, but that
* should generally be quick.
* @param {boolean} [firstTime]
* Internal boolean to indicate if this is the first time check or not.
* @returns {array}
* An array of objects in the database, or an empty array if none
* could be obtained.
async #getFallbackDomains(firstTime = true) {
let result = [];
try {
result = await this.#fallbackDomains.get({
verifySignature: true,
} catch (ex) {
if (
ex instanceof lazy.RemoteSettingsClient.InvalidSignatureError &&
) {
// The local database is invalid, try and reset it.
await this.#fallbackDomains.db.clear();
// Now call this again.
return this.#getFallbackDomains(false);
// Don't throw an error just log it, just continue with no data, and hopefully
// a sync will fix things later on.
return result;