components.conf |
1095 |
docs |
greprefs.js |
128 |
init |
metrics.yaml |
2022 | |
3873 |
nsIPrefBranch.idl |
The nsIPrefBranch interface is used to manipulate the preferences data. This
object may be obtained from the preferences service (nsIPrefService) and
used to get and set default and/or user preferences across the application.
This object is created with a "root" value which describes the base point in
the preferences "tree" from which this "branch" stems. Preferences are
accessed off of this root by using just the final portion of the preference.
For example, if this object is created with the root "browser.startup.",
the preferences "", "browser.startup.homepage",
and "browser.startup.homepage_override" can be accessed by simply passing
"page", "homepage", or "homepage_override" to the various Get/Set methods.
@see nsIPrefService
18546 |
nsIPrefLocalizedString.idl |
The nsIPrefLocalizedString interface is simply a wrapper interface for
nsISupportsString so the preferences service can have a unique identifier
to distinguish between requests for normal wide strings (nsISupportsString)
and "localized" wide strings, which get their default values from properites
@see nsIPrefBranch
@see nsISupportsString
950 |
nsIPrefService.idl |
A helper function for reading access statistics for preferences.
See nsIPrefService.readStats for more details.
8501 |
nsIRelativeFilePref.idl |
The nsIRelativeFilePref interface is a wrapper for an nsIFile and
and a directory service key. When used as a pref value, it stores a
relative path to the file from the location pointed to by the directory
service key. The path has the same syntax across all platforms.
@see nsIPrefBranch::getComplexValue
@see nsIPrefBranch::setComplexValue
1084 |
nsRelativeFilePref.h |
837 |
parser |
Preferences.cpp |
205952 |
Preferences.h |
23406 |
SharedPrefMap.cpp |
7519 |
SharedPrefMap.h |
37701 |
StaticPrefsBase.h |
2474 |
test |