Name Description Size
mar.h We have a MAX_SIGNATURES limit so that an invalid MAR will never waste too much of either updater's or signmar's time. It is also used at various places internally and will affect memory usage. If you want to increase this value above 9 then you need to adjust parsing code in tool/mar.c. 10243
mar_cmdline.h We use NSPR here just to import the definition of uint32_t 3941
mar_create.c Push a new item onto the stack of items. The stack is a single block of memory. 11521
mar_extract.c Ensure that the directory containing this file exists 1904
mar_private.h The signature block comes directly after the header block which is 16 bytes 2914
mar_read.c This block must be at most 104 bytes. MAR channel name < 64 bytes, and product version < 32 bytes + 3 NULL terminator bytes. We only check for 96 though because we remove 8 bytes above from the additionalBlockSize: We subtract sizeof(additionalBlockSize) and sizeof(additionalBlockID) 23440 739