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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.geckoview;
import static org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.GeckoPrintException.ERROR_NO_PRINT_DELEGATE;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.IInterface;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.PointerIcon;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewStructure;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.inputmethod.CursorAnchorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest;
import android.widget.Magnifier;
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.LongDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.StringDef;
import androidx.annotation.UiThread;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.AbstractSequentialList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.mozilla.gecko.EventDispatcher;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoDragAndDrop;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread;
import org.mozilla.gecko.IGeckoEditableParent;
import org.mozilla.gecko.MagnifiableSurfaceView;
import org.mozilla.gecko.NativeQueue;
import org.mozilla.gecko.annotation.WrapForJNI;
import org.mozilla.gecko.mozglue.JNIObject;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.BundleEventListener;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.EventCallback;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.GeckoBundle;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.IntentUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.ThreadUtils;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoDisplay.SurfaceInfo;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate.IdentityCredential.AccountSelectorPrompt;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate.IdentityCredential.PrivacyPolicyPrompt;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate.IdentityCredential.ProviderSelectorPrompt;
public class GeckoSession {
private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoSession";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Type of changes given to onWindowChanged.
// Window has been cleared due to the session being closed.
private static final int WINDOW_CLOSE = 0;
// Window has been set due to the session being opened.
private static final int WINDOW_OPEN = 1; // Window has been opened.
// Window has been cleared due to the session being transferred to another session.
private static final int WINDOW_TRANSFER_OUT = 2; // Window has been transfer.
// Window has been set due to another session being transferred to this one.
private static final int WINDOW_TRANSFER_IN = 3;
private static final int DATA_URI_MAX_LENGTH = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
// Delay running compositor memory pressure by 10s to avoid interfering with tab switching.
private static final int NOTIFY_MEMORY_PRESSURE_DELAY_MS = 10 * 1000;
private final Runnable mNotifyMemoryPressure =
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mCompositorReady) {
private enum State implements NativeQueue.State {
private final int mRank;
State(final int rank) {
mRank = rank;
public boolean is(final NativeQueue.State other) {
return this == other;
public boolean isAtLeast(final NativeQueue.State other) {
return (other instanceof State) && mRank >= ((State) other).mRank;
private final NativeQueue mNativeQueue = new NativeQueue(State.INITIAL, State.READY);
private final EventDispatcher mEventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(mNativeQueue);
private final SessionTextInput mTextInput = new SessionTextInput(this, mNativeQueue);
private SessionAccessibility mAccessibility;
private SessionFinder mFinder;
private SessionPdfFileSaver mPdfFileSaver;
private TranslationsController.SessionTranslation mTranslations =
new TranslationsController.SessionTranslation(this);
/** {@code SessionMagnifier} handles magnifying glass. */
/* package */ interface SessionMagnifier {
* Get the current {@link android.view.View} for magnifying glass.
* @return Current View for magnifying glass or null if not set.
default @Nullable View getView() {
return null;
* Set the current {@link android.view.View} for magnifying glass.
* @param view View for magnifying glass or null to clear current View.
default void setView(final @NonNull View view) {}
* Show magnifying glass.
* @param sourceCenter The source center of view that magnifying glass is attached
default void show(final @NonNull PointF sourceCenter) {}
/** Dismiss magnifying glass. */
default void dismiss() {}
private class SessionMagnifierP implements GeckoSession.SessionMagnifier {
private @Nullable View mView;
private @Nullable Magnifier mMagnifier;
private final @NonNull Compositor mCompositor;
private SessionMagnifierP(final Compositor compositor) {
mCompositor = compositor;
public @Nullable View getView() {
return mView;
public void setView(final @NonNull View view) {
if (mMagnifier != null) {
mMagnifier = null;
mView = view;
public void show(final @NonNull PointF sourceCenter) {
if (mView == null) {
if (mMagnifier == null) {
mMagnifier = new Magnifier(mView);
if (mView instanceof MagnifiableSurfaceView) {
final MagnifiableSurfaceView view = (MagnifiableSurfaceView) mView;
}, sourceCenter.y);
if (mView instanceof MagnifiableSurfaceView) {
final MagnifiableSurfaceView view = (MagnifiableSurfaceView) mView;
public void dismiss() {
if (mMagnifier == null) {
mMagnifier = null;
private SessionMagnifier mMagnifier;
private String mId;
/* package */ String getId() {
return mId;
private boolean mShouldPinOnScreen;
// All fields are accessed on UI thread only.
private PanZoomController mPanZoomController = new PanZoomController(this);
private OverscrollEdgeEffect mOverscroll;
private CompositorController mController;
private Autofill.Support mAutofillSupport;
private boolean mAttachedCompositor;
private boolean mCompositorReady;
private SurfaceInfo mSurfaceInfo;
private GeckoDisplay.NewSurfaceProvider mNewSurfaceProvider;
// All fields of coordinates are in screen units.
private int mLeft;
private int mTop; // Top of the surface (including toolbar);
private int mClientTop; // Top of the client area (i.e. excluding toolbar);
private int mWidth;
private int mHeight; // Height of the surface (including toolbar);
private int mClientHeight; // Height of the client area (i.e. excluding toolbar);
private int mFixedBottomOffset =
0; // The margin for fixed elements attached to the bottom of the viewport.
private int mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight = 0; // The maximum height of the dynamic toolbar
private float mViewportLeft;
private float mViewportTop;
private float mViewportZoom = 1.0f;
// NOTE: These values are also defined in
// gfx/layers/ipc/UiCompositorControllerMessageTypes.h and must be kept in sync. Any
// new AnimatorMessageType added here must also be added there.
// Sent from compositor after first paint
/* package */ static final int FIRST_PAINT = 0;
// Sent from compositor when a layer has been updated
/* package */ static final int LAYERS_UPDATED = 1;
// Special message sent from UiCompositorControllerChild once it is open
/* package */ static final int COMPOSITOR_CONTROLLER_OPEN = 2;
// Special message sent from controller to query if the compositor controller is open.
/* package */ static final int IS_COMPOSITOR_CONTROLLER_OPEN = 3;
/* protected */ class Compositor extends JNIObject {
public boolean isReady() {
return GeckoSession.this.isCompositorReady();
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void onCompositorAttached() {
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void onCompositorDetached() {
// Clear out any pending calls on the UI thread.
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "gecko")
protected native void disposeNative();
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void attachNPZC(PanZoomController.NativeProvider npzc);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void onBoundsChanged(int left, int top, int width, int height);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(int height);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void notifyMemoryPressure();
// Gecko thread pauses compositor; blocks UI thread.
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void syncPauseCompositor();
// UI thread resumes compositor and notifies Gecko thread; does not block UI thread.
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void syncResumeResizeCompositor(
int x, int y, int width, int height, Object surface, Object surfaceControl);
// Returns a Surface that content has been rendered in to, which should be used when the
// magnifier is shown. This may differ from the Surface we have passed to
// syncResumeResizeCompositor().
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native Surface getMagnifiableSurface();
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void setMaxToolbarHeight(int height);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void setFixedBottomOffset(int offset);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void sendToolbarAnimatorMessage(int message);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void recvToolbarAnimatorMessage(final int message) {
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void requestNewSurface() {
final GeckoDisplay.NewSurfaceProvider provider = GeckoSession.this.mNewSurfaceProvider;
if (provider != null) {
} else {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Cannot request new Surface: No NewSurfaceProvider set.");
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void setDefaultClearColor(int color);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
/* package */ native void requestScreenPixels(
final GeckoResult<Bitmap> result,
final Bitmap target,
final int x,
final int y,
final int srcWidth,
final int srcHeight,
final int outWidth,
final int outHeight);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "current")
public native void enableLayerUpdateNotifications(boolean enable);
// The compositor invokes this function just before compositing a frame where the
// document is different from the document composited on the last frame. In these
// cases, the viewport information we have in Java is no longer valid and needs to
// be replaced with the new viewport information provided.
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void updateRootFrameMetrics(
final float scrollX, final float scrollY, final float zoom) {
GeckoSession.this.onMetricsChanged(scrollX, scrollY, zoom);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void updateOverscrollVelocity(final float x, final float y) {
GeckoSession.this.updateOverscrollVelocity(x, y);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void updateOverscrollOffset(final float x, final float y) {
GeckoSession.this.updateOverscrollOffset(x, y);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui", dispatchTo = "gecko")
public native void onSafeAreaInsetsChanged(int top, int right, int bottom, int left);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
public void setPointerIcon(
final int defaultCursor, final Bitmap customCursor, final float x, final float y) {
GeckoSession.this.setPointerIcon(defaultCursor, customCursor, x, y);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void startDragAndDrop(final Bitmap bitmap) {
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void updateDragImage(final Bitmap bitmap) {
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
/* package */ final Compositor mCompositor = new Compositor();
@WrapForJNI(stubName = "GetCompositor", calledFrom = "ui")
private Object getCompositorFromNative() {
// Only used by native code.
return mCompositorReady ? mCompositor : null;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<HistoryDelegate> mHistoryHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<HistoryDelegate>(
new String[] {
"GeckoView:OnVisited", "GeckoView:GetVisited", "GeckoView:StateUpdated",
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final HistoryDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:OnVisited".equals(event)) {
final GeckoResult<Boolean> result =
if (result == null) {
visited -> callback.sendSuccess(visited.booleanValue()),
exception -> callback.sendSuccess(false));
} else if ("GeckoView:GetVisited".equals(event)) {
final String[] urls = message.getStringArray("urls");
final GeckoResult<boolean[]> result = delegate.getVisited(GeckoSession.this, urls);
if (result == null) {
visited -> callback.sendSuccess(visited),
exception -> callback.sendError("Failed to fetch visited statuses for URIs"));
} else if ("GeckoView:StateUpdated".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle update = message.getBundle("data");
if (update == null) {
final int previousHistorySize = mStateCache.size();
final ProgressDelegate progressDelegate = getProgressDelegate();
if (progressDelegate != null) {
final SessionState state = new SessionState(mStateCache);
if (!state.isEmpty()) {
progressDelegate.onSessionStateChange(GeckoSession.this, state);
if (update.getBundle("historychange") != null) {
final SessionState state = new SessionState(mStateCache);
delegate.onHistoryStateChange(GeckoSession.this, state);
// If the previous history was larger than one entry and the new size is one, it means
// the
// History has been purged and the navigation delegate needs to be update.
if ((previousHistorySize > 1)
&& (state.size() == 1)
&& mNavigationHandler.getDelegate() != null) {
mNavigationHandler.getDelegate().onCanGoForward(GeckoSession.this, false);
mNavigationHandler.getDelegate().onCanGoBack(GeckoSession.this, false);
private final WebExtension.SessionController mWebExtensionController;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ContentDelegate> mContentHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ContentDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final ContentDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:ContentCrash".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:ContentKill".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:ContextMenu".equals(event)) {
final ContentDelegate.ContextElement elem =
new ContentDelegate.ContextElement(
GeckoSession.this, message.getInt("screenX"), message.getInt("screenY"), elem);
} else if ("GeckoView:DOMMetaViewportFit".equals(event)) {
delegate.onMetaViewportFitChange(GeckoSession.this, message.getString("viewportfit"));
} else if ("GeckoView:PageTitleChanged".equals(event)) {
delegate.onTitleChange(GeckoSession.this, message.getString("title"));
} else if ("GeckoView:FocusRequest".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:DOMWindowClose".equals(event)) {
if (getSelectionActionDelegate() != null) {
} else if ("GeckoView:FullScreenEnter".equals(event)) {
delegate.onFullScreen(GeckoSession.this, true);
} else if ("GeckoView:FullScreenExit".equals(event)) {
delegate.onFullScreen(GeckoSession.this, false);
} else if ("GeckoView:WebAppManifest".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle manifest = message.getBundle("manifest");
if (manifest == null) {
try {
GeckoSession.this, fixupWebAppManifest(manifest.toJSONObject()));
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Failed to convert web app manifest to JSON", e);
} else if ("GeckoView:FirstContentfulPaint".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:PaintStatusReset".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:PreviewImage".equals(event)) {
delegate.onPreviewImage(GeckoSession.this, message.getString("previewImageUrl"));
} else if ("GeckoView:CookieBannerEvent:Detected".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:CookieBannerEvent:Handled".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:SavePdf".equals(event)) {
final GeckoResult<WebResponse> result =
if (result == null) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.sendError("Failed to create response");
response ->
() -> delegate.onExternalResponse(GeckoSession.this, response)),
exception -> {
if (callback != null) {
callback.sendError("Failed to create response");
} else if ("GeckoView:OnProductUrl".equals(event)) {
private final GeckoSessionHandler<NavigationDelegate> mNavigationHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<NavigationDelegate>(
new String[] {"GeckoView:LocationChange", "GeckoView:OnNewSession"},
new String[] {
"GeckoView:OnLoadError", "GeckoView:OnLoadRequest",
}) {
// This needs to match nsIBrowserDOMWindow.idl
private int convertGeckoTarget(final int geckoTarget) {
switch (geckoTarget) {
return NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_CURRENT;
return NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_NEW;
public void handleDefaultMessage(
final String event, final GeckoBundle message, final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:OnLoadRequest".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:OnLoadError".equals(event)) {
} else {
super.handleDefaultMessage(event, message, callback);
// For .isOpen(), the linter is not smart enough to figure out we're asserting that we're on
// the UI thread.
public void handleMessage(
final NavigationDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage " + event + " uri=" + message.getString("uri"));
if ("GeckoView:LocationChange".equals(event)) {
if (message.getBoolean("isTopLevel")) {
final GeckoBundle[] perms = message.getBundleArray("permissions");
final List<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission> permList =
delegate.onCanGoBack(GeckoSession.this, message.getBoolean("canGoBack"));
delegate.onCanGoForward(GeckoSession.this, message.getBoolean("canGoForward"));
} else if ("GeckoView:OnLoadRequest".equals(event)) {
final NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest request =
new NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest(
/* isDirectNavigation */ false);
if (!IntentUtils.isUriSafeForScheme(request.uri)) {
callback.sendError("Blocked unsafe intent URI");
new WebRequestError(
final GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> result =
delegate.onLoadRequest(GeckoSession.this, request);
if (result == null) {
value -> {
if (value == AllowOrDeny.ALLOW) {
return false;
if (value == AllowOrDeny.DENY) {
return true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid response");
} else if ("GeckoView:OnLoadError".equals(event)) {
final String uri = message.getString("uri");
final long errorCode = message.getLong("error");
final int errorModule = message.getInt("errorModule");
final int errorClass = message.getInt("errorClass");
final WebRequestError err =
WebRequestError.fromGeckoError(errorCode, errorModule, errorClass, null);
final GeckoResult<String> result = delegate.onLoadError(GeckoSession.this, uri, err);
if (result == null) {
url -> {
if (url == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("abort");
final String lowerCasedUri = url.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (lowerCasedUri.startsWith("http") || lowerCasedUri.startsWith("https")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported URI scheme for an error page");
return url;
} else if ("GeckoView:OnNewSession".equals(event)) {
final String uri = message.getString("uri");
final GeckoResult<GeckoSession> result = delegate.onNewSession(GeckoSession.this, uri);
if (result == null) {
final String newSessionId = message.getString("newSessionId");
session -> {
if (session == null) {
return false;
if (session.isOpen()) {
throw new AssertionError("Must use an unopened GeckoSession instance");
if (GeckoSession.this.mWindow == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session is not attached to a window");
}, newSessionId);
return true;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<PrintDelegate> mPrintHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<PrintDelegate>(
"GeckoViewPrint", this, new String[] {"GeckoView:DotPrintRequest"}) {
public void handleMessage(
final PrintDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:DotPrintRequest".equals(event)) {
final Long cbcId = message.getLong("canonicalBrowsingContextId");
final GeckoResult<InputStream> pdfResult = saveAsPdfByBrowsingContext(cbcId);
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle();
pdfStream -> {
final GeckoResult<Boolean> dialogFinished =
try {
isDialogFinished -> {
bundle.putBoolean("isPdfSuccessful", true);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:DotPrintFinish", bundle);
e -> {
bundle.putBoolean("isPdfSuccessful", false);
if (e instanceof GeckoPrintException) {
bundle.putInt("errorReason", ((GeckoPrintException) e).code);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:DotPrintFinish", bundle);
return null;
} catch (final Exception e) {
bundle.putBoolean("isPdfSuccessful", false);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:DotPrintFinish", bundle);
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Print delegate needs to be fully implemented to print.", e);
e -> {
bundle.putBoolean("isPdfSuccessful", false);
if (e instanceof GeckoPrintException) {
bundle.putInt("errorReason", ((GeckoPrintException) e).code);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:DotPrintFinish", bundle);
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Could not complete DotPrintRequest.", e);
return null;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ExperimentDelegate> mExperimentHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ExperimentDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final ExperimentDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if (delegate == null) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.sendError("No experiment delegate registered.");
Log.w(LOGTAG, "No experiment delegate registered.");
final String feature = message.getString("feature", "");
if ("GeckoView:GetExperimentFeature".equals(event) && callback != null) {
final GeckoResult<JSONObject> result = delegate.onGetExperimentFeature(feature);
json -> {
try {
} catch (final JSONException e) {
callback.sendError("An error occured when serializing the feature data.");
e -> {
callback.sendError("An error occurred while retrieving feature data.");
return null;
} else if ("GeckoView:RecordExposure".equals(event) && callback != null) {
final GeckoResult<Void> result = delegate.onRecordExposureEvent(feature);
a -> {
e -> {
callback.sendError("An error occurred while recording feature.");
return null;
} else if ("GeckoView:RecordExperimentExposure".equals(event) && callback != null) {
final String slug = message.getString("slug", "");
final GeckoResult<Void> result =
delegate.onRecordExperimentExposureEvent(feature, slug);
a -> {
e -> {
callback.sendError("An error occurred while recording experiment feature.");
return null;
} else if ("GeckoView:RecordMalformedConfig".equals(event) && callback != null) {
final String part = message.getString("part", "");
final GeckoResult<Void> result =
delegate.onRecordMalformedConfigurationEvent(feature, part);
a -> {
e -> {
"An error occurred while recording malformed feature config.");
return null;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ContentDelegate> mProcessHangHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ContentDelegate>(
"GeckoViewProcessHangMonitor", this, new String[] {"GeckoView:HangReport"}) {
protected void handleMessage(
final ContentDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback eventCallback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage " + event + " uri=" + message.getString("uri"));
final GeckoResult<SlowScriptResponse> result =
delegate.onSlowScript(GeckoSession.this, message.getString("scriptFileName"));
if (result != null) {
final int mReportId = message.getInt("hangId");
stopOrContinue -> {
if (stopOrContinue != null) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle();
bundle.putInt("hangId", mReportId);
switch (stopOrContinue) {
case STOP:
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:HangReportStop", bundle);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:HangReportWait", bundle);
} else {
// default to stopping the script
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle();
bundle.putInt("hangId", message.getInt("hangId"));
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:HangReportStop", bundle);
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ProgressDelegate> mProgressHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ProgressDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final ProgressDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage " + event + " uri=" + message.getString("uri"));
if ("GeckoView:PageStart".equals(event)) {
if (getSelectionActionDelegate() != null) {
delegate.onPageStart(GeckoSession.this, message.getString("uri"));
} else if ("GeckoView:PageStop".equals(event)) {
delegate.onPageStop(GeckoSession.this, message.getBoolean("success"));
} else if ("GeckoView:ProgressChanged".equals(event)) {
delegate.onProgressChange(GeckoSession.this, message.getInt("progress"));
} else if ("GeckoView:SecurityChanged".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle identity = message.getBundle("identity");
GeckoSession.this, new ProgressDelegate.SecurityInformation(identity));
} else if ("GeckoView:StateUpdated".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle update = message.getBundle("data");
if (update != null) {
if (getHistoryDelegate() == null) {
final SessionState state = new SessionState(mStateCache);
if (!state.isEmpty()) {
delegate.onSessionStateChange(GeckoSession.this, state);
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ScrollDelegate> mScrollHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ScrollDelegate>(
"GeckoViewScroll", this, new String[] {"GeckoView:ScrollChanged"}) {
public void handleMessage(
final ScrollDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:ScrollChanged".equals(event)) {
GeckoSession.this, message.getInt("scrollX"), message.getInt("scrollY"));
private final GeckoSessionHandler<ContentBlocking.Delegate> mContentBlockingHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<ContentBlocking.Delegate>(
"GeckoViewContentBlocking", this, new String[] {"GeckoView:ContentBlockingEvent"}) {
public void handleMessage(
final ContentBlocking.Delegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:ContentBlockingEvent".equals(event)) {
final ContentBlocking.BlockEvent be = ContentBlocking.BlockEvent.fromBundle(message);
if (be.isBlocking()) {
delegate.onContentBlocked(GeckoSession.this, be);
} else {
delegate.onContentLoaded(GeckoSession.this, be);
private final GeckoSessionHandler<PermissionDelegate> mPermissionHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<PermissionDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final PermissionDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage: " + event);
if (delegate == null) {
callback.sendSuccess(/* granted */ false);
if ("GeckoView:AndroidPermission".equals(event)) {
new PermissionCallback("android", callback));
} else if ("GeckoView:ContentPermission".equals(event)) {
final GeckoResult<Integer> res =
GeckoSession.this, new PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission(message));
if (res == null) {
} else if ("GeckoView:MediaPermission".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle[] videoBundles = message.getBundleArray("video");
final GeckoBundle[] audioBundles = message.getBundleArray("audio");
PermissionDelegate.MediaSource[] videos = null;
PermissionDelegate.MediaSource[] audios = null;
if (videoBundles != null) {
videos = new PermissionDelegate.MediaSource[videoBundles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < videoBundles.length; i++) {
videos[i] = new PermissionDelegate.MediaSource(videoBundles[i]);
if (audioBundles != null) {
audios = new PermissionDelegate.MediaSource[audioBundles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < audioBundles.length; i++) {
audios[i] = new PermissionDelegate.MediaSource(audioBundles[i]);
new PermissionCallback("media", callback));
private final GeckoSessionHandler<SelectionActionDelegate> mSelectionActionDelegate =
new GeckoSessionHandler<SelectionActionDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final SelectionActionDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage: " + event);
if ("GeckoView:ShowSelectionAction".equals(event)) {
final @SelectionActionDelegateAction HashSet<String> actionsSet =
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(message.getStringArray("actions")));
final SelectionActionDelegate.Selection selection =
new SelectionActionDelegate.Selection(message, actionsSet, mEventDispatcher);
delegate.onShowActionRequest(GeckoSession.this, selection);
} else if ("GeckoView:HideSelectionAction".equals(event)) {
final String reasonString = message.getString("reason");
final int reason;
if ("invisibleselection".equals(reasonString)) {
reason = SelectionActionDelegate.HIDE_REASON_INVISIBLE_SELECTION;
} else if ("presscaret".equals(reasonString)) {
reason = SelectionActionDelegate.HIDE_REASON_ACTIVE_SELECTION;
} else if ("scroll".equals(reasonString)) {
reason = SelectionActionDelegate.HIDE_REASON_ACTIVE_SCROLL;
} else if ("visibilitychange".equals(reasonString)) {
reason = SelectionActionDelegate.HIDE_REASON_NO_SELECTION;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
delegate.onHideAction(GeckoSession.this, reason);
} else if ("GeckoView:ShowMagnifier".equals(event)) {
final PointF point = message.getPointF("screenPoint");
if (point == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument");
// Magnifier is surface coordinate.
point.x -= GeckoSession.this.mLeft;
point.y -= GeckoSession.this.mClientTop;
} else if ("GeckoView:HideMagnifier".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:ClipboardPermissionRequest".equals(event)) {
final SelectionActionDelegate.ClipboardPermission permission =
new SelectionActionDelegate.ClipboardPermission(message);
final GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> result =
delegate.onShowClipboardPermissionRequest(GeckoSession.this, permission);
value -> {
if (value == AllowOrDeny.ALLOW) {
return true;
if (value == AllowOrDeny.DENY) {
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid response");
} else if ("GeckoView:DismissClipboardPermissionRequest".equals(event)) {
private final GeckoSessionHandler<MediaDelegate> mMediaHandler =
new GeckoSessionHandler<MediaDelegate>(
new String[] {
}) {
public void handleMessage(
final MediaDelegate delegate,
final String event,
final GeckoBundle message,
final EventCallback callback) {
if ("GeckoView:MediaRecordingStatusChanged".equals(event)) {
final GeckoBundle[] deviceBundles = message.getBundleArray("devices");
final MediaDelegate.RecordingDevice[] devices =
new MediaDelegate.RecordingDevice[deviceBundles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < deviceBundles.length; i++) {
devices[i] = new MediaDelegate.RecordingDevice(deviceBundles[i]);
delegate.onRecordingStatusChanged(GeckoSession.this, devices);
private final MediaSession.Handler mMediaSessionHandler = new MediaSession.Handler(this);
private final TranslationsController.SessionTranslation.Handler mTranslationsHandler =
/* package */ int handlersCount;
private final GeckoSessionHandler<?>[] mSessionHandlers =
new GeckoSessionHandler<?>[] {
private static class PermissionCallback
implements PermissionDelegate.Callback, PermissionDelegate.MediaCallback {
private final String mType;
private EventCallback mCallback;
public PermissionCallback(final String type, final EventCallback callback) {
mType = type;
mCallback = callback;
private void submit(final Object response) {
if (mCallback != null) {
mCallback = null;
@Override // PermissionDelegate.Callback
public void grant() {
if ("media".equals(mType)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
submit(/* response */ true);
@Override // PermissionDelegate.Callback, PermissionDelegate.MediaCallback
public void reject() {
submit(/* response */ false);
@Override // PermissionDelegate.MediaCallback
public void grant(final String video, final String audio) {
if (!"media".equals(mType)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final GeckoBundle response = new GeckoBundle(2);
response.putString("video", video);
response.putString("audio", audio);
@Override // PermissionDelegate.MediaCallback
public void grant(
final PermissionDelegate.MediaSource video, final PermissionDelegate.MediaSource audio) {
grant(video != null ? : null, audio != null ? : null);
* Get the current user agent string for this GeckoSession.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} containing the UserAgent string
public @NonNull GeckoResult<String> getUserAgent() {
return mEventDispatcher.queryString("GeckoView:GetUserAgent");
* Get the default user agent for this GeckoView build.
* <p>This method does not account for any override that might have been applied to the user agent
* string.
* @return the default user agent string
public static @NonNull String getDefaultUserAgent() {
* Get the current permission delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @return PermissionDelegate instance or null if using default delegate.
public @Nullable PermissionDelegate getPermissionDelegate() {
return mPermissionHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the current permission delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @param delegate PermissionDelegate instance or null to use the default delegate.
public void setPermissionDelegate(final @Nullable PermissionDelegate delegate) {
mPermissionHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
private PromptDelegate mPromptDelegate;
private final Listener mListener = new Listener();
/* package */ static final class Window extends JNIObject implements IInterface {
public final GeckoRuntime runtime;
private WeakReference<GeckoSession> mOwner;
private NativeQueue mNativeQueue;
private Binder mBinder;
public Window(
final @NonNull GeckoRuntime runtime,
final @NonNull GeckoSession owner,
final @NonNull NativeQueue nativeQueue) {
this.runtime = runtime;
mOwner = new WeakReference<>(owner);
mNativeQueue = nativeQueue;
@Override // IInterface
public Binder asBinder() {
if (mBinder == null) {
mBinder = new Binder();
mBinder.attachInterface(this, Window.class.getName());
return mBinder;
// Create a new Gecko window and assign an initial set of Java session objects to it.
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy")
public static native void open(
Window instance,
NativeQueue queue,
Compositor compositor,
EventDispatcher dispatcher,
SessionAccessibility.NativeProvider sessionAccessibility,
GeckoBundle initData,
String id,
String chromeUri,
boolean privateMode);
@Override // JNIObject
public void disposeNative() {
if (GeckoThread.isStateAtLeast(GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY)) {
} else {
GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY, this, "nativeDisposeNative");
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy", stubName = "DisposeNative")
private native void nativeDisposeNative();
// Force the underlying Gecko window to close and release assigned Java objects.
public void close() {
// Reset our queue, so we don't end up with queued calls on a disposed object.
synchronized (this) {
if (mNativeQueue == null) {
// Already closed elsewhere.
mNativeQueue = null;
mOwner = new WeakReference<>(null);
// Detach ourselves from the binder as well, to prevent this window from being
// read from any parcels.
asBinder().attachInterface(null, Window.class.getName());
if (GeckoThread.isStateAtLeast(GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY)) {
} else {
GeckoThread.queueNativeCallUntil(GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY, this, "nativeClose");
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy", stubName = "Close")
private native void nativeClose();
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy", stubName = "Transfer")
private native void nativeTransfer(
NativeQueue queue,
Compositor compositor,
EventDispatcher dispatcher,
SessionAccessibility.NativeProvider sessionAccessibility,
GeckoBundle initData);
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy")
public native void attachEditable(IGeckoEditableParent parent);
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy")
public native void attachAccessibility(
SessionAccessibility.NativeProvider sessionAccessibility);
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy")
public native void printToPdf(GeckoResult<InputStream> geckoResult);
@WrapForJNI(dispatchTo = "proxy")
private native void printToPdf(GeckoResult<InputStream> geckoResult, long browserContextId);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "gecko")
private synchronized void onReady(final @Nullable NativeQueue queue) {
// onReady is called the first time the Gecko window is ready, with a null queue
// argument. In this case, we simply set the current queue to ready state.
// After the initial call, onReady is called again every time Window.transfer()
// is called, with a non-null queue argument. In this case, we only set the
// current queue to ready state _if_ the current queue matches the given queue,
// because if the queues don't match, we know there is another onReady call coming.
if ((queue == null && mNativeQueue == null) || (queue != null && mNativeQueue != queue)) {
if (mNativeQueue.checkAndSetState(State.INITIAL, State.READY) && queue == null) {
Log.i(LOGTAG, "zerdatime " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + " - chrome startup finished");
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "gecko")
private GeckoResult<Boolean> onLoadRequest(
final @NonNull String uri,
final int windowType,
final int flags,
final @Nullable String triggeringUri,
final boolean hasUserGesture,
final boolean isTopLevel) {
final ProfilerController profilerController = runtime.getProfilerController();
final Double onLoadRequestProfilerStartTime = profilerController.getProfilerTime();
final Runnable addMarker =
() ->
"GeckoSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadRequestProfilerStartTime);
final GeckoSession session = mOwner.get();
if (session == null) {
// Don't handle any load request if we can't get the session for some reason.
return GeckoResult.fromValue(false);
final GeckoResult<Boolean> res = new GeckoResult<>();
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final NavigationDelegate delegate = session.getNavigationDelegate();
if (delegate == null) {
if (!IntentUtils.isUriSafeForScheme(uri)) {
new WebRequestError(
final String trigger = TextUtils.isEmpty(triggeringUri) ? null : triggeringUri;
final NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest req =
new NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest(
false /* isDirectNavigation */);
final GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> reqResponse =
? delegate.onLoadRequest(session, req)
: delegate.onSubframeLoadRequest(session, req);
if (reqResponse == null) {
value -> {
if (value == AllowOrDeny.DENY) {
} else {
ex -> {
return res;
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "ui")
private void passExternalWebResponse(final WebResponse response) {
final GeckoSession session = mOwner.get();
if (session == null) {
final ContentDelegate delegate = session.getContentDelegate();
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.onExternalResponse(session, response);
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "gecko")
private void onShowDynamicToolbar() {
final Window self = this;
() -> {
final GeckoSession session = self.mOwner.get();
if (session == null) {
final ContentDelegate delegate = session.getContentDelegate();
if (delegate != null) {
@WrapForJNI(calledFrom = "gecko")
private void onUpdateSessionStore(final GeckoBundle aBundle) {
() -> {
final GeckoSession session = mOwner.get();
if (session == null) {
GeckoBundle scroll = aBundle.getBundle("scroll");
if (scroll == null) {
scroll = new GeckoBundle();
aBundle.putBundle("scroll", scroll);
// Here we unfortunately need to do some re-mapping since `zoom` is passed in a separate
// bunds and we wish to keep the bundle format.
scroll.putBundle("zoom", aBundle.getBundle("zoom"));
final SessionState stateCache = session.mStateCache;
final SessionState state = new SessionState(stateCache);
if (!state.isEmpty()) {
final ProgressDelegate progressDelegate = session.getProgressDelegate();
if (progressDelegate != null) {
progressDelegate.onSessionStateChange(session, state);
} else {
private class Listener implements BundleEventListener {
/* package */ void registerListeners() {
public void handleMessage(
final String event, final GeckoBundle message, final EventCallback callback) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "handleMessage " + event);
if ("GeckoView:PinOnScreen".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:Prompt".equals(event)) {
mPromptController.handleEvent(GeckoSession.this, message.getBundle("prompt"), callback);
} else if ("GeckoView:Prompt:Dismiss".equals(event)) {
} else if ("GeckoView:Prompt:Update".equals(event)) {
private final PromptController mPromptController;
protected @Nullable Window mWindow;
private GeckoSessionSettings mSettings;
public GeckoSession() {
public GeckoSession(final @Nullable GeckoSessionSettings settings) {
mSettings = new GeckoSessionSettings(settings, this);
mWebExtensionController = new WebExtension.SessionController(this);
mPromptController = new PromptController();
mAutofillSupport = new Autofill.Support(this);
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG_BUILD && handlersCount != mSessionHandlers.length) {
throw new AssertionError("Add new handler to handlers list");
/* package */ @Nullable
GeckoRuntime getRuntime() {
if (mWindow == null) {
return null;
return mWindow.runtime;
/* package */ synchronized void abandonWindow() {
if (mWindow == null) {
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_TRANSFER_OUT, /* inProgress */ true);
mWindow = null;
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_TRANSFER_OUT, /* inProgress */ false);
* Return whether this session is open.
* @return True if session is open.
* @see #open
* @see #close
public boolean isOpen() {
return mWindow != null;
/* package */ boolean isReady() {
return mNativeQueue.isReady();
private GeckoBundle createInitData() {
final GeckoBundle initData = new GeckoBundle(2);
initData.putBundle("settings", mSettings.toBundle());
final GeckoBundle modules = new GeckoBundle(mSessionHandlers.length);
for (final GeckoSessionHandler<?> handler : mSessionHandlers) {
modules.putBoolean(handler.getName(), handler.isEnabled());
initData.putBundle("modules", modules);
return initData;
* Opens the session.
* <p>Call this when you are ready to use a GeckoSession instance.
* <p>The session is in a 'closed' state when first created. Opening it creates the underlying
* Gecko objects necessary to load a page, etc. Most GeckoSession methods only take affect on an
* open session, and are queued until the session is opened here. Opening a session is an
* asynchronous operation.
* @param runtime The Gecko runtime to attach this session to.
* @see #close
* @see #isOpen
public void open(final @NonNull GeckoRuntime runtime) {
open(runtime, UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""));
/* package */ void open(final @NonNull GeckoRuntime runtime, final String id) {
if (isOpen()) {
// We will leak the existing Window if we open another one.
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is open");
final String chromeUri = mSettings.getChromeUri();
final boolean isPrivate = mSettings.getUsePrivateMode();
mId = id;
mWindow = new Window(runtime, this, mNativeQueue);
mExperimentHandler.setDelegate(getRuntimeExperimentDelegate(), this);
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_OPEN, /* inProgress */ true);
if (GeckoThread.isStateAtLeast(GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY)) {
mAccessibility != null ? mAccessibility.nativeProvider : null,
} else {
mAccessibility != null ? mAccessibility.nativeProvider : null,
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_OPEN, /* inProgress */ false);
* Closes the session.
* <p>This frees the underlying Gecko objects and unloads the current page. The session may be
* reopened later, but page state is not restored. Call this when you are finished using a
* GeckoSession instance.
* @see #open
* @see #isOpen
public void close() {
if (!isOpen()) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Attempted to close a GeckoSession that was already closed.");
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_CLOSE, /* inProgress */ true);
// We need to ensure the compositor releases any Surface it currently holds.
// Can't access the compositor after we dispose of the window
mCompositorReady = false;
mWindow = null;
onWindowChanged(WINDOW_CLOSE, /* inProgress */ false);
private void onWindowChanged(final int change, final boolean inProgress) {
if ((change == WINDOW_OPEN || change == WINDOW_TRANSFER_IN) && !inProgress) {
if ((change == WINDOW_CLOSE || change == WINDOW_TRANSFER_OUT) && !inProgress) {
* Get the SessionTextInput instance for this session. May be called on any thread.
* @return SessionTextInput instance.
public @NonNull SessionTextInput getTextInput() {
// May be called on any thread.
return mTextInput;
* Get the SessionAccessibility instance for this session.
* @return SessionAccessibility instance.
public @NonNull SessionAccessibility getAccessibility() {
if (mAccessibility != null) {
return mAccessibility;
mAccessibility = new SessionAccessibility(this);
if (mWindow != null) {
if (GeckoThread.isStateAtLeast(GeckoThread.State.PROFILE_READY)) {
} else {
return mAccessibility;
* Get the SessionMagnifier instance for this session.
* @return SessionMagnifier instance.
/* package */ @NonNull
SessionMagnifier getMagnifier() {
if (mMagnifier == null) {
mMagnifier = new SessionMagnifierP(mCompositor);
} else {
mMagnifier = new SessionMagnifier() {};
return mMagnifier;
// The priority of the GeckoSession, either default or high.
public @interface Priority {}
/** Value for Priority when it is default. */
public static final int PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 0;
/** Value for Priority when it is high. */
public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH = 1;
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface LoadFlags {}
// These flags follow similarly named ones in Gecko's nsIWebNavigation.idl
// We do not use the same values directly in order to insulate ourselves from
// changes in Gecko. Instead, the flags are converted in GeckoViewNavigation.sys.mjs.
/** Default load flag, no special considerations. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_NONE = 0;
/** Bypass the cache. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE = 1 << 0;
/** Bypass the proxy, if one has been configured. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY = 1 << 1;
/** The load is coming from an external app. Perform additional checks. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_EXTERNAL = 1 << 2;
/** Popup blocking will be disabled for this load */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_ALLOW_POPUPS = 1 << 3;
/** Bypass the URI classifier (content blocking and Safe Browsing). */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CLASSIFIER = 1 << 4;
* Allows a top-level data: navigation to occur. E.g. view-image is an explicit user action which
* should be allowed.
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_FORCE_ALLOW_DATA_URI = 1 << 5;
/** This flag specifies that any existing history entry should be replaced. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_REPLACE_HISTORY = 1 << 6;
/** This load should bypass the NavigationDelegate.onLoadRequest. */
public static final int LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_LOAD_URI_DELEGATE = 1 << 7;
* Filter headers according to the CORS safelisted rules.
* <p>See <a
* CORS-safelisted request header </a>.
public static final int HEADER_FILTER_CORS_SAFELISTED = 1;
* Allows most headers.
* <p>Note: the <code>Host</code> and <code>Connection</code> headers are still ignored.
* <p>This should only be used when input is hard-coded from the app or when properly sanitized,
* as some headers could cause unexpected consequences and security issues.
* <p>Only use this if you know what you're doing.
public static final int HEADER_FILTER_UNRESTRICTED_UNSAFE = 2;
public @interface HeaderFilter {}
* Main entry point for loading URIs into a {@link GeckoSession}.
* <p>The simplest use case is loading a URIs with no extra options, this can be accomplished by
* specifying the URI in {@link #uri} and then calling {@link #load}, e.g.
* <pre><code>
* session.load(new Loader().uri(""));
* </code></pre>
* This class can also be used to load <code>data:</code> URIs, either from a <code>byte[]</code>
* array or a <code>String</code> using {@link #data}, e.g.
* <pre><code>
* session.load(new Loader().data("the data:1234,5678", "text/plain"));
* </code></pre>
* This class also allows you to specify some extra data, e.g. you can set a referrer using {@link
* #referrer} which can either be a {@link GeckoSession} or a plain URL string. You can also
* specify some Load Flags using {@link #flags}.
* <p>The class is structured as a Builder, so method calls can be easily chained, e.g.
* <pre><code>
* session.load(new Loader()
* .url("")
* .referrer("")
* .flags(...));
* </code></pre>
public static class Loader {
private String mUri;
private GeckoSession mReferrerSession;
private String mReferrerUri;
private GeckoBundle mHeaders;
private @LoadFlags int mLoadFlags = LOAD_FLAGS_NONE;
private boolean mIsDataUri;
private @HeaderFilter int mHeaderFilter = HEADER_FILTER_CORS_SAFELISTED;
private static @NonNull String createDataUri(
@NonNull final byte[] bytes, @Nullable final String mimeType) {
return String.format(
mimeType != null ? mimeType : "", Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.NO_WRAP));
private static @NonNull String createDataUri(
@NonNull final String data, @Nullable final String mimeType) {
return String.format("data:%s,%s", mimeType != null ? mimeType : "", data);
public int hashCode() {
// Move to Objects.hashCode once our MIN_SDK >= 19
return Arrays.hashCode(
new Object[] {
mUri, mReferrerSession, mReferrerUri, mHeaders, mLoadFlags, mIsDataUri, mHeaderFilter
private static boolean equals(final Object a, final Object b) {
return Objects.equals(a, b);
public boolean equals(final @Nullable Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Loader)) {
return false;
final Loader other = (Loader) obj;
return equals(mUri, other.mUri)
&& equals(mReferrerSession, other.mReferrerSession)
&& equals(mReferrerUri, other.mReferrerUri)
&& equals(mHeaders, other.mHeaders)
&& equals(mLoadFlags, other.mLoadFlags)
&& equals(mIsDataUri, other.mIsDataUri)
&& equals(mHeaderFilter, other.mHeaderFilter);
* Set the URI of the resource to load.
* @param uri a String containg the URI
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader uri(final @NonNull String uri) {
mUri = uri;
mIsDataUri = false;
return this;
* Set the URI of the resource to load.
* @param uri a {@link Uri} instance
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader uri(final @NonNull Uri uri) {
mUri = uri.toString();
mIsDataUri = false;
return this;
* Set the data URI of the resource to load.
* @param bytes a <code>byte</code> array containing the data to load.
* @param mimeType a <code>String</code> containing the mime type for this data URI, e.g.
* "text/plain"
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader data(final @NonNull byte[] bytes, final @Nullable String mimeType) {
mUri = createDataUri(bytes, mimeType);
mIsDataUri = true;
return this;
* Set the data URI of the resource to load.
* @param data a <code>String</code> array containing the data to load.
* @param mimeType a <code>String</code> containing the mime type for this data URI, e.g.
* "text/plain"
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader data(final @NonNull String data, final @Nullable String mimeType) {
mUri = createDataUri(data, mimeType);
mIsDataUri = true;
return this;
* Set the referrer for this load.
* @param referrer a <code>GeckoSession</code> that will be used as the referrer
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader referrer(final @NonNull GeckoSession referrer) {
mReferrerSession = referrer;
return this;
* Set the referrer for this load.
* @param referrerUri a {@link Uri} that will be used as the referrer
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader referrer(final @NonNull Uri referrerUri) {
mReferrerUri = referrerUri != null ? referrerUri.toString() : null;
return this;
* Set the referrer for this load.
* @param referrerUri a <code>String</code> containing the URI that will be used as the referrer
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader referrer(final @NonNull String referrerUri) {
mReferrerUri = referrerUri;
return this;
* Add headers for this load.
* <p>Note: only CORS safelisted headers are allowed by default. To modify this behavior use
* {@link #headerFilter}.
* <p>See <a
* CORS-safelisted request header </a>.
* @param headers a <code>Map</code> containing headers that will be added to this load.
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader additionalHeaders(final @NonNull Map<String, String> headers) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(headers.size());
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : headers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey() == null) {
// Ignore null keys
bundle.putString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
mHeaders = bundle;
return this;
* Modify the header filter behavior. By default only CORS safelisted headers are allowed.
* @param filter one of the {@link GeckoSession#HEADER_FILTER_CORS_SAFELISTED HEADER_FILTER_*}
* constants.
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader headerFilter(final @HeaderFilter int filter) {
mHeaderFilter = filter;
return this;
* Set the load flags for this load.
* @param flags the load flags to use, an OR-ed value of {@link #LOAD_FLAGS_NONE LOAD_FLAGS_*}
* that will be used as the referrer
* @return this {@link Loader} instance.
public Loader flags(final @LoadFlags int flags) {
mLoadFlags = flags;
return this;
* Load page using the {@link Loader} specified.
* @param request Loader for this request.
* @see Loader
public void load(final @NonNull Loader request) {
if (request.mUri == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You need to specify at least one between `uri` and `data`.");
if (request.mReferrerUri != null && request.mReferrerSession != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot specify both a referrer session and a referrer URI.");
final NavigationDelegate navDelegate = mNavigationHandler.getDelegate();
final boolean isDataUriTooLong = !maybeCheckDataUriLength(request);
if (navDelegate == null && isDataUriTooLong) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("data URI is too long");
final int loadFlags =
// If this is a data: load then we need to force allow it.
: request.mLoadFlags;
// For performance reasons we short-circuit the delegate here
// instead of making Gecko call it for direct load calls.
final NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest loadRequest =
new NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest(
null, /* triggerUri */
1, /* geckoTarget: OPEN_CURRENTWINDOW */
0, /* flags */
false, /* hasUserGesture */
true /* isDirectNavigation */);
shouldLoadUri(loadRequest, loadFlags)
allowOrDeny -> {
if (allowOrDeny == AllowOrDeny.DENY) {
if (isDataUriTooLong) {
() -> {
new WebRequestError(
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle();
msg.putString("uri", request.mUri);
msg.putInt("flags", loadFlags);
msg.putInt("headerFilter", request.mHeaderFilter);
if (request.mReferrerUri != null) {
msg.putString("referrerUri", request.mReferrerUri);
if (request.mReferrerSession != null) {
msg.putString("referrerSessionId", request.mReferrerSession.mId);
if (request.mHeaders != null) {
msg.putBundle("headers", request.mHeaders);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:LoadUri", msg);
* Load the given URI.
* <p>Convenience method for
* <pre><code>
* session.load(new Loader().uri(uri));
* </code></pre>
* @param uri The URI of the resource to load.
public void loadUri(final @NonNull String uri) {
load(new Loader().uri(uri));
private GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> shouldLoadUri(
final NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest request, final int loadFlags) {
final NavigationDelegate delegate = mNavigationHandler.getDelegate();
if (delegate == null || (loadFlags & LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_LOAD_URI_DELEGATE) != 0) {
return GeckoResult.allow();
// Always run the callback on the UI thread regardless of what thread we were called in.
final GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> result = new GeckoResult<>(ThreadUtils.getUiHandler());
() -> {
final GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> delegateResult = delegate.onLoadRequest(this, request);
if (delegateResult == null) {
} else {
allowOrDeny -> result.complete(allowOrDeny),
error -> result.completeExceptionally(error));
return result;
/** Reload the current URI. */
public void reload() {
* Reload the current URI.
* @param flags the load flags to use, an OR-ed value of {@link #LOAD_FLAGS_NONE LOAD_FLAGS_*}
public void reload(final @LoadFlags int flags) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle();
msg.putInt("flags", flags);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:Reload", msg);
/** Stop loading. */
public void stop() {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:Stop", null);
* Go back in history and assumes the call was based on a user interaction.
* @see #goBack(boolean)
public void goBack() {
* Go back in history.
* @param userInteraction Whether the action was invoked by a user interaction.
public void goBack(final boolean userInteraction) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putBoolean("userInteraction", userInteraction);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:GoBack", msg);
* Go forward in history and assumes the call was based on a user interaction.
* @see #goForward(boolean)
public void goForward() {
* Go forward in history.
* @param userInteraction Whether the action was invoked by a user interaction.
public void goForward(final boolean userInteraction) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putBoolean("userInteraction", userInteraction);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:GoForward", msg);
* Navigate to an index in browser history; the index of the currently viewed page can be
* retrieved from an up-to-date HistoryList by calling {@link
* HistoryDelegate.HistoryList#getCurrentIndex()}.
* @param index The index of the location in browser history you want to navigate to.
public void gotoHistoryIndex(final int index) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putInt("index", index);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:GotoHistoryIndex", msg);
* Returns a WebExtensionController for this GeckoSession. Delegates attached to this controller
* will receive events specific to this session.
* @return an instance of {@link WebExtension.SessionController}.
public @NonNull WebExtension.SessionController getWebExtensionController() {
return mWebExtensionController;
* Purge history for the session. The session history is used for back and forward history.
* Purging the session history means {@link NavigationDelegate#onCanGoBack(GeckoSession, boolean)}
* and {@link NavigationDelegate#onCanGoForward(GeckoSession, boolean)} will be false.
public void purgeHistory() {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:PurgeHistory", null);
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface FinderFindFlags {}
/** Go backwards when finding the next match. */
public static final int FINDER_FIND_BACKWARDS = 1;
/** Perform case-sensitive match; default is to perform a case-insensitive match. */
public static final int FINDER_FIND_MATCH_CASE = 1 << 1;
/** Must match entire words; default is to allow matching partial words. */
public static final int FINDER_FIND_WHOLE_WORD = 1 << 2;
/** Limit matches to links on the page. */
public static final int FINDER_FIND_LINKS_ONLY = 1 << 3;
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface FinderDisplayFlags {}
/** Highlight all find-in-page matches. */
public static final int FINDER_DISPLAY_HIGHLIGHT_ALL = 1;
/** Dim the rest of the page when showing a find-in-page match. */
public static final int FINDER_DISPLAY_DIM_PAGE = 1 << 1;
/** Draw outlines around matching links. */
public static final int FINDER_DISPLAY_DRAW_LINK_OUTLINE = 1 << 2;
/** Represent the result of a find-in-page operation. */
public static class FinderResult {
/** Whether a match was found. */
public final boolean found;
/** Whether the search wrapped around the top or bottom of the page. */
public final boolean wrapped;
/** Ordinal number of the current match starting from 1, or 0 if no match. */
public final int current;
/** Total number of matches found so far, or -1 if unknown. */
public final int total;
/** Search string. */
@NonNull public final String searchString;
* Flags used for the search; either 0 or a combination of {@link #FINDER_FIND_BACKWARDS
* FINDER_FIND_*} flags.
@FinderFindFlags public final int flags;
/** URI of the link, if the current match is a link, or null otherwise. */
@Nullable public final String linkUri;
/** Bounds of the current match in client coordinates, or null if unknown. */
@Nullable public final RectF clientRect;
/* package */ FinderResult(@NonNull final GeckoBundle bundle) {
found = bundle.getBoolean("found");
wrapped = bundle.getBoolean("wrapped");
current = bundle.getInt("current", 0);
total = bundle.getInt("total", -1);
searchString = bundle.getString("searchString");
flags = SessionFinder.getFlagsFromBundle(bundle.getBundle("flags"));
linkUri = bundle.getString("linkURL");
clientRect = bundle.getRectF("clientRect");
/** Empty constructor for tests */
protected FinderResult() {
found = false;
wrapped = false;
current = 0;
total = 0;
flags = 0;
searchString = "";
linkUri = "";
clientRect = null;
* Get the SessionFinder instance for this session, to perform find-in-page operations.
* @return SessionFinder instance.
public @NonNull SessionFinder getFinder() {
if (mFinder == null) {
mFinder = new SessionFinder(getEventDispatcher());
return mFinder;
* Checks whether we have a rule for this session. Uses the browsing context or any of its
* children, calls nsICookieBannerService.hasRuleForBrowsingContextTree
* @return {@link GeckoResult} with boolean
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> hasCookieBannerRuleForBrowsingContextTree() {
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:HasCookieBannerRuleForBrowsingContextTree");
* Get the SessionPdfFileSaver instance for this session, to save a pdf document.
* @return SessionPdfFileSaver instance.
public @NonNull SessionPdfFileSaver getPdfFileSaver() {
if (mPdfFileSaver == null) {
mPdfFileSaver = new SessionPdfFileSaver(this);
return mPdfFileSaver;
/** Represent the result of a save-pdf operation. */
public static class PdfSaveResult {
/** Binary data representing a PDF. */
@NonNull public final byte[] bytes;
/** PDF file name. */
@NonNull public final String filename;
public final boolean isPrivate;
/* package */ PdfSaveResult(@NonNull final GeckoBundle bundle) {
filename = bundle.getString("filename");
isPrivate = bundle.getBoolean("isPrivate");
bytes = bundle.getByteArray("bytes");
/** Empty constructor for tests */
protected PdfSaveResult() {
filename = "";
isPrivate = false;
bytes = new byte[0];
* Check if the document being viewed is a pdf.
* @return Result of the check operation as a {@link GeckoResult} object.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> isPdfJs() {
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:IsPdfJs");
* Set this GeckoSession as active or inactive, which represents if the session is currently
* visible or not. Setting a GeckoSession to inactive will significantly reduce its memory
* footprint, but should only be done if the GeckoSession is not currently visible. Note that a
* session can be active (i.e. visible) but not focused. When a session is set inactive, it will
* flush the session state and trigger a `ProgressDelegate.onSessionStateChange` callback.
* @param active A boolean determining whether the GeckoSession is active.
* @see #setFocused
public void setActive(final boolean active) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putBoolean("active", active);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:SetActive", msg);
if (!active) {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:FlushSessionState", null);
ThreadUtils.postToUiThreadDelayed(mNotifyMemoryPressure, NOTIFY_MEMORY_PRESSURE_DELAY_MS);
} else {
// Delete any pending memory pressure events since we're active again.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> getAutofillSupport().onActiveChanged(active));
* Move focus to this session or away from this session. Only one session has focus at a given
* time. Note that a session can be unfocused but still active (i.e. visible).
* @param focused True if the session should gain focus or false if the session should lose focus.
* @see #setActive
public void setFocused(final boolean focused) {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:DismissClipboardPermissionRequest", null);
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putBoolean("focused", focused);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:SetFocused", msg);
* Notify GeckoView of the priority for this GeckoSession.
* <p>Set this GeckoSession to high priority (PRIORITY_HIGH) whenever the app wants to signal to
* GeckoView that this GeckoSession is important to the app. GeckoView will keep the session state
* as long as possible. Set this to default priority (PRIORITY_DEFAULT) in any other case.
* @param priorityHint Priority of the geckosession, either high priority or default.
public void setPriorityHint(final @Priority int priorityHint) {
final GeckoBundle msg = new GeckoBundle(1);
msg.putInt("priorityHint", priorityHint);
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:SetPriorityHint", msg);
/** Class representing a saved session state. */
public static class SessionState extends AbstractSequentialList<HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem>
implements HistoryDelegate.HistoryList, Parcelable {
private GeckoBundle mState;
private class SessionStateItem implements HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem {
private final GeckoBundle mItem;
private SessionStateItem(final @NonNull GeckoBundle item) {
mItem = item;
@Override /* HistoryItem */
public String getUri() {
return mItem.getString("url");
@Override /* HistoryItem */
public String getTitle() {
return mItem.getString("title");
private class SessionStateIterator implements ListIterator<HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem> {
private final SessionState mState;
private int mIndex;
private SessionStateIterator(final @NonNull SessionState state) {
this(state, 0);
private SessionStateIterator(final @NonNull SessionState state, final int index) {
mIndex = index;
mState = state;
@Override /* ListIterator */
public void add(final HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem item) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
@Override /* ListIterator */
public boolean hasNext() {
final GeckoBundle[] entries = mState.getHistoryEntries();
if (entries == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "No history entries found.");
return false;
return mIndex < mState.getHistoryEntries().length;
@Override /* ListIterator */
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return mIndex > 0;
@Override /* ListIterator */
public HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem next() {
if (hasNext()) {
return new SessionStateItem(mState.getHistoryEntries()[mIndex - 1]);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
@Override /* ListIterator */
public int nextIndex() {
return mIndex;
@Override /* ListIterator */
public HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem previous() {
if (hasPrevious()) {
return new SessionStateItem(mState.getHistoryEntries()[mIndex]);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
@Override /* ListIterator */
public int previousIndex() {
return mIndex - 1;
@Override /* ListIterator */
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
@Override /* ListIterator */
public void set(final @NonNull HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem item) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private SessionState() {
mState = new GeckoBundle(3);
private SessionState(final @NonNull GeckoBundle state) {
mState = new GeckoBundle(state);
public SessionState(final @NonNull SessionState state) {
mState = new GeckoBundle(state.mState);
/* package */ void updateSessionState(final @NonNull GeckoBundle updateData) {
if (updateData == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Session state update has no data field.");
final GeckoBundle history = updateData.getBundle("historychange");
final GeckoBundle scroll = updateData.getBundle("scroll");
final GeckoBundle formdata = updateData.getBundle("formdata");
if (history != null) {
mState.putBundle("history", history);
if (scroll != null) {
mState.putBundle("scrolldata", scroll);
if (formdata != null) {
mState.putBundle("formdata", formdata);
public int hashCode() {
return mState.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof SessionState)) {
return false;
final SessionState otherState = (SessionState) other;
return this.mState.equals(otherState.mState);
* Creates a new SessionState instance from a value previously returned by {@link #toString()}.
* @param value The serialized SessionState in String form.
* @return A new SessionState instance if input is valid; otherwise null.
public static @Nullable SessionState fromString(final @Nullable String value) {
final GeckoBundle bundleState;
try {
bundleState = GeckoBundle.fromJSONObject(new JSONObject(value));
} catch (final Exception e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "String does not represent valid session state.");
return null;
if (bundleState == null) {
return null;
return new SessionState(bundleState);
public @Nullable String toString() {
if (mState == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Can't convert SessionState with null state to string");
return null;
String res;
try {
res = mState.toJSONObject().toString();
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Could not convert session state to string.");
res = null;
return res;
@Override // Parcelable
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
@Override // Parcelable
public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags) {
// AIDL code may call readFromParcel even though it's not part of Parcelable.
public void readFromParcel(final @NonNull Parcel source) {
if (source.readString() == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Can't reproduce session state from Parcel");
try {
mState = GeckoBundle.fromJSONObject(new JSONObject(source.readString()));
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Could not convert string to session state.");
mState = null;
public static final Parcelable.Creator<SessionState> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<SessionState>() {
public SessionState createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {
if (source.readString() == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Can't create session state from Parcel");
GeckoBundle res;
try {
res = GeckoBundle.fromJSONObject(new JSONObject(source.readString()));
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Could not convert parcel to session state.");
res = null;
return new SessionState(res);
public SessionState[] newArray(final int size) {
return new SessionState[size];
@Override /* AbstractSequentialList */
public @NonNull HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem get(final int index) {
final GeckoBundle[] entries = getHistoryEntries();
if (entries == null || index < 0 || index >= entries.length) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return new SessionStateItem(entries[index]);
@Override /* AbstractSequentialList */
public @NonNull Iterator<HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem> iterator() {
return listIterator(0);
@Override /* AbstractSequentialList */
public @NonNull ListIterator<HistoryDelegate.HistoryItem> listIterator(final int index) {
return new SessionStateIterator(this, index);
@Override /* AbstractSequentialList */
public int size() {
final GeckoBundle[] entries = getHistoryEntries();
if (entries == null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "No history entries found.");
return 0;
return entries.length;
@Override /* HistoryList */
public int getCurrentIndex() {
final GeckoBundle history = getHistory();
if (history == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No history state exists.");
return history.getInt("index") + history.getInt("fromIdx");
// Some helpers for common code.
private GeckoBundle getHistory() {
if (mState == null) {
return null;
return mState.getBundle("history");
private GeckoBundle[] getHistoryEntries() {
final GeckoBundle history = getHistory();
if (history == null) {
return null;
return history.getBundleArray("entries");
private SessionState mStateCache = new SessionState();
* Restore a saved state to this GeckoSession; only data that is saved (history, scroll position,
* zoom, and form data) will be restored. These will overwrite the corresponding state of this
* GeckoSession.
* @param state A saved session state; this should originate from onSessionStateChange().
public void restoreState(final @NonNull SessionState state) {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:RestoreState", state.mState);
* Get whether this GeckoSession has form data.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of if there is existing form data.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> containsFormData() {
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:ContainsFormData");
* Request analysis of product's reviews for a given product URL.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of review analysis object.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<ReviewAnalysis> requestAnalysis(@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher
.queryBundle("GeckoView:RequestAnalysis", bundle)
.map(analysisBundle -> new ReviewAnalysis(analysisBundle.getBundle("analysis")));
* Request the creation of an analysis of product's reviews for a given product URL.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of status of analysis.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<String> requestCreateAnalysis(@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher.queryString("GeckoView:RequestCreateAnalysis", bundle);
* Request the status of the current analysis of product's reviews for a given product URL.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of status of analysis.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<AnalysisStatusResponse> requestAnalysisStatus(
@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher
.queryBundle("GeckoView:RequestAnalysisStatus", bundle)
.map(statusBundle -> new AnalysisStatusResponse(statusBundle.getBundle("status")));
* Poll for the status of the current analysis of product's reviews for a given product URL.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of status of analysis.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<String> pollForAnalysisCompleted(@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher.queryString("GeckoView:PollForAnalysisCompleted", bundle);
* Send a click event to the Ad Attribution API.
* @param aid Ad id of the recommended product.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of whether or not sending the event was successful.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> sendClickAttributionEvent(@NonNull final String aid) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("aid", aid);
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:SendClickAttributionEvent", bundle);
* Send an impression event to the Ad Attribution API.
* @param aid Ad id of the recommended product.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of whether or not sending the event was successful.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> sendImpressionAttributionEvent(@NonNull final String aid) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("aid", aid);
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:SendImpressionAttributionEvent", bundle);
* Send a placement event to the Ad Attribution API.
* @param aid Ad id of the recommended product.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of whether or not sending the event was successful.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> sendPlacementAttributionEvent(@NonNull final String aid) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("aid", aid);
return mEventDispatcher.queryBoolean("GeckoView:SendPlacementAttributionEvent", bundle);
* Request product recommendations given a specific product url.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of product recommendations.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<List<Recommendation>> requestRecommendations(
@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher
.queryBundle("GeckoView:RequestRecommendations", bundle)
recommendationsBundle -> {
final GeckoBundle[] bundles = recommendationsBundle.getBundleArray("recommendations");
final ArrayList<Recommendation> recArray = new ArrayList<>(bundles.length);
if (recArray != null) {
for (final GeckoBundle b : bundles) {
recArray.add(new Recommendation(b));
return recArray;
* Report that a product is back in stock.
* @param url The URL of the product page.
* @return a {@link GeckoResult} result of whether reporting a product is back in stock was
* successful.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<String> reportBackInStock(@NonNull final String url) {
final GeckoBundle bundle = new GeckoBundle(1);
bundle.putString("url", url);
return mEventDispatcher.queryString("GeckoView:ReportBackInStock", bundle);
// This is the GeckoDisplay acquired via acquireDisplay(), if any.
private GeckoDisplay mDisplay;
/* package */ interface Owner {
void onRelease();
private static final WeakReference<Owner> NO_OWNER = new WeakReference<>(null);
private WeakReference<Owner> mOwner = NO_OWNER;
/* package */ void releaseOwner() {
mOwner = NO_OWNER;
/* package */ void setOwner(final Owner owner) {
final Owner oldOwner = mOwner.get();
if (oldOwner != null && owner != oldOwner) {
mOwner = new WeakReference<>(owner);
/* package */ GeckoDisplay getDisplay() {
return mDisplay;
* Acquire the GeckoDisplay instance for providing the session with a drawing Surface. Be sure to
* call {@link GeckoDisplay#surfaceChanged(SurfaceInfo)} on the acquired display if there is
* already a valid Surface.
* @return GeckoDisplay instance.
* @see #releaseDisplay(GeckoDisplay)
public @NonNull GeckoDisplay acquireDisplay() {
if (mDisplay != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Display already acquired");
mDisplay = new GeckoDisplay(this);
return mDisplay;
* Release an acquired GeckoDisplay instance. Be sure to call {@link
* GeckoDisplay#surfaceDestroyed()} before releasing the display if it still has a valid Surface.
* @param display Acquired GeckoDisplay instance.
* @see #acquireDisplay()
public void releaseDisplay(final @NonNull GeckoDisplay display) {
if (display != mDisplay) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Display not attached");
mDisplay = null;
public @NonNull GeckoSessionSettings getSettings() {
return mSettings;
/** Exits fullscreen mode */
public void exitFullScreen() {
mEventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoViewContent:ExitFullScreen", null);
* Set the content callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of ContentDelegate.
public void setContentDelegate(final @Nullable ContentDelegate delegate) {
mContentHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
mProcessHangHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the content callback handler.
* @return The current content callback handler.
public @Nullable ContentDelegate getContentDelegate() {
return mContentHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the progress callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of ProgressDelegate.
public void setProgressDelegate(final @Nullable ProgressDelegate delegate) {
mProgressHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the progress callback handler.
* @return The current progress callback handler.
public @Nullable ProgressDelegate getProgressDelegate() {
return mProgressHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the navigation callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of NavigationDelegate.
public void setNavigationDelegate(final @Nullable NavigationDelegate delegate) {
mNavigationHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the navigation callback handler.
* @return The current navigation callback handler.
public @Nullable NavigationDelegate getNavigationDelegate() {
return mNavigationHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the content scroll callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of ScrollDelegate.
public void setScrollDelegate(final @Nullable ScrollDelegate delegate) {
mScrollHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
public @Nullable ScrollDelegate getScrollDelegate() {
return mScrollHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the history tracking delegate for this session, replacing the current delegate if one is
* set.
* @param delegate The history tracking delegate, or {@code null} to unset.
public void setHistoryDelegate(final @Nullable HistoryDelegate delegate) {
mHistoryHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* @return The history tracking delegate for this session.
public @Nullable HistoryDelegate getHistoryDelegate() {
return mHistoryHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the content blocking callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of {@link ContentBlocking.Delegate}.
public void setContentBlockingDelegate(final @Nullable ContentBlocking.Delegate delegate) {
mContentBlockingHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the content blocking callback handler.
* @return The current content blocking callback handler.
public @Nullable ContentBlocking.Delegate getContentBlockingDelegate() {
return mContentBlockingHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the current prompt delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @param delegate PromptDelegate instance or null to use the built-in delegate.
public void setPromptDelegate(final @Nullable PromptDelegate delegate) {
mPromptDelegate = delegate;
* Get the current prompt delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @return PromptDelegate instance or null if using built-in delegate.
public @Nullable PromptDelegate getPromptDelegate() {
return mPromptDelegate;
* Set the current selection action delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @param delegate SelectionActionDelegate instance or null to unset.
public void setSelectionActionDelegate(final @Nullable SelectionActionDelegate delegate) {
if (getSelectionActionDelegate() != null) {
// When the delegate is changed or cleared, make sure onHideAction is called
// one last time to hide any existing selection action UI. Gecko doesn't keep
// track of the old delegate, so we can't rely on Gecko to do that for us.
.onHideAction(this, GeckoSession.SelectionActionDelegate.HIDE_REASON_NO_SELECTION);
mSelectionActionDelegate.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Set the media callback handler. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of MediaDelegate.
public void setMediaDelegate(final @Nullable MediaDelegate delegate) {
mMediaHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the Media callback handler.
* @return The current Media callback handler.
public @Nullable MediaDelegate getMediaDelegate() {
return mMediaHandler.getDelegate();
* Set the media session delegate. This will replace the current handler.
* @param delegate An implementation of {@link MediaSession.Delegate}.
public void setMediaSessionDelegate(final @Nullable MediaSession.Delegate delegate) {
mMediaSessionHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the media session delegate.
* @return The current media session delegate.
public @Nullable MediaSession.Delegate getMediaSessionDelegate() {
return mMediaSessionHandler.getDelegate();
* The session translation object coordinates receiving and sending session messages with the
* translations toolkit. Notably, it can be used to request translations.
* @return The current translation session coordinator.
public @Nullable TranslationsController.SessionTranslation getSessionTranslation() {
return mTranslations;
* Set the translation delegate, which receives translations events.
* @param delegate An implementation of @link{TranslationsController.SessionTranslation.Delegate}.
public void setTranslationsSessionDelegate(
final @Nullable TranslationsController.SessionTranslation.Delegate delegate) {
mTranslationsHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Get the translations delegate. The application embedder must initially set the translations
* delegate for use.
* @return The current translations delegate.
public @Nullable TranslationsController.SessionTranslation.Delegate
getTranslationsSessionDelegate() {
return mTranslationsHandler.getDelegate();
* Get the current selection action delegate for this GeckoSession.
* @return SelectionActionDelegate instance or null if not set.
public @Nullable SelectionActionDelegate getSelectionActionDelegate() {
return mSelectionActionDelegate.getDelegate();
protected void setShouldPinOnScreen(final boolean pinned) {
if (DEBUG) {
mShouldPinOnScreen = pinned;
/* package */ boolean shouldPinOnScreen() {
return mShouldPinOnScreen;
/* package */ @NonNull
EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher() {
return mEventDispatcher;
public interface ProgressDelegate {
/** Class representing security information for a site. */
class SecurityInformation {
public @interface SecurityMode {}
public static final int SECURITY_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0;
public static final int SECURITY_MODE_IDENTIFIED = 1;
public static final int SECURITY_MODE_VERIFIED = 2;
public @interface ContentType {}
public static final int CONTENT_UNKNOWN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_BLOCKED = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_LOADED = 2;
/** Indicates whether or not the site is secure. */
public final boolean isSecure;
/** Indicates whether or not the site is a security exception. */
public final boolean isException;
/** Contains the origin of the certificate. */
public final @Nullable String origin;
/** Contains the host associated with the certificate. */
public final @NonNull String host;
/** The server certificate in use, if any. */
public final @Nullable X509Certificate certificate;
* Indicates the security level of the site; possible values are SECURITY_MODE_UNKNOWN,
* domain validation only, while SECURITY_MODE_VERIFIED indicates extended validation.
public final @SecurityMode int securityMode;
* Indicates the presence of passive mixed content; possible values are CONTENT_UNKNOWN,
public final @ContentType int mixedModePassive;
* Indicates the presence of active mixed content; possible values are CONTENT_UNKNOWN,
public final @ContentType int mixedModeActive;
/* package */ SecurityInformation(final GeckoBundle identityData) {
final GeckoBundle mode = identityData.getBundle("mode");
mixedModePassive = mode.getInt("mixed_display");
mixedModeActive = mode.getInt("mixed_active");
securityMode = mode.getInt("identity");
isSecure = identityData.getBoolean("secure");
isException = identityData.getBoolean("securityException");
origin = identityData.getString("origin");
host = identityData.getString("host");
X509Certificate decodedCert = null;
try {
final CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
final String certString = identityData.getString("certificate");
if (certString != null) {
final byte[] certBytes = Base64.decode(certString, Base64.NO_WRAP);
decodedCert =
(X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes));
} catch (final CertificateException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Failed to decode certificate", e);
certificate = decodedCert;
/** Empty constructor for tests */
protected SecurityInformation() {
mixedModePassive = CONTENT_UNKNOWN;
mixedModeActive = CONTENT_UNKNOWN;
isSecure = false;
isException = false;
origin = "";
host = "";
certificate = null;
* A View has started loading content from the network.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param url The resource being loaded.
default void onPageStart(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final String url) {}
* A View has finished loading content from the network.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param success Whether the page loaded successfully or an error occurred.
default void onPageStop(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final boolean success) {}
* Page loading has progressed.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param progress Current page load progress value [0, 100].
default void onProgressChange(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final int progress) {}
* The security status has been updated.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param securityInfo The new security information.
default void onSecurityChange(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final SecurityInformation securityInfo) {}
* The browser session state has changed. This can happen in response to navigation, scrolling,
* or form data changes; the session state passed includes the most up to date information on
* all of these.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param sessionState SessionState representing the latest browser state.
default void onSessionStateChange(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final SessionState sessionState) {}
/** WebResponseInfo contains information about a single web response. */
public static class WebResponseInfo {
/** The URI of the response. Cannot be null. */
@NonNull public final String uri;
/** The content type (mime type) of the response. May be null. */
@Nullable public final String contentType;
/** The content length of the response. May be 0 if unknokwn. */
@Nullable public final long contentLength;
/** The filename obtained from the content disposition, if any. May be null. */
@Nullable public final String filename;
/* package */ WebResponseInfo(final GeckoBundle message) {
uri = message.getString("uri");
if (uri == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI cannot be null");
contentType = message.getString("contentType");
contentLength = message.getLong("contentLength");
filename = message.getString("filename");
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected WebResponseInfo() {
uri = "";
contentType = "";
contentLength = 0;
filename = "";
/** Contains information about the analysis of a product's reviews. */
public static class ReviewAnalysis {
/** Analysis URL. */
@Nullable public final String analysisURL;
/** Product identifier (ASIN/SKU). */
@Nullable public final String productId;
/** Reliability grade for the product's reviews. */
@Nullable public final String grade;
/** Product rating adjusted to exclude untrusted reviews. */
@Nullable public final Double adjustedRating;
/** Boolean indicating if the analysis is stale. */
public final boolean needsAnalysis;
/** Boolean indicating if the page is not supported. */
public final boolean pageNotSupported;
/** Boolean indicating if there are not enough reviews. */
public final boolean notEnoughReviews;
/** Object containing highlights for product. */
@Nullable public final Highlight highlights;
/** Time since the last analysis was performed. */
public final long lastAnalysisTime;
/** Boolean indicating if reported that this product has been deleted. */
public final boolean deletedProductReported;
/** Boolean indicating if this product is now deleted. */
public final boolean deletedProduct;
/* package */ ReviewAnalysis(final GeckoBundle message) {
analysisURL = message.getString("analysis_url");
productId = message.getString("product_id");
grade = message.getString("grade");
adjustedRating = message.getDoubleObject("adjusted_rating");
needsAnalysis = message.getBoolean("needs_analysis");
pageNotSupported = message.getBoolean("page_not_supported");
notEnoughReviews = message.getBoolean("not_enough_reviews");
if (message.getBundle("highlights") == null) {
highlights = null;
} else {
highlights = new Highlight(message.getBundle("highlights"));
lastAnalysisTime = message.getLong("last_analysis_time");
deletedProductReported = message.getBoolean("deleted_product_reported");
deletedProduct = message.getBoolean("deleted_product");
* Initialize a ReviewAnalysis object with a builder object
* @param builder A ReviewAnalysis.Builder instance
protected ReviewAnalysis(final @NonNull Builder builder) {
analysisURL = builder.mAnalysisUrl;
productId = builder.mProductId;
grade = builder.mGrade;
adjustedRating = builder.mAdjustedRating;
needsAnalysis = builder.mNeedsAnalysis;
pageNotSupported = builder.mPageNotSupported;
notEnoughReviews = builder.mNotEnoughReviews;
highlights = builder.mHighlights;
lastAnalysisTime = builder.mLastAnalysisTime;
deletedProduct = builder.mDeletedProduct;
deletedProductReported = builder.mDeletedProductReported;
/** This is a Builder used by ReviewAnalysis class */
public static class Builder {
/* package */ String mAnalysisUrl = "";
/* package */ String mProductId = "";
/* package */ String mGrade = null;
/* package */ Double mAdjustedRating = 0.0;
/* package */ Boolean mNeedsAnalysis = false;
/* package */ Boolean mPageNotSupported = false;
/* package */ Boolean mNotEnoughReviews = false;
/* package */ Highlight mHighlights = new Highlight();
/* package */ long mLastAnalysisTime = 0;
/* package */ Boolean mDeletedProductReported = false;
/* package */ Boolean mDeletedProduct = false;
* Construct a Builder instance with the specified product ID.
* @param productId A String with the product ID.
public Builder(final @Nullable String productId) {
* Set the analysis URL
* @param analysisUrl A URI String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder analysisUrl(final @Nullable String analysisUrl) {
mAnalysisUrl = analysisUrl;
return this;
* Set the product identifier
* @param productId A product ID String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder productId(final @Nullable String productId) {
mProductId = productId;
return this;
* Set the grade of the product
* @param grade A grade String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder grade(final @Nullable String grade) {
mGrade = grade;
return this;
* Set the adjusted rating
* @param adjustedRating the adjusted rating of the product
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder adjustedRating(final @NonNull Double adjustedRating) {
mAdjustedRating = adjustedRating;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether this product needs analysis
* @param needsAnalysis indicates whether this product needs analysis
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder needsAnalysis(final @NonNull Boolean needsAnalysis) {
mNeedsAnalysis = needsAnalysis;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether this product page is supported
* @param pageNotSupported indicates whether this product page is supported
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder pageNotSupported(
final @NonNull Boolean pageNotSupported) {
mPageNotSupported = pageNotSupported;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether there are not enough reviews
* @param notEnoughReviews indicates whether there are not enough reviews
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder notEnoughReviews(
final @NonNull Boolean notEnoughReviews) {
mNotEnoughReviews = notEnoughReviews;
return this;
* Set an empty highlights object for the product
* @param highlight A Highlight object (can be null) to overwrite the default empty Highlight
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder highlights(final @Nullable Highlight highlight) {
mHighlights = highlight;
return this;
* Set the time of the analysis
* @param lastAnalysisTime The time of the analysis
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder lastAnalysisTime(final long lastAnalysisTime) {
mLastAnalysisTime = lastAnalysisTime;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether this deleted product was reported
* @param deletedProductReported Boolean to indicate whether this deleted product was reported
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder deletedProductReported(
final @NonNull Boolean deletedProductReported) {
mDeletedProductReported = deletedProductReported;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether the product is deleted
* @param deletedProduct Boolean to indicate whether the product is deleted
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis.Builder deletedProduct(final @NonNull Boolean deletedProduct) {
mDeletedProduct = deletedProduct;
return this;
* @return A {@link ReviewAnalysis} constructed with the values from this Builder instance.
public @NonNull ReviewAnalysis build() {
return new ReviewAnalysis(this);
/** Contains information about highlights of a product's reviews. */
public static class Highlight {
/** Highlights about the quality of a product. */
@Nullable public final String[] quality;
/** Highlights about the price of a product. */
@Nullable public final String[] price;
/** Highlights about the shipping of a product. */
@Nullable public final String[] shipping;
/** Highlights about the appearance of a product. */
@Nullable public final String[] appearance;
/** Highlights about the competitiveness of a product. */
@Nullable public final String[] competitiveness;
/* package */ Highlight(final GeckoBundle message) {
quality = message.getStringArray("quality");
price = message.getStringArray("price");
shipping = message.getStringArray("shipping");
appearance = message.getStringArray("packaging/appearance");
competitiveness = message.getStringArray("competitiveness");
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected Highlight() {
quality = null;
price = null;
shipping = null;
appearance = null;
competitiveness = null;
/** Contains information about a product recommendation. */
public static class Recommendation {
/** Analysis URL. */
@NonNull public final String analysisUrl;
/** Adjusted rating. */
@NonNull public final Double adjustedRating;
/** Whether or not it is a sponsored recommendation. */
@NonNull public final Boolean sponsored;
/** Url of product recommendation image. */
@NonNull public final String imageUrl;
/** Unique identifier for the ad entity. */
@NonNull public final String aid;
/** Url of recommended product. */
@NonNull public final String url;
/** Name of recommended product. */
@NonNull public final String name;
/** Grade of recommended product. */
@NonNull public final String grade;
/** Price of recommended product. */
@NonNull public final String price;
/** Currency of recommended product. */
@NonNull public final String currency;
/* package */ Recommendation(@NonNull final GeckoBundle message) {
analysisUrl = message.getString("analysis_url");
adjustedRating = message.getDouble("adjusted_rating");
sponsored = message.getBoolean("sponsored");
imageUrl = message.getString("image_url");
aid = message.getString("aid");
url = message.getString("url");
name = message.getString("name");
grade = message.getString("grade");
price = message.getString("price");
currency = message.getString("currency");
* Initialize Recommendation with a builder object
* @param builder A Recommendation.Builder instance
protected Recommendation(final @NonNull Builder builder) {
url = builder.mUrl;
analysisUrl = builder.mAnalysisUrl;
adjustedRating = builder.mAdjustedRating;
sponsored = builder.mSponsored;
imageUrl = builder.mImageUrl;
aid = builder.mAid;
name = builder.mName;
grade = builder.mGrade;
price = builder.mPrice;
currency = builder.mCurrency;
/** This is a Builder used by Recommendation class */
public static class Builder {
/* package */ String mAnalysisUrl = "";
/* package */ Double mAdjustedRating = 0.0;
/* package */ Boolean mSponsored = false;
/* package */ String mImageUrl = "";
/* package */ String mAid = "";
/* package */ String mUrl = "";
/* package */ String mName = "";
/* package */ String mGrade = "";
/* package */ String mPrice = "";
/* package */ String mCurrency = "";
* Construct a Builder instance with the specified recommendation URL.
* @param recommendationUrl A URI String.
public Builder(final @NonNull String recommendationUrl) {
* Set the analysis URL
* @param analysisUrl A URI String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder analysisUrl(final @NonNull String analysisUrl) {
mAnalysisUrl = analysisUrl;
return this;
* Set the adjusted rating
* @param adjustedRating the adjusted rating of the product
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder adjustedRating(final @NonNull Double adjustedRating) {
mAdjustedRating = adjustedRating;
return this;
* Set the flag that indicates whether this recommendation is sponsored or not
* @param sponsored indicates whether this recommendation is sponsored
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder sponsored(final @NonNull Boolean sponsored) {
mSponsored = sponsored;
return this;
* Set the image URL
* @param imageUrl An image URL String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder imageUrl(final @NonNull String imageUrl) {
mImageUrl = imageUrl;
return this;
* Set the ad identifier
* @param aid The id String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder aid(final @NonNull String aid) {
mAid = aid;
return this;
* Set the recommendation URL
* @param url A URI String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder url(final @NonNull String url) {
mUrl = url;
return this;
* Set the name of the recommended product
* @param name A name String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder name(final @NonNull String name) {
mName = name;
return this;
* Set the grade of the recommended product
* @param grade A grade String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder grade(final @NonNull String grade) {
mGrade = grade;
return this;
* Set the price of the recommended product
* @param price A price String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder price(final @NonNull String price) {
mPrice = price;
return this;
* Set the currency of the price of the recommended product
* @param currency A currency String
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation.Builder currency(final @NonNull String currency) {
mCurrency = currency;
return this;
* @return A {@link Recommendation} constructed with the values from this Builder instance.
public @NonNull Recommendation build() {
return new Recommendation(this);
/** Contains information about a product's analysis status response. */
public static class AnalysisStatusResponse {
/** Status of the analysis. */
@NonNull public final String status;
/** Indicates the progress of the analysis. */
@NonNull public final Double progress;
/* package */ AnalysisStatusResponse(@NonNull final GeckoBundle message) {
status = message.getString("status");
progress = message.getDoubleObject("progress", 0.0);
* Initialize AnalysisStatusResponse with a builder object
* @param builder A AnalysisStatusResponse.Builder instance
protected AnalysisStatusResponse(final @NonNull Builder builder) {
status = builder.mStatus;
progress = builder.mProgress;
/** This is a Builder used by AnalysisStatusResponse class */
public static class Builder {
/* package */ String mStatus = "";
/* package */ Double mProgress = 0.0;
* Construct a Builder instance with the specified AnalysisStatusResponse status.
* @param status A status String.
public Builder(final @NonNull String status) {
* Set the status.
* @param status A status String.
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull AnalysisStatusResponse.Builder status(final @NonNull String status) {
mStatus = status;
return this;
* Set the progress.
* @param progress Indicates the progress of the analysis.
* @return This Builder instance.
public @NonNull AnalysisStatusResponse.Builder progress(final @NonNull Double progress) {
mProgress = progress;
return this;
* @return A {@link AnalysisStatusResponse} constructed with the values from this Builder
* instance.
public @NonNull AnalysisStatusResponse build() {
return new AnalysisStatusResponse(this);
public interface ContentDelegate {
* A page title was discovered in the content or updated after the content loaded.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param title The title sent from the content.
default void onTitleChange(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @Nullable final String title) {}
* A preview image was discovered in the content after the content loaded.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param previewImageUrl The preview image URL sent from the content.
default void onPreviewImage(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final String previewImageUrl) {}
* A page has requested focus. Note that window.focus() in content will not result in this being
* called.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onFocusRequest(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* A page has requested to close
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onCloseRequest(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* A page has entered or exited full screen mode. Typically, the implementation would set the
* Activity containing the GeckoSession to full screen when the page is in full screen mode.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param fullScreen True if the page is in full screen mode.
default void onFullScreen(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final boolean fullScreen) {}
* A viewport-fit was discovered in the content or updated after the content.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param viewportFit The value of viewport-fit of meta element in content.
* viewport-fit descriptor</a>
default void onMetaViewportFitChange(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final String viewportFit) {}
* Session is on a product url.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onProductUrl(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
/** Element details for onContextMenu callbacks. */
class ContextElement {
public @interface Type {}
public static final int TYPE_NONE = 0;
public static final int TYPE_IMAGE = 1;
public static final int TYPE_VIDEO = 2;
public static final int TYPE_AUDIO = 3;
/** The base URI of the element's document. */
public final @Nullable String baseUri;
/** The absolute link URI (href) of the element. */
public final @Nullable String linkUri;
/** The title text of the element. */
public final @Nullable String title;
/** The alternative text (alt) for the element. */
public final @Nullable String altText;
/** The type of the element. One of the {@link ContextElement#TYPE_NONE} flags. */
public final @Type int type;
/** The source URI (src) of the element. Set for (nested) media elements. */
public final @Nullable String srcUri;
/** The text content of the element */
public final @Nullable String textContent;
// TODO: Bug 1595822 make public
final List<WebExtension.Menu> extensionMenus;
* ContextElement constructor.
* @param baseUri The base URI.
* @param linkUri The absolute link URI (href).
* @param title The title text.
* @param altText The alternative text (alt).
* @param typeStr The type of the element.
* @param srcUri The source URI (src).
* @param textContent The text content.
protected ContextElement(
final @Nullable String baseUri,
final @Nullable String linkUri,
final @Nullable String title,
final @Nullable String altText,
final @NonNull String typeStr,
final @Nullable String srcUri,
final @Nullable String textContent) {
this.baseUri = baseUri;
this.linkUri = linkUri;
this.title = title;
this.altText = altText;
this.type = getType(typeStr);
this.srcUri = srcUri;
this.textContent = textContent;
this.extensionMenus = null;
protected ContextElement(
final @Nullable String baseUri,
final @Nullable String linkUri,
final @Nullable String title,
final @Nullable String altText,
final @NonNull String typeStr,
final @Nullable String srcUri) {
this(baseUri, linkUri, title, altText, typeStr, srcUri, null);
private static int getType(final String name) {
if ("HTMLImageElement".equals(name)) {
return TYPE_IMAGE;
} else if ("HTMLVideoElement".equals(name)) {
return TYPE_VIDEO;
} else if ("HTMLAudioElement".equals(name)) {
return TYPE_AUDIO;
return TYPE_NONE;
* A user has initiated the context menu via long-press. This event is fired on links, (nested)
* images and (nested) media elements.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param screenX The screen coordinates of the press.
* @param screenY The screen coordinates of the press.
* @param element The details for the pressed element.
default void onContextMenu(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
final int screenX,
final int screenY,
@NonNull final ContextElement element) {}
* This is fired when there is a response that cannot be handled by Gecko (e.g., a download).
* @param session the GeckoSession that received the external response.
* @param response the external WebResponse.
default void onExternalResponse(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final WebResponse response) {}
* The content process hosting this GeckoSession has crashed. The GeckoSession is now closed and
* unusable. You may call {@link #open(GeckoRuntime)} to recover the session, but no state is
* preserved. Most applications will want to call {@link #load} or {@link
* #restoreState(SessionState)} at this point.
* @param session The GeckoSession for which the content process has crashed.
default void onCrash(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* The content process hosting this GeckoSession has been killed. The GeckoSession is now closed
* and unusable. You may call {@link #open(GeckoRuntime)} to recover the session, but no state
* is preserved. Most applications will want to call {@link #load} or {@link
* #restoreState(SessionState)} at this point.
* @param session The GeckoSession for which the content process has been killed.
default void onKill(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Notification that the first content composition has occurred. This callback is invoked for
* the first content composite after either a start or a restart of the compositor.
* @param session The GeckoSession that had a first paint event.
default void onFirstComposite(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Notification that the first content paint has occurred. This callback is invoked for the
* first content paint after a page has been loaded, or after a {@link
* #onPaintStatusReset(GeckoSession)} event. The function {@link
* #onFirstComposite(GeckoSession)} will be called once the compositor has started rendering.
* However, it is possible for the compositor to start rendering before there is any content to
* render. onFirstContentfulPaint() is called once some content has been rendered. It may be
* nothing more than the page background color. It is not an indication that the whole page has
* been rendered.
* @param session The GeckoSession that had a first paint event.
default void onFirstContentfulPaint(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Notification that the paint status has been reset.
* <p>This callback is invoked whenever the painted content is no longer being displayed. This
* can occur in response to the session being paused. After this has fired the compositor may
* continue rendering, but may not render the page content. This callback can therefore be used
* in conjunction with {@link #onFirstContentfulPaint(GeckoSession)} to determine when there is
* valid content being rendered.
* @param session The GeckoSession that had the paint status reset event.
default void onPaintStatusReset(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* A page has requested to change pointer icon.
* <p>If the application wants to control pointer icon, it should override this, then handle it.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param icon The pointer icon sent from the content.
default void onPointerIconChange(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final PointerIcon icon) {
final View view = session.getTextInput().getView();
if (view != null) {
* This is fired when the loaded document has a valid Web App Manifest present.
* <p>The various colors (theme_color, background_color, etc.) present in the manifest have been
* transformed into #AARRGGBB format.
* @param session The GeckoSession that contains the Web App Manifest
* @param manifest A parsed and validated {@link JSONObject} containing the manifest contents.
* @see <a href="">Web App Manifest specification</a>
default void onWebAppManifest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final JSONObject manifest) {}
* A script has exceeded its execution timeout value
* @param geckoSession GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param scriptFileName Filename of the slow script
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} with a SlowScriptResponse value which indicates whether to
* allow the Slow Script to continue processing. Stop will halt the slow script. Continue
* will pause notifications for a period of time before resuming.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<SlowScriptResponse> onSlowScript(
@NonNull final GeckoSession geckoSession, @NonNull final String scriptFileName) {
return null;
* The app should display its dynamic toolbar, fully expanded to the height that was previously
* specified via {@link GeckoView#setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight}.
* @param geckoSession GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onShowDynamicToolbar(@NonNull final GeckoSession geckoSession) {}
* This method is called when a cookie banner was detected.
* <p>Note: this method is called only if the cookie banner setting is such that allows to
* handle the banner. For example, if cookiebanners.service.mode=1 (Reject only) but a cookie
* banner can only be accepted on the website - the detection in that case won't be reported.
* The exception is MODE_DETECT_ONLY mode, when only the detection event is emitted.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onCookieBannerDetected(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* This method is called when a cookie banner was handled.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onCookieBannerHandled(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
public interface SelectionActionDelegate {
/** The selection is collapsed at a single position. */
int FLAG_IS_COLLAPSED = 1 << 0;
* The selection is inside editable content such as an input element or contentEditable node.
int FLAG_IS_EDITABLE = 1 << 1;
/** The selection is inside a password field. */
int FLAG_IS_PASSWORD = 1 << 2;
/** Hide selection actions and cause {@link #onHideAction} to be called. */
String ACTION_HIDE = "org.mozilla.geckoview.HIDE";
/** Copy onto the clipboard then delete the selected content. Selection must be editable. */
String ACTION_CUT = "org.mozilla.geckoview.CUT";
/** Copy the selected content onto the clipboard. */
String ACTION_COPY = "org.mozilla.geckoview.COPY";
/** Delete the selected content. Selection must be editable. */
String ACTION_DELETE = "org.mozilla.geckoview.DELETE";
/** Replace the selected content with the clipboard content. Selection must be editable. */
String ACTION_PASTE = "org.mozilla.geckoview.PASTE";
* Replace the selected content with the clipboard content as plain text. Selection must be
* editable.
String ACTION_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = "org.mozilla.geckoview.PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT";
/** Select the entire content of the document or editor. */
String ACTION_SELECT_ALL = "org.mozilla.geckoview.SELECT_ALL";
/** Clear the current selection. Selection must not be editable. */
String ACTION_UNSELECT = "org.mozilla.geckoview.UNSELECT";
/** Collapse the current selection to its start position. Selection must be editable. */
String ACTION_COLLAPSE_TO_START = "org.mozilla.geckoview.COLLAPSE_TO_START";
/** Collapse the current selection to its end position. Selection must be editable. */
String ACTION_COLLAPSE_TO_END = "org.mozilla.geckoview.COLLAPSE_TO_END";
/** Represents attributes of a selection. */
class Selection {
* Flags describing the current selection, as a bitwise combination of the {@link
* #FLAG_IS_COLLAPSED FLAG_*} constants.
public final @SelectionActionDelegateFlag int flags;
* Text content of the current selection. An empty string indicates the selection is collapsed
* or the selection cannot be represented as plain text.
public final @NonNull String text;
/** The bounds of the current selection in screen coordinates. */
public final @Nullable RectF screenRect;
/** Set of valid actions available through {@link Selection#execute(String)} */
public final @NonNull @SelectionActionDelegateAction Collection<String> availableActions;
private final String mActionId;
private final WeakReference<EventDispatcher> mEventDispatcher;
/* package */ Selection(
final GeckoBundle bundle,
final @NonNull @SelectionActionDelegateAction Set<String> actions,
final EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) {
flags =
(bundle.getBoolean("collapsed") ? SelectionActionDelegate.FLAG_IS_COLLAPSED : 0)
| (bundle.getBoolean("editable") ? SelectionActionDelegate.FLAG_IS_EDITABLE : 0)
| (bundle.getBoolean("password") ? SelectionActionDelegate.FLAG_IS_PASSWORD : 0);
text = bundle.getString("selection");
screenRect = bundle.getRectF("screenRect");
availableActions = actions;
mActionId = bundle.getString("actionId");
mEventDispatcher = new WeakReference<>(eventDispatcher);
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected Selection() {
flags = 0;
text = "";
screenRect = null;
availableActions = new HashSet<>();
mActionId = null;
mEventDispatcher = null;
* Checks if the passed action is available
* @param action An {@link SelectionActionDelegate} to perform
* @return True if the action is available.
public boolean isActionAvailable(
@NonNull @SelectionActionDelegateAction final String action) {
return availableActions.contains(action);
* Execute an {@link SelectionActionDelegate} action.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
* @param action A {@link SelectionActionDelegate} action.
public void execute(@NonNull @SelectionActionDelegateAction final String action) {
if (!isActionAvailable(action)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Action not available");
final EventDispatcher eventDispatcher = mEventDispatcher.get();
if (eventDispatcher == null) {
// The session is not available anymore, nothing really to do
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Calling execute on a stale Selection.");
final GeckoBundle response = new GeckoBundle(2);
response.putString("id", action);
response.putString("actionId", mActionId);
eventDispatcher.dispatch("GeckoView:ExecuteSelectionAction", response);
* Hide selection actions and cause {@link #onHideAction} to be called.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void hide() {
* Copy onto the clipboard then delete the selected content.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void cut() {
* Copy the selected content onto the clipboard.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void copy() {
* Delete the selected content.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void delete() {
* Replace the selected content with the clipboard content.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void paste() {
* Replace the selected content with the clipboard content as plain text.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void pasteAsPlainText() {
* Select the entire content of the document or editor.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void selectAll() {
* Clear the current selection.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void unselect() {
* Collapse the current selection to its start position.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void collapseToStart() {
* Collapse the current selection to its end position.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the action was not available.
public void collapseToEnd() {
* Selection actions are available. Selection actions become available when the user selects
* some content in the document or editor. Inside an editor, selection actions can also become
* available when the user explicitly requests editor action UI, for example by tapping on the
* caret handle.
* <p>In response to this callback, applications typically display a toolbar containing the
* selection actions. To perform a certain action, check if the action is available with {@link
* Selection#isActionAvailable} then either use the relevant helper method or {@link
* Selection#execute}
* <p>Once an {@link #onHideAction} call (with particular reasons) or another {@link
* #onShowActionRequest} call is received, the previous Selection object is no longer usable.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param selection Current selection attributes and Callback object for performing built-in
* actions. May be used multiple times to perform multiple actions at once.
default void onShowActionRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final Selection selection) {}
/** Actions are no longer available due to the user clearing the selection. */
* Actions are no longer available due to the user moving the selection out of view. Previous
* actions are still available after a callback with this reason.
* Actions are no longer available due to the user actively changing the selection. {@link
* #onShowActionRequest} may be called again once the user has set a selection, if the new
* selection has available actions.
* Actions are no longer available due to the user actively scrolling the page. {@link
* #onShowActionRequest} may be called again once the user has stopped scrolling the page, if
* the selection is still visible. Until then, previous actions are still available after a
* callback with this reason.
* Previous actions are no longer available due to the user interacting with the page.
* Applications typically hide the action toolbar in response.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param reason The reason that actions are no longer available, as one of the {@link
default void onHideAction(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @SelectionActionDelegateHideReason final int reason) {}
* Permission for reading clipboard data. See: <a
/** Represents attributes of a clipboard permission. */
class ClipboardPermission {
/** The URI associated with this content permission. */
public final @NonNull String uri;
* The type of this permission; one of {@link #PERMISSION_CLIPBOARD_READ
public final @ClipboardPermissionType int type;
* The last mouse or touch location in screen coordinates when the permission is requested.
public final @Nullable Point screenPoint;
/** Empty constructor for tests */
protected ClipboardPermission() {
this.uri = "";
this.screenPoint = null;
private ClipboardPermission(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
this.uri = bundle.getString("uri");
this.screenPoint = bundle.getPoint("screenPoint");
* Request clipboard permission.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param permission An {@link ClipboardPermission} describing the permission being requested.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} with {@link AllowOrDeny}, determining the response to the
* permission request for this site.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> onShowClipboardPermissionRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull ClipboardPermission permission) {
return GeckoResult.deny();
* Dismiss requesting clipboard permission popup or model.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
default void onDismissClipboardPermissionRequest(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
public @interface SelectionActionDelegateAction {}
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface SelectionActionDelegateFlag {}
public @interface SelectionActionDelegateHideReason {}
public @interface ClipboardPermissionType {}
public interface NavigationDelegate {
* A view has started loading content from the network.
* @deprecated use {@link #onLocationChange(GeckoSession, String,
* List<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>, Boolean) onLocationChange} instead
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param url The resource being loaded.
* @param perms The permissions currently associated with this url.
@DeprecationSchedule(id = "geckoview-onlocationchange", version = 127)
default void onLocationChange(
@NonNull GeckoSession session,
@Nullable String url,
final @NonNull List<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission> perms) {}
* A view has started loading content from the network.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param url The resource being loaded.
* @param perms The permissions currently associated with this url.
* @param hasUserGesture Whether or not there was an active user gesture when the location
* change was requested.
default void onLocationChange(
@NonNull GeckoSession session,
@Nullable String url,
final @NonNull List<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission> perms,
final @NonNull Boolean hasUserGesture) {
session.getNavigationDelegate().onLocationChange(session, url, perms);
* The view's ability to go back has changed.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param canGoBack The new value for the ability.
default void onCanGoBack(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final boolean canGoBack) {}
* The view's ability to go forward has changed.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param canGoForward The new value for the ability.
default void onCanGoForward(@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final boolean canGoForward) {}
// Match with nsIWebNavigation.idl.
/** The load request was triggered by an HTTP redirect. */
/** Load request details. */
class LoadRequest {
/* package */ LoadRequest(
@NonNull final String uri,
@Nullable final String triggerUri,
final int geckoTarget,
final int flags,
final boolean hasUserGesture,
final boolean isDirectNavigation) {
this.uri = uri;
this.triggerUri = triggerUri; = convertGeckoTarget(geckoTarget);
this.isRedirect = (flags & LOAD_REQUEST_IS_REDIRECT) != 0;
this.hasUserGesture = hasUserGesture;
this.isDirectNavigation = isDirectNavigation;
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected LoadRequest() {
uri = "";
triggerUri = null;
isRedirect = false;
hasUserGesture = false;
isDirectNavigation = false;
// This needs to match nsIBrowserDOMWindow.idl
private @TargetWindow int convertGeckoTarget(final int geckoTarget) {
switch (geckoTarget) {
/** The URI to be loaded. */
public final @NonNull String uri;
* The URI of the origin page that triggered the load request. null for initial loads and
* loads originating from data: URIs.
public final @Nullable String triggerUri;
* The target where the window has requested to open. One of {@link #TARGET_WINDOW_NONE
public final @TargetWindow int target;
* True if and only if the request was triggered by an HTTP redirect.
* <p>If the user loads URI "a", which redirects to URI "b", then <code>onLoadRequest</code>
* will be called twice, first with uri "a" and <code>isRedirect = false</code>, then with uri
* "b" and <code>isRedirect = true</code>.
public final boolean isRedirect;
/** True if there was an active user gesture when the load was requested. */
public final boolean hasUserGesture;
* This load request was initiated by a direct navigation from the application. E.g. when
* calling {@link GeckoSession#load}.
public final boolean isDirectNavigation;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder("LoadRequest { ");
out.append("uri: " + uri)
.append(", triggerUri: " + triggerUri)
.append(", target: " + target)
.append(", isRedirect: " + isRedirect)
.append(", hasUserGesture: " + hasUserGesture)
.append(", fromLoadUri: " + hasUserGesture)
.append(" }");
return out.toString();
* A request to open an URI. This is called before each top-level page load to allow custom
* behavior. For example, this can be used to override the behavior of TAGET_WINDOW_NEW
* requests, which defaults to requesting a new GeckoSession via onNewSession.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param request The {@link LoadRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} with a {@link AllowOrDeny} value which indicates whether or not
* the load was handled. If unhandled, Gecko will continue the load as normal. If handled (a
* {@link AllowOrDeny#DENY DENY} value), Gecko will abandon the load. A null return value is
* interpreted as {@link AllowOrDeny#ALLOW ALLOW} (unhandled).
default @Nullable GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> onLoadRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final LoadRequest request) {
return null;
* A request to load a URI in a non-top-level context.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param request The {@link LoadRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} with a {@link AllowOrDeny} value which indicates whether or not
* the load was handled. If unhandled, Gecko will continue the load as normal. If handled (a
* {@link AllowOrDeny#DENY DENY} value), Gecko will abandon the load. A null return value is
* interpreted as {@link AllowOrDeny#ALLOW ALLOW} (unhandled).
default @Nullable GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> onSubframeLoadRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final LoadRequest request) {
return null;
* A request has been made to open a new session. The URI is provided only for informational
* purposes. Do not call GeckoSession.load here. Additionally, the returned GeckoSession must be
* a newly-created one.
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param uri The URI to be loaded.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} which holds the returned GeckoSession. May be null, in which
* case the request for a new window by web content will fail. e.g., <code>
* </code> will return null. The implementation of onNewSession is responsible for
* maintaining a reference to the returned object, to prevent it from being garbage
* collected.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<GeckoSession> onNewSession(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final String uri) {
return null;
* @param session The GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param uri The URI that failed to load.
* @param error A WebRequestError containing details about the error
* @return A URI to display as an error (cannot be http/https). Returning null or http/https URL
* will halt the load entirely. The following special methods are made available to the URI:
* - document.addCertException(isTemporary), returns Promise -
* document.getFailedCertSecurityInfo(), returns FailedCertSecurityInfo -
* document.getNetErrorInfo(), returns NetErrorInfo document.reloadWithHttpsOnlyException()
* @see <a
* IDL</a>
* @see <a
* IDL</a>
default @Nullable GeckoResult<String> onLoadError(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@Nullable final String uri,
@NonNull final WebRequestError error) {
return null;
public @interface TargetWindow {}
* GeckoSession applications implement this interface to handle prompts triggered by content in
* the GeckoSession, such as alerts, authentication dialogs, and select list pickers.
public interface PromptDelegate {
/** PromptResponse is an opaque class created upon confirming or dismissing a prompt. */
class PromptResponse {
private final BasePrompt mPrompt;
/* package */ PromptResponse(@NonNull final BasePrompt prompt) {
mPrompt = prompt;
/* package */ void dispatch(@NonNull final EventCallback callback) {
if (mPrompt == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Trying to confirm/dismiss a null prompt.");
interface PromptInstanceDelegate {
* Called when this prompt has been dismissed by the system.
* <p>This can happen e.g. when the page navigates away and the content of the prompt is not
* relevant anymore.
* <p>When this method is called, you should hide the prompt UI elements.
* @param prompt the prompt that should be dismissed.
default void onPromptDismiss(final @NonNull BasePrompt prompt) {}
* Called when this prompt has been updated.
* <p>This is called if inner &lt;option&gt; elements are updated when using &lt;select&gt;
* element.
* <p>When this method is called, you should update the prompt UI elements.
* @param prompt the new prompt that should be updated.
default void onPromptUpdate(final @NonNull BasePrompt prompt) {}
// Prompt classes.
class BasePrompt {
private boolean mIsCompleted;
private boolean mIsConfirmed;
private GeckoBundle mResult;
private final WeakReference<Observer> mObserver;
private PromptInstanceDelegate mDelegate;
protected interface Observer {
default void onPromptCompleted(@NonNull BasePrompt prompt) {}
private void complete() {
mIsCompleted = true;
final Observer observer = mObserver.get();
if (observer != null) {
/** The title of this prompt; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String title;
/* package */ String id;
private BasePrompt(
@NonNull final String id, @Nullable final String title, final Observer observer) {
this.title = title; = id;
mIsConfirmed = false;
mIsCompleted = false;
mObserver = new WeakReference<>(observer);
protected @NonNull PromptResponse confirm() {
if (mIsCompleted) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot confirm/dismiss a Prompt twice.");
mIsConfirmed = true;
return new PromptResponse(this);
* This dismisses the prompt without sending any meaningful information back to content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} with which you can complete the {@link GeckoResult} that
* corresponds to this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse dismiss() {
if (mIsCompleted) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot confirm/dismiss a Prompt twice.");
return new PromptResponse(this);
* Set the delegate for this prompt.
* @param delegate the {@link PromptInstanceDelegate} instance.
public void setDelegate(final @Nullable PromptInstanceDelegate delegate) {
mDelegate = delegate;
* Get the delegate for this prompt.
* @return the {@link PromptInstanceDelegate} instance.
public PromptInstanceDelegate getDelegate() {
return mDelegate;
/* package */ GeckoBundle ensureResult() {
if (mResult == null) {
// Usually result object contains two items.
mResult = new GeckoBundle(2);
return mResult;
* This returns true if the prompt has already been confirmed or dismissed.
* @return A boolean which is true if the prompt has been confirmed or dismissed, and false
* otherwise.
public boolean isComplete() {
return mIsCompleted;
/* package */ void dispatch(@NonNull final EventCallback callback) {
if (!mIsCompleted) {
throw new RuntimeException("Trying to dispatch an incomplete prompt.");
if (!mIsConfirmed) {
} else {
* BeforeUnloadPrompt represents the onbeforeunload prompt. See
class BeforeUnloadPrompt extends BasePrompt {
protected BeforeUnloadPrompt(@NonNull final String id, @NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
* Confirms the prompt.
* @param allowOrDeny whether the navigation should be allowed to continue or not.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(final @Nullable AllowOrDeny allowOrDeny) {
ensureResult().putBoolean("allow", allowOrDeny != AllowOrDeny.DENY);
return super.confirm();
* RepostConfirmPrompt represents a prompt shown whenever the browser needs to resubmit POST
* data (e.g. due to page refresh).
class RepostConfirmPrompt extends BasePrompt {
protected RepostConfirmPrompt(@NonNull final String id, @NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
* Confirms the prompt.
* @param allowOrDeny whether the browser should allow resubmitting data.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(final @Nullable AllowOrDeny allowOrDeny) {
ensureResult().putBoolean("allow", allowOrDeny != AllowOrDeny.DENY);
return super.confirm();
* AlertPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a JavaScript alert() call from
* content; it can only be dismissed, not confirmed.
class AlertPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The message to be displayed with this alert; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String message;
protected AlertPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String message,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.message = message;
/** Contains all the Identity credential prompts (FedCM) */
final class IdentityCredential {
* ProviderSelectorPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt that allows
* the user to select the identity credential provider they would like to use.
public static class ProviderSelectorPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The providers from which the user could select. */
public final @NonNull Provider[] providers;
* Creates a new {@link ProviderSelectorPrompt} with the given parameters.
* @param id The identification for this prompt.
* @param providers The providers from which the user could select.
* @param observer A callback to notify when the prompt has been completed.
protected ProviderSelectorPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@NonNull final Provider[] providers,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
this.providers = providers;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the provider index back to content.
* @param providerIndex providerIndex An integer representing the index of the provider
* chosen by the user to be returned to content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(final int providerIndex) {
ensureResult().putInt("providerIndex", providerIndex);
return super.confirm();
/** A representation of an Identity Credential Provider. */
public static class Provider {
/** A base64 string for given icon for the provider; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String icon;
/** The name of the provider. */
public final @NonNull String name;
/** The id of the provider. */
public final int id;
/** The domain of the provider */
public final @NonNull String domain;
* Creates a new {@link Provider} with the given parameters.
* @param id The identification for this prompt.
* @param icon A string base64 icon.
* @param name The name of the {@link Provider}.
* @param domain The domain of the {@link Provider}.
public Provider(
final int id,
final @NonNull String name,
final @Nullable String icon,
final @NonNull String domain) { = id;
this.icon = icon; = name;
this.domain = domain;
/* package */
static @NonNull Provider fromBundle(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
final int id = bundle.getInt("providerIndex");
final String icon = bundle.getString("icon");
final String name = bundle.getString("name");
final String domain = bundle.getString("domain");
return new Provider(id, name, icon, domain);
* AccountSelectorPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt that allows
* the user to select the account they would like to use.
public static class AccountSelectorPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The accounts from which the user could select. */
public final @NonNull Account[] accounts;
/** The name of the provider the user is trying to login with */
public final @NonNull Provider provider;
* Creates a new {@link AccountSelectorPrompt} with the given parameters.
* @param id The identification for this prompt.
* @param accounts The accounts from which the user could select.
* @param provider The provider on which the user is trying to log in.
* @param observer A callback to notify when the prompt has been completed.
public AccountSelectorPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@NonNull final Account[] accounts,
@NonNull final Provider provider,
final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
this.accounts = accounts;
this.provider = provider;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the account index back to content.
* @param accountIndex An integer representing the index of the account chosen by the user
* to be returned to content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final int accountIndex) {
ensureResult().putInt("accountIndex", accountIndex);
return super.confirm();
/** A representation of an Identity Credential Provider Accounts. */
public static class ProviderAccounts {
/** The name of the provider. */
public final @Nullable Provider provider;
/** The accounts available for this provider. */
public final @NonNull Account[] accounts;
/** The id of this prompt. */
public final int id;
* Creates a new {@link ProviderAccounts} with the given parameters
* @param id The identification for this prompt.
* @param provider The name of the provider.
* @param accounts The list of {@link Account}s available for this provider.
public ProviderAccounts(
final int id, @Nullable final Provider provider, @NonNull final Account[] accounts) { = id;
this.provider = provider;
this.accounts = accounts;
/* package */
static @NonNull ProviderAccounts fromBundle(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
final int id = bundle.getInt("accountIndex");
final Provider provider = Provider.fromBundle(bundle.getBundle("provider"));
final GeckoBundle[] accountsBundle = bundle.getBundleArray("accounts");
if (accountsBundle == null) {
return new ProviderAccounts(id, provider, new Account[0]);
final Account[] accounts = new Account[accountsBundle.length];
for (int i = 0; i < accountsBundle.length; i++) {
accounts[i] = Account.fromBundle(accountsBundle[i]);
return new ProviderAccounts(id, provider, accounts);
/** A representation of an Identity Credential Account. */
public static class Account {
/** The id of the account. */
public final int id;
/** The email associated to this account. */
public final @NonNull String email;
/** The name of this account. */
public final @NonNull String name;
/** A base64 string for given icon for the account; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String icon;
* Creates a new {@link Account} with the given parameters.
* @param id The identification for this account.
* @param email The email of this account.
* @param name The name of this account.
* @param icon A string base64 icon.
public Account(
final int id,
@NonNull final String email,
@NonNull final String name,
@Nullable final String icon) { = email; = name;
this.icon = icon; = id;
/* package */
static @NonNull Account fromBundle(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
final int id = bundle.getInt("id");
final String icon = bundle.getString("icon");
final String name = bundle.getString("name");
final String email = bundle.getString("email");
return new Account(id, email, name, icon);
/** A representation of an Identity Credential Provider for an Account Selector Prompt */
public static class Provider {
/** The name of the provider */
public final @NonNull String name;
/** The domain of the provider */
public final @NonNull String domain;
/** A base64 string for given icon for the provider; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String icon;
* Creates a new {@link Provider} with the given parameters
* @param name the name of the Provider
* @param favicon A string base64 icon for the provider
* @param domain A string base64 icon for the provider
public Provider(
@NonNull final String name,
@NonNull final String domain,
@Nullable final String favicon) { = name;
this.domain = domain;
this.icon = favicon;
/* package */
static @NonNull Provider fromBundle(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
final String name = bundle.getString("name");
final String domain = bundle.getString("domain");
final String icon = bundle.getString("icon");
return new Provider(name, domain, icon);
* PrivacyPolicyPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt that allows
* the user to indicate if agrees or not with the privacy policy of the identity credential
* provider.
public static class PrivacyPolicyPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The URL where the policy for using this provider is hosted. */
public final @NonNull String privacyPolicyUrl;
/** The URL where the terms of service for using this provider are hosted. */
public final @NonNull String termsOfServiceUrl;
/** The domain of the provider. */
public final @NonNull String providerDomain;
/** The host of the provider. */
public final @NonNull String host;
/** A base64 string for given icon for the provider; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String icon;
* Creates a new {@link IdentityCredential.ProviderSelectorPrompt} with the given
* parameters.
* @param id The identification for this prompt.
* @param privacyPolicyUrl The URL where the policy for using this provider is hosted.
* @param termsOfServiceUrl The URL where the terms of service for using this provider are
* hosted.
* @param providerDomain The domain of the provider.
* @param host The host of the provider.
* @param icon A base64 string for given icon for the provider; may be null.
* @param observer A callback to notify when the prompt has been completed.
protected PrivacyPolicyPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@NonNull final String privacyPolicyUrl,
@NonNull final String termsOfServiceUrl,
@NonNull final String providerDomain,
@NonNull final String host,
@Nullable final String icon,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
this.privacyPolicyUrl = privacyPolicyUrl;
this.termsOfServiceUrl = termsOfServiceUrl;
this.providerDomain = providerDomain; = host;
this.icon = icon;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the provider accept value back to content.
* @param accept A boolean indicating if the user accepts or not the Privacy Policy of the
* provider.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(final boolean accept) {
ensureResult().putBoolean("accept", accept);
return super.confirm();
* ButtonPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a JavaScript confirm() call from
* content.
class ButtonPrompt extends BasePrompt {
public @interface ButtonType {}
public static class Type {
/** Index of positive response button (eg, "Yes", "OK") */
public static final int POSITIVE = 0;
/** Index of negative response button (eg, "No", "Cancel") */
public static final int NEGATIVE = 2;
protected Type() {}
/** The message to be displayed with this prompt; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String message;
protected ButtonPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String message,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.message = message;
* Confirms this prompt, returning the selected button to content.
* @param selection An int representing the selected button, must be one of {@link Type}.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@ButtonType final int selection) {
ensureResult().putInt("button", selection);
return super.confirm();
* TextPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a Javascript prompt() call from
* content.
class TextPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The message to be displayed with this prompt; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String message;
/** The default value for the text field; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String defaultValue;
protected TextPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String message,
@Nullable final String defaultValue,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.message = message;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
* Confirms this prompt, returning the input text to content.
* @param text A String containing the text input given by the user.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String text) {
ensureResult().putString("text", text);
return super.confirm();
* AuthPrompt contains the information necessary to represent an HTML authorization prompt
* generated by content.
class AuthPrompt extends BasePrompt {
public static class AuthOptions {
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface AuthFlag {}
/** Auth prompt flags. */
public static class Flags {
/** The auth prompt is for a network host. */
public static final int HOST = 1 << 0;
/** The auth prompt is for a proxy. */
public static final int PROXY = 1 << 1;
/** The auth prompt should only request a password. */
public static final int ONLY_PASSWORD = 1 << 3;
/** The auth prompt is the result of a previous failed login. */
public static final int PREVIOUS_FAILED = 1 << 4;
/** The auth prompt is for a cross-origin sub-resource. */
public static final int CROSS_ORIGIN_SUB_RESOURCE = 1 << 5;
protected Flags() {}
@IntDef({Level.NONE, Level.PW_ENCRYPTED, Level.SECURE})
public @interface AuthLevel {}
/** Auth prompt levels. */
public static class Level {
/** The auth request is unencrypted or the encryption status is unknown. */
public static final int NONE = 0;
/** The auth request only encrypts password but not data. */
public static final int PW_ENCRYPTED = 1;
/** The auth request encrypts both password and data. */
public static final int SECURE = 2;
protected Level() {}
/** An int bit-field of {@link Flags}. */
public @AuthFlag final int flags;
/** A string containing the URI for the auth request or null if unknown. */
public @Nullable final String uri;
/** An int, one of {@link Level}, indicating level of encryption. */
public @AuthLevel final int level;
/** A string containing the initial username or null if password-only. */
public @Nullable final String username;
/** A string containing the initial password. */
public @Nullable final String password;
/* package */ AuthOptions(final GeckoBundle options) {
flags = options.getInt("flags");
uri = options.getString("uri");
level = options.getInt("level");
username = options.getString("username");
password = options.getString("password");
/** Empty constructor for tests */
protected AuthOptions() {
flags = 0;
uri = "";
level = Level.NONE;
username = "";
password = "";
/** The message to be displayed with this prompt; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String message;
/** The {@link AuthOptions} that describe the type of authorization prompt. */
public final @NonNull AuthOptions authOptions;
protected AuthPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String message,
@NonNull final AuthOptions authOptions,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.message = message;
this.authOptions = authOptions;
* Confirms this prompt with just a password, returning the password to content.
* @param password A String containing the password input by the user.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String password) {
ensureResult().putString("password", password);
return super.confirm();
* Confirms this prompt with a username and password, returning both to content.
* @param username A String containing the username input by the user.
* @param password A String containing the password input by the user.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(
@NonNull final String username, @NonNull final String password) {
ensureResult().putString("username", username);
ensureResult().putString("password", password);
return super.confirm();
* ChoicePrompt contains the information necessary to display a menu or list prompt generated by
* content.
class ChoicePrompt extends BasePrompt {
public static class Choice {
* A boolean indicating if the item is disabled. Item should not be selectable if this is
* true.
public final boolean disabled;
* A String giving the URI of the item icon, or null if none exists (only valid for menus)
public final @Nullable String icon;
/** A String giving the ID of the item or group */
public final @NonNull String id;
/** A Choice array of sub-items in a group, or null if not a group */
public final @Nullable Choice[] items;
/** A string giving the label for displaying the item or group */
public final @NonNull String label;
/** A boolean indicating if the item should be pre-selected (pre-checked for menu items) */
public final boolean selected;
/** A boolean indicating if the item should be a menu separator (only valid for menus) */
public final boolean separator;
/* package */ Choice(final GeckoBundle choice) {
disabled = choice.getBoolean("disabled");
icon = choice.getString("icon");
id = choice.getString("id");
label = choice.getString("label");
selected = choice.getBoolean("selected");
separator = choice.getBoolean("separator");
final GeckoBundle[] choices = choice.getBundleArray("items");
if (choices == null) {
items = null;
} else {
items = new Choice[choices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
items[i] = new Choice(choices[i]);
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected Choice() {
disabled = false;
icon = "";
id = "";
label = "";
selected = false;
separator = false;
items = null;
@IntDef({Type.MENU, Type.SINGLE, Type.MULTIPLE})
public @interface ChoiceType {}
public static class Type {
/** Display choices in a menu that dismisses as soon as an item is chosen. */
public static final int MENU = 1;
/** Display choices in a list that allows a single selection. */
public static final int SINGLE = 2;
/** Display choices in a list that allows multiple selections. */
public static final int MULTIPLE = 3;
protected Type() {}
/** The message to be displayed with this prompt; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String message;
/** One of {@link Type}. */
public final @ChoiceType int type;
/** An array of {@link Choice} representing possible choices. */
public final @NonNull Choice[] choices;
protected ChoicePrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String message,
@ChoiceType final int type,
@NonNull final Choice[] choices,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.message = message;
this.type = type;
this.choices = choices;
* Confirms this prompt with the string id of a single choice.
* @param selectedId The string ID of the selected choice.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String selectedId) {
return confirm(new String[] {selectedId});
* Confirms this prompt with the string ids of multiple choices
* @param selectedIds The string IDs of the selected choices.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String[] selectedIds) {
if ((Type.MENU == type || Type.SINGLE == type)
&& (selectedIds == null || selectedIds.length != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
ensureResult().putStringArray("choices", selectedIds);
return super.confirm();
* Confirms this prompt with a single choice.
* @param selectedChoice The selected choice.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final Choice selectedChoice) {
return confirm(selectedChoice == null ? null :;
* Confirms this prompt with multiple choices.
* @param selectedChoices The selected choices.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final Choice[] selectedChoices) {
if ((Type.MENU == type || Type.SINGLE == type)
&& (selectedChoices == null || selectedChoices.length != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (selectedChoices == null) {
return confirm((String[]) null);
final String[] ids = new String[selectedChoices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
ids[i] = (selectedChoices[i] == null) ? null : selectedChoices[i].id;
return confirm(ids);
* ColorPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt for color input
* generated by content.
class ColorPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The default value supplied by content. */
public final @Nullable String defaultValue;
/** The predefined values by &lt;datalist&gt; element */
public final @Nullable String[] predefinedValues;
protected ColorPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String defaultValue,
@Nullable final String[] predefinedValues,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.predefinedValues = predefinedValues;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the color value back to content.
* @param color A String representing the color to be returned to content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String color) {
ensureResult().putString("color", color);
return super.confirm();
* DateTimePrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt for date and/or time
* input generated by content.
class DateTimePrompt extends BasePrompt {
@IntDef({Type.DATE, Type.MONTH, Type.WEEK, Type.TIME, Type.DATETIME_LOCAL})
public @interface DatetimeType {}
public static class Type {
/** Prompt for year, month, and day. */
public static final int DATE = 1;
/** Prompt for year and month. */
public static final int MONTH = 2;
/** Prompt for year and week. */
public static final int WEEK = 3;
/** Prompt for hour and minute. */
public static final int TIME = 4;
/** Prompt for year, month, day, hour, and minute, without timezone. */
public static final int DATETIME_LOCAL = 5;
protected Type() {}
/** One of {@link Type} indicating the type of prompt. */
public final @DatetimeType int type;
/** A String representing the default value supplied by content. */
public final @Nullable String defaultValue;
/** A String representing the minimum value allowed by content. */
public final @Nullable String minValue;
/** A String representing the maximum value allowed by content. */
public final @Nullable String maxValue;
/** A String representing the step value allowed by content. */
public final @Nullable String stepValue;
/** For testing. */
private DateTimePrompt() {
// Initialize final members
super("", null, null);
this.type = Type.DATE;
this.defaultValue = null;
this.minValue = null;
this.maxValue = null;
this.stepValue = null;
/* package */ DateTimePrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@DatetimeType final int type,
@Nullable final String defaultValue,
@Nullable final String minValue,
@Nullable final String maxValue,
@Nullable final String stepValue,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.type = type;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.minValue = minValue;
this.maxValue = maxValue;
this.stepValue = stepValue;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the date and/or time value back to content.
* @param datetime A String representing the date and time to be returned to content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final String datetime) {
ensureResult().putString("datetime", datetime);
return super.confirm();
* FilePrompt contains the information necessary to represent a prompt for a file or files
* generated by content.
class FilePrompt extends BasePrompt {
@IntDef({Type.SINGLE, Type.MULTIPLE})
public @interface FileType {}
/** Types of file prompts. */
public static class Type {
/** Prompt for a single file. */
public static final int SINGLE = 1;
/** Prompt for multiple files. */
public static final int MULTIPLE = 2;
protected Type() {}
@IntDef({Capture.NONE, Capture.ANY, Capture.USER, Capture.ENVIRONMENT})
public @interface CaptureType {}
/** Possible capture attribute values. */
public static class Capture {
// These values should match the corresponding values in nsIFilePicker.idl
/** No capture attribute has been supplied by content. */
public static final int NONE = 0;
/** The capture attribute was supplied with a missing or invalid value. */
public static final int ANY = 1;
/** The "user" capture attribute has been supplied by content. */
public static final int USER = 2;
/** The "environment" capture attribute has been supplied by content. */
public static final int ENVIRONMENT = 3;
protected Capture() {}
/** One of {@link Type} indicating the prompt type. */
public final @FileType int type;
* An array of Strings giving the MIME types specified by the "accept" attribute, if any are
* specified.
public final @Nullable String[] mimeTypes;
/** One of {@link Capture} indicating the capture attribute supplied by content. */
public final @CaptureType int capture;
protected FilePrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@FileType final int type,
@CaptureType final int capture,
@Nullable final String[] mimeTypes,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.type = type;
this.capture = capture;
this.mimeTypes = mimeTypes;
* Confirms the prompt and passes the file URI back to content.
* @param context An Application context for parsing URIs.
* @param uri The URI of the file chosen by the user.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(
@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final Uri uri) {
return confirm(context, new Uri[] {uri});
* Confirms the prompt and passes the file URIs back to content.
* @param context An Application context for parsing URIs.
* @param uris The URIs of the files chosen by the user.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(
@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final Uri[] uris) {
if (Type.SINGLE == type && (uris == null || uris.length != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final String[] paths = new String[uris != null ? uris.length : 0];
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
paths[i] = getFile(context, uris[i]);
if (paths[i] == null) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Only file URIs are supported: " + uris[i]);
ensureResult().putStringArray("files", paths);
return super.confirm();
private static String getFile(final @NonNull Context context, final @NonNull Uri uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
if ("file".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
return uri.getPath();
final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
final Cursor cur =
new String[] {"_data"}, /* selection */
/* args */ null, /* sort */
if (cur == null) {
return null;
try {
final int idx = cur.getColumnIndex("_data");
if (idx < 0 || !cur.moveToFirst()) {
return null;
do {
try {
final String path = cur.getString(idx);
if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
return path;
} catch (final Exception e) {
} while (cur.moveToNext());
} finally {
return null;
/** PopupPrompt contains the information necessary to represent a popup blocking request. */
class PopupPrompt extends BasePrompt {
/** The target URI for the popup; may be null. */
public final @Nullable String targetUri;
protected PopupPrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String targetUri,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
this.targetUri = targetUri;
* Confirms the prompt and either allows or blocks the popup.
* @param response An {@link AllowOrDeny} specifying whether to allow or deny the popup.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@NonNull final AllowOrDeny response) {
final boolean res = AllowOrDeny.ALLOW == response;
ensureResult().putBoolean("response", res);
return super.confirm();
/** SharePrompt contains the information necessary to represent a (v1) WebShare request. */
class SharePrompt extends BasePrompt {
@IntDef({Result.SUCCESS, Result.FAILURE, Result.ABORT})
public @interface ShareResult {}
/** Possible results to a {@link SharePrompt}. */
public static class Result {
/** The user shared with another app successfully. */
public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
/** The user attempted to share with another app, but it failed. */
public static final int FAILURE = 1;
/** The user aborted the share. */
public static final int ABORT = 2;
protected Result() {}
/** The text for the share request. */
public final @Nullable String text;
/** The uri for the share request. */
public final @Nullable String uri;
protected SharePrompt(
@NonNull final String id,
@Nullable final String title,
@Nullable final String text,
@Nullable final String uri,
@NonNull final Observer observer) {
super(id, title, observer);
this.text = text;
this.uri = uri;
* Confirms the prompt and either blocks or allows the share request.
* @param response One of {@link Result} specifying the outcome of the share attempt.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(@ShareResult final int response) {
ensureResult().putInt("response", response);
return super.confirm();
* Dismisses the prompt and returns {@link Result#ABORT} to web content.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse dismiss() {
ensureResult().putInt("response", Result.ABORT);
return super.dismiss();
/** Request containing information required to resolve Autocomplete prompt requests. */
class AutocompleteRequest<T extends Autocomplete.Option<?>> extends BasePrompt {
* The Autocomplete options for this request. This can contain a single or multiple entries.
public final @NonNull T[] options;
protected AutocompleteRequest(
final @NonNull String id, final @NonNull T[] options, final Observer observer) {
super(id, null, observer);
this.options = options;
* Confirm the request by responding with a selection. See the PromptDelegate callbacks for
* specifics.
* @param selection The {@link Autocomplete.Option} used to confirm the request.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse confirm(final @NonNull Autocomplete.Option<?> selection) {
ensureResult().putBundle("selection", selection.toBundle());
return super.confirm();
* Dismiss the request. See the PromptDelegate callbacks for specifics.
* @return A {@link PromptResponse} which can be used to complete the {@link GeckoResult}
* associated with this prompt.
public @NonNull PromptResponse dismiss() {
return super.dismiss();
// Delegate functions.
* Display an alert prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link AlertPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onAlertPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final AlertPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a onbeforeunload prompt.
* See {@link BeforeUnloadPrompt}
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt
* @param prompt the {@link BeforeUnloadPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to {@link AllowOrDeny#ALLOW} if the page is allowed
* to continue with the navigation or {@link AllowOrDeny#DENY} otherwise.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onBeforeUnloadPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final BeforeUnloadPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a POST resubmission confirmation prompt.
* <p>This prompt will trigger whenever refreshing or navigating to a page needs resubmitting
* POST data that has been submitted already.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt
* @param prompt the {@link RepostConfirmPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to {@link AllowOrDeny#ALLOW} if the page is allowed
* to continue with the navigation and resubmit the POST data or {@link AllowOrDeny#DENY}
* otherwise.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onRepostConfirmPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final RepostConfirmPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a button prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link ButtonPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onButtonPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final ButtonPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a text prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link TextPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onTextPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final TextPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display an authorization prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link AuthPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onAuthPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final AuthPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a list/menu prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link ChoicePrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onChoicePrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final ChoicePrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a color prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link ColorPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onColorPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final ColorPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a date/time prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link DateTimePrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onDateTimePrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final DateTimePrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a file prompt.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link FilePrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onFilePrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final FilePrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a popup request prompt; this occurs when content attempts to open a new window in a
* way that doesn't appear to be the result of user input.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link PopupPrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onPopupPrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final PopupPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Display a share request prompt; this occurs when content attempts to use the WebShare API.
* @param session GeckoSession that triggered the prompt.
* @param prompt The {@link SharePrompt} that describes the prompt.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onSharePrompt(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final SharePrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Handle a login save prompt request. This is triggered by the user entering new or modified
* login credentials into a login form.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}.
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to trigger a {@link
* Autocomplete.StorageDelegate#onLoginSave} request to save the given selection. The
* confirmed selection may be an entry out of the request's options, a modified option, or a
* freshly created login entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny the saving request.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onLoginSave(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.LoginSaveOption> request) {
return null;
* Handle a address save prompt request. This is triggered by the user entering new or modified
* address credentials into a address form.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}.
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to trigger a {@link
* Autocomplete.StorageDelegate#onAddressSave} request to save the given selection. The
* confirmed selection may be an entry out of the request's options, a modified option, or a
* freshly created address entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny the saving request.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onAddressSave(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.AddressSaveOption> request) {
return null;
* Handle a credit card save prompt request. This is triggered by the user entering new or
* modified credit card credentials into a form.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}.
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to trigger a {@link
* Autocomplete.StorageDelegate#onCreditCardSave} request to save the given selection. The
* confirmed selection may be an entry out of the request's options, a modified option, or a
* freshly created credit card entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny the saving request.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onCreditCardSave(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.CreditCardSaveOption> request) {
return null;
* Handle a login selection prompt request. This is triggered by the user focusing on a login
* username field.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to let GeckoView fill out the
* login forms with the given selection details. The confirmed selection may be an entry out
* of the request's options, a modified option, or a freshly created login entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny autocompletion for the detected form.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onLoginSelect(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.LoginSelectOption> request) {
return null;
* Handle an Identity Credential Provider selection prompt request. This is triggered by the
* user focusing on selecting a provider for authenticating.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param prompt The {@link ProviderSelectorPrompt} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onSelectIdentityCredentialProvider(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final ProviderSelectorPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Handle an Identity Credential Account selection prompt request. This is triggered by the user
* focusing on selecting a provider for authenticating.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param prompt The {@link ProviderSelectorPrompt} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onSelectIdentityCredentialAccount(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final AccountSelectorPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Handle an Identity Credential privacy policy prompt request.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param prompt The {@link PrivacyPolicyPrompt} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse} which includes all
* necessary information to resolve the prompt.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onShowPrivacyPolicyIdentityCredential(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final PrivacyPolicyPrompt prompt) {
return null;
* Handle a credit card selection prompt request. This is triggered by the user focusing on a
* credit card input field.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to let GeckoView fill out the
* credit card forms with the given selection details. The confirmed selection may be an
* entry out of the request's options, a modified option, or a freshly created credit card
* entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny autocompletion for the detected form.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onCreditCardSelect(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.CreditCardSelectOption> request) {
return null;
* Handle a address selection prompt request. This is triggered by the user focusing on a
* address field.
* @param session The {@link GeckoSession} that triggered the request.
* @param request The {@link AutocompleteRequest} containing the request details.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to a {@link PromptResponse}
* <p>Confirm the request with an {@link Autocomplete.Option} to let GeckoView fill out the
* address forms with the given selection details. The confirmed selection may be an entry
* out of the request's options, a modified option, or a freshly created address entry.
* <p>Dismiss the request to deny autocompletion for the detected form.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onAddressSelect(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.AddressSelectOption> request) {
return null;
/** GeckoSession applications implement this interface to handle content scroll events. */
public interface ScrollDelegate {
* The scroll position of the content has changed.
* @param session GeckoSession that initiated the callback.
* @param scrollX The new horizontal scroll position in pixels.
* @param scrollY The new vertical scroll position in pixels.
default void onScrollChanged(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, final int scrollX, final int scrollY) {}
* Get the PanZoomController instance for this session.
* @return PanZoomController instance.
public @NonNull PanZoomController getPanZoomController() {
return mPanZoomController;
* Get the OverscrollEdgeEffect instance for this session.
* @return OverscrollEdgeEffect instance.
public @NonNull OverscrollEdgeEffect getOverscrollEdgeEffect() {
if (mOverscroll == null) {
mOverscroll = new OverscrollEdgeEffect();
return mOverscroll;
* Get the CompositorController instance for this session.
* @return CompositorController instance.
public @NonNull CompositorController getCompositorController() {
if (mController == null) {
mController = new CompositorController(this);
if (mCompositorReady) {
return mController;
* Get a matrix for transforming from client coordinates to surface coordinates.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see #getClientToScreenMatrix(Matrix)
* @see #getPageToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)
public void getClientToSurfaceMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
matrix.setScale(mViewportZoom, mViewportZoom);
if (mClientTop != mTop) {
matrix.postTranslate(0, mClientTop - mTop);
* Get a matrix for transforming from client coordinates to screen coordinates. The client
* coordinates are in CSS pixels and are relative to the viewport origin; their relation to screen
* coordinates does not depend on the current scroll position.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see #getClientToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)
* @see #getPageToScreenMatrix(Matrix)
public void getClientToScreenMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
matrix.postTranslate(mLeft, mTop);
* Get a matrix for transforming from page coordinates to screen coordinates. The page coordinates
* are in CSS pixels and are relative to the page origin; their relation to screen coordinates
* depends on the current scroll position of the outermost frame.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see #getPageToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)
* @see #getClientToScreenMatrix(Matrix)
public void getPageToScreenMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
matrix.postTranslate(mLeft, mTop);
* Get a matrix for transforming from page coordinates to surface coordinates.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see #getPageToScreenMatrix(Matrix)
* @see #getClientToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)
public void getPageToSurfaceMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
matrix.postTranslate(-mViewportLeft, -mViewportTop);
* Get a matrix for transforming from layout device client coordinates to screen coordinates.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see #getClientToScreenMatrix(Matrix)
* @see #getPageToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)
/* package */ void getClientToScreenOffsetMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
matrix.postTranslate(mLeft, mTop);
* Get a matrix for transforming from screen coordinates to Android's current window coordinates.
* @param matrix Matrix to be replaced by the transformation matrix.
* @see <a
/* package */ void getScreenToWindowManagerOffsetMatrix(@NonNull final Matrix matrix) {
final WindowManager wm =
final Rect currentWindowRect = wm.getCurrentWindowMetrics().getBounds();
// TODO(m_kato): Bug 1678531
// How to get window coordinate on Android 7-10 that supports split window?
* Get the bounds of the client area in client coordinates. The returned top-left coordinates are
* always (0, 0). Use the matrix from {@link #getClientToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix)} or {@link
* #getClientToScreenMatrix(Matrix)} to map these bounds to surface or screen coordinates,
* respectively.
* @param rect RectF to be replaced by the client bounds in client coordinates.
* @see #getSurfaceBounds(Rect)
public void getClientBounds(@NonNull final RectF rect) {
rect.set(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) mWidth / mViewportZoom, (float) mClientHeight / mViewportZoom);
* Get the bounds of the client area in surface coordinates. This is equivalent to mapping the
* bounds returned by #getClientBounds(RectF) with the matrix returned by
* #getClientToSurfaceMatrix(Matrix).
* @param rect Rect to be replaced by the client bounds in surface coordinates.
public void getSurfaceBounds(@NonNull final Rect rect) {
rect.set(0, mClientTop - mTop, mWidth, mHeight);
* GeckoSession applications implement this interface to handle requests for permissions from
* content, such as geolocation and notifications. For each permission, usually two requests are
* generated: one request for the Android app permission through requestAppPermissions, which is
* typically handled by a system permission dialog; and another request for the content permission
* (e.g. through requestContentPermission), which is typically handled by an app-specific
* permission dialog.
* <p>When denying an Android app permission, the response is not stored by GeckoView. It is the
* responsibility of the consumer to store the response state and therefore prevent further
* requests from being presented to the user.
public interface PermissionDelegate {
* Permission for using the geolocation API. See:
* Permission for using the notifications API. See:
* Permission for using the storage API. See:
/** Permission for using the WebXR API. See: */
/** Permission for allowing autoplay of inaudible (silent) video. */
/** Permission for allowing autoplay of audible video. */
/** Permission for accessing system media keys used to decode DRM media. */
* Permission for trackers to operate on the page -- disables all tracking protection features
* for a given site.
* Permission for third party frames to access first party cookies. May be granted heuristically
* in some cases.
* Represents a content permission -- including the type of permission, the present value of the
* permission, the URL the permission pertains to, and other information.
class ContentPermission {
public @interface Value {}
/** The corresponding permission is currently set to default/prompt behavior. */
public static final int VALUE_PROMPT = 3;
/** The corresponding permission is currently set to deny. */
public static final int VALUE_DENY = 2;
/** The corresponding permission is currently set to allow. */
public static final int VALUE_ALLOW = 1;
/** The URI associated with this content permission. */
public final @NonNull String uri;
* The third party origin associated with the request; currently only used for storage access
* permission.
public final @Nullable String thirdPartyOrigin;
* A boolean indicating whether this content permission is associated with private browsing.
public final boolean privateMode;
/** The type of this permission; one of {@link #PERMISSION_GEOLOCATION PERMISSION_*}. */
public final int permission;
/** The value of the permission; one of {@link #VALUE_PROMPT VALUE_}. */
public final @Value int value;
* The context ID associated with the permission if any.
* @see GeckoSessionSettings.Builder#contextId
public final @Nullable String contextId;
private final String mPrincipal;
protected ContentPermission() {
this.uri = "";
this.thirdPartyOrigin = null;
this.privateMode = false;
this.value = VALUE_ALLOW;
this.mPrincipal = "";
this.contextId = null;
private ContentPermission(final @NonNull GeckoBundle bundle) {
this.uri = bundle.getString("uri");
this.mPrincipal = bundle.getString("principal");
this.privateMode = bundle.getBoolean("privateMode");
final String permission = bundle.getString("perm");
this.permission = convertType(permission);
if (permission.startsWith("3rdPartyStorage^")) {
// Storage access permissions are stored with the key "3rdPartyStorage^"
// where the third party origin is "".
this.thirdPartyOrigin = permission.substring(16);
} else if (permission.startsWith("3rdPartyFrameStorage^")) {
// Storage access permissions may also be stored with the key
// "3rdPartyFrameStorage^" where the third party
// origin is "".
this.thirdPartyOrigin = permission.substring(21);
} else {
this.thirdPartyOrigin = bundle.getString("thirdPartyOrigin");
this.value = bundle.getInt("value");
this.contextId =
* Converts a JSONObject to a ContentPermission -- should only be used on the output of {@link
* #toJson()}.
* @param perm A JSONObject representing a ContentPermission, output by {@link #toJson()}.
* @return The corresponding ContentPermission.
public static @Nullable ContentPermission fromJson(final @NonNull JSONObject perm) {
ContentPermission res = null;
try {
res = new ContentPermission(GeckoBundle.fromJSONObject(perm));
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Failed to create ContentPermission; invalid JSONObject.", e);
return res;
* Converts a ContentPermission to a JSONObject that can be converted back to a
* ContentPermission by {@link #fromJson(JSONObject)}.
* @return A JSONObject representing this ContentPermission. Modifying any of the fields may
* result in undefined behavior when converted back to a ContentPermission and used.
* @throws JSONException if the conversion fails for any reason.
public @NonNull JSONObject toJson() throws JSONException {
return toGeckoBundle().toJSONObject();
private static int convertType(final @NonNull String type) {
if ("geolocation".equals(type)) {
} else if ("desktop-notification".equals(type)) {
} else if ("persistent-storage".equals(type)) {
} else if ("xr".equals(type)) {
} else if ("autoplay-media-inaudible".equals(type)) {
} else if ("autoplay-media-audible".equals(type)) {
} else if ("media-key-system-access".equals(type)) {
} else if ("trackingprotection".equals(type) || "trackingprotection-pb".equals(type)) {
} else if ("storage-access".equals(type)
|| type.startsWith("3rdPartyStorage^")
|| type.startsWith("3rdPartyFrameStorage^")) {
} else {
return -1;
// This also gets used in StorageController, so it's package rather than private.
/* package */ static String convertType(final int type, final boolean privateMode) {
switch (type) {
return "geolocation";
return "desktop-notification";
return "persistent-storage";
return "xr";
return "autoplay-media-inaudible";
return "autoplay-media-audible";
return "media-key-system-access";
return privateMode ? "trackingprotection-pb" : "trackingprotection";
return "storage-access";
return "";
/* package */ static @NonNull ArrayList<ContentPermission> fromBundleArray(
final @NonNull GeckoBundle[] bundleArray) {
final ArrayList<ContentPermission> res = new ArrayList<ContentPermission>();
if (bundleArray == null) {
return res;
for (final GeckoBundle bundle : bundleArray) {
final ContentPermission temp = new ContentPermission(bundle);
if (temp.permission == -1 || temp.value < 1 || temp.value > 3) {
return res;
/* package */ @NonNull
GeckoBundle toGeckoBundle() {
final GeckoBundle res = new GeckoBundle(7);
res.putString("uri", uri);
res.putString("thirdPartyOrigin", thirdPartyOrigin);
res.putString("principal", mPrincipal);
res.putBoolean("privateMode", privateMode);
res.putString("perm", convertType(permission, privateMode));
res.putInt("value", value);
res.putString("contextId", contextId);
return res;
/** Callback interface for notifying the result of a permission request. */
interface Callback {
* Called by the implementation after permissions are granted; the implementation must call
* either grant() or reject() for every request.
default void grant() {}
* Called by the implementation when permissions are not granted; the implementation must call
* either grant() or reject() for every request.
default void reject() {}
* Request Android app permissions.
* @param session GeckoSession instance requesting the permissions.
* @param permissions List of permissions to request; possible values are,
* android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
* android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA
* android.Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
* @param callback Callback interface.
default void onAndroidPermissionsRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@Nullable final String[] permissions,
@NonNull final Callback callback) {
* Request content permission.
* <p>Note, that in the case of PERMISSION_PERSISTENT_STORAGE, once permission has been granted
* for a site, it cannot be revoked. If the permission has previously been granted, it is the
* responsibility of the consuming app to remember the permission and prevent the prompt from
* being redisplayed to the user.
* @param session GeckoSession instance requesting the permission.
* @param perm An {@link ContentPermission} describing the permission being requested and its
* current status.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} resolving to one of {@link ContentPermission#VALUE_PROMPT
* VALUE_*}, determining the response to the permission request and updating the permissions
* for this site.
default @Nullable GeckoResult<Integer> onContentPermissionRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull ContentPermission perm) {
return GeckoResult.fromValue(ContentPermission.VALUE_PROMPT);
class MediaSource {
public @interface Source {}
/** Constant to indicate that camera will be recorded. */
public static final int SOURCE_CAMERA = 0;
/** Constant to indicate that screen will be recorded. */
public static final int SOURCE_SCREEN = 1;
/** Constant to indicate that microphone will be recorded. */
public static final int SOURCE_MICROPHONE = 2;
/** Constant to indicate that device audio playback will be recorded. */
public static final int SOURCE_AUDIOCAPTURE = 3;
/** Constant to indicate a media source that does not fall under the other categories. */
public static final int SOURCE_OTHER = 4;
public @interface Type {}
/** The media type is video. */
public static final int TYPE_VIDEO = 0;
/** The media type is audio. */
public static final int TYPE_AUDIO = 1;
/** A string giving a unique source identifier. */
public final @NonNull String id;
* A string giving the name of the video source from the system (for example, "Camera 0,
* Facing back, Orientation 90"). May be empty.
public final @Nullable String name;
* An int indicating the media source type. Possible values for a video source are:
* SOURCE_CAMERA, SOURCE_SCREEN, and SOURCE_OTHER. Possible values for an audio source are:
public final @Source int source;
/** An int giving the type of media, must be either TYPE_VIDEO or TYPE_AUDIO. */
public final @Type int type;
private static @Source int getSourceFromString(final String src) {
// The strings here should match those in MediaSourceEnum in MediaStreamTrack.webidl
if ("camera".equals(src)) {
} else if ("screen".equals(src) || "window".equals(src) || "browser".equals(src)) {
} else if ("microphone".equals(src)) {
} else if ("audioCapture".equals(src)) {
} else if ("other".equals(src) || "application".equals(src)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"String: " + src + " is not a valid media source string");
private static @Type int getTypeFromString(final String type) {
// The strings here should match the possible types in MediaDevice::MediaDevice in
// MediaManager.cpp
if ("videoinput".equals(type)) {
return TYPE_VIDEO;
} else if ("audioinput".equals(type)) {
return TYPE_AUDIO;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"String: " + type + " is not a valid media type string");
/* package */ MediaSource(final GeckoBundle media) {
id = media.getString("id");
name = media.getString("name");
source = getSourceFromString(media.getString("mediaSource"));
type = getTypeFromString(media.getString("type"));
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected MediaSource() {
id = null;
name = null;
type = TYPE_VIDEO;
* Callback interface for notifying the result of a media permission request, including which
* media source(s) to use.
interface MediaCallback {
* Called by the implementation after permissions are granted; the implementation must call
* one of grant() or reject() for every request.
* @param video "id" value from the bundle for the video source to use, or null when video is
* not requested.
* @param audio "id" value from the bundle for the audio source to use, or null when audio is
* not requested.
default void grant(final @Nullable String video, final @Nullable String audio) {}
* Called by the implementation after permissions are granted; the implementation must call
* one of grant() or reject() for every request.
* @param video MediaSource for the video source to use (must be an original MediaSource
* object that was passed to the implementation); or null when video is not requested.
* @param audio MediaSource for the audio source to use (must be an original MediaSource
* object that was passed to the implementation); or null when audio is not requested.
default void grant(final @Nullable MediaSource video, final @Nullable MediaSource audio) {}
* Called by the implementation when permissions are not granted; the implementation must call
* one of grant() or reject() for every request.
default void reject() {}
* Request content media permissions, including request for which video and/or audio source to
* use.
* <p>Media permissions will still be requested if the associated device permissions have been
* denied if there are video or audio sources in that category that can still be accessed. It is
* the responsibility of consumers to ensure that media permission requests are not displayed in
* this case.
* @param session GeckoSession instance requesting the permission.
* @param uri The URI of the content requesting the permission.
* @param video List of video sources, or null if not requesting video.
* @param audio List of audio sources, or null if not requesting audio.
* @param callback Callback interface.
default void onMediaPermissionRequest(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final String uri,
@Nullable final MediaSource[] video,
@Nullable final MediaSource[] audio,
@NonNull final MediaCallback callback) {
public @interface Permission {}
* Interface that SessionTextInput uses for performing operations such as opening and closing the
* software keyboard. If the delegate is not set, these operations are forwarded to the system
* {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager} automatically.
public interface TextInputDelegate {
/** Restarting input due to an input field gaining focus. */
/** Restarting input due to an input field losing focus. */
* Restarting input due to the content of the input field changing. For example, the input field
* type may have changed, or the current composition may have been committed outside of the
* input method.
* Reset the input method, and discard any existing states such as the current composition or
* current autocompletion. Because the current focused editor may have changed, as part of the
* reset, a custom input method would normally call {@link
* SessionTextInput#onCreateInputConnection} to update its knowledge of the focused editor. Note
* that {@code restartInput} should be used to detect changes in focus, rather than {@link
* #showSoftInput} or {@link #hideSoftInput}, because focus changes are not always accompanied
* by requests to show or hide the soft input. This method is always called, even in viewless
* mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @param reason Reason for the reset.
default void restartInput(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @RestartReason final int reason) {}
* Display the soft input. May be called consecutively, even if the soft input is already shown.
* This method is always called, even in viewless mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @see #hideSoftInput
default void showSoftInput(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Hide the soft input. May be called consecutively, even if the soft input is already hidden.
* This method is always called, even in viewless mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @see #showSoftInput
default void hideSoftInput(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Update the soft input on the current selection. This method is <i>not</i> called in viewless
* mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @param selStart Start offset of the selection.
* @param selEnd End offset of the selection.
* @param compositionStart Composition start offset, or -1 if there is no composition.
* @param compositionEnd Composition end offset, or -1 if there is no composition.
default void updateSelection(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
final int selStart,
final int selEnd,
final int compositionStart,
final int compositionEnd) {}
* Update the soft input on the current extracted text, as requested through {@link
* android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection#getExtractedText}. Consequently, this method is
* <i>not</i> called in viewless mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @param request The extract text request.
* @param text The extracted text.
default void updateExtractedText(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final ExtractedTextRequest request,
@NonNull final ExtractedText text) {}
* Update the cursor-anchor information as requested through {@link
* android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection#requestCursorUpdates}. Consequently, this method is
* <i>not</i> called in viewless mode.
* @param session Session instance.
* @param info Cursor-anchor information.
default void updateCursorAnchorInfo(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final CursorAnchorInfo info) {}
public @interface RestartReason {}
/* package */ void onSurfaceChanged(final @NonNull SurfaceInfo surfaceInfo) {
mWidth = surfaceInfo.mWidth;
mHeight = surfaceInfo.mHeight;
mNewSurfaceProvider = surfaceInfo.mNewSurfaceProvider;
if (mCompositorReady) {
// We have a valid surface but we're not attached or the compositor
// is not ready; save the surface for later when we're ready.
mSurfaceInfo = surfaceInfo;
// Adjust bounds as the last step.
/* package */ void onSurfaceDestroyed() {
mNewSurfaceProvider = null;
if (mCompositorReady) {
// While the surface was valid, we never became attached or the
// compositor never became ready; clear the saved surface.
mSurfaceInfo = null;
/* package */ void onScreenOriginChanged(final int left, final int top) {
if (mLeft == left && mTop == top) {
mLeft = left;
mTop = top;
/* package */ void setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight(final int height) {
if (mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight == height) {
if (mHeight != 0 && height != 0 && mHeight < height) {
new AssertionError(
"The maximum height of the dynamic toolbar ("
+ height
+ ") should be smaller than GeckoView height ("
+ mHeight
+ ")"));
mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight = height;
if (mAttachedCompositor) {
/* package */ void setFixedBottomOffset(final int offset) {
if (mFixedBottomOffset == offset) {
mFixedBottomOffset = offset;
if (mCompositorReady) {
/* package */ void onCompositorAttached() {
if (DEBUG) {
mAttachedCompositor = true;
if (mSurfaceInfo != null) {
// If we have a valid surface, create the compositor now that we're attached.
// Leave mSurface alone because we'll need it later for onCompositorReady.
/* package */ void onCompositorDetached() {
if (DEBUG) {
if (mController != null) {
mAttachedCompositor = false;
mCompositorReady = false;
/* package */ void handleCompositorMessage(final int message) {
if (DEBUG) {
switch (message) {
if (isCompositorReady()) {
// Delay calling onCompositorReady to avoid deadlock due
// to synchronous call to the compositor.
if (mController != null) {
final ContentDelegate delegate = mContentHandler.getDelegate();
if (delegate != null) {
if (mController != null) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Unexpected message: " + message);
/* package */ boolean isCompositorReady() {
return mCompositorReady;
/* package */ void onCompositorReady() {
if (DEBUG) {
if (!mAttachedCompositor) {
mCompositorReady = true;
if (mController != null) {
if (mSurfaceInfo != null) {
// If we have a valid surface, resume the
// compositor now that the compositor is ready.
mSurfaceInfo = null;
if (mFixedBottomOffset != 0) {
/* package */ void updateOverscrollVelocity(final float x, final float y) {
if (DEBUG) {
if (mOverscroll == null) {
// Multiply the velocity by 1000 to match what was done in JPZ.
mOverscroll.setVelocity(x * 1000.0f, OverscrollEdgeEffect.AXIS_X);
mOverscroll.setVelocity(y * 1000.0f, OverscrollEdgeEffect.AXIS_Y);
/* package */ void updateOverscrollOffset(final float x, final float y) {
if (DEBUG) {
if (mOverscroll == null) {
mOverscroll.setDistance(x, OverscrollEdgeEffect.AXIS_X);
mOverscroll.setDistance(y, OverscrollEdgeEffect.AXIS_Y);
/* package */ void onMetricsChanged(final float scrollX, final float scrollY, final float zoom) {
if (DEBUG) {
mViewportLeft = scrollX;
mViewportTop = scrollY;
mViewportZoom = zoom;
/* protected */ void onWindowBoundsChanged() {
if (DEBUG) {
if (mHeight != 0 && mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight != 0 && mHeight < mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight) {
new AssertionError(
"The maximum height of the dynamic toolbar ("
+ mDynamicToolbarMaxHeight
+ ") should be smaller than GeckoView height ("
+ mHeight
+ ")"));
final int toolbarHeight = 0;
mClientTop = mTop + toolbarHeight;
// If the view is not tall enough to even fix the toolbar we just
// default the client height to 0
mClientHeight = Math.max(mHeight - toolbarHeight, 0);
if (mAttachedCompositor) {
mCompositor.onBoundsChanged(mLeft, mClientTop, mWidth, mClientHeight);
if (mOverscroll != null) {
mOverscroll.setSize(mWidth, mClientHeight);
/* pacakge */ void onSafeAreaInsetsChanged(
final int top, final int right, final int bottom, final int left) {
if (mAttachedCompositor) {
mCompositor.onSafeAreaInsetsChanged(top, right, bottom, left);
/* package */ void setPointerIcon(
final int defaultCursor, final @Nullable Bitmap customCursor, final float x, final float y) {
final PointerIcon icon;
if (customCursor != null) {
try {
icon = PointerIcon.create(customCursor, x, y);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
// x/y hotspot might be invalid
} else {
final Context context = GeckoAppShell.getApplicationContext();
icon = PointerIcon.getSystemIcon(context, defaultCursor);
final ContentDelegate delegate = getContentDelegate();
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.onPointerIconChange(this, icon);
/* package */ void startDragAndDrop(final Bitmap bitmap) {
final View view = getTextInput().getView();
if (view == null) {
GeckoDragAndDrop.startDragAndDrop(view, bitmap);
/* package */ void updateDragImage(final Bitmap bitmap) {
final View view = getTextInput().getView();
if (view == null) {
GeckoDragAndDrop.updateDragImage(view, bitmap);
/** GeckoSession applications implement this interface to handle media events. */
public interface MediaDelegate {
class RecordingDevice {
* Default status flags for this RecordingDevice.
public static class Status {
public static final long RECORDING = 0;
public static final long INACTIVE = 1 << 0;
// Do not instantiate this class.
protected Status() {}
* Default device types for this RecordingDevice.
public static class Type {
public static final long CAMERA = 0;
public static final long MICROPHONE = 1 << 0;
// Do not instantiate this class.
protected Type() {}
flag = true,
value = {Status.RECORDING, Status.INACTIVE})
public @interface RecordingStatus {}
flag = true,
value = {Type.CAMERA, Type.MICROPHONE})
public @interface DeviceType {}
* A long giving the current recording status, must be either Status.RECORDING, Status.PAUSED
* or Status.INACTIVE.
public final @RecordingStatus long status;
* A long giving the type of the recording device, must be either Type.CAMERA or
public final @DeviceType long type;
private static @DeviceType long getTypeFromString(final String type) {
if ("microphone".equals(type)) {
return Type.MICROPHONE;
} else if ("camera".equals(type)) {
return Type.CAMERA;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"String: " + type + " is not a valid recording device string");
private static @RecordingStatus long getStatusFromString(final String type) {
if ("recording".equals(type)) {
return Status.RECORDING;
} else {
return Status.INACTIVE;
/* package */ RecordingDevice(final GeckoBundle media) {
status = getStatusFromString(media.getString("status"));
type = getTypeFromString(media.getString("type"));
/** Empty constructor for tests. */
protected RecordingDevice() {
status = Status.INACTIVE;
type = Type.CAMERA;
* A recording device has changed state. Any change to the recording state of the devices
* microphone or camera will call this delegate method. The argument provides details of the
* active recording devices.
* @param session The session that the event has originated from.
* @param devices The list of active devices and their recording state.
default void onRecordingStatusChanged(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final RecordingDevice[] devices) {}
/** An interface for recording new history visits and fetching the visited status for links. */
public interface HistoryDelegate {
/** A representation of an entry in browser history. */
interface HistoryItem {
* Get the URI of this history element.
* @return A String representing the URI of this history element.
default @NonNull String getUri() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("HistoryItem.getUri() called on invalid object.");
* Get the title of this history element.
* @return A String representing the title of this history element.
default @NonNull String getTitle() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"HistoryItem.getString() called on invalid object.");
* A representation of browser history, accessible as a `List`. The list itself and its entries
* are immutable; any attempt to mutate will result in an `UnsupportedOperationException`.
interface HistoryList extends List<HistoryItem> {
* Get the current index in browser history.
* @return An int representing the current index in browser history.
default int getCurrentIndex() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"HistoryList.getCurrentIndex() called on invalid object.");
// These flags are similar to those in `IHistory::LoadFlags`, but we use
// different values to decouple GeckoView from Gecko changes. These
// should be kept in sync with `GeckoViewHistory::GeckoViewVisitFlags`.
/** The URL was visited a top-level window. */
int VISIT_TOP_LEVEL = 1 << 0;
/** The URL is the target of a temporary redirect. */
/** The URL is the target of a permanent redirect. */
/** The URL is temporarily redirected to another URL. */
/** The URL is permanently redirected to another URL. */
/** The URL failed to load due to a client or server error. */
* Records a visit to a page.
* @param session The session where the URL was visited.
* @param url The visited URL.
* @param lastVisitedURL The last visited URL in this session, to detect redirects and reloads.
* @param flags Additional flags for this visit, including redirect and error statuses. This is
* a bitmask of one or more {@link #VISIT_TOP_LEVEL VISIT_*} flags, OR-ed together.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} completed with a boolean indicating whether to highlight links
* for the new URL as visited ({@code true}) or unvisited ({@code false}).
default @Nullable GeckoResult<Boolean> onVisited(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session,
@NonNull final String url,
@Nullable final String lastVisitedURL,
@VisitFlags final int flags) {
return null;
* Returns the visited statuses for links on a page. This is used to highlight links as visited
* or unvisited, for example.
* @param session The session requesting the visited statuses.
* @param urls A list of URLs to check.
* @return A {@link GeckoResult} completed with a list of booleans corresponding to the URLs in
* {@code urls}, and indicating whether to highlight links for each URL as visited ({@code
* true}) or unvisited ({@code false}).
default @Nullable GeckoResult<boolean[]> getVisited(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final String[] urls) {
return null;
default void onHistoryStateChange(
@NonNull final GeckoSession session, @NonNull final HistoryList historyList) {}
flag = true,
value = {
public @interface VisitFlags {}
private Autofill.Support getAutofillSupport() {
return mAutofillSupport;
* Sets the autofill delegate for this session.
* @param delegate An instance of {@link Autofill.Delegate}.
public void setAutofillDelegate(final @Nullable Autofill.Delegate delegate) {
* @return The current {@link Autofill.Delegate} for this session, if any.
public @Nullable Autofill.Delegate getAutofillDelegate() {
return getAutofillSupport().getDelegate();
* Provides an autofill structure similar to {@link
* View#onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int)} , but does not rely on {@link
* ViewStructure} to build the tree. This is useful for apps that want to provide autofill
* functionality without using the Android autofill system or requiring API 26.
* @return The elements available for autofill.
public @NonNull Autofill.Session getAutofillSession() {
return getAutofillSupport().getAutofillSession();
* Saves a PDF of the currently displayed page.
* @return A GeckoResult with an InputStream containing the PDF. The result could
* CompleteExceptionally with a {@link GeckoPrintException}s, if there are any issues while
* generating the PDF.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<InputStream> saveAsPdf() {
return saveAsPdfByBrowsingContext(null);
* Saves a PDF of the specified browsing context. Use null if the browsing context is unknown or
* to print the main page.
* @param browsingContextId the browsing context id of the item to print
* @return A GeckoResult with an InputStream containing the PDF.
private @NonNull GeckoResult<InputStream> saveAsPdfByBrowsingContext(
final @Nullable Long browsingContextId) {
final GeckoResult<InputStream> geckoResult = new GeckoResult<>();
if (browsingContextId == null) {
// Ensures the canonical browsing context is available
} else {
this.mWindow.printToPdf(geckoResult, browsingContextId);
return geckoResult;
/** Prints the currently displayed page. */
public void printPageContent() {
final PrintDelegate delegate = getPrintDelegate();
if (delegate != null) {
} else {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Print delegate required for printing.");
* Prints the currently displayed page and provides dialog finished status or if an exception
* occured.
* @return if the printing dialog finished or an exception.
public @NonNull GeckoResult<Boolean> didPrintPageContent() {
final PrintDelegate delegate = getPrintDelegate();
final GeckoResult<Boolean> result = new GeckoResult<>();
if (delegate == null) {
result.completeExceptionally(new GeckoPrintException(ERROR_NO_PRINT_DELEGATE));
return result;
return saveAsPdfByBrowsingContext(null)
.then(pdfStream -> delegate.onPrintWithStatus(pdfStream));
private static String rgbaToArgb(final String color) {
// We expect #rrggbbaa
if (color.length() != 9 || !color.startsWith("#")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color format");
return "#" + color.substring(7) + color.substring(1, 7);
private static void fixupManifestColor(final JSONObject manifest, final String name)
throws JSONException {
if (manifest.isNull(name)) {
manifest.put(name, rgbaToArgb(manifest.getString(name)));
private static JSONObject fixupWebAppManifest(final JSONObject manifest) {
// Colors are #rrggbbaa, but we want them to be #aarrggbb, since that's what
// expects.
try {
fixupManifestColor(manifest, "theme_color");
fixupManifestColor(manifest, "background_color");
} catch (final JSONException e) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Failed to fixup web app manifest", e);
return manifest;
private static boolean maybeCheckDataUriLength(final @NonNull Loader request) {
if (!request.mIsDataUri) {
return true;
return request.mUri.length() <= DATA_URI_MAX_LENGTH;
* Used for printing page content.
* <p>The provided implementation is in {@link GeckoView}. It uses a PDF of the content and the
* Android print API to print the page.
public interface PrintDelegate {
* Print the current page content.
* @param session to print
default void onPrint(@NonNull final GeckoSession session) {}
* Print any provided PDF InputStream.
* @param pdfInputStream an InputStream containing a PDF
default void onPrint(@NonNull final InputStream pdfInputStream) {}
* Print any provided PDF InputStream.
* @param pdfInputStream an InputStream containing a PDF
* @return A GeckoResult if the print dialog has closed
default @Nullable GeckoResult<Boolean> onPrintWithStatus(
@NonNull final InputStream pdfInputStream) {
return null;
* Gets the print delegate for this session.
* @return The current {@link PrintDelegate} for this session, if any.
public @Nullable PrintDelegate getPrintDelegate() {
return mPrintHandler.getDelegate();
* Sets the print delegate for this session.
* @param delegate An instance of {@link PrintDelegate}.
public void setPrintDelegate(final @Nullable PrintDelegate delegate) {
mPrintHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
* Gets the experiment delegate for this session.
* @return The current {@link ExperimentDelegate} for this session, if any.
public @Nullable ExperimentDelegate getExperimentDelegate() {
return mExperimentHandler.getDelegate();
* Gets the experiment delegate from the runtime.
* @return The current {@link ExperimentDelegate} for the runtime or null.
private @Nullable ExperimentDelegate getRuntimeExperimentDelegate() {
final GeckoRuntime runtime = this.getRuntime();
if (runtime != null) {
final GeckoRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = runtime.getSettings();
if (runtimeSettings != null) {
return runtimeSettings.getExperimentDelegate();
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Could not retrieve experiment delegate from runtime.");
return null;
* Sets the experiment delegate for this session. Default is set to the runtime experiment
* delegate.
* @param delegate An instance of {@link ExperimentDelegate}.
public void setExperimentDelegate(final @Nullable ExperimentDelegate delegate) {
mExperimentHandler.setDelegate(delegate, this);
/** Thrown when failure occurs when printing from a website. */
public static class GeckoPrintException extends Exception {
/** The print service was not available. */
/** The print service was not created due to an initialization error. */
public static final int ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PRINT_SETTINGS = -2;
/** An error happened while trying to find the canonical browing context */
/** An error happened while trying to find the activity context delegate */
public static final int ERROR_NO_ACTIVITY_CONTEXT_DELEGATE = -4;
/** An error happened while trying to find the activity context */
public static final int ERROR_NO_ACTIVITY_CONTEXT = -5;
/** An error happened while trying to find the print delegate */
public static final int ERROR_NO_PRINT_DELEGATE = -6;
value = {
public @interface Codes {}
/** One of {@link Codes} that provides more information about this exception. */
public final @Codes int code;
public String toString() {
return "GeckoPrintException: " + code;
/* package */ GeckoPrintException(final @Codes int code) {
this.code = code;
/** For testing. */
protected GeckoPrintException() {