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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ####################################################################################### -->
<!-- ## Put only strings into this file that should be translated. Move all other strings ## -->
<!-- ## into a separate file like strings_references.xml ## -->
<!-- ####################################################################################### -->
<!-- Label used for buttons, e.g. in dialogs -->
<string name="action_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- Label used for buttons, e.g. in dialogs -->
<string name="action_ok">D\'acuerdu</string>
<string name="action_save">Guardar</string>
<!-- This text is shown in the URL bar when it's empty -->
<string name="urlbar_hint">Busca o introduz dalguna direición</string>
<string name="teaser">Restolar en privao automático.\nRestola. Balera. Repiti.</string>
<!-- "Snackbar" shown after the user has pressed the 'erase' button at the end of a browsing session -->
<string name="feedback_erase">Borróse l\'historial de restolar.</string>
<!-- This label is shown below the URL bar as soon as the user enters text. Clicking the label will perform a search -->
<string name="search_hint">Buscar «%1$s»</string>
<!-- Menu item: Share the currently visible page -->
<string name="menu_share">Compartir…</string>
<!-- Menu item: Report an issue on the current site -->
<string name="menu_report_site_issue">Informar de fallu del sitiu</string>
<!-- Menu item: Switch to another browser to open the currently visible page. %1$s will be
replaced with the name of the browser like: "Open in Firefox" or "Open in Chrome". Some
links can be opened by native apps that aren't a browser, e.g. "Open in YouTube" -->
<string name="menu_open_with_default_browser2">Abrir en %1$s</string>
<!-- Menu item: Switch to another browser to open the currently visible page. This menu item
will be shown if there are multiple browsers and we do not know which one is the default
browser or in case Focus is actually the default browser. Clicking this menu item will show
a screen with multiple browsers (or other apps that can open the current URL) to choose from. -->
<string name="menu_open_with_a_browser2">Abrir en…</string>
<!-- Menu item: Add the current page as a shortcut to the device's home screen (launcher). -->
<string name="menu_add_to_home_screen">Amestar a la pantalla d\'aniciu</string>
<!-- Menu item: Shows information about features and changes that are new to this version -->
<string name="menu_settings">Axustes</string>
<string name="menu_about">Tocante a</string>
<string name="menu_help">Ayuda</string>
<string name="menu_rights">Los tos drechos</string>
<!-- Menu item: This is the label for a menu entry that shows how many trackers have been blocked
for the currently loaded website. The number of blocked trackers is shown below this label.
Next to this label is a switch that allows the user to temporarily enable / disable the
blocking of trackers for the current browsing session - for example if the current website
doesn't work correctly with blocked content. -->
<string name="menu_trackers_blocked_title">Rastrexadores bloquiaos</string>
<!-- This is a small text at the bottom of the menu shown in a "custom tab" for branding purposes.
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="menu_custom_tab_branding">Cola potencia de %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the title of a dialog that shows all the share targets (apps or contacts) when
sharing an URL. -->
<string name="share_dialog_title">Compartir per</string>
<string name="notification_erase_text">Balerar historial de restolar</string>
<!-- Notification action to open Focus and resume the current browsing session. -->
<string name="notification_action_open">Abrir</string>
<!-- Notification action to erase the current browsing session AND switch to Focus (bring it
to the foreground) -->
<string name="notification_action_erase_and_open">Balerar y abrir</string>
<!-- On Android 7+ users can add a shortcut for erasing the browsing history to the home screen.
This is the label for this shortcut. Android recommends a maximum length of 10 characters. -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_short_label">Balerar</string>
<!-- The same as 'shortcut_erase_short_label' but more descriptive. The launcher shows this
instead of the short title when it has enough space. Android recommends a maximum length
of 25 characters. -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_long_label">Balerar historial de restolar</string>
<!-- Header for the Privacy and Security settings menu -->
<string name="preference_privacy_and_security_header">Privacidá y seguranza</string>
<!-- Preference summary for settings related to privacy and security -->
<string name="preference_privacy_and_security_summary">Rastrexu, cookies y escoyetes de datos</string>
<!-- Preference category description for settings related to search, set default
and autocomplete are settings a user can find and change inside the "search" settings screen -->
<string name="preference_search_summary">Predeterminación, autocompletáu</string>
<!-- Preference category description for settings screen for settings related to Mozilla -->
<!-- About the app and help are links that are inside this menu -->
<!-- %1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_summary">Tocante a %1$s, ayuda</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings related to controlling web content -->
<string name="preference_category_web_content">Conteníu web</string>
<!-- Preference category: stealth settings for while switching apps -->
<string name="preference_category_switching_apps">Cambéu d\'aplicaciones</string>
<!-- Preference category for General Settings -->
<string name="preference_category_general">Xeneral</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about sending usage data -->
<string name="preference_category_data_collection_use">Recoyida y usu de datos</string>
<string name="preference_category_search">Gueta</string>
<!-- Title of "switch" preference that enables/disables search suggestions -->
<string name="preference_show_search_suggestions">Consiguir suxerencies de gueta</string>
<!-- Description of the preference that enables/disables search suggestions
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_show_search_suggestions_summary">%1$s va unviar lo que teclexes na barra de direiciones al motor de gueta</string>
<!-- This label is shown below the name of the default search engine in settings -->
<string name="preference_search_engine_default">Por defeutu</string>
<!-- Text that is shown below a "switch" preference that is enabled. -->
<string name="preference_state_on">Sí</string>
<!-- Text that is shown below a "switch" preference that is disabled. -->
<string name="preference_state_off">Non</string>
<!-- Item in settings that will open a new preference screen for configuring the URL autocomplete behavior. -->
<string name="preference_subitem_autocomplete">Autocompletáu d\'URLs</string>
<!-- Action at the bottom of the list of custom autocomplete URLs that will open a new screen to add a new URL to the list. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_action_add">+ Amestar URL personalizada</string>
<!-- Title of the screen for adding custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_title_add">Amestar URL personalizada</string>
<!-- Label for the button to quick add custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="custom_autocomplete_quick_add">Amestar URL personalizada</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about cookies and site data -->
<string name="preference_category_cookies">Cookies y datos del sitiu</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about data choices -->
<string name="preference_category_data_choices">Escoyetes de datos</string>
<!-- Title of the screen for removing custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_title_remove">Desaniciar URL personalizada</string>
<!-- A link to SUMO at autocomplete settings. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_learn_more">Deprendi más</string>
<!-- Preference summary: Custom (user-defined) autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_custom_summary">Amiesta o xestiona URLs personalizaes d\'autocompletáu.</string>
<!-- Label for the "custom autocomplete URL" input field -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_title">URL p\'amestar</string>
<!-- "Hint" text for the "custom autocomplete URL" input field. Shown when the field is empty. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_hint">Apega o introduz la URL</string>
<!-- Example how a custom domain autocomplete URL be added (e.g. without http://) -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_example2">Exemplu:</string>
<!-- To be removed once the new hint has been translated -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_example">Exemplu:</string>
<!-- Confirmation "snackbar" shown after a new custom autocomplete URL has been added. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_confirmation">Amestóse una URL nueva personalizada.</string>
<!-- Menu item to remove existing autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_menu_remove">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Button that will delete all selected custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_action_remove_content_description">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Error message shown if the entered custom autocomplete URL is not valid or empty. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_error">Volvi comprobar la URL qu\'introduxesti.</string>
<string name="preference_language">Llingua</string>
<!-- This is shown when the user hasn't set a focus specific language, i.e. when Focus
is using the system default language. -->
<string name="preference_language_systemdefault">Predeterminada del sistema</string>
<string name="preference_category_privacy">Privacidá</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_ads">Bloquiar rastrexadores publicitarios</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_ads_summary">Dellos anuncios rastrexen los sitios qu\'andes, incluso si nun faes clic nellos</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_analytics">Bloquiar rastrexadores d\'analítiques</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_analytics_summary">Úsase pa recoyer, analizar y midir actividaes como calcos y desplazamientos</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_social">Bloquiar rastrexadores sociales</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_social_summary">Intégrase en sitios pa rastrexar les tos visites y amosar funcionalidaes como botones de compartición</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_content">Bloquiar otros rastrexadores</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_content_summary2">Activalo quiciabes faiga que delles páxines se comporten de mou inesperáu</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_category_cookies">Bloquéu de cookies</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_third_party_only_option">Bloquiar namái cookies de terceros</string>
<!-- Preference Title: Biometrics can be used to unlock Focus if the previous session's data was not erased by the user. -->
<string name="preference_security_biometric">Usa la buelga pa desbloquiar l\'aplicación</string>
<!-- Preference Title: Secure Mode is a setting that prevents the app's content to show up in the "recent apps" screen
and prevents the user from taking screenshots or casting the app to other displays. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_secure_mode">Invisible</string>
<!-- Preference Summary: Stealth mode (previously "Secure mode") is a setting that prevents the
app's content (in our case especially the content of webpages) to show up in the "recent apps"
screen. Additionally Android will prevent the user from taking screenshots or casting the app
to other displays. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_stealth_summary">Anubre les páxines web al camudar d\'aplicaciones y bloquia la fechura de caputres de pantalla.</string>
<string name="preference_category_security">Seguranza</string>
<string name="preference_category_performance">Rindimientu</string>
<string name="preference_performance_block_webfonts">Bloquiar fontes web</string>
<!-- This text is shown below the setting for disabling web fonts. Some websites use icons/images from a font and those do not show up if fonts are blocked.-->
<string name="preference_performance_block_webfonts_summary">Pue facer que falten iconos o imáxenes</string>
<string name="preference_performance_block_javascript">Bloquiar JavaScript</string>
<!-- This text is shown below setting for disabling JavaScript. Some websites may not work correctly when JavaScript is disabled -->
<string name="preference_performance_block_javascript_summary">Les páxines podríen cargar aína pero tamién podríe comportase de mou inesperáu</string>
<!-- This preference does not set Focus as the default browser but instead links to Android's
"default apps" settings screen or if not supported by this Android version to a SUMO page describing
how to set Focus as a default browser.
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_default_browser2">Predeterminar %1$s</string>
<string name="preference_category_mozilla">Mozilla</string>
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry2">Unviar datos d\'usu</string>
<!-- A link to SUMO at the end of the summary (preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary2) of the "Send anonymous usage data" setting. -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary">Deprendi más</string>
<!-- %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary2">Mozilla esfuérciase en recoyer namái lo que precisa pa fornir y ameyorar %1$s pa tol mundu.</string>
<!-- In-app link (in settings) to Focus privacy notice. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_notice">Avisu de privacidá</string>
<!-- Item in Preferences that shows the about page. Parameter 1 is the app name, i.e. Firefox Focus/Firefox Klar. -->
<string name="preference_about">Tocante a %1$s</string>
<!-- Header for the list of installed search engines -->
<string name="preference_search_installed_search_engines">Motores de gueta instalaos</string>
<!-- Action for restoring the default list of search engines -->
<string name="preference_search_restore">Reafitar motores de gueta</string>
<!-- Action for adding an additional search engine to the list.
The "+" is used to emphasize that this is an "add" action -->
<string name="preference_search_add2">+ Amestar otru motor de gueta</string>
<string name="preference_search_remove_title">Desaniciar motores de gueta</string>
<string name="preference_search_remove">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Clickable action text that shows when user long-presses on a search engine search field (this is similar to paste or copy when long-pressing a text field) -->
<string name="action_option_add_search_engine">Amestar motor de gueta</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_name_hint">Nome del motor de gueta</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_string">Cadena de gueta a usar</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_save">Guardar</string>
<!-- Example of search engine url -->
<string name="search_add_manually_example">Exemplu:</string>
<string name="search_add_confirmation">Amestóse\'l motor de gueta nuevu.</string>
<string name="search_add_error_empty_name">Introduz el nome del motor de gueta</string>
<string name="search_add_error_duplicate_name">Un motor de gueta instaláu yá ta usando esi nome.</string>
<string name="search_add_error_empty_search">Introduz la cadena de gueta</string>
<string name="search_add_error_format">Comprueba que la cadena de gueta concase col formatu del exemplu</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Clear text in URL bar -->
<string name="content_description_clear_input">Llimpiar entrada</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Clicking on the website overlay
while in typing mode will dismiss and go back to the browser. This text will be read when the
<string name="content_description_dismiss_input">Escartar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Erase button: Erase the browsing
history and go back to the home screen. -->
<string name="content_description_erase">Balerar historial de restolar</string>
<!-- If the user has multiple tabs open we will show an addition "floating action button" showing how many tabs are open.
This string is not displayed and read only by screenreaders. %1$s will be replaced with the number of open tabs. This
button will only be visible when there is more than one tab open (>= 2). -->
<string name="content_description_tab_counter">Llingüetes abiertes: %1$s</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Lock icon showed in the URL bar for
https pages.. -->
<string name="content_description_lock">Conexón segura</string>
<!-- This text is not visible. Instead it will be read by the accessibility service once we start
loading a website -->
<string name="accessibility_announcement_loading">Cargando</string>
<!-- This text is not visible. Instead it will be read by the accessibility service once we
finished loading a website -->
<string name="accessibility_announcement_loading_finished">Sitiu web cargáu</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">Más opciones</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="content_description_forward">Dir haza alantre</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Reload current website -->
<string name="content_description_reload">Recargar sitiu web</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate back (browsing history) -->
<string name="content_description_back">Restolar p\'atrás</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading the current website. This button will turn into the refresh button once loading has been completed (see content_description_reload) -->
<string name="content_description_stop">Parar carga del sitiu web</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Custom Tab exit button - closes the custom tab and returns to the previous app. -->
<string name="content_description_customtab_exit">Volver a l\'aplicación previa</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the ImageView in the menu that displays
the number of trackers blocked for the current session -->
<string name="content_description_trackers_blocked">Númberu de rastrexadores bloquiaos</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the switch in the menu that temporarily disables/enables
content blocking for the current session -->
<string name="content_description_blocking_switch">Bloquia los rastrexadores</string>
<string name="your_rights">Los tos drechos</string>
<string name="external_app_prompt_title">Apertura d\'enllaz n\'otra aplicación</string>
<!-- This string is shown when the user has clicked a link that needs to be opened in a different app.
Argument 2 is the external app name, argument 1 is our name (i.e. Firefox Focus, or Firefox Klar). -->
<string name="external_app_prompt">Pues colar de %1$s p\'abrir esti enllaz en %2$s.</string>
<!-- This text is the title of a dialog shown if no app could be found for a custom link protocol. -->
<string name="external_app_prompt_no_app_title">Alcuentra una aplicación que puea abrir l\'enllaz</string>
<!-- This text is shown in a dialog if no app could be found for a custom link protocol. %1$s is the name of the app (i.e. Firefox Focus) and %2$s is the name of
the app store installed on the device (usually that's Google Play). -->
<string name="external_app_prompt_no_app">Denguna aplicación del to preséu ye abrir esti enllaz. Pues colar de %1$s y guetar en %2$s una aplicación compatible.</string>
<!-- This label is shown above a list of apps that can be used to open a given link -->
<string name="external_multiple_apps_matched_exit">¿Colar de restolar en privao?</string>
<!-- Snackbar that will be displayed after a download has completed. %1$s will be replaced with the file name. -->
<string name="download_snackbar_finished">%1$s finó</string>
<!-- Snackbar action to immediately open the successfully downloaded file. -->
<string name="download_snackbar_open">Abrir</string>
<string name="error_hostLookup_title">Nun s\'alcontró\'l sirvidor</string>
<!-- First run tour (Default browser): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_defaultbrowser_title">Potencia la to privacidá</string>
<!-- First run tour (Default browser): Text. -->
<string name="firstrun_defaultbrowser_text2">Lleva\'l restolar en privao a un nivel meyor. Bloquia anuncios y otru conteníu que pue rastrexate nes páxines y faen lentos los tiempos de carga.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Search): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_search_title">Guetes al to xeitu</string>
<!-- First run tour (Search): Text -->
<string name="firstrun_search_text">¿Guetes daqué diferente? Escueyi otru motor de gueta predetermináu nos axustes.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Shortcut): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_shortcut_title">Amiesta atayos a la to pantalla d\'aniciu</string>
<!-- First run tour (Shortcut): Text. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="firstrun_shortcut_text">Volvi aína a los tos sitios favoritos en %1$s. Namái esbilla «Amestar a la pantalla d\'aniciu» nel menú de %1$s.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Privacy): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_privacy_title">Fai de la privacidá un vezu</string>
<!-- First run tour (Privacy): Text. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="firstrun_privacy_text">Predetermina %1$s como\'l to restolador y consigui los beneficios del restolar en privao cuando abres páxines web dende otres aplicaciones.</string>
<string name="firstrun_close_button">¡Val, coyílo!</string>
<string name="firstrun_skip_button">Saltar</string>
<string name="firstrun_next_button">Siguiente</string>
<!-- Indicator that no trackers are being blocked because content blocking is disabled; normally shows the number of blocked trackers -->
<string name="content_blocking_disabled">-</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will add the current website to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_add">Amestar</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will close the dialog and not add anything to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- The user visible name of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active.
The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
* To understand what notification channels are, see:
* To see how this string will look like in Android's UI, see:
<string name="notification_browsing_session_channel_name">Sesión de restolar en privao</string>
<!-- The user visible description of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active.
The recommended maximum length is 300 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus).
* To understand what notification channels are, see:
* To see how this string will look like in Android's UI, see:
<string name="notification_browsing_session_channel_description">Los avisos déxente balerar la to sesión de %1$s con un toque. Nun precises abrir l\'aplicación pa ver lo que ta n\'execución nel to restolador.</string>
<!-- Label for a button in the "tabs tray" to erase the browsing history (closes all tabs and removes associated data). -->
<string name="tabs_tray_action_erase">Balerar historial de restolar</string>
<!-- If the user decides to open the current page in another browser and if Firefox is not installed then we show this
item in the list of browsers. Clicking it will open the app store installed on the device (usually that's Google Play). -->
<string name="download_firefox" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Baxar Firefox</string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)-->
<string name="your_rights_content1"><![CDATA[%1$s ye un programa de baldre y de códigu abiertu fechu por Mozilla y otros collaboradores.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in prompts for GeckoView -->
<string name="gv_prompt_username_hint">Nome d\'usuariu</string>
<string name="gv_prompt_password_hint">Contraseña</string>
<string name="gv_prompt_clear">Llimpiar</string>
<!-- Text shown in Security Information Popup -->
<!-- Text to denote secure or insecure connection -->
<string name="security_popup_secure_connection">Conexón segura</string>
<string name="security_popup_insecure_connection">Conexón insegura</string>
<!-- %1$s will be replaced with organization that granted the SSL certificate -->
<string name="security_popup_security_verified">Verificáu por: %1$s</string>
<!-- Content Description of Security Icon in toolbar -->
<string name="site_security_icon_content_description">Seguranza del sitiu</string>
<string name="preference_autocomplete_duplicate_url_error">Yá esiste la URL</string>
<!-- Label for the Find in page button -->
<string name="find_in_page">Alcontrar na páxina</string>
<!-- Watermark/Hint for the find in page input field -->
<string name="find_in_page_input">Alcontrar na páxina</string>
<!-- String to show the number of results found in the page and the
position the user is at. The first argument is the position, the second argument is the total -->
<string name="find_in_page_result">%1$d/%2$d</string>
<!-- String to be read by the accessibility service presenting the number of results found in the page
and the position the user is at. The first argument is the position, the second argument is the total -->
<string name="accessibility_find_in_page_result">%1$d de %2$d</string>
<!-- Label used for the "NO button" for the prompt to enable search suggestions -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestions_no">Non</string>
<!-- Label used for the "YES button" for the prompt to enable search suggestions -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestions_yes">Sí</string>
<!-- Message displayed when using a search engine that doesn't provide suggestions -->
<string name="no_suggestions_message">Dalgunos motores de gueta nun puen amosar suxerencies.</string>
<!-- Button to dismiss the message displayed when using a search engine that doesn't provide suggestions-->
<string name="dismiss_no_suggestions_prompt_button">Escartar</string>
<!-- Tips displayed on the home view -->
<!-- Tracking protection bottom sheet -->
<!-- Promote SearchWidget Dialog -->