Name Description Size
AppConstants.kt 1089
ClickableSubstringLink.kt [Text] containing a substring styled as an URL informing when this is clicked. @param text Full text that will be displayed @param textColor [Color] of the normal text. The URL substring will have a default URL style applied. @param linkTextColor [Color] of the link text. @param style of the text @param linkTextDecoration The decorations to paint on the link text (e.g., an underline). @param clickableStartIndex [text] index at which the URL substring starts. @param clickableEndIndex [text] index at which the URL substring ends. @param onClick Callback to be invoked only when the URL substring is clicked. 3574
FocusSnackbar.kt Sets an action to be performed on clicking [FocusSnackbar]'s action button. 4741
FocusSnackbarDelegate.kt 1624
HtmlLoader.kt HtmlLoader for loading localized content. 4367
SearchUtils.kt 720
Settings.kt A simple wrapper for SharedPreferences that makes reading preference a little bit easier. This class is designed to have a lot of (simple) functions 19284
SupportUtils.kt The final path segment for a SUMO URL - see {@see #getSumoURLForTopic} 5727
ViewUtils.kt Create a custom FocusSnackbar. 1440