Activity.kt |
Sets the icon for the back (up) navigation button.
@param icon The resource id of the icon.
1289 |
BrowserStore.kt |
Returns the default search engine name or "custom" string if the engine is added by the user.
820 |
BrowserToolbar.kt |
Collapse the toolbar and block it from appearing until calling [enableDynamicBehavior].
Useful in situations like entering fullscreen.
@param engineView [EngineView] previously set to react to toolbar's dynamic behavior.
Will now go through a bit of cleanup to ensure everything will be displayed nicely even without a toolbar.
3514 |
ContentState.kt |
Returns the tab site title or domain name if title is empty.
538 |
Context.kt |
Get the FocusApplication object from a context.
2131 |
Fragment.kt |
Get the components of this application or null if this Fragment is not attached to a Context.
1531 |
PreferenceFragmentCompat.kt |
Find a preference with the corresponding key and throw if it does not exist.
@param preferenceId Resource ID from preference_keys
675 |
SessionState.kt |
Returns this [SessionState] cast to [CustomTabSessionState] if possible. Otherwise returns `null`.
810 |
String.kt |
Beautify a URL by truncating it in a way that highlights important parts of the URL.
2103 |
Uri.kt |
Return the truncated host of this Uri. The truncated host will only contain up to 2-3 segments of
the original host. The original host will be returned if it's null or and empty String.
Examples: -> ->
2362 |