Name Description Size
flank-arm-beta.yml 1218
flank-arm-experimental-api-tests.yml 878
flank-arm-legacy-api-tests.yml 1656
flank-arm-robo-test.yml 1079
flank-arm-screenshots-tests.yml 757
flank-arm-smoke-tests.yml 1132
flank-arm-start-test-robo.yml 668
flank-arm-start-test.yml 1209
flank-arm64-v8a-baseline-profile.yml 1010
flank-arm64-v8a-detect-leaks.yml 1504
flank-arm64-v8a.yml 1096
flank-armeabi-v7a-start-test.yml 1111
flank-x86-start-test.yml 1198
flank-x86.yml 863
geckoview-configs Parses the given JUnit test results and prints a formatted table of failures and flaky tests. Args: results (JUnitXml): Parsed JUnit XML results. Returns: int: The number of test failures. The function processes each test suite and each test case within the suite. If a test case has a result that is an instance of Failure, it is added to the table. The test case is marked as 'Flaky' if the flaky attribute is set to "true", otherwise it is marked as 'Failure'. Example of possible JUnit XML (FullJUnitReport.xml): <testsuites> <testsuite name="ExampleSuite" tests="2" failures="1" flakes="1" time="0.003"> <testcase classname="example.TestClass" name="testSuccess" flaky="true" time="0.001"> <failure message="Assertion failed">Expected true but was false</failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="example.TestClass" name="testFailure" time="0.002"> <failure message="Assertion failed">Expected true but was false</failure> <failure message="Assertion failed">Expected true but was false</failure> </testcase> </testsuite> </testsuites> 5165 2930
robo-scripts 2560 4351