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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="" xmlns:moz="">
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_5">Maxfiy %s</string>
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_4">%s (Maxfiy)</string>
<!-- Home Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">Boshqa parametrlar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_private_browsing_button">Maxfiy koʻrish rejimini yoqish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_disable_private_browsing_button">Maxfiy koʻrishni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text for the default engine -->
<string name="search_hint">Qidiring yoki manzilni kiriting</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using history search -->
<string name="history_search_hint">Tarixdan qidirish</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using bookmarks search -->
<string name="bookmark_search_hint">Xatchoʻplar ichidan qidirish</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using tabs search -->
<string name="tab_search_hint">Varaqlar ichidan qidirish</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar when using application search engines -->
<string name="application_search_hint">Qidiriladigan soʻzni kiriting</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_open_tabs_description">Ochiq varaqlar shu yerda koʻrinadi.</string>
<!-- No Private Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_private_tabs_description">Maxfiy varaqlar shu yerda koʻrinadi.</string>
<!-- Tab tray multi select title in app bar. The first parameter is the number of tabs selected -->
<string name="tab_tray_multi_select_title">Tanlandi: %1$d</string>
<!-- Label of button in create collection dialog for creating a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection">Yangi kolleksiya qoʻshildi</string>
<!-- Label of editable text in create collection dialog for naming a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection_name">Nomi</string>
<!-- Label of button in save to collection dialog for selecting a current collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_select_collection">Kolleksiyani tanlash</string>
<!-- Content description for close button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_multiselect_content_description">Koʻp tanlov rejimidan chiqish</string>
<!-- Content description for save to collection button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_collection_button_multiselect_content_description">Tanlangan varaqlarni kolleksiyaga saqlang</string>
<!-- Content description on checkmark while tab is selected in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_selected_content_description" moz:removedIn="136" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Tanlandi</string>
<!-- About content. The first parameter is the name of the application. (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="about_content">%1$s brauzerini Mozilla ishlab chiqqan.</string>
<!-- Private Browsing -->
<!-- Explanation for private browsing displayed to users on home view when they first enable private mode
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="private_browsing_placeholder_description_2">Ilovadan chiqsangiz yoki ularni yopsangiz, qidiruv va brauzer tarixini %1$s shaxsiy yorliqlardan tozalaydi. Garchi bu sizni veb-saytlar yoki Internet-provayderingiz uchun nomaʼlum qilmasa ham, Internetda qilgan ishingizni ushbu qurilmadan foydalanadigan har kimdan maxfiy saqlashni osonlashtiradi.</string>
<string name="private_browsing_common_myths">Maxfiy koʻrish haqidagi umumiy afsonalar</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button to accept adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_pos_button_text">Bosh ekranga qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button to decline adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="cfr_neg_button_text">Kerak emas</string>
<!-- Open in App "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the info message. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_info_message_2">%1$sni ilovalarda avtomatik ravishda ochadigan qilib sozlashingiz mumkin.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_positive_button_text">Sozlamalarni ochish</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Rad etish</string>
<!-- Text for the info dialog when camera permissions have been denied but user tries to access a camera feature. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_message">Kameradan foydalanish zarur. Android sozlamalariga oʻting, ruxsatnomalarga kiring va ruxsat berish tugmasini bosing.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Android Settings to grant permissions. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_positive_button_text">Sozlamalarni ochish</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the dialog. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_negative_button_text">Rad etish</string>
<!-- Text for the banner message to tell users about our auto close feature. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_message">Oʻtgan kun, hafta yoki oyda koʻrilmaganlar avtomatik ravishda yopiladigan ochiq varaqlarni oʻrnating.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Settings for auto close tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_positive_button_text">Parametrlarni koʻrish</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the Close Tabs Banner. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_negative_button_text">Rad etish</string>
<!-- Text for the banner message to tell users about our inactive tabs feature. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_onboarding_message">Ikki hafta mobaynida koʻrilmagan varaqlar shu yerga koʻchirilgan.</string>
<!-- Text for the action link to go to Settings for inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_onboarding_button_text">Sozlamalar orqali oʻchiring</string>
<!-- Text for title for the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_title">Bir oydan keyin avtomatik yopilsinmi?</string>
<!-- Text for the body for the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs.
The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_body_2">%1$s oxirgi oy davomida koʻrmagan varaqlarni yopishi mumkin.</string>
<!-- Content description for close button in the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_button_content_description">Yopish</string>
<!-- Text for turn on auto close tabs button in the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_turn_on_auto_close_button_2">Avtomatik yopishni yoqish</string>
<!-- Home screen icons - Long press shortcuts -->
<!-- Shortcut action to open new tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_tab_2">Yangi varaq</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open new private tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_private_tab_2">Yangi maxfiy varaq</string>
<!-- Recent Tabs -->
<!-- Header text for jumping back into the recent tab in the home screen -->
<string name="recent_tabs_header">Orqaga qaytish</string>
<!-- Button text for showing all the tabs in the tabs tray -->
<string name="recent_tabs_show_all">Barchasini koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Content description for the button which navigates the user to show all recent tabs in the tabs tray. -->
<string name="recent_tabs_show_all_content_description_2">Barcha oxirgi varaqlarni koʻrsatish tugmasi</string>
<!-- Text for button in synced tab card that opens synced tabs tray -->
<string name="recent_tabs_see_all_synced_tabs_button_text">Barcha sinxronlangan varaqlarni qidirish</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for device icon used for recent synced tab -->
<string name="recent_tabs_synced_device_icon_content_description">Sinxronlangan qurilma</string>
<!-- Text for the dropdown menu to remove a recent synced tab from the homescreen -->
<string name="recent_synced_tab_menu_item_remove">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a grouped highlight from the user's browsing history
in the Recently visited section -->
<string name="recent_tab_menu_item_remove">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- History Metadata -->
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen that displays grouped highlights from the
user's browsing history, such as topics they have researched or explored on the web -->
<string name="history_metadata_header_2">Oxirgi ochilgan</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a grouped highlight from the user's browsing history
in the Recently visited section -->
<string name="recently_visited_menu_item_remove">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Content description for the button which navigates the user to show all of their history. -->
<string name="past_explorations_show_all_content_description_2">Barcha oldingi qidiruvlarni koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Browser Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate backward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_back">Orqaga</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_forward">Oldinga</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Refresh current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_refresh">Yangilash</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_stop">Toʻxtatish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">Yordam</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
<string name="browser_menu_whats_new">Yangi xususiyatlar</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the settings menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_settings">Sozlamalar</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens a user's library -->
<string name="browser_menu_library">Kutubxona</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that requests a desktop site -->
<string name="browser_menu_desktop_site">Saytning kompyuter versiyasi</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that adds a shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_homescreen">Bosh ekranga qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for the Resync tabs button -->
<string name="resync_button_content_description">Qayta sinxronlash</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the find in page menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_find_in_page">Sahifadan topish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that saves the current tab to a collection -->
<string name="browser_menu_save_to_collection_2">Toʻplamga saqlash</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that open a share menu to share the current site -->
<string name="browser_menu_share">Ulashish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button shown in custom tabs that opens the current tab in Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_fenix">%1$s bilan ochish</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by">%1$s orqali yaratilgan</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by2">%1$s orqali yaratilgan</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to put the current page in reader mode -->
<string name="browser_menu_read">Oʻqish rejimi</string>
<!-- Browser menu button content description to close reader mode and return the user to the regular browser -->
<string name="browser_menu_read_close">Oʻqish rejimini yopish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to open the current page in an external app -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_app_link">Ilovada ochish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to show reader view appearance controls e.g. the used font type and size -->
<string name="browser_menu_customize_reader_view">Oʻqish rejimini sozlash</string>
<!-- Browser menu label for adding a bookmark -->
<string name="browser_menu_add">Qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Browser menu label for editing a bookmark -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit">Tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Button shown on the home page that opens the Customize home settings -->
<string name="browser_menu_customize_home_1">Bosh sahifani sozlash</string>
<!-- Browser Toolbar -->
<!-- Content description for the Home screen button on the browser toolbar -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_home">Bosh ekran</string>
<!-- Locale Settings Fragment -->
<!-- Content description for tick mark on selected language -->
<string name="a11y_selected_locale_content_description">Tanlangan til</string>
<!-- Text for default locale item -->
<string name="default_locale_text">Qurilma tiliga amal qilish</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="locale_search_hint">Tilni izlash</string>
<!-- Button in the search view when shortcuts are displayed that takes a user to the search engine settings -->
<string name="search_shortcuts_engine_settings">Qidiruv tizimi sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user navigate to the site in their clipboard -->
<string name="awesomebar_clipboard_title">Havolani klipboarddan olish</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that allows search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_allow_button">Ruxsat berish</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that does not allow search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_do_not_allow_button">Ruxsat berilmasin</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint title text -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_title">Maxfiy seanslarda qidiruv tavsiyalariga ruxsat berish</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint description text, first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_text">%s manzil satriga kiritgan barcha maʼlumotlaringizni standart qidiruv tizimingiz bilan baham koʻradi.</string>
<!-- Search engine suggestion title text. The first parameter is the name of the suggested engine-->
<string name="search_engine_suggestions_title">%sni qidirish</string>
<!-- Search engine suggestion description text -->
<string name="search_engine_suggestions_description">Toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri manzil panelidan qidiring</string>
<!-- Menu option in the search selector menu to open the search settings -->
<string name="search_settings_menu_item">Izlash sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string name="search_header_menu_item_2">Bu safar quyidagi bilan qidiramiz:</string>
<!-- Home onboarding -->
<!-- Home onboarding dialog welcome screen title text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_welcome_title_2">Shaxsiy internetga xush kelibsiz</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog welcome screen description text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_welcome_description">Koʻplab ranglar. Yaxshiroq maxfiylik. Odamlarga foydali bir xil majburiyat.</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog sign into sync screen title text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sync_title_3">Ekranlarga oʻtish har doimgidan osonroq</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog sign into sync screen description text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sync_description">Endi bosh sahifangizda boshqa qurilmalardagi varaqlarda toʻxtagan joydan davom etasiz.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to continue the onboarding on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_get_started_button">Boshlash</string>
<!-- Text for the button to navigate to the sync sign in screen on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sign_in_button">Kirish</string>
<!-- Text for the button to skip the onboarding on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_skip_button">Tashlab ketish</string>
<!-- Onboarding home screen sync popup dialog message, shown on top of Recent Synced Tabs in the Jump back in section. -->
<string name="sync_cfr_message">Varaqlar sinxronlanmoqda! Ishni qolgan joyidan boshqa qurilmada davom ettiring.</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close button for the home onboarding dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_content_description_close_button">Yopish</string>
<!-- Search Widget -->
<!-- Content description for searching with a widget. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="search_widget_content_description_2">Yangi %1$s ta varaqni ochish</string>
<!-- Text preview for smaller sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_short">Izlash</string>
<!-- Text preview for larger sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_long">Internetdan izlash</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Voice search -->
<string name="search_widget_voice">Ovozli qidiruv</string>
<!-- Preferences -->
<!-- Title for the settings page-->
<string name="settings">Sozlamalar</string>
<!-- Preference category for general settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_general">Umumiy</string>
<!-- Preference category for all links about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_category_about">Haqida</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
<string name="preferences_default_search_engine">Standart qidiruv tizimi</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search -->
<string name="preferences_search">Izlash</string>
<!-- Preference link to rating Fenix on the Play Store -->
<string name="preferences_rate">&quot;Google Play&quot;da baholash</string>
<!-- Preference linking to about page for Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_about">%1$s haqida</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default browser -->
<string name="preferences_set_as_default_browser">Asosiy brauzer sifatida sozlash</string>
<!-- Preference category for advanced settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_advanced">Qoʻshimcha</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy and security settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy_security">Maxfiylik va xavfsizlik</string>
<!-- Preference for private browsing options -->
<string name="preferences_private_browsing_options">Maxfiy koʻrish</string>
<!-- Preference for opening links in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_a_private_tab">Havolalarni maxfiy varaqda ochish</string>
<!-- Preference for allowing screenshots to be taken while in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_allow_screenshots_in_private_mode">Maxfiy koʻrish rejimida skrinshot olishga ruxsat berish</string>
<!-- Will inform the user of the risk of activating Allow screenshots in private browsing option -->
<string name="preferences_screenshots_in_private_mode_disclaimer">Ruxsat berilsa, bir nechta ilovalar ochiqligida ham maxfiy varaqlar koʻrinadi</string>
<!-- Preference for adding private browsing shortcut -->
<string name="preferences_add_private_browsing_shortcut">Maxfiy koʻrish tezkor buyrugʻini qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Preference for enabling "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_title">Faqat HTTPS rejimi</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">Bu sayt uchun oʻchirilgan</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_on_for_site">Bu sayt uchun yoniq</string>
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_summary">Xavfsizlikni oshirish uchun HTTPS shifrlash protokoli yordamida saytlarga avtomatik ulanishga harakat qiladi.</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_off">Oʻchiq</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_http_only_learn_more">Batafsil maʼlumot</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_in_all_tabs">Barcha varaqlarda yoqish</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_in_private_tabs">Faqat maxfiy varaqlarda yoqish</string>
<!-- Title shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_title">Xavfsiz sayt mavjud emas</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the first. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_title">Katta ehtimollik bilan sayt HTTPS protokoli bilan ishlamaydi.</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the second. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_summary">Biroq, hujumchi ishtirok etishi ham mumkin. Agar saytga kirishda davom etsangiz, hech qanday shaxsiy maʼlumotlarni kiritmasligingiz kerak. Davom etsangiz, sayt uchun &quot;faqat HTTPS rejimi&quot; vaqtinchalik oʻchirib qoʻyiladi.</string>
<!-- Preference for accessibility -->
<string name="preferences_accessibility">Qulaylik</string>
<!-- Preference to override the Sync token server -->
<string name="preferences_override_sync_tokenserver">Boshqa Sync serveri</string>
<!-- Preference category for account information -->
<string name="preferences_category_account">Hisob</string>
<!-- Preference for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">Mavzu</string>
<!-- Preference for customizing the home screen -->
<string name="preferences_home_2">Bosh sahifa</string>
<!-- Preference for gestures based actions -->
<string name="preferences_gestures">Ishoralar</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to visual options -->
<string name="preferences_customize">Moslash</string>
<!-- Preference description for banner about signing in -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in_description_2">Varaq va xatchoʻplarni sinxronlash uchun hisobingizga kiring.</string>
<!-- Preference text for account title when there was an error syncing FxA -->
<string name="preferences_account_sync_error">Sinxronlashni davom ettirish uchun qayta ulaning</string>
<!-- Preference for language -->
<string name="preferences_language">Til</string>
<!-- Preference for data choices -->
<string name="preferences_data_choices">Maʼlumotlarni tanlash</string>
<!-- Preference for data collection -->
<string name="preferences_data_collection">Maʼlumotlarni toʻplash</string>
<!-- Preference for developers -->
<string name="preferences_remote_debugging">USB orqali masofadan nosozlikni tuzatish</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions">Qidiruv tavsiyalarini koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show voice search button -->
<string name="preferences_show_voice_search">Ovozli qidiruvni koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions also in private mode -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions_in_private">Maxfiy seanslarda koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show a clipboard suggestion when searching -->
<string name="preferences_show_clipboard_suggestions">Klipboard tavsiyalarni koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest browsing history when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_browsing_history">Brauzer tarixidan izlash</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest bookmarks when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_bookmarks">Xatchoʻplarni izlash</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest synced tabs when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_synced_tabs">Sinxronlangan varaqlarni qidirish</string>
<!-- Preference for account settings -->
<string name="preferences_account_settings">Hisob sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Preference for enabling url autocomplete-->
<string name="preferences_enable_autocomplete_urls">URLni avtomatik kiritish</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">Havolalarni ilovalarda ochish</string>
<!-- Preference for open download with an external download manager app -->
<string name="preferences_external_download_manager">Tashqi yuklab olish menejeri</string>
<!-- Preference for notifications -->
<string name="preferences_notifications">Bildirishnomalar</string>
<!-- Button caption to confirm the add-on collection configuration -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_ok">OK</string>
<!-- Button caption to abort the add-on collection configuration -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Hint displayed on input field for custom collection name -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_hint">Toʻplam nomi</string>
<!-- Hint displayed on input field for custom collection user ID-->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_user_hint">Toʻplam egasi (foydalanuvchi identifikatori)</string>
<!-- Customize Home -->
<!-- Header text for jumping back into the recent tab in customize the home screen -->
<string name="customize_toggle_jump_back_in">Orqaga qaytish</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with recently visited. Recently visited is
a section where users see a list of tabs that they have visited in the past few days -->
<string name="customize_toggle_recently_visited">Oxirgi ochilgan</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with Pocket. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_2">Oʻylantiruvchi hikoyalar</string>
<!-- Summary for the customize home screen section with Pocket. The first parameter is product name Pocket -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_summary">%s maqolalari</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with sponsored Pocket stories. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_sponsored">Homiy maqolalari</string>
<!-- Title for the opening wallpaper settings screen -->
<string name="customize_wallpapers">Fon rasmlari</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with sponsored shortcuts. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_contile">Homiy yorliqlari</string>
<!-- Wallpapers -->
<!-- Content description for various wallpapers. The first parameter is the name of the wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpapers_item_name_content_description">Fon rasmi: %1$s</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper is selected -->
<string name="wallpaper_updated_snackbar_message">Fon rasmi yangilandi!</string>
<!-- Snackbar label for action to view selected wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpaper_updated_snackbar_action">Koʻrish</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper couldn't be downloaded -->
<string name="wallpaper_download_error_snackbar_message">Fon rasmi yuklab olinmadi</string>
<!-- Snackbar label for action to retry downloading the wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpaper_download_error_snackbar_action">Qayta urining</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper couldn't be selected because of the disk error -->
<string name="wallpaper_select_error_snackbar_message">Fon rasmi oʻzgarmadi</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about the "Limited Edition" wallpapers. -->
<string name="wallpaper_learn_more">Batafsil maʼlumot</string>
<!-- Text for classic wallpapers title. The first parameter is the Firefox name. -->
<string name="wallpaper_classic_title">Klassik %s</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog header text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_title_text">Rangni chayqashga harakat qiling</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog body text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_body_text">Didingizga mos fon rasmini tanlang.</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog learn more button text. The button navigates to the wallpaper settings screen. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_explore_more_button_text">Boshqa fon rasmlarini koʻrish</string>
<!-- Preference for triggering sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_now">Hozir sinxronlash</string>
<!-- Preference category for sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_category">Nimani sinxronlashni tanlang</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing history -->
<string name="preferences_sync_history">Tarix</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing bookmarks -->
<string name="preferences_sync_bookmarks">Xatchoʻplar</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing tabs -->
<string name="preferences_sync_tabs_2">Varaqlarni ochish</string>
<!-- Preference for signing out -->
<string name="preferences_sign_out">Chiqish</string>
<!-- Preference displays and allows changing current FxA device name -->
<string name="preferences_sync_device_name">Qurilma nomi</string>
<!-- Text shown when user enters empty device name -->
<string name="empty_device_name_error">Qurilma nomi boʻsh boʻlishi mumkin emas.</string>
<!-- Label indicating that sync is in progress -->
<string name="sync_syncing_in_progress">Sinxronlanmoqda…</string>
<!-- Label summary indicating that sync failed. The first parameter is the date stamp showing last time it succeeded -->
<string name="sync_failed_summary">Sinxronlanmadi. Oxirgi amalga oshgan sinxronizatsiya: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_failed_never_synced_summary">Sinxronlanmadi. Oxirgi sinxronizatsiya: hech qachon</string>
<!-- Label summary the date we last synced. The first parameter is date stamp showing last time synced -->
<string name="sync_last_synced_summary">Oxirgi sinxronizatsiya: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_never_synced_summary">Oxirgi sinxronizatsiya: hech qachon</string>
<!-- Text for displaying the default device name.
The first parameter is the application name, the second is the device manufacturer name
and the third is the device model. -->
<string name="default_device_name_2">%1$s, %2$s %3$s</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing addresses -->
<string name="preferences_sync_address">Manzillar</string>
<!-- Send Tab -->
<!-- Name of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_name">Qabul qilingan varaqlar</string>
<!-- Description of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_description" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Boshqa Firefox qurilmalaridan olingan varaqlar uchun bildirishnomalar.</string>
<!-- The body for these is the URL of the tab received -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_notification_name">Olingan varaq</string>
<!-- %s is the device name -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_from_notification_name">%s qurilmasidan varaq</string>
<!-- Advanced Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions">Istisnolar</string>
<!-- Button in Exceptions Preference to turn on tracking protection for all sites (remove all exceptions) -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_turn_on_for_all">Barcha saytlar uchun yoqing</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_description">Istisnolar tanlangan saytlar uchun kuzatuvdan himoyani oʻchirib qoʻyish imkonini beradi.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions, with learn more link that brings users to a tracking protection SUMO page -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_learn_more_link">Batafsil maʼlumot</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description" tools:ignore="UnusedResources" moz:removedIn="136">Samaradorlik, foydalanish statistikasi va moslash maʼlumotlarini Mozillaga ulashish orqali siz %1$s brauzerini yaxshilashda yordam berasiz</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data" tools:ignore="UnusedResources" moz:removedIn="136">Marketing maʼlumotlari</string>
<!-- Title for studies preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_2">Tadqiqotlar</string>
<!-- Summary for studies preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_summary_2">Mozillaga tadqiqotlarni oʻrnatish va ishga tushirish imkonini beradi</string>
<!-- Turn On Sync Preferences -->
<!-- Header of the Sync and save your data preference view -->
<string name="preferences_sync_2">Maʼlumotlaringizni sinxronlang va saqlang</string>
<!-- Preference for reconnecting to FxA sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in_to_reconnect">Qayta ulanish uchun tizimga kiring</string>
<!-- Preference for removing FxA account -->
<string name="preferences_sync_remove_account">Hisobni olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Pairing Feature strings -->
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="pair_instructions_2"><![CDATA[<b></b> manzilida koʻrsatilgan QR kodni skanerlang]]></string>
<!-- Toolbar Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using top toolbar -->
<string name="preference_top_toolbar">Yuqori</string>
<!-- Preference for using bottom toolbar -->
<string name="preference_bottom_toolbar">Quyi</string>
<!-- Theme Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using light theme -->
<string name="preference_light_theme">Yorqin</string>
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">Qora</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">Batareyani tejash uchun oʻrnatiladi</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">Qurilma mavzusidan foydalanish</string>
<!-- Gestures Preferences-->
<!-- Preferences for using pull to refresh in a webpage -->
<string name="preference_gestures_website_pull_to_refresh">Yangilash uchun torting</string>
<!-- Preference for using the dynamic toolbar -->
<string name="preference_gestures_dynamic_toolbar">Asboblar panelini yashirish uchun aylantiring</string>
<!-- Preference for showing the opened tabs by swiping up on the toolbar-->
<string name="preference_gestures_swipe_toolbar_show_tabs">Varaqlarni ochish uchun asboblar panelini tepaga suring</string>
<!-- Library -->
<!-- Option in Library to open Downloads page -->
<string name="library_downloads">Yuklanmalar</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Bookmarks page -->
<string name="library_bookmarks">Xatchoʻplar</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks root page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_root">Kompyuter xatchoʻplari</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "menu" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_menu">Xatchoʻplar menyusi</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "toolbar" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_toolbar">Xatchoʻplar paneli</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "unfiled" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_unfiled">Boshqa xatchoʻplar</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open History page -->
<string name="library_history">Tarix</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open a new tab -->
<string name="library_new_tab">Yangi varaq</string>
<!-- Settings Page Title -->
<string name="settings_title">Sozlamalar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Close button for library settings" -->
<string name="content_description_close_button">Yopish</string>
<!-- Title to show in alert when a lot of tabs are to be opened
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs that will be opened -->
<string name="open_all_warning_title">%d ta varaq ochilsinmi?</string>
<!-- Message to warn users that a large number of tabs will be opened
%s will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="open_all_warning_message">Koʻp varaqlarni ochish %s sahifalarini yuklash uchun ketadigan vaqtni choʻzishi mumkin. Rostdan ham buni qilishni xohlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for confirming open all tabs -->
<string name="open_all_warning_confirm">Varaqlarni ochish</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling open all tabs -->
<string name="open_all_warning_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Option in library for Recently Closed Tabs -->
<string name="library_recently_closed_tabs">Yaqinda yopilgan varaqlar</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Recently Closed Tabs page -->
<string name="recently_closed_show_full_history">Toʻliq tarixni koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have multiple tabs saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tabs">%d ta varaq</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tab">%d ta varaq</string>
<!-- Recently closed tabs screen message when there are no recently closed tabs -->
<string name="recently_closed_empty_message">Yaqinda yopilgan varaqlar yoʻq</string>
<!-- Tab Management -->
<!-- Title of preference for tabs management -->
<string name="preferences_tabs">Varaqlar</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to specify the tab view -->
<string name="preferences_tab_view">Varaqni koʻrish</string>
<!-- Option for a list tab view -->
<string name="tab_view_list">Roʻyxat</string>
<!-- Option for a grid tab view -->
<string name="tab_view_grid">Jadval</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to auto close tabs after a specified amount of time -->
<string name="preferences_close_tabs">Varaqlarni yopish</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will never auto close tabs, always allows user to manually close tabs -->
<string name="close_tabs_manually">Hech qachon</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one day -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_day">Bir kundan keyin</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one week -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_week">Bir haftadan keyin</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one month -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month">Bir oydan keyin</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to specify the auto-close settings for open tabs -->
<string name="preference_auto_close_tabs" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ochiq varaqlarni avtomatik yopish</string>
<!-- Opening screen -->
<!-- Title of a preference that allows a user to choose what screen to show after opening the app -->
<string name="preferences_opening_screen">Ochiladigan ekran</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage">Bosh sahifa</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the user's last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab">Oxirgi varaq</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity">Toʻrt soatlik nofaollikdan keyin bosh sahifa</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to manual close-->
<string name="close_tabs_manually_summary">Qoʻlda yopish</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one day-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_day_summary">Bir kundan keyin yopish</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one week-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_week_summary">Bir haftadan keyin yopish</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one month-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month_summary">Bir oydan keyin yopish</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs -->
<!-- Category header of a preference that allows a user to enable or disable the inactive tabs feature -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs">Eski varaqlarni nofaol holatga oʻtkazish</string>
<!-- Title of inactive tabs preference -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs_title">Ikki hafta davomida ochilmagan varaqlar nofaol boʻlimga oʻtkaziladi.</string>
<!-- Studies -->
<!-- Title of the remove studies button -->
<string name="studies_remove">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Title of the active section on the studies list -->
<string name="studies_active">Faol</string>
<!-- Description for studies, it indicates why Firefox use studies. The first parameter is the name of the application. -->
<string name="studies_description_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources" moz:removedIn="136">%1$s vaqti-vaqti bilan tadqiqotlarni oʻrnatishi va ishga tushirishi mumkin.</string>
<!-- Learn more link for studies, links to an article for more information about studies. -->
<string name="studies_learn_more">Batafsil maʼlumot</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown after removing a study -->
<string name="studies_restart_app" moz:removedIn="135">Oʻzgartirishlarni qoʻllash uchun ilova yopiladi</string>
<!-- Dialog button to confirm the removing a study. -->
<string name="studies_restart_dialog_ok" moz:removedIn="135">OK</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling removing a study. -->
<string name="studies_restart_dialog_cancel" moz:removedIn="135">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Toast shown after turning on/off studies preferences -->
<string name="studies_toast_quit_application" moz:removedIn="135" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Oʻzgarishlarni qoʻllash uchun ilovadan chiqilmoqda…</string>
<!-- Sessions -->
<!-- Title for the list of tabs -->
<string name="tab_header_label" moz:removedIn="135" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Varaqlarni ochish</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the current private session -->
<string name="tabs_header_private_tabs_title" moz:removedIn="136" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Maxfiy varaqlar</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the synced tabs -->
<string name="tabs_header_synced_tabs_title" moz:removedIn="136" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Sinxronlangan varaqlar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_tab">Varaq qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_private_tab">Maxfiy varaq qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Text for the new tab button to indicate adding a new private tab in the tab -->
<string name="tab_drawer_fab_content">Maxfiy</string>
<!-- Text for the new tab button to indicate syncing command on the synced tabs page -->
<string name="tab_drawer_fab_sync">Sinxronizatsiya</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for sharing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_share">Barcha varaqlarni ulashish</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view recently closed tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_recently_closed">Yaqinda yopilgan varaqlar</string>
<!-- Text shown in the tabs tray inactive tabs section -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_recently_closed" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Yaqinda yopilgan</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view account settings -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_account_settings">Hisob sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view tab settings -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_tab_settings">Varaq sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for closing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_close">Ichki varaqlarni yopish</string>
<!-- Text shown in the multiselect menu for bookmarking selected tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_item_bookmark">Xatchoʻp</string>
<!-- Text shown in the multiselect menu for closing selected tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_item_close">Yopish</string>
<!-- Content description for tabs tray multiselect share button -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_share_content_description">Tanlangan varaqlarni ulashish</string>
<!-- Content description for tabs tray multiselect menu -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_content_description">Tanlangan varaqlar menyusi</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Removes tab from collection button. Removes the selected tab from collection when pressed -->
<string name="remove_tab_from_collection">Kolleksiyadan varaqni olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Text for button to enter multiselect mode in tabs tray -->
<string name="tabs_tray_select_tabs">Varaqlarni tanlash</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab button. Closes the current session when pressed -->
<string name="close_tab">Varaqni yopish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab <title> button. First parameter is tab title -->
<string name="close_tab_title">%s varagʻini yopish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the open tabs menu when pressed -->
<string name="open_tabs_menu">Varaqlar menyusini ochish</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to save tabs to collection -->
<string name="tabs_menu_save_to_collection1">Varaqlarni kolleksiyaga saqlash</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a collection -->
<string name="collection_delete">Kolleksiyani oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to rename a collection -->
<string name="collection_rename">Kolleksiya nomini oʻzgartirish</string>
<!-- Text for the button to open tabs of the selected collection -->
<string name="collection_open_tabs">Varaqlarni ochish</string>
<!-- Hint for adding name of a collection -->
<string name="collection_name_hint">Toʻplam nomi</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a top site from history -->
<string name="delete_from_history">Tarixdan oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Postfix for private WebApp titles, placeholder is replaced with app name -->
<string name="pwa_site_controls_title_private">%1$s (Maxfiy rejim)</string>
<!-- History -->
<!-- Text for the button to search all history -->
<string name="history_search_1">Qidiriladigan soʻzni kiriting</string>
<!-- Text for the button to clear all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all">Tarixni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that multiple browsing history items has been deleted -->
<string name="history_delete_multiple_items_snackbar">Tarix oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that a single browsing history item has been deleted. The first parameter is the shortened URL of the deleted history item. -->
<string name="history_delete_single_item_snackbar">%1$s oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Context description text for the button to delete a single history item -->
<string name="history_delete_item">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="history_multi_select_title">Tanlandi: %1$d</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for today -->
<string name="history_today">Bugun</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for yesterday -->
<string name="history_yesterday">Kecha</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 7 days -->
<string name="history_7_days">Soʻnggi 7 kun</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 30 days -->
<string name="history_30_days">Soʻnggi 30 kun</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history older than the last month -->
<string name="history_older">Eskiroq</string>
<!-- Text shown when no history exists -->
<string name="history_empty_message">Tarix yoʻq</string>
<!-- Downloads -->
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that multiple downloads items have been removed -->
<string name="download_delete_multiple_items_snackbar_1">Yuklanmalar olib tashlandi</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that a single download item has been removed. The first parameter is the name of the download item. -->
<string name="download_delete_single_item_snackbar">%1$s olib tashlandi</string>
<!-- Text shown when no download exists -->
<string name="download_empty_message_1">Yuklab olingan fayllar yoʻq</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of downloads selected -->
<string name="download_multi_select_title">Tanlandi: %1$d</string>
<!-- Text for the button to remove a single download item -->
<string name="download_delete_item_1">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Crashes -->
<!-- Title text displayed on the tab crash page. This first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="tab_crash_title_2">Kechirasiz, %1$s bu sahifani yuklay olmadi.</string>
<!-- Send crash report checkbox text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_send_report">Nosozlik hisobotni Mozillaga yuborish</string>
<!-- Close tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_close">Varaqni yopish</string>
<!-- Restore tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_restore">Yorliqni tiklash</string>
<!-- Bookmarks -->
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete the selected folder -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_folder_confirmation_dialog">Bu jildni oʻchirishni xohlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete multiple items including folders. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_multiple_folders_confirmation_dialog">%s tanlangan elementlarni oʻchiradi.</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on delete bookmark dialog -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_negative">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Screen title for adding a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder">Jild qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Snackbar edit button shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_snackbar_action">TAHRIRLASH</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_edit_button">Tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu copy button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_copy_button">Nusxa olish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu share button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_share_button">Ulashish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in new tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_new_tab_button">Yangi varaqda ochish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in private tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">Yangi maxfiy varaqda ochish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open all in tabs button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_all_in_tabs_button">Barchasini yangi varaqlarda ochish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open all in private tabs button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_all_in_private_tabs_button">Barchasini maxfiy varaqlarda ochish</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_delete_button">Oʻchirish</string>
<!--Bookmark overflow menu save button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_save_button">Saqlash</string>
<!-- Bookmark multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="bookmarks_multi_select_title">Tanlandi: %1$d</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_fragment_title">Xatchoʻpni tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Bookmark folder editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_folder_fragment_title">Jildni tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Bookmark sign in button message -->
<string name="bookmark_sign_in_button">Sinxronlangan xatchoʻplarni koʻrish uchun hisobingizga kiring</string>
<!-- Bookmark URL editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_url_label">URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark FOLDER editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_folder_label">JILD</string>
<!-- Bookmark NAME editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_name_label">NOMI</string>
<!-- Bookmark add folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder_fragment_label">Jild qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Bookmark select folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder_fragment_label">Jildni tanlash</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing title -->
<string name="bookmark_empty_title_error">Sarlavha boʻlishi kerak</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing or improper URL -->
<string name="bookmark_invalid_url_error">Xato URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark screen message for empty bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_empty_message">Bu yerda hech qanday xatchoʻp yoʻq</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deletion
The first parameter is the host part of the URL of the bookmark deleted, if any -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_snackbar_message">%1$s oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks not including folders-->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_2">Oʻchirilgan xatchoʻplar</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks including folders-->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_3">Tanlangan jildlarni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Bookmark undo button for deletion snackbar action -->
<string name="bookmark_undo_deletion">BEKOR QILISH</string>
<!-- Text for the button to search all bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_search">Qidiriladigan soʻzni kiriting</string>
<!-- Site Permissions -->
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">Sozlamalarga oʻting</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Quick settings sheet
to give users access to site specific information / settings. For example:
Secure settings status and a button to modify site permissions -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet">Tezkor sozlamalar paneli</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that this option it the recommended one -->
<string name="phone_feature_recommended">Tavsiya qilinadi</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information of site permissions-->
<string name="clear_permissions">Ruxsatlarni tozalash</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button on Clear permissions dialog -->
<string name="clear_permissions_positive">OK</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on Clear permissions dialog -->
<string name="clear_permissions_negative">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing a site permission-->
<string name="clear_permission">Ruxsatni tozalash</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button on Clear permission dialog -->
<string name="clear_permission_positive">OK</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on Clear permission dialog -->
<string name="clear_permission_negative">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information on all sites-->
<string name="clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Barcha saytlardagi ruxsatlarni tozalash</string>
<!-- Preference for altering video and audio autoplay for all websites -->
<string name="preference_browser_feature_autoplay">Avtomatik ravishda ishga tushirish</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the camera access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_camera">kamera</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the microphone access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_microphone">Mikrofon</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the location access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_location">Manzil</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the notification access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_notification">Bildirishnoma</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the persistent storage access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_persistent_storage">Doimiy xotira</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the storage access setting for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_cross_origin_storage_access">Saytlararo cookie fayllari</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the EME access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_media_key_system_access">DRM bilan himoyalangan kontent</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be asked always -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_ask_to_allow">Ruxsat berishni soʻrang</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_blocked">Bloklandi</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_allowed">Ruxsat berildi</string>
<!--Label that indicates a permission is by the Android OS-->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_by_android">Android tomonidan bloklangan</string>
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Istisnolar</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Oʻchiq</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">Audio va videoga ruxsat berish</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_allowed">Audio va videoga ruxsat berish</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that video and audio autoplay is only allowed over Wi-Fi -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_only2">Audio va video faqat mobil internetda bloklansin</string>
<!-- Subtext that explains 'autoplay on Wi-Fi only' option -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_subtext">Audio va video faqat Wi-Fi yoniqligida ijro etilsin</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that video autoplay is allowed, but audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_block_audio2">Faqat audioni bloklash</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that video autoplay is allowed, but audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_block_audio">Faqat audioni bloklash</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_blocked3">Audio va videoni bloklash</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_blocked">Audio va videoni bloklash</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_on">Yoniq</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_off">Oʻchiq</string>
<!-- Summary of studies preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="studies_on">Yoniq</string>
<!-- Summary of studies data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="studies_off">Oʻchiq</string>
<!-- Collections -->
<!-- Collections header on home fragment -->
<string name="collections_header">Kolleksiyalar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the collection menu when pressed -->
<string name="collection_menu_button_content_description">Kolleksiya menyusi</string>
<!-- Label to describe what collections are to a new user without any collections -->
<string name="no_collections_description2">Siz uchun muhim boʻlgan narsalarni toʻplang.\nKeyinchalik tezkor kirish uchun oʻxshash qidiruvlar, saytlar va varaqlarni birlashtiring.</string>
<!-- Title for the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_tabs">Yorliqlarni tanlash</string>
<!-- Title for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_collection">Kolleksiyani tanlash</string>
<!-- Title for the "name collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_name_collection">Kolleksiya nomi</string>
<!-- Button to add new collection for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_add_new_collection">Yangi kolleksiya qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Button to select all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_all">Barchasini tanlash</string>
<!-- Button to deselect all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_deselect_all">Barcha belgilashni bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Text to prompt users to select the tabs to save in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_empty">Saqlash uchun varaqlarni tanlang</string>
<!-- Text to show users how many tabs they have selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tabs_selected">%d ta varaq tanlandi</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tab_selected">%d ta varaq tanlandi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved">Varaqlar saqlandi!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one or multiple tabs have been saved in a new collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved_new_collection">Kolleksiya saqlandi!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tab_saved">Varaq saqlandi!</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): button to close the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_close">Yopish</string>
<!-- Button to save currently selected tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator-->
<string name="create_collection_save">Saqlash</string>
<!-- Snackbar action to view the collection the user just created or updated -->
<string name="create_collection_view">Koʻrinishi</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button from collection dialogs -->
<string name="create_collection_positive">OK</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button from collection dialogs -->
<string name="create_collection_negative">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Default name for a new collection in "name new collection" step of the collection creator. %d is a placeholder for the number of collections-->
<string name="create_collection_default_name">Kolleksiya %d</string>
<!-- Share -->
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header_2">Ulashish</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.):
"Share" button. Opens the share menu when pressed. -->
<string name="share_button_content_description">Ulashish</string>
<!-- Text for the Save to PDF feature in the share menu -->
<string name="share_save_to_pdf">PDF sifatida saqlash</string>
<!-- Text for error message when generating a PDF file Text. -->
<string name="unable_to_save_to_pdf_error">PDF yaratilmadi</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another sync device -->
<string name="share_device_subheader">Qurilmaga joʻnatish</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the full list -->
<string name="share_link_all_apps_subheader">Barcha amallar</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the most-recent sorted list -->
<string name="share_link_recent_apps_subheader">Yaqinda ishlatilgan</string>
<!-- Text for the copy link action in the share screen. -->
<string name="share_copy_link_to_clipboard">Vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxalash</string>
<!-- Toast shown after copying link to clipboard -->
<string name="toast_copy_link_to_clipboard">Vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxalalandi</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to sign into sync -->
<string name="sync_sign_in">Sinxronlash uchun hisobingizga kiring</string>
<!-- An option from the three dot menu to sync and save data -->
<string name="sync_menu_sync_and_save_data">Sinxronizatsiya va maʼlumotlarni saqlash</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to send link to all other sync devices -->
<string name="sync_send_to_all">Barcha qurilmalarga joʻnatish</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to reconnect to sync -->
<string name="sync_reconnect">Sinxronizatsiyaga qayta ulanish</string>
<!-- Text displayed when sync is offline and cannot be accessed -->
<string name="sync_offline">Oflayn</string>
<!-- An option to connect additional devices -->
<string name="sync_connect_device">Boshqa qurilmani ulash</string>
<!-- The dialog text shown when additional devices are not available -->
<string name="sync_connect_device_dialog" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Varaqni yuborish uchun kamida bitta boshqa qurilmada Firefox hisobiga kirishingiz kerak.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button -->
<string name="sync_confirmation_button">Tushundim!</string>
<!-- Share error message -->
<string name="share_error_snackbar">Bu ilovaga ulashilmadi</string>
<!-- Add new device screen title -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_title">Qurilmaga joʻnatish</string>
<!-- Text for the warning message on the Add new device screen -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_message">Hech qanday qurilma ulanmagan</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn about sending tabs -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_learn_button">Varaqlarni yuborish haqida…</string>
<!-- Text for the button to connect another device -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_connect_button">Boshqa qurilmani ulash…</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text_2">Maxfiy varaqlarni yopish</string>
<!-- Name of the marketing notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="notification_marketing_channel_name">Marketing</string>
<!-- Snackbar -->
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_deleted">Kolleksiya oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user renames a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_renamed">Kolleksiya nomi oʻzgardi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Varaq yopildi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Varaqlar yopildi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to shortcuts -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_shortcuts">Yorliqlarga qoʻshildi!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Maxfiy varaq yopildi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_closed">Maxfiy varaqlar yopildi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar to undo deleting a tab, top site or collection -->
<string name="snackbar_deleted_undo">BEKOR QILISH</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user removes a top site -->
<string name="snackbar_top_site_removed">Sayt olib tashlandi</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt which appears after scanning a code, but before navigating to it
First parameter is the name of the app, second parameter is the URL or text scanned-->
<string name="qr_scanner_confirmation_dialog_message">%1$sga %2$sni ochishga ruxsat bering</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to allow navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_positive">RUXSAT BERISH</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to deny navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_negative">RAD ETISH</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog error message shown when a hostname does not contain http or https. -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_invalid">Manzil xato kiritilgan.</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option when there is an error -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_invalid_ok">OK</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog message. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_message">Siz %1$sni oʻchirishni xohlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to delete the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_positive">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">Manzildan nusxa olindi</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">Bu namuna matn. Bu sozlamalar yordamida hajmni kattalashtirish yoki kamaytirishda matn qanday koʻrinishini namoyish etadi.</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">Veb-saytlardagi matnni kattaroq yoki kichikroq qiling</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_font_size_title">Shrift hajmi</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_2">Avtomatik shrift hajmlari</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_summary">Shrift hajmi Android sozlamalaringizga mos keladi. Bu yerda shrift hajmini boshqarishni oʻchirib qoʻying.</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data">Brauzer maʼlumotlarini oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Title for the tabs item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_title_2">Varaqlarni ochish</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the tabs item in Delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the number of open tabs -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_subtitle">%d ta varaq</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the data and history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history items the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_subtitle">%d ta manzil</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_subtitle">Koʻp saytlardan chiqib ketasiz</string>
<!-- Title for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files">Keshlangan rasmlar va fayllar</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files_subtitle">Xotiradan boʻsh joy ochadi</string>
<!-- Title for the site permissions item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_site_permissions">Sayt ruxsatlari</string>
<!-- Title for the downloads item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_downloads">Yuklanmalar</string>
<!-- Text for the button to delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_button">Brauzer maʼlumotlarini oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data on quit preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Chiqish vaqtida brauzer maʼlumotlarini oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_2">Asosiy menyudan \&quot;Chiqish\&quot;ni tanlaganingizda, brauzer maʼlumotlari avtomatik ravishda oʻchiriladi</string>
<!-- Action item in menu for the Delete browsing data on quit feature -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action">Chiqish</string>
<!-- Title text of a delete browsing data dialog. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_title">Oʻchirish uchun vaqt oraligʻi</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete history items for the last hour. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_last_hour">Oxirgi soat</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete history items for today and yesterday. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_today_and_yesterday">Bugun va kecha</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete all history. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_everything">Hammasi</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message_3">%s tanlangan brauzer maʼlumotlarini oʻchiradi.</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_allow">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the data was deleted -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_snackbar">Brauzer maʼlumotlari oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to show the user that the deletion of browsing data is in progress -->
<string name="deleting_browsing_data_in_progress">Brauzer maʼlumotlari oʻchirilmoqda…</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete all history items inside the opened group. Parameter will be replaced by a history group name. -->
<string name="delete_all_history_group_prompt_message">“%s”dagi barcha saytlarni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the history group deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_history_group_prompt_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the history group dialog -->
<string name="delete_history_group_prompt_allow">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the history group was deleted -->
<string name="delete_history_group_snackbar">Guruh oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Onboarding -->
<!-- text to display in the snackbar once account is signed-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">Sinxronizatsiya yoqilgan</string>
<!-- Onboarding theme -->
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tabs_snackbar">Varaqlar yuborildi!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_snackbar">Varaq yuborildi!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar">Yuborib boʻlmadi</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar for the "retry" action that the user has after sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar_action">QAYTA URINING</string>
<!-- Title of QR Pairing Fragment -->
<string name="sync_scan_code">Kodni skanerlang</string>
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_instructions" tools:ignore="BrandUsage"><![CDATA[KompYuteringizda Firefoxni oching va <b></b>ga oʻting]]></string>
<!-- Text shown for sign in pairing when ready -->
<string name="sign_in_ready_for_scan">Skanerlashga tayyor</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_with_camera">Kamera bilan tizimga kiring</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with email -->
<string name="sign_in_with_email">Buning oʻrniga e-pochtadan foydalaning</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for create new account text.'Firefox' intentionally hardcoded here.-->
<string name="sign_in_create_account_text" tools:ignore="BrandUsage"><![CDATA[Hisobingiz yoʻqmi? <u>Unda yangisini yarating</u> va Firefoxni qurilmalararo sinxronlang.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account. The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="sign_out_confirmation_message_2">%s hisobingiz bilan sinxronlashni toʻxtatadi, ammo qurilmangizdagi brauzer tarixini oʻchirmaydi.</string>
<!-- Option to continue signing out of account shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_disconnect">Aloqani uzish</string>
<!-- Option to cancel signing out shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Error message snackbar shown after the user tried to select a default folder which cannot be altered -->
<string name="bookmark_cannot_edit_root">Standart jildlarni tahrirlash mumkin emas</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<!-- Link displayed in enhanced tracking protection panel to access tracking protection settings -->
<string name="etp_settings">Himoya sozlamalari</string>
<!-- Preference title for enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection">Takomillashtirilgan kuzatuvdan himoya</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_learn_more">Batafsil</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_default_1">Standart</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Standard protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_info_button">Standart kuzatuv muhofazasi orqali nimalar bloklangan?</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict">Qatʼiy</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Qatʼiy kuzatuvdan himoya bilan nima bloklangan</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Boshqa</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description_2">Qaysi kuzatuvchilar va skriptlarni bloklashni tanlang.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Maxsus kuzatuv vositasi bilan nimalar bloklangan</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookie fayllar</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Saytlararo va ijtimoiy tarmoqlarning kuzatuvchilari</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Tashrif buyurilmagan saytlardan olingan cookie fayllar</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Barcha uchinchi tomon cookie fayllar (saytlarning buzilishiga olib kelishi mumkin)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Barcha cookie fayllar (saytlar ishlashini buzadi)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_5">Saytlararo cookie fayllarni izolyatsiyalash</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Tarkibni kuzatish</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Barcha varaqlarda</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Faqat maxsiy varaqlarda</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kriptomaynerlar</string>
<!-- Button label for navigating to the Enhanced Tracking Protection details -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_details">Tafsilotlar</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Bloklangan</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Ruxsat berilgan</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_title">Ijtimoiy tarmoq kuzatuvchilari</string>
<!-- Description of social media trackers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_description">Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarning sahifadagi brauzeringiz faoliyatini kuzatib borish imkoniyatini cheklaydi.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title">Saytlararo kuzatuvchi cookie fayllar</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title_2">Saytlararo cookie fayllar</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description">Reklama tarmoqlari va analitik kompaniyalar koʻplab saytlarda brauzer maʼlumotlarini yigʻish uchun foydalanadigan cookie fayllarni bloklaydi.</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description_2">“Toʻliq cookie himoyasi” cookie fayllarni siz kirgan saytdan izolyatsiya qiladi, shuning uchun reklama tarmoqlari kabi kuzatuvchilar saytlarda sizni kuzatib borish uchun foydalana olmaydi.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">Kriptomaynerlar</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_description">Raqamli valyutani yaratish uchun zararli skriptlarning qurilmangizga kirishiga yoʻl qoʻymaydi.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (tracking content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_title">Kontentni kuzatish</string>
<!-- Description of tracking content that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_description">Kuzatuv kodini oʻz ichiga olgan reklamalar, videolar va boshqa kontentni yuklashni toʻxtatadi. Baʼzi veb-saytlarning ishlashiga taʼsir qilishi mumkin.</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently on for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_on">Ushbu sayt uchun himoya yoqilgan</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently off for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_off">Ushbu sayt uchun himoya oʻchirilgan</string>
<!-- Header for exceptions list for which sites enhanced tracking protection is always off -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_exceptions">Ushbu sayt uchun takomillashtirilgan kuzatuvdan himoya oʻchirilgan.</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate
back from ETP details (Ex: Tracking content) -->
<string name="etp_back_button_content_description">Orqaga oʻting</string>
<!-- About page link text to open what's new link -->
<string name="about_whats_new">%sdagi yangiliklar</string>
<!-- Open source licenses page title
The first parameter is the app name -->
<string name="open_source_licenses_title">%s | OSS kutubxonlari</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (redirect trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_redirect_trackers_title">Qayta yoʻnaltiruvchi kuzatuvchilar</string>
<!-- Description of redirect tracker cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_redirect_trackers_description">Maʼlum kuzatuv saytlariga yoʻnaltirish orqali oʻrnatilgan cookie fayllarini oʻchiradi.</string>
<!-- Description of the SmartBlock Enhanced Tracking Protection feature. The * symbol is intentionally hardcoded here,
as we use it on the UI to indicate which trackers have been partially unblocked. -->
<string name="preference_etp_smartblock_description">Quyida belgilangan ayrim kuzatuvchilar ushbu sahifada qisman ochilgan, chunki siz ular bilan muloqot qilgansiz *.</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection SmartBlock -->
<string name="preference_etp_smartblock_learn_more">Batafsil maʼlumot</string>
<!-- About page link text to open support link -->
<string name="about_support">Qoʻllab-quvvatlash</string>
<!-- About page link text to list of past crashes (like about:crashes on desktop) -->
<string name="about_crashes">Nosozliklar</string>
<!-- About page link text to open privacy notice link -->
<string name="about_privacy_notice">Maxfiylik eslatmalari</string>
<!-- About page link text to open know your rights link -->
<string name="about_know_your_rights">Huquqlaringizni biling</string>
<!-- About page link text to open licensing information link -->
<string name="about_licensing_information">Litsenziya maʼlumotlari</string>
<!-- About page link text to open a screen with libraries that are used -->
<string name="about_other_open_source_libraries">Biz foydalanadigan kutubxonalar</string>
<!-- Toast shown to the user when they are activating the secret dev menu
The first parameter is number of long clicks left to enable the menu -->
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_progress">Nosozliklarni tuzatish menyusi: faollashtirish uchun %1$d tugmachani bosing</string>
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_done">Nosozliklarni tuzatish menyusi yoqilgan</string>
<!-- Browser long press popup menu -->
<!-- Copy the current url -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_copy">Nusxa olish</string>
<!-- Paste & go the text in the clipboard. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste_and_go">Qoʻyish va oʻtish</string>
<!-- Paste the text in the clipboard -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste">Qoʻyish</string>
<!-- Snackbar message shown after an URL has been copied to clipboard. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_url_copied_to_clipboard_snackbar">URL buferga koʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Title text for the Add To Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_title">Bosh ekranga qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Cancel button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Add button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_add">Qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Continue to website button text for the first-time Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_continue">Saytga oʻting</string>
<!-- Placeholder text for the TextView in the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_text_placeholder">Yorliq nomi</string>
<!-- Describes the add to homescreen functionality -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_description_2">Tez kirish uchun ushbu saytni qurilmangizning bosh ekraniga osongina qoʻshishingiz mumkin.</string>
<!-- Preference option for asking to save passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_ask_to_save">Saqlash soʻralsin</string>
<!-- Preference option for never saving passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_never_save">Hech qachon saqlanmasin</string>
<!-- Preference for autofilling saved logins in Firefox (in web content), %1$s will be replaced with the app name -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill2">%1$sda avtomatik toʻldirilsin</string>
<!-- Description for the preference for autofilling saved logins in Firefox (in web content), %1$s will be replaced with the app name -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill_description">%1$s dan foydalanganda saytlarda foydalanuvchi nomlari va parollarni toʻldiring va saqlang.</string>
<!-- Preference for autofilling logins from Fenix in other apps (e.g. autofilling the Twitter app) -->
<string name="preferences_android_autofill">Boshqa ilovalarda avtomatik toʻldirish</string>
<!-- Description for the preference for autofilling logins from Fenix in other apps (e.g. autofilling the Twitter app) -->
<string name="preferences_android_autofill_description">Qurilmangizdagi boshqa ilovalarda foydalanuvchi nomlari va parollarni kiriting.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">Istisnolar</string>
<!-- Text on button to remove all saved login exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_remove_all">Barcha istisnolarni oʻchirib tashlash</string>
<!-- The header for the site that a login is for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_site">Sayt</string>
<!-- The header for the username for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_username">Foydalanuvchi nomi</string>
<!-- The header for the password for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_password">Parol</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the password has been copied -->
<string name="logins_password_copied">Parol buferga nusxalandi</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the username has been copied -->
<string name="logins_username_copied">Foydalanuvchi nomi buferga nusxalandi</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a password in logins-->
<string name="saved_logins_copy_password">Paroldan nusxa olish</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a password while editing a login-->
<string name="saved_logins_clear_password">Parolni tozalash</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a username in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_username">Foydalanuvchi nomidan nusxa olish</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a username while editing a login -->
<string name="saved_login_clear_username">Foydalanuvchi nomini tozalash</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear the hostname field while creating a login -->
<string name="saved_login_clear_hostname">Host nomini tozalash</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to open a site in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_open_site">Saytni brauzerda ochish</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to reveal a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_reveal_password">Parolni koʻrsatish</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to hide a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_hide_password">Parolni yashirish</string>
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_later">Keyinroq</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_set_up_now">Hoziroq sozlash</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_pin">Qurilmangizning qulfini oching</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom">Barcha veb-saytlarni kattalashtirish</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom_summary">Bu ishorani taqiqlovchi saytlar uchun ham chimdish va kattalashtirishga ruxsat berishni yoqing.</string>
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by name- (if selected, it will sort saved logins alphabetically) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_alphabetically">Nomi boʻyicha (A-Z)</string>
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by last used- (if selected, it will sort saved logins by last used) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_last_used">Soʻnggi foydalanilgan</string>
<!-- Autofill -->
<!-- Preference and title for managing the autofill settings -->
<string name="preferences_autofill">Avtomatik toʻldirish</string>
<!-- Preference and title for managing the settings for addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses">Manzillar</string>
<!-- Preference option for syncing credit cards across devices. This is displayed when the user is not signed into sync -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_sync_cards_across_devices">Kartalarni qurilmalar oʻrtasida sinxronlash</string>
<!-- Preference option for syncing credit cards across devices. This is displayed when the user is signed into sync -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_sync_cards">Kartalarni sinxronlash</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding an address -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_add_address">Manzil qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Preference option for managing saved addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_manage_addresses">Manzillarni boshqarish</string>
<!-- Title of the "Add card" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_add_card">Karta qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Title of the "Edit card" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_edit_card">Kartani tahrirlash</string>
<!-- The header for the card number of a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_card_number">Karta raqami</string>
<!-- The header for the expiration date of a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date">Muddati</string>
<!-- The label for the expiration date month of a credit card to be used by a11y services-->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date_month">Tugash muddati sanasi va oyi</string>
<!-- The label for the expiration date year of a credit card to be used by a11y services-->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date_year">Tugash muddati yili</string>
<!-- The header for the name on the credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_name_on_card">Karta egasi nomi</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete card" menu item for deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_menu_delete_card">Kartani oʻchirish</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete card" button for deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_card_button">Kartani oʻchirish</string>
<!-- The text for the positive button on "Delete card" dialog -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_dialog_button">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- The title for the "Save" menu item for saving a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_menu_save">Saqlash</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save" button for saving a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_save_button">Saqlash</string>
<!-- The text for the "Cancel" button for cancelling adding, updating or deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_cancel_button">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Title of the "Saved cards" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_saved_cards">Saqlangan kartalar</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their saved credit cards -->
<string name="credit_cards_biometric_prompt_message">Saqlangan kartalaringizni koʻrish uchun qulfni oching</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_set_up_now">Hozir sozlash</string>
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_later">Keyinroq</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their credit cards -->
<string name="credit_cards_biometric_prompt_message_pin">Qurilmangizning qulfini oching</string>
<!-- Title of the "Add address" screen -->
<string name="addresses_add_address">Manzil qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Title of the "Edit address" screen -->
<string name="addresses_edit_address">Manzilni tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Title of the "Manage addresses" screen -->
<string name="addresses_manage_addresses">Manzillarni boshqarish</string>
<!-- The header for the street address of an address -->
<string name="addresses_street_address">Koʻcha manzili</string>
<!-- The header for the city of an address -->
<string name="addresses_city">Shahar</string>
<!-- The header for the subregion of an address when "state" should be used -->
<string name="addresses_state">Shtat</string>
<!-- The header for the subregion of an address when "province" should be used -->
<string name="addresses_province">Viloyat</string>
<!-- The header for the zip code of an address -->
<string name="addresses_zip">Pochta indeksi</string>
<!-- The header for the country or region of an address -->
<string name="addresses_country">Mamlakat yoki mintaqa</string>
<!-- The header for the phone number of an address -->
<string name="addresses_phone">Telefon</string>
<!-- The header for the email of an address -->
<string name="addresses_email">Email</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save" button for saving an address -->
<string name="addresses_save_button">Saqlash</string>
<!-- The text for the "Cancel" button for cancelling adding, updating or deleting an address -->
<string name="addresses_cancel_button">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete address" button for deleting an address -->
<string name="addressess_delete_address_button">Manzilni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- The text for the positive button on "Delete address" dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_ok_button">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- The text for the negative button on "Delete address" dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_cancel_button">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save address" menu item for saving an address -->
<string name="address_menu_save_address">Manzilni saqlash</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete address" menu item for deleting an address -->
<string name="address_menu_delete_address">Manzilni oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Title of the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_title">Qidiruv tizimini qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Title of the Edit search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_edit_custom_search_engine_title">Qidiruv tizimini tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to edit a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_edit">Tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_delete">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example" formatted="false">Soʻrovni “%s” bilan almashtiring. Masalan:\n</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the form in which details about the custom search engine are entered -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_form_description">Maxsus qidiruv tizimining tafsilotlari</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the name field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_name">Qidiruv tizimi nomini kiriting</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the search string field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_search_string">Qidiruv qatorini kiriting</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves out the required template string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_missing_template">Qidiruv qatorining Namuna formatiga mos kelishini tekshiring</string>
<!-- Text shown when we aren't able to validate the custom search query. The first parameter is the url of the custom search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_cannot_reach">“%s”ga ulanishda xatolik yuz berdi</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user creates a new search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_success_message">%s yaratildi</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully edits a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_edit_custom_engine_success_message">%s saqlandi</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully deletes a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_delete_search_engine_success_message">%s oʻchirildi</string>
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">Ruxsat berish uchun:</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. Android Sozlamalarini oching</string>
<!-- Second step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. <b>Ruxsatlar</b> ustiga bosing]]></string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. <b>%1$s</b>YONIQ ustiga bosing]]></string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection_2">Ulanish xavfsiz</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection_2">Ulanish xavfsiz emas</string>
<!-- Label to clear site data -->
<string name="clear_site_data">Cookie va sayt maʼlumotlarini tozalash</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all data for current site -->
<string name="confirm_clear_site_data"><![CDATA[<b>%s</b> saytining barcha cookie fayllari va maʼlumotlarini oʻchirib tashlashni istaysizmi?]]></string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Barcha saytlarga berilgan barcha ruxsatlarni olib tashlashni xoxhlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_site">Bu saytga berilgan barcha ruxsatlarni olib tashlashni xoxhlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">Bu saytga berilgan shu ruxsatni olib tashlashni xoxhlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->
<string name="no_site_exceptions">Hech qanday sayt istisnolarisiz</string>
<!-- Bookmark deletion confirmation -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_confirmation">Bu xatchoʻpni oʻchirishni xohlaysizmi?</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that adds a shortcut to the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_shortcuts">Yorliqlarga qoʻshish</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that removes a shortcut from the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_remove_from_shortcuts">Yorliqlardan olib tashlash</string>
<!-- text shown before the issuer name to indicate who its verified by, parameter is the name of
the certificate authority that verified the ticket-->
<string name="certificate_info_verified_by">Tekshiruvchi: %1$s</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="login_menu_delete_button">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="login_menu_edit_button">Tahrirlash</string>
<!-- Positive action of a dialog asking to delete -->
<string name="dialog_delete_positive">Oʻchirish</string>
<!-- Negative action of a dialog asking to delete login -->
<string name="dialog_delete_negative">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- The error message in add login view when hostname field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_required" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Host nomi kerak</string>
<!-- Voice search button content description -->
<string name="voice_search_content_description">Ovozli qidiruv</string>
<!-- Voice search prompt description displayed after the user presses the voice search button -->
<string name="voice_search_explainer">Hozir gapiring</string>
<!-- The error message in edit login view when a duplicate username exists. -->
<string name="saved_login_duplicate">Shu nomdagi login oldindan bor</string>
<!-- This is the hint text that is shown inline on the hostname field of the create new login page. '' intentionally hardcoded here -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_hint_text"></string>
<!-- This is an error message shown below the hostname field of the add login page when a hostname does not contain http or https. -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_invalid_text_3">Veb manzilda &quot;https://&quot; yoki &quot;http://&quot; boʻlishi kerak</string>
<!-- This is an error message shown below the hostname field of the add login page when a hostname is invalid. -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_invalid_text_2">Host nomi xatosiz kiritilishi kerak</string>
<!-- Synced Tabs -->
<!-- Text displayed to ask user to connect another device as no devices found with account -->
<string name="synced_tabs_connect_another_device">Boshqa qurilmani ulash</string>
<!-- Text displayed asking user to re-authenticate -->
<string name="synced_tabs_reauth">Qaytadan haqiqiylikni tekshiring.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user has disabled tab syncing in Firefox Sync Account -->
<string name="synced_tabs_enable_tab_syncing">Varaq sinxronizatsiyasini yoqing</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user has no tabs that have been synced -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_tabs" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Boshqa qurilmlaringizdagi Firefoxda hech qanday varaq ochiq emas.</string>
<!-- Text displayed in the synced tabs screen when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync describing Synced Tabs -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_message">Boshqa qurilmalaringizdagi varaqlar roʻyxatini koʻrish.</string>
<!-- Text displayed on a button in the synced tabs screen to link users to sign in when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_button">Sinxronlash uchun hisobingizga kiring</string>
<!-- The text displayed when a synced device has no tabs to show in the list of Synced Tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_open_tabs">Ochiq varaqlar yoʻq</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding a group of synced tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_expand_group">Sinxronlangan yorliqlar guruhini kengaytirish</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing a group of synced tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_collapse_group">Sinxronlangan yorliqlar guruhini yigʻish</string>
<!-- Top Sites -->
<!-- Title text displayed in the dialog when shortcuts limit is reached. -->
<string name="shortcut_max_limit_title">Yorliqlar chekloviga yetdi</string>
<!-- Content description text displayed in the dialog when shortcut limit is reached. -->
<string name="shortcut_max_limit_content">Yangi yorliq qoʻshish uchun eskilaridan birini olib tashlang. Saytni bosib turing va oʻchirishni tanlang.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button text when top sites limit is reached. -->
<string name="top_sites_max_limit_confirmation_button">OK, tushundim</string>
<!-- Label for the preference to show the shortcuts for the most visited top sites on the homepage -->
<string name="top_sites_toggle_top_recent_sites_4">Yorliqlar</string>
<!-- Title text displayed in the rename top site dialog. -->
<string name="top_sites_rename_dialog_title">Nomi</string>
<!-- Hint for renaming title of a shortcut -->
<string name="shortcut_name_hint">Yorliq nomi</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling the rename top site prompt. -->
<string name="top_sites_rename_dialog_cancel">Bekor qilish</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to open the homepage settings. -->
<string name="top_sites_menu_settings">Sozlamalar</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to navigate to sponsors and privacy support articles. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="top_sites_menu_sponsor_privacy">Bizning homiylarimiz va sizning maxfiyligingiz</string>
<!-- Label text displayed for a sponsored top site. -->
<string name="top_sites_sponsored_label">Homiylik qilgan</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs in the tabs tray -->
<!-- Title text displayed in the tabs tray when a tab has been unused for 14 days. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_title">Nofaol varaqlar</string>
<!-- Content description for closing all inactive tabs -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_delete_all">Barcha nofaol varaqlarni yopish</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding the inactive tabs section. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_expand_content_description">Nofaol varaqlarni yoyish</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing the inactive tabs section. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_collapse_content_description">Nofaol varaqlarni yigʻish</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs auto-close message in the tabs tray -->
<!-- The header text of the auto-close message when the user is asked if they want to turn on the auto-closing of inactive tabs. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_header" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Bir oydan keyin avtomatik yopilsinmi?</string>
<!-- A description below the header to notify the user what the inactive tabs auto-close feature is. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_description" tools:ignore="BrandUsage,UnusedResources">Oʻtgan oy ochilmagan varaqlarni Firefox yopishi mumkin.</string>
<!-- A call to action below the description to allow the user to turn on the auto closing of inactive tabs. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">AVTOMATIK YOPISHNI YOQISH</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm auto-close is enabled for inactive tabs -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_snackbar">Avtomatik yoqish yoniq</string>
<!-- Awesome bar suggestion's headers -->
<!-- Search suggestions title for Firefox Suggest. -->
<string name="firefox_suggest_header" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Firefox Suggest</string>
<!-- Default browser card text -->
<string name="default_browser_experiment_card_text" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Saytlar, elektron pochta va xabarlar havolalarini Firefoxda avtomatik ravishda ochiladigan qilib sozlang.</string>
<!-- Content description for close button in collection placeholder. -->
<string name="remove_home_collection_placeholder_content_description">Olib tashlash</string>
<!-- Content description radio buttons with a link to more information -->
<string name="radio_preference_info_content_description">Batafsil axborot uchun bosing</string>
<!-- Content description for the action bar "up" button -->
<string name="action_bar_up_description">Yuqoriga oʻtish</string>
<!-- Content description for privacy content close button -->
<string name="privacy_content_close_button_content_description">Yopish</string>
<!-- Pocket recommended stories -->
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_header_1">Oʻylantiruvchi hikoyalar</string>
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_categories_header">Mavzu boʻyicha hikoyalar</string>
<!-- Text of a button allowing users to access an external url for more Pocket recommendations. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_placeholder_text">Koʻproq bilib oling</string>
<!-- Title of an app feature. Smaller than a heading. The first parameter is product name Pocket -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_title_2">%s tomonidan quvvatlanadi.</string>
<!-- Caption for describing a certain feature. The placeholder is for a clickable text (eg: Learn more) which will load an url in a new tab when clicked. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_caption" tools:ignore="BrandUsage">Firefox oilasining bir qismi hisoblanadi. %s</string>
<!-- Clickable text for opening an external link for more information about Pocket. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_learn_more">Batafsil ma’lumot</string>
<!-- Text indicating that the Pocket story that also displays this text is a sponsored story by other 3rd party entity. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_sponsor_indication">Homiylik qilgan</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for enrolling in a Nimbus experiment from the secret settings when Studies preference is Off.-->
<string name="experiments_snackbar">Maʼlumotlarni yuborish uchun telemetriyani yoqing.</string>
<!-- Snackbar button text to navigate to telemetry settings.-->
<string name="experiments_snackbar_button">Sozlamalarni ochish</string>
<!-- Action label for elements that can be expanded if interacting with them. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to expand". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_expand">yigʻish</string>
<!-- Action label for links to a website containing documentation about a wallpaper collection. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to open link to learn more about this collection". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_wallpaper_collection_learn_more">ushbu kolleksiya haqida koʻproq maʼlumot olish uchun havolani oching</string>
<!-- Action label for links that point to an article. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to read the article". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_read_article">maqolani oʻqish</string>
<!-- Translations feature-->