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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Text for confirmation for a positive action in dialog -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_ok">හරි</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation for a negative action in dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_cancel">අවලංගු</string>
<!-- When a page shows many dialogs, this checkbox will appear for letting the user choose to prevent showing more dialogs. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_no_more_dialogs">මෙම පිටුව අමතර කවුළු සෑදීමෙන් වළක්වන්න</string>
<!-- Text for a positive button, when an user selects a date in date/time picker. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_set_date">සකසන්න</string>
<!-- Text for a button that clears the selected input in the date/time picker. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_clear">මකන්න</string>
<!-- Text for the title of an authentication dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_sign_in">පිවිසෙන්න</string>
<!-- Text for username field in an authentication dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_username_hint">පරිශ්රීලක නාමය</string>
<!-- Text for password field in an authentication dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_password_hint">මුරපදය</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that we should not save the new or updated login -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_dont_save_2">දැන් නොවේ</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that we should never save a login for this site -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_never_save">කිසිවිට නොසුරකින්න</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that we should not save a credit card for this site -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_not_now">දැන් නොවේ</string>
<!-- Positive confirmation that we should save the new or updated login -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_save_confirmation">සුරකින්න</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that we should not save the updated login -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_dont_update_2">දැන් නොවේ</string>
<!-- Positive confirmation that we should save the updated login -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_update_confirmation">යාවත්කාල</string>
<!-- Error text displayed underneath the password field when it is in an error case -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_error_empty_password_2">මුරපදය යොදන්න</string>
<!-- Error text displayed underneath the password field when it is in an error case -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_error_unknown_cause_2">මුරපදය සුරැකීමට නොහැකිය</string>
<!-- Prompt message displayed when app detects a user has entered a new username and password and user decides if app should save the new password. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_login_save_headline_2">මුරපදය සුරකින්නද?</string>
<!-- Prompt message displayed when app detects a user has entered a new password for an existing login and user decides if app should update the password. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_login_update_headline_2">මුරපදය යාවත්කාල කරන්නද?</string>
<!-- Text for a label for the field when prompt requesting a text is shown. -->
<!-- For more info take a look here -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_content_description_input_label">පෙළ ආදාන ක්ෂේත්රයක් ඇතුල් කිරීමට නම්පත</string>
<!-- Title of a color picker dialog, this text is shown above a color picker. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_choose_a_color">වර්ණයක් තෝරන්න</string>
<!-- Text of a confirm button in dialog requesting to open a new window. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_allow">ඉඩ දෙන්න</string>
<!-- Text of a negative button in dialog requesting to open a new window. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_deny">ප්රතික්ෂේප</string>
<!-- Title of the dialog shown when a user is leaving a website and there is still data not saved yet. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_before_unload_dialog_title">ඔබට විශ්වාස ද?</string>
<!-- Body text of the dialog shown when a user is leaving a website and there is still data not saved yet. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_before_unload_dialog_body">ඔබට මෙම අඩවිය හැර යාමට අවශ්යද? ඔබ ඇතුල් කළ දත්ත නොසුරැකෙනු ඇත</string>
<!-- Stay button of the dialog shown when a user is leaving a website and there is still data not saved yet, this indicates that the user wants to stay in the website. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_before_unload_stay">රැඳෙන්න</string>
<!-- Leave button of the dialog shown when a user is leaving a website and there is still data not saved yet, this indicates that the user wants to leave in the website. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_before_unload_leave">හැරයන්න</string>
<!-- Title of the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_set_month">මාසයක් තෝරන්න</string>
<!-- January (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_jan">දුරුතු</string>
<!-- February month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_feb">නවම්</string>
<!-- March month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_mar">මැදින්</string>
<!-- April month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_apr">බක්</string>
<!-- May month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_may">වෙසක්</string>
<!-- June month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_jun">පොසොන්</string>
<!-- July month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_jul">ඇසළ</string>
<!-- August month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_aug">නිකිණි</string>
<!-- September month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_sep">බිනර</string>
<!-- October month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_oct">වප්</string>
<!-- November month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_nov">ඉල්</string>
<!-- December month of the year (short description), used on the month chooser dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_dec">උඳු</string>
<!-- Title of the time picker dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_set_time">කාලය සකසන්න</string>
<!-- Option in expanded select password prompt that links to password settings -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_manage_logins_2">මුරපද කළමනාකරණය</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding the saved passwords options in the select password prompt -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_expand_logins_content_description_2">සුරැකි මුරපද විහිදන්න</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing the saved passwords options in the select password prompt -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_collapse_logins_content_description_2">සුරැකි මුරපද හකුළන්න</string>
<!-- Header for the select password prompt to allow users to fill a form with a saved password -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_saved_logins_2">සුරැකි මුරපද</string>
<!-- Content description for the suggest strong password prompt to allow users to fill a form with a suggested strong password -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_content_description">ශක්තිමත් මුරපදයක් යෝජනා කරන්න</string>
<!-- Header for the suggest strong password prompt to allow users to fill a form with a suggested strong password -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_2">ශක්තිමත් මුරපදයක් භාවිතා කරන්න</string>
<!-- Title for using the suggest strong password confirmation dialog. %1$s will be replaced with the generated password -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_message">ශක්තිමත් මුරපදයක් භාවිතා කරන්න: %1$s</string>
<!-- Title for using the suggest strong password confirmation dialog -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_title">ශක්තිමත් මුරපදයක් භාවිතා කරන්නද?</string>
<!-- Pressing this will use the suggested strong password -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_use_password">මුරපදය භාවිතා කරන්න</string>
<!-- Pressing this will dismiss the suggested strong password dialog -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_dismiss">දැන් නොවේ</string>
<!-- Title for showing the suggest strong password saved confirmation snackbar -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_saved_snackbar_title">මුරපදය සුරැකිණි</string>
<!-- Title for showing the suggest strong password updated confirmation snackbar -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_suggest_strong_password_updated_snackbar_title">මුරපදය යාවත්කාල විය</string>
<!-- Title for showing the username updated confirmation snackbar -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_login_snackbar_username_updated">පරිශ්රීලක නාමය යාවත්කාලීනයි</string>
<!-- Strings shown in a dialog that appear when users try to refresh a certain kind of webpages -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_repost_title">අඩවියට දත්ත යළි යවන්නද?</string>
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_repost_message">මෙම පිටුව නැවුම් කිරීමෙන් ගෙවීමක් යැවීම හෝ අදහසක් පළ කිරීම වැනි මෑත ක්රියාමාර්ග දෙවරක් අනුපිටපත් විය හැකිය.</string>
<!-- Pressing this will dismiss the dialog and reload the page sending again the previous data -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_repost_positive_button_text">දත්ත යළි යවන්න</string>
<!-- Pressing this will dismiss the dialog and not refresh the webpage -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompt_repost_negative_button_text">අවලංගු</string>
<!-- Credit Card Autofill -->
<!-- Header for the select card prompt to allow users to fill a form with a saved card. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_select_credit_card_2">සුරැකි පත යොදාගන්න</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding the saved card options in the select card prompt. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_expand_credit_cards_content_description_2">සුරැකි පත් විහිදන්න</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing the saved card options in the select prompt. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_collapse_credit_cards_content_description_2">සුරැකි පත් හකුළන්න</string>
<!-- Option in the expanded select card prompt that links to cards settings. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_manage_credit_cards_2">පත් කළමනාකරණය</string>
<!-- Text for the title of a save credit card dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_save_credit_card_prompt_title">මෙම පත ආරක්ෂිතව සුරකින්නද?</string>
<!-- Text for the title of an update credit card dialog. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_update_credit_card_prompt_title">පත ඉකුත්වන දිනය යාවත්කාල කරන්නද?</string>
<!-- Subtitle text displayed under the title of the saved card dialog. Parameter will be replaced by app name-->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_save_credit_card_prompt_body_2">%s ඔබගේ පතෙහි අංකය සංකේතනය කරයි. ඔබගේ ආරක්ෂණ කේතය සුරැකෙන්නේ නැත.</string>
<!-- Address Autofill -->
<!-- Header for the select address prompt to allow users to fill a form with a saved address. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_select_address_2">ලිපිනය තෝරන්න</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding the saved addresses options in the select address prompt. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_expand_address_content_description_2">සුරැකි ලිපින විහිදන්න</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing the saved address options in the select address prompt. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_collapse_address_content_description_2">සුරැකි ලිපින හකුළන්න</string>
<!-- Text for the manage addresses button. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_manage_address">ලිපින කළමනාකරණය</string>
<!-- Federated Credential Management prompts -->
<!--Content description for the Account picture in the Select Account FedCM prompt -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_account_picture">ගිණුමේ ඡායාරූපය</string>
<!-- Title of the Identity Credential provider dialog chooser. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_choose_provider">පිවිසුම් ප්රතිපාදකයක් තෝරන්න</string>
<!-- Title of an account picker dialog for identity credentials. The %1$s will be replaced with the name of the provider -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_choose_account_for_provider">%1$s ගිණුමකින් පිවිසෙන්න</string>
<!-- Title of the Identity Credential privacy policy dialog title. The %1$s will be replaced with the name of the provider. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_privacy_policy_title">පිවිසුම් ප්රතිපාදකයක් ලෙස %1$s යොදාගන්න</string>
<!-- Title of the Identity Credential privacy policy dialog description. The %1$s will be replaced with the name of the provider, %2$s will be replaced with the account, %3$s will be replaced with the privacy policy url and %4$s will be replaced with the terms of service. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_privacy_policy_description" tools:ignore="IncorrectStraightDoubleQuote"><![CDATA[ %2$s ගිණුමක් සමඟින් %1$s වෙත පිවිසීමෙන් ඔවුන්ගේ <a href="%4$s">සේවාවේ නියම</a> සහ <a href="%3$s">රහස්යතා ප්රතිපත්තියට</a> යටත් වේ]]></string>
<!-- Text for the positive button of the Identity Credential dialogs. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_continue">ඉදිරියට</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button of the Identity Credential dialogs. -->
<string name="mozac_feature_prompts_identity_credentials_cancel">අවලංගු</string>