Name Description Size
add_noise.c 2094
avg.c 13446
bitreader.c 3074
bitreader.h 4547
bitreader_buffer.c 1471
bitreader_buffer.h 1240
bitwriter.c 1411
bitwriter.h int queue_r = 0; int frame_idx_r = 0; int queue_w = bitstream_queue_get_write(); int frame_idx_w = bitstream_queue_get_frame_write(); if (frame_idx_w == frame_idx_r && queue_w == queue_r) { fprintf(stderr, "\n *** bitstream queue at frame_idx_w %d queue_w %d\n", frame_idx_w, queue_w); assert(0); } 3389
bitwriter_buffer.c 1828
bitwriter_buffer.h 1649
deblock.c post_proc_down for one row 6446
fastssim.c 16565
fwd_txfm.c 31415
fwd_txfm.h 913
intrapred.c 28671
inv_txfm.c 4-point reversible, orthonormal inverse Walsh-Hadamard in 3.5 adds, 0.5 shifts per pixel. 99069
inv_txfm.h 4883
loopfilter.c 32042
postproc.h 716
prob.c 2287
prob.h We build coding trees compactly in arrays. Each node of the tree is a pair of vpx_tree_indices. Array index often references a corresponding probability table. Index <= 0 means done encoding/decoding and value = -Index, Index > 0 means need another bit, specification at index. Nonnegative indices are always even; processing begins at node 0. 3392
psnr.c TODO(yaowu): The block_variance calls the unoptimized versions of variance() and highbd_8_variance(). It should not. 8283
psnr.h !\brief Converts SSE to PSNR Converts sum of squared errros (SSE) to peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). \param[in] samples Number of samples \param[in] peak Max sample value \param[in] sse Sum of squared errors 1874
psnrhvs.c Normalized inverse quantization matrix for 8x8 DCT at the point of transparency. This is not the JPEG based matrix from the paper, this one gives a slightly higher MOS agreement. 12209
quantize.c 12314
quantize.h 1870
sad.c Sum the difference between every corresponding element of the buffers. 9264
skin_detection.c 3045
skin_detection.h 688
sse.c Sum the square of the difference between every corresponding element of the buffers. 1514
ssim.c 17175
ssim.h 2412
subtract.c 1695
sum_squares.c 711
txfm_common.h 2584
variance.c 27704
variance.h 3078
vpx_convolve.c 21080
vpx_convolve.h 1391 19032
vpx_dsp_common.h 2720
vpx_dsp_rtcd.c 568 124412
vpx_filter.h 1081