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* Copyright (c) 2020 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "vp9/ratectrl_rtc.h"
#include <climits>
#include <fstream> // NOLINT
#include <string>
#include "./vpx_config.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/src/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "test/codec_factory.h"
#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
#include "test/i420_video_source.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "test/video_source.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_encoder.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_svc_layercontext.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_codec.h"
#include "vpx_ports/bitops.h"
namespace {
const size_t kNumFrames = 300;
const int kTemporalId3Layer[4] = { 0, 2, 1, 2 };
const int kTemporalId2Layer[2] = { 0, 1 };
const int kTemporalRateAllocation3Layer[3] = { 50, 70, 100 };
const int kTemporalRateAllocation2Layer[2] = { 60, 100 };
const int kSpatialLayerBitrate[3] = { 200, 400, 1000 };
const int kSpatialLayerBitrateLow[3] = { 50, 100, 400 };
class RcInterfaceTest
: public ::libvpx_test::EncoderTest,
public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith2Params<int, vpx_rc_mode> {
: EncoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)), aq_mode_(GET_PARAM(1)), key_interval_(3000),
encoder_exit_(false), frame_drop_thresh_(0), num_drops_(0) {}
~RcInterfaceTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
void PreEncodeFrameHook(libvpx_test::VideoSource *video,
libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) override {
if (video->frame() == 0) {
encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, 7);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_AQ_MODE, aq_mode_);
if (rc_cfg_.is_screen) {
} else {
encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT, 1000);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_RTC_EXTERNAL_RATECTRL, 1);
frame_params_.frame_type = video->frame() % key_interval_ == 0
? libvpx::RcFrameType::kKeyFrame
: libvpx::RcFrameType::kInterFrame;
if (rc_cfg_.rc_mode == VPX_CBR &&
frame_params_.frame_type == libvpx::RcFrameType::kInterFrame) {
// Disable golden frame update.
frame_flags_ |= VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF;
frame_flags_ |= VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF;
encoder_exit_ = video->frame() == kNumFrames;
void PostEncodeFrameHook(::libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) override {
if (encoder_exit_) {
int loopfilter_level, qp;
encoder->Control(VP9E_GET_LOOPFILTER_LEVEL, &loopfilter_level);
encoder->Control(VP8E_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER, &qp);
if (rc_api_->ComputeQP(frame_params_) == libvpx::FrameDropDecision::kOk) {
ASSERT_EQ(rc_api_->GetQP(), qp);
ASSERT_EQ(rc_api_->GetLoopfilterLevel(), loopfilter_level);
} else {
void FramePktHook(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) override {
rc_api_->PostEncodeUpdate(pkt->, frame_params_);
void RunOneLayer() {
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
frame_params_.spatial_layer_id = 0;
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id = 0;
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void RunOneLayerScreen() {
rc_cfg_.is_screen = true;
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
frame_params_.spatial_layer_id = 0;
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id = 0;
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void RunOneLayerDropFramesCBR() {
if (GET_PARAM(2) != VPX_CBR) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Frame dropping is only for CBR mode.";
frame_drop_thresh_ = 30;
// Use lower bitrate, lower max-q, and enable frame dropper.
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth = 200;
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 200;
rc_cfg_.max_quantizer = 50;
cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 50;
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
frame_params_.spatial_layer_id = 0;
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id = 0;
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
// Check that some frames were dropped, otherwise test has no value.
ASSERT_GE(num_drops_, 1);
void RunOneLayerVBRPeriodicKey() {
if (GET_PARAM(2) != VPX_VBR) return;
key_interval_ = 100;
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
frame_params_.spatial_layer_id = 0;
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id = 0;
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void SetConfig(vpx_rc_mode rc_mode) {
rc_cfg_.width = 1280;
rc_cfg_.height = 720;
rc_cfg_.max_quantizer = 52;
rc_cfg_.min_quantizer = 2;
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth = 1000;
rc_cfg_.buf_initial_sz = 600;
rc_cfg_.buf_optimal_sz = 600;
rc_cfg_.buf_sz = 1000;
rc_cfg_.undershoot_pct = 50;
rc_cfg_.overshoot_pct = 50;
rc_cfg_.max_intra_bitrate_pct = 1000;
rc_cfg_.framerate = 30.0;
rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers = 1;
rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers = 1;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[0] = 1000;
rc_cfg_.max_quantizers[0] = 52;
rc_cfg_.min_quantizers[0] = 2;
rc_cfg_.rc_mode = rc_mode;
rc_cfg_.aq_mode = aq_mode_;
rc_cfg_.frame_drop_thresh = frame_drop_thresh_;
// Encoder settings for ground truth.
cfg_.g_w = 1280;
cfg_.g_h = 720;
cfg_.rc_undershoot_pct = 50;
cfg_.rc_overshoot_pct = 50;
cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 600;
cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 2;
cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 52;
cfg_.rc_end_usage = rc_mode;
cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
cfg_.g_error_resilient = 0;
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 1000;
cfg_.kf_min_dist = key_interval_;
cfg_.kf_max_dist = key_interval_;
cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = frame_drop_thresh_;
std::unique_ptr<libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC> rc_api_;
libvpx::VP9RateControlRtcConfig rc_cfg_;
int aq_mode_;
int key_interval_;
libvpx::VP9FrameParamsQpRTC frame_params_;
bool encoder_exit_;
int frame_drop_thresh_;
int num_drops_;
class RcInterfaceSvcTest
: public ::libvpx_test::EncoderTest,
public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith2Params<int, bool> {
: EncoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)), aq_mode_(GET_PARAM(1)), key_interval_(3000),
dynamic_spatial_layers_(0), inter_layer_pred_off_(GET_PARAM(2)),
parallel_spatial_layers_(false), frame_drop_thresh_(0),
max_consec_drop_(INT_MAX), num_drops_(0) {}
~RcInterfaceSvcTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
void PreEncodeFrameHook(libvpx_test::VideoSource *video,
::libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) override {
if (video->frame() == 0) {
current_superframe_ = 0;
encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, 7);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_AQ_MODE, aq_mode_);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_TUNE_CONTENT, 0);
encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT, 900);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_RTC_EXTERNAL_RATECTRL, 1);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_SVC, 1);
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_SVC_PARAMETERS, &svc_params_);
if (inter_layer_pred_off_) {
if (frame_drop_thresh_ > 0) {
vpx_svc_frame_drop_t svc_drop_frame;
svc_drop_frame.framedrop_mode = FULL_SUPERFRAME_DROP;
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; ++sl)
svc_drop_frame.framedrop_thresh[sl] = frame_drop_thresh_;
svc_drop_frame.max_consec_drop = max_consec_drop_;
encoder->Control(VP9E_SET_SVC_FRAME_DROP_LAYER, &svc_drop_frame);
frame_params_.frame_type = video->frame() % key_interval_ == 0
? libvpx::RcFrameType::kKeyFrame
: libvpx::RcFrameType::kInterFrame;
encoder_exit_ = video->frame() == kNumFrames;
if (dynamic_spatial_layers_ == 1) {
if (video->frame() == 100) {
// Go down to 2 spatial layers: set top SL to 0 bitrate.
// Update the encoder config.
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate -= cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[8];
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[6] = 0;
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[7] = 0;
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[8] = 0;
// Update the RC config.
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth -= rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[8];
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[6] = 0;
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[7] = 0;
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[8] = 0;
} else if (video->frame() == 200) {
// Go down to 1 spatial layer.
// Update the encoder config.
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate -= cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[5];
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[3] = 0;
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[4] = 0;
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[5] = 0;
// Update the RC config.
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth -= rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[5];
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[3] = 0;
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[4] = 0;
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[5] = 0;
} else if (/*DISABLES CODE*/ (false) && video->frame() == 280) {
// TODO(marpan): Re-enable this going back up when issue is fixed.
// Go back up to 3 spatial layers.
// Update the encoder config: use the original bitrates.
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
// Update the RC config.
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
virtual void SetFrameParamsSvc(int sl) {
frame_params_.spatial_layer_id = sl;
if (rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers == 3)
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id =
kTemporalId3Layer[current_superframe_ % 4];
else if (rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers == 2)
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id =
kTemporalId2Layer[current_superframe_ % 2];
frame_params_.temporal_layer_id = 0;
frame_params_.frame_type =
current_superframe_ % key_interval_ == 0 && sl == 0
? libvpx::RcFrameType::kKeyFrame
: libvpx::RcFrameType::kInterFrame;
void PostEncodeFrameHook(::libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) override {
if (encoder_exit_) {
int superframe_is_dropped = false;
::libvpx_test::CxDataIterator iter = encoder->GetCxData();
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; sl++) sizes_[sl] = 0;
std::vector<int> rc_qp;
// For FULL_SUPERFRAME_DROP: the full superframe drop decision is
// determined on the base spatial layer.
if (rc_api_->ComputeQP(frame_params_) == libvpx::FrameDropDecision::kDrop) {
superframe_is_dropped = true;
while (const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = iter.Next()) {
ASSERT_EQ(superframe_is_dropped, false);
ParseSuperframeSizes(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(pkt->data.frame.buf),
if (!parallel_spatial_layers_ || current_superframe_ == 0) {
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; sl++) {
if (sizes_[sl] > 0) {
// For sl=0 ComputeQP() is already called above (line 310).
if (sl > 0) rc_api_->ComputeQP(frame_params_);
rc_api_->PostEncodeUpdate(sizes_[sl], frame_params_);
} else {
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; sl++) {
// For sl=0 ComputeQP() is already called above (line 310).
if (sizes_[sl] > 0 && sl > 0) {
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; sl++) {
if (sizes_[sl] > 0) {
rc_api_->PostEncodeUpdate(sizes_[sl], frame_params_);
if (!superframe_is_dropped) {
int loopfilter_level;
std::vector<int> encoder_qp(VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS, 0);
encoder->Control(VP9E_GET_LOOPFILTER_LEVEL, &loopfilter_level);
ASSERT_EQ(rc_qp, encoder_qp);
ASSERT_EQ(rc_api_->GetLoopfilterLevel(), loopfilter_level);
// This method needs to be overridden because non-reference frames are
// expected to be mismatched frames as the encoder will avoid loopfilter on
// these frames.
void MismatchHook(const vpx_image_t * /*img1*/,
const vpx_image_t * /*img2*/) override {}
void RunSvc() {
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void RunSvcDropFramesCBR() {
max_consec_drop_ = 10;
frame_drop_thresh_ = 30;
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
// Check that some frames were dropped, otherwise test has no value.
ASSERT_GE(num_drops_, 1);
void RunSvcPeriodicKey() {
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
key_interval_ = 100;
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void RunSvcDynamicSpatial() {
dynamic_spatial_layers_ = 1;
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
void RunSvcParallelSpatialLayers() {
if (!inter_layer_pred_off_) return;
parallel_spatial_layers_ = true;
SetRCConfigSvc(3, 3);
rc_api_ = libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg_);
SetEncoderConfigSvc(3, 3);
::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("desktop_office1.1280_720-020.yuv",
1280, 720, 30, 1, 0, kNumFrames);
vpx_codec_err_t ParseSuperframeSizes(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_sz) {
uint8_t marker = *(data + data_sz - 1);
if ((marker & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
const uint32_t frames = (marker & 0x7) + 1;
const uint32_t mag = ((marker >> 3) & 0x3) + 1;
const size_t index_sz = 2 + mag * frames;
// This chunk is marked as having a superframe index but doesn't have
// enough data for it, thus it's an invalid superframe index.
if (data_sz < index_sz) return VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME;
const uint8_t marker2 = *(data + data_sz - index_sz);
// This chunk is marked as having a superframe index but doesn't have
// the matching marker byte at the front of the index therefore it's an
// invalid chunk.
if (marker != marker2) return VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME;
const uint8_t *x = &data[data_sz - index_sz + 1];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
uint32_t this_sz = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mag; ++j) this_sz |= (*x++) << (j * 8);
sizes_[i] = this_sz;
return VPX_CODEC_OK;
void SetEncoderConfigSvc(int number_spatial_layers,
int number_temporal_layers) {
cfg_.g_w = 1280;
cfg_.g_h = 720;
cfg_.ss_number_layers = number_spatial_layers;
cfg_.ts_number_layers = number_temporal_layers;
cfg_.g_timebase.num = 1;
cfg_.g_timebase.den = 30;
if (number_spatial_layers == 3) {
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 4;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[1] = 2;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 4;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[2] = 4;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[2] = 4;
} else if (number_spatial_layers == 2) {
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 2;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[1] = 2;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 2;
} else if (number_spatial_layers == 1) {
svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < VPX_MAX_LAYERS; ++i) {
svc_params_.max_quantizers[i] = 56;
svc_params_.min_quantizers[i] = 2;
svc_params_.speed_per_layer[i] = 7;
svc_params_.loopfilter_ctrl[i] = LOOPFILTER_ALL;
cfg_.rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
cfg_.g_error_resilient = 0;
if (number_temporal_layers == 3) {
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
cfg_.temporal_layering_mode = 3;
} else if (number_temporal_layers == 2) {
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 2;
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[1] = 1;
cfg_.temporal_layering_mode = 2;
} else if (number_temporal_layers == 1) {
cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 1;
cfg_.temporal_layering_mode = 0;
cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 2;
cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 56;
cfg_.g_threads = 1;
cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
cfg_.rc_overshoot_pct = 50;
cfg_.rc_undershoot_pct = 50;
cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = frame_drop_thresh_;
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 0;
for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers; sl++) {
int spatial_bitrate = 0;
if (number_spatial_layers <= 3)
spatial_bitrate = frame_drop_thresh_ > 0 ? kSpatialLayerBitrateLow[sl]
: kSpatialLayerBitrate[sl];
for (int tl = 0; tl < number_temporal_layers; tl++) {
int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers + tl;
if (number_temporal_layers == 3)
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] =
kTemporalRateAllocation3Layer[tl] * spatial_bitrate / 100;
else if (number_temporal_layers == 2)
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] =
kTemporalRateAllocation2Layer[tl] * spatial_bitrate / 100;
else if (number_temporal_layers == 1)
cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] = spatial_bitrate;
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate += spatial_bitrate;
cfg_.kf_min_dist = key_interval_;
cfg_.kf_max_dist = key_interval_;
void SetRCConfigSvc(int number_spatial_layers, int number_temporal_layers) {
rc_cfg_.width = 1280;
rc_cfg_.height = 720;
rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers = number_spatial_layers;
rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers = number_temporal_layers;
rc_cfg_.max_quantizer = 56;
rc_cfg_.min_quantizer = 2;
rc_cfg_.buf_initial_sz = 500;
rc_cfg_.buf_optimal_sz = 600;
rc_cfg_.buf_sz = 1000;
rc_cfg_.undershoot_pct = 50;
rc_cfg_.overshoot_pct = 50;
rc_cfg_.max_intra_bitrate_pct = 900;
rc_cfg_.framerate = 30.0;
rc_cfg_.rc_mode = VPX_CBR;
rc_cfg_.aq_mode = aq_mode_;
rc_cfg_.frame_drop_thresh = frame_drop_thresh_;
rc_cfg_.max_consec_drop = max_consec_drop_;
if (number_spatial_layers == 3) {
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 4;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[1] = 2;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 4;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[2] = 4;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[2] = 4;
} else if (number_spatial_layers == 2) {
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 2;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[1] = 2;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 2;
} else if (number_spatial_layers == 1) {
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.scaling_factor_den[0] = 1;
if (number_temporal_layers == 3) {
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
} else if (number_temporal_layers == 2) {
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 2;
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[1] = 1;
} else if (number_temporal_layers == 1) {
rc_cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 1;
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth = 0;
for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers; sl++) {
int spatial_bitrate = 0;
if (number_spatial_layers <= 3)
spatial_bitrate = frame_drop_thresh_ > 0 ? kSpatialLayerBitrateLow[sl]
: kSpatialLayerBitrate[sl];
for (int tl = 0; tl < number_temporal_layers; tl++) {
int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers + tl;
if (number_temporal_layers == 3)
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] =
kTemporalRateAllocation3Layer[tl] * spatial_bitrate / 100;
else if (number_temporal_layers == 2)
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] =
kTemporalRateAllocation2Layer[tl] * spatial_bitrate / 100;
else if (number_temporal_layers == 1)
rc_cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[layer] = spatial_bitrate;
rc_cfg_.target_bandwidth += spatial_bitrate;
for (int sl = 0; sl < rc_cfg_.ss_number_layers; ++sl) {
for (int tl = 0; tl < rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers; ++tl) {
const int i = sl * rc_cfg_.ts_number_layers + tl;
rc_cfg_.max_quantizers[i] = 56;
rc_cfg_.min_quantizers[i] = 2;
int aq_mode_;
std::unique_ptr<libvpx::VP9RateControlRTC> rc_api_;
libvpx::VP9RateControlRtcConfig rc_cfg_;
vpx_svc_extra_cfg_t svc_params_;
libvpx::VP9FrameParamsQpRTC frame_params_;
bool encoder_exit_;
int current_superframe_;
uint32_t sizes_[8];
int key_interval_;
int dynamic_spatial_layers_;
bool inter_layer_pred_off_;
// ComputeQP() and PostEncodeUpdate() don't need to be sequential for KSVC.
bool parallel_spatial_layers_;
int frame_drop_thresh_;
int max_consec_drop_;
int num_drops_;
TEST_P(RcInterfaceTest, OneLayer) { RunOneLayer(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceTest, OneLayerDropFramesCBR) { RunOneLayerDropFramesCBR(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceTest, OneLayerScreen) { RunOneLayerScreen(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceTest, OneLayerVBRPeriodicKey) { RunOneLayerVBRPeriodicKey(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceSvcTest, Svc) { RunSvc(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceSvcTest, SvcDropFramesCBR) { RunSvcDropFramesCBR(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceSvcTest, SvcParallelSpatialLayers) {
TEST_P(RcInterfaceSvcTest, SvcPeriodicKey) { RunSvcPeriodicKey(); }
TEST_P(RcInterfaceSvcTest, SvcDynamicSpatial) { RunSvcDynamicSpatial(); }
VP9_INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE(RcInterfaceTest, ::testing::Values(0, 3),
::testing::Values(VPX_CBR, VPX_VBR));
VP9_INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE(RcInterfaceSvcTest, ::testing::Values(0, 3),
::testing::Values(true, false));
} // namespace