Name Description Size
1246046-1.html Bug 1246046 552
1267937-1.html Bug 1267937 2086
1267937-ref.html Reference of bug 1267937 251
1298742-1.html Bug 1298742 806
1298742-ref.html Reference of bug 1298742 190
1363639-1.html Bug 1363639 676
animation-utils.js 422
cancel-animation-with-selector-matching.html Discard cancelled animation styles 601
child-in-animating-element-display-none-ref.html 222
child-in-animating-element-display-none.html Child element in animating element that display property is changed from none 751
green-box.html Reference green box 266
reftest.list 2181
restyle-after-display-none.html Check for animation restyling on an element's initial restyling after leaving a display:none subtree 1231
stacking-context-animation-changing-target-ref.html Reference of testcases for bug 1279403 346
stacking-context-animation-on-table-ref.html Reference of testcases for bug 1273042 314
stacking-context-animation-ref.html Reference of testcases for bug 1273042 296
stacking-context-opacity-changing-effect.html Opacity animation creates a stacking context after changing effects 736
stacking-context-opacity-changing-keyframe-in-delay.html Changing keyframes to opacity frames creates a stacking context even if the animation is delay phase 681
stacking-context-opacity-changing-keyframe.html Changing keyframes to opacity frames creates a stacking context 654
stacking-context-opacity-changing-target-in-delay.html Changing target to an element that does not override opacity animations creates a stacking context even if the animation is delay phase 831
stacking-context-opacity-changing-target.html Opacity animation creates a stacking context when changing its target 711
stacking-context-opacity-losing-css-animation-in-delay.html CSS opacity animation winning over web animation in delay phase creates a stacking context 648
stacking-context-transform-changing-display-property.html Transform animation creates a stacking context when changing its display style 662
stacking-context-transform-changing-effect-on-table.html Transform animation on a display:table element creates a stacking context after changing effects 853
stacking-context-transform-changing-effect.html Transform animation creates a stacking context after changing effects 823
stacking-context-transform-changing-keyframe-in-delay.html Changing keyframes to transform frames creates a stacking context even if the animation is delay phase 722
stacking-context-transform-changing-keyframe.html Changing keyframes to transform frames creates a stacking context 668
stacking-context-transform-changing-target-in-delay.html Changing target to an element that does not overrider transform animations creates a stacking context even if the animation is delay phase 875
stacking-context-transform-changing-target.html Transform animation creates a stacking context when changing its target 725
stacking-context-transform-losing-css-animation-in-delay.html CSS transform animation winning over web animation in delay phase creates a stacking context 711
stacking-context-transform-none-animation-before-appending-element.html Transform animation whose target is not initially associated with any document creates a stacking context even if it has only 'transform:none' in its keyframe 937
style-updates-for-iteration-composite-ref.html Reference of testcases for bug 1216843 199
style-updates-on-current-iteration-changed.html Update styles when current iteration changed 769
style-updates-on-iteration-composition-changed-from-accumulate-to-replace.html Update styles when iteration composition changed from accumulate to replace 904
style-updates-on-iteration-composition-changed-from-replace-to-accumulate.html Update styles when iteration composition changed from replace to accumulate 904