background-display-none-1.html |
372 |
background-resize-1.html |
435 |
background-resize-2.html |
451 |
background-resize-3.html |
486 |
background-resize-4.html |
506 |
background-scale-no-viewbox-1-ref.html |
290 |
background-scale-no-viewbox-1.html |
367 |
background-scale-with-viewbox-1-ref.html |
290 |
background-scale-with-viewbox-1.html |
369 |
background-simple-1.html |
130 |
background-simple-2.html |
143 |
background-stretch-1-ref.html |
630 |
background-stretch-1.html |
395 |
background-viewBox-1.html |
152 |
black100x100-ref.html |
99 |
blue-square-in-square-par-none.svg |
385 |
blue-square-in-square.svg |
358 |
blue100x100-border-ref.html |
130 |
blue100x100-ref.html |
98 |
blue100x100.svg |
141 |
border-image-simple-1.html |
135 |
border-image-simple-2.html |
151 |
canvas-drawImage-alpha-1-ref.html |
220 |
canvas-drawImage-alpha-1.html |
594 |
canvas-drawImage-alpha-2-ref.html |
123 |
canvas-drawImage-alpha-2.html |
622 |
canvas-drawImage-origin-clean-1.html |
609 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-1a.html |
846 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-1b.html |
896 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-1c.html |
778 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-2-ref.html |
124 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-2a.html |
776 |
canvas-drawImage-scale-2b.html |
765 |
canvas-drawImage-simple-1a.html |
608 |
canvas-drawImage-simple-1b.html |
720 |
canvas-drawImage-slice-1a.html |
945 |
canvas-drawImage-slice-1b.html |
751 |
canvas-drawImage-transform-restored-ref.html |
421 |
canvas-drawImage-transform-restored.html |
Test that drawImage() calls don't reset the canvas' transform |
815 |
content-outside-viewBox-1-helper.svg |
361 |
context-fill-01.html |
Basic context-fill test |
368 |
context-fill-02.html |
Basic context-fill test (without a fallback color) |
422 |
context-fill-03.html |
Test context-fill where fill is semi-transparent |
409 |
context-fill-04.html |
Test context-fill with fill-opacity |
398 |
context-fill-05.html |
Test context-fill with different fill values (test image caching correctness) |
411 |
context-fill-05.svg |
109 |
context-fill-06.html |
Test context-fill works as a stroke value |
415 |
context-fill-07-ref.html |
221 |
context-fill-07.html |
Test context-fill when no context fill value is provided |
703 |
context-fill-08.html |
Test context-fill when only "-moz-context-properties: stroke" is specified |
435 |
context-fill-bg-image-01.html |
Basic context-fill in background-image test |
416 |
context-fill-opacity-01.html |
Basic context-fill-opacity test |
414 |
context-fill-opacity-02.html |
Test context-fill-opacity with different fill-opacity values (test image caching correctness) |
463 |
context-fill-opacity-02.svg |
133 |
context-fill-opacity-03.html |
Test context-fill-opacity works with context-fill |
460 |
context-fill-opacity-04.html |
No context-fill-opacity value is provided |
403 |
context-fill-opacity-05.html |
Test context-fill-opacity when only '-moz-context-properties: stroke-opacity' is specified |
482 |
context-fill-or-stroke-05-ref.html |
214 |
context-fill-or-stroke-opacity-01-ref.html |
130 |
context-fill-or-stroke-opacity-02-ref.html |
264 |
context-fill-or-stroke-opacity-03-ref.html |
130 |
context-stroke-01.html |
Basic context-stroke test |
406 |
context-stroke-02.html |
Basic context-stroke test (without a fallback color) |
455 |
context-stroke-03.html |
Test context-stroke where stroke is semi-transparent |
449 |
context-stroke-04.html |
Test context-stroke with stroke-opacity |
440 |
context-stroke-05.html |
Test context-stroke with different stroke values (test image caching correctness) |
425 |
context-stroke-05.svg |
141 |
context-stroke-06.html |
Test context-stroke works as a fill value |
391 |
context-stroke-07-ref.html |
253 |
context-stroke-07.html |
Test context-stroke when no context stroke value is provided |
763 |
context-stroke-08.html |
Test context-stroke when only "-moz-context-properties: fill" is specified |
475 |
context-stroke-bg-image-01.html |
Basic context-stroke in background-image test |
464 |
context-stroke-opacity-01.html |
Basic context-stroke-opacity test |
454 |
context-stroke-opacity-02.html |
Test context-stroke-opacity with different stroke-opacity values (test image caching correctness) |
477 |
context-stroke-opacity-02.svg |
169 |
context-stroke-opacity-03.html |
Test context-stroke-opacity works with context-stroke |
508 |
context-stroke-opacity-04.html |
No context-stroke-opacity value is provided |
441 |
context-stroke-opacity-05.html |
Test context-stroke-opacity when only '-moz-context-properties: fill-opacity' is specified |
509 |
defer-unsupported-1-helper.svg |
177 |
defer-unsupported-1-ref.svg |
224 |
defer-unsupported-1.svg |
270 |
display-none.svg |
280 |
image-orientation-ref.html |
612 |
image-orientation-viewbox-and-size.html |
370 |
image-orientation-viewbox-and-size.svg |
408 |
image-orientation-viewbox-no-size.html |
422 |
image-orientation-viewbox-no-size.svg |
378 |
img-and-image-1-helper-a.svg |
335 |
img-and-image-1-helper-b.svg |
287 |
img-and-image-1-helper-c.svg |
1668 |
img-and-image-1-ref.svg |
1823 |
img-and-image-1.html |
880 |
img-blobURI-1.html |
1041 |
img-blobURI-2.html |
1417 |
img-content-outside-viewBox-1-ref.html |
512 |
img-content-outside-viewBox-1.html |
611 |
img-display-none-1.html |
298 |
img-dyn-1-ref.html |
158 |
img-dyn-1.html |
521 |
img-foreignObject-1-helper.svg |
219 |
img-foreignObject-1.html |
104 |
img-foreignObject-embed-1-helper.svg |
771 |
img-foreignObject-embed-1.html |
110 |
img-foreignObject-iframe-1a-helper.svg |
748 |
img-foreignObject-iframe-1a.html |
112 |
img-foreignObject-iframe-1b-helper.svg |
638 |
img-foreignObject-iframe-1b.html |
112 |
img-fragment-1-ref.html |
384 |
img-fragment-1a.html |
450 |
img-fragment-1b.html |
420 |
img-fragment-1c.html |
513 |
img-fragment-2-ref.html |
385 |
img-fragment-2a.html |
451 |
img-fragment-2b.html |
421 |
img-fragment-2c.html |
513 |
img-height-meet-1-ref.html |
413 |
img-height-meet-1.html |
411 |
img-height-meet-2-ref.html |
412 |
img-height-meet-2.html |
410 |
img-height-slice-1-ref.html |
414 |
img-height-slice-1.html |
412 |
img-height-slice-2-ref.html |
413 |
img-height-slice-2.html |
411 |
img-novb-height-all-1-ref.html |
1913 |
img-novb-height-meet-1.html |
493 |
img-novb-height-slice-1.html |
494 |
img-novb-width-all-1-ref.html |
2048 |
img-novb-width-meet-1.html |
495 |
img-novb-width-slice-1.html |
496 |
img-novb-widthAndHeight-all-1-ref.html |
480 |
img-novb-widthAndHeight-meet-1-em.html |
441 |
img-novb-widthAndHeight-meet-1-px.html |
427 |
img-novb-widthAndHeight-slice-1-em.html |
442 |
img-novb-widthAndHeight-slice-1-px.html |
428 |
img-simple-1.html |
60 |
img-simple-2.html |
73 |
img-simple-3-ref.html |
316 |
img-simple-3.html |
370 |
img-simple-4.html |
89 |
img-simple-5-ref.html |
350 |
img-simple-5.html |
174 |
img-simple-6.html |
74 |
img-simple-7-ref.html |
333 |
img-simple-7.html |
175 |
img-width-meet-1-ref.html |
413 |
img-width-meet-1.html |
411 |
img-width-meet-2-ref.html |
412 |
img-width-meet-2.html |
410 |
img-width-slice-1-ref.html |
414 |
img-width-slice-1.html |
412 |
img-width-slice-2-ref.html |
413 |
img-width-slice-2.html |
411 |
img-widthAndHeight-meet-1-ref.html |
439 |
img-widthAndHeight-meet-1.html |
437 |
img-widthAndHeight-meet-2-ref.html |
437 |
img-widthAndHeight-meet-2.html |
435 |
img-widthAndHeight-slice-1-ref.html |
440 |
img-widthAndHeight-slice-1.html |
438 |
img-widthAndHeight-slice-2-ref.html |
438 |
img-widthAndHeight-slice-2.html |
436 |
lime50x25.svg |
139 |
lime50x50.svg |
139 |
lime100x100-50pct-ref.html |
115 |
lime100x100-noSVGDimensions.svg |
109 |
lime100x100-ref.html |
98 |
lime100x100-w-border-ref.html |
123 |
lime100x100.png |
232 |
lime100x100.svg |
141 |
lime200x100.svg |
143 |
lime200x200.svg |
143 |
limeInRed-noSVGDimensions-animViewBox.svg |
244 |
limeInRed-noSVGDimensions-viewBox.svg |
194 |
limeInRed100x100-viewBox.svg |
219 |
limeInRed100x100.png |
292 |
limeInRed100x100.svg |
199 |
list-simple-1-ref.html |
145 |
list-simple-1.html |
145 |
nonuniform-scale-2d.html |
849 |
nonuniform-scale-3d.html |
969 |
nonuniform-scale-ref.html |
532 |
reftest.list |
13531 |
squaredCircle-100x50.svg |
278 |
squaredCircle-100x100.svg |
279 |
squaredCircle-transparent.svg |
330 |
squaredCircle-viewBox-100x100.svg |
268 |
squaredCircle-viewBox-noSize.svg |
223 |
svg-border-image-repaint-1-ref.html |
405 |
svg-border-image-repaint-1.html |
687 |
svg-border-image-repaint-helper.svg |
742 |
svg-border-image-repaint-iframe.html |
606 |
svg-image-datauri-1.html |
84 |
svg-image-datauri.svg |
640 |
svg-image-external-1.html |
85 |
svg-image-external.svg |
427 |
svg-image-recursive-1-ref.svg |
220 |
svg-image-recursive-1a.svg |
763 |
svg-image-recursive-1b.svg |
851 |
svg-image-recursive-2-ref.svg |
173 |
svg-image-recursive-2a.svg |
502 |
svg-image-recursive-2b.html |
378 |
svg-image-simple-1.svg |
242 |
svg-image-simple-2.svg |
267 |
svg-image-simple-3.svg |
273 |
svg-image-synthetic-viewBox-01-helper-1.svg |
124 |
svg-image-synthetic-viewBox-01-helper-2.svg |
121 |
svg-image-synthetic-viewBox-01-ref.svg |
136 |
svg-image-synthetic-viewBox-01.svg |
136 |
svg-image-util.css |
156 |
svg-image-util.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
6573 |
svg-image-visited-1-ref.html |
Reference for bug 641731 |
538 |
svg-image-visited-1a-helper.svg |
1405 |
svg-image-visited-1a.html |
Test for bug 641731 |
563 |
svg-image-visited-1b-helper.svg |
1327 |
svg-image-visited-1b.html |
Test for bug 641731 |
563 |
svg-image-visited-1c-helper.svg |
1363 |
svg-image-visited-1c.html |
Test for bug 641731 |
563 |
svg-image-visited-1d-helper.svg |
1285 |
svg-image-visited-1d.html |
Test for bug 641731 |
563 |
svg-stylesheet-datauri-1.html |
89 |
svg-stylesheet-datauri.svg |
360 |
svg-stylesheet-external-1.html |
90 |
svg-stylesheet-external.css |
20 |
svg-stylesheet-external.svg |
430 |
transparent100x100-w-border-ref.html |
105 |
white-rect-no-viewbox.svg |
213 |
white-rect-with-viewbox.svg |
284 |
zoom |