Name Description Size
deferred-anchor-ref.xhtml 392
deferred-anchor.xhtml 415
deferred-anchor2.xhtml 319
fixed-1.html 212
fixed-opacity-1.html 245
fixed-opacity-2.html 1143
fixed-table-1.html 1531
fixed-text-1.html 219
fixed-text-2.html 438
fractional-scroll-area-invalidation.html Make sure the scrolled layer is not invalidated when you scroll all the way to the bottom 1194
fractional-scroll-area.html Fractional scroll area position / size 1686
frame-scrolling-attr-1.html 2544
frame-scrolling-attr-2.html 2968
frame-scrolling-attr-ref.html 2389
huge-horizontal-overflow-ref.html Testcase for bug 751278 1160
huge-horizontal-overflow.html Testcase for bug 751278 1164
huge-vertical-overflow-ref.html 328
huge-vertical-overflow.html 336
iframe-border-radius-frame.html 163
iframe-border-radius-ref.html 439
iframe-border-radius.html 542
iframe-deferred-anchor.xhtml 450
iframe-scrolling-attr-1.html Testcase for bug 943249 3975
iframe-scrolling-attr-2.html Testcase for bug 943249 4425
iframe-scrolling-attr-ref.html Testcase for bug 943249 3666
image-1.html 442
layer-change-1-frame.html 2539
layer-change-1-ref.html 162
layer-change-1.html 492
less-than-scrollbar-height-ref.html Testcase for bug 726258 1156
less-than-scrollbar-height.html Testcase for bug 726258 1132
move-item-ref.html 477
move-item.html 646
opacity-mixed-scrolling-1.html 367
opacity-mixed-scrolling-2.html 1077
percent-height-overflowing-image-1-ref.html Reference case for %-height potentially-overflowing images 1865
percent-height-overflowing-image-1.html Testcase for %-height potentially-overflowing images 3512
propagated-overflow-style-1-ref.html Reference case with body and html *independently* scrollable. 251
propagated-overflow-style-1a.html Testcase with body and html *independently* scrollable, with body's "overflow" set dynamically. 487
propagated-overflow-style-1b.html Testcase with body and html *independently* scrollable, with html's "overflow" set dynamically. 498
propagated-overflow-style-1c.html Testcase with body and html *independently* scrollable, with both html & body's "overflow" set dynamically. 495
propagated-overflow-style-2-ref.html Reference case with the root viewport scrollable, via styles on html node. 223
propagated-overflow-style-2a.html Testcase with only one of [html,body] being scrollable, after body's "overflow" is reset dynamically. 535
propagated-overflow-style-2b.html Testcase with only one of [html,body] being scrollable, after html's "overflow" is reset dynamically. 546
propagated-overflow-style-2c.html Testcase with only one of [html,body] being scrollable, with their "overflow" styles being dynamically swapped. 562
propagated-overflow-style-2d.html Testcase with only one of [html,body] being scrollable, with their "overflow" styles being dynamically swapped. 562
propagated-overflow-style-2e.html Testcase with the root viewport scrollable, via styles on body node. 217
reftest.list 14812
repeatable-diagonal-gradient.png 14520
scroll-behavior-1.html Testcase for bug 1010538, smooth scrolling expected 1282
scroll-behavior-2.html Testcase for bug 1010538, smooth scrolling expected 3103
scroll-behavior-3.html Testcase for bug 1010538, instant scrolling expected 4237
scroll-behavior-4.html Testcase for bug 1010538 - Anchor Link Scrolling 2743
scroll-behavior-5.html Testcase for bug 1010538 - Element.ScrollLeft and Element.ScrollTop scroll-behavior 3072
scroll-behavior-6.html Testcase for bug 1010538 - Element.ScrollBy and Element.ScrollTo 5264
scroll-behavior-7.html Testcase for bug 1010538, smooth scrolling expected 1256
scroll-behavior-8.html Testcase for bug 1010538 - Dynamically change scroll-behavior 2729
scroll-behavior-9.html Testcase for bug 1082098, smooth scrolling expected after dynamically setting scroll-behavior on body 1479
scroll-behavior-10.html Testcase for bug 1104356 smooth scrolling expected 1513
scroll-behavior-textarea.html Testcase for bug 1320200, smooth scrolling in textarea 1744
scrollbars-area-in-iframe-ref-child.html 179
scrollbars-area-in-iframe-ref.html 152
scrollbars-area-in-iframe.html 466
scrolling.js 1371
simple-1.html 206
snapped-scrolled-content-1.html Snapped rendering of scrolled contents 3444
snapped-scrolled-content-2.html Snapped rendering of scrolled contents, with a 120% zoom applied 4957
snapped-scrolled-content-ref.html Reference: Snapped rendering of scrolled contents 1256
subpixel-1-ref.html 162
subpixel-1.html 284
text-1.html 239
text-2.html 424
transformed-1.html 745
uncovering-1-ref.html 321
uncovering-1.html 579
uncovering-2-ref.html 423
uncovering-2.html 681
xul-scrollbar-iterate-ref.html XUL scrollbar testcase 377
xul-scrollbar-iterate.html XUL scrollbar testcase 375