animate-display-table-opacity-ref.html |
Testcase for bug 1245075 |
170 |
animate-display-table-opacity.html |
Testcase for bug 1245075 |
276 |
animate-opacity-ref.html |
Reftest, bug 1156456 |
219 |
animate-opacity.html |
Reftest, bug 1156456 |
281 |
animate-preserves3d-ref.html |
546 |
animate-preserves3d.html |
771 |
animation-initially-out-of-view-with-delay-ref.html |
Bug 1383239 |
178 |
animation-initially-out-of-view-with-delay.html |
Bug 1383239 |
480 |
animation-on-empty-height-frame.html |
1209 |
background-color-on-html-ref.html |
84 |
background-color-on-html.html |
505 |
background-color-ref.html |
129 |
background-color.html |
529 |
background-position-after-finish.html |
background-position-x animation after finish |
846 |
background-position-important.html |
background-position-x animation overridden by important style |
664 |
background-position-in-delay.html |
background-position-x animation in delay phase |
637 |
background-position-ref.html |
Reference of testcases for background-position-x animations |
484 |
background-position-running.html |
background-position-x animation while running |
630 |
change-animation-name-in-rule-ref.html |
120 |
change-animation-name-to-non-existent-in-rule.html |
540 |
change-animation-name-to-none-in-rule.html |
532 |
change-animation-name-to-other-in-rule.html |
624 |
containing-block-on-visibility-hidden-ref.html |
354 |
containing-block-on-visibility-hidden.html |
Transform animation generates a containing block for fixed-pos descendants
even if the animation value is 'transform:none'
586 |
content-on-marker-pseudo-element-at-beginning-ref.html |
190 |
content-on-marker-pseudo-element-at-beginning.html |
304 |
content-on-marker-pseudo-element-at-half.html |
316 |
content-on-pseudo-element-at-beginning.html |
240 |
content-on-pseudo-element-at-half.html |
252 |
content-on-pseudo-element-ref.html |
126 |
continuation-opacity-ref.html |
Multiline inline animated opacity test |
616 |
continuation-opacity.html |
Multiline inline animated opacity test |
998 |
ib-split-sibling-opacity-ref.html |
Opacity animation on ib-split-sibling |
169 |
ib-split-sibling-opacity.html |
Opacity animation on ib-split-sibling |
564 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation-marker-pseudo-element-ref.html |
In visibility hidden color animation on pseudo element |
379 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation-marker-pseudo-element.html |
In visibility hidden color animation on pseudo element |
805 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation-pseudo-element-ref.html |
In visibility hidden color animation on pseudo element |
325 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation-pseudo-element.html |
In visibility hidden color animation on pseudo element |
751 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation-ref.html |
In visibility hidden color animation |
250 |
in-visibility-hidden-animation.html |
in visibility hidden color animation |
692 |
marker-reframe-and-animation-starts-at-the-same-time-ref.html |
267 |
marker-reframe-and-animation-starts-at-the-same-time.html |
699 |
mask-anim-ref.html |
Reference of testcases for mssk-position and mask-size animations |
414 |
mask-position-after-finish-1a.html |
mask-position animation after finish |
795 |
mask-position-after-finish-1b.html |
mask-position animation after finish |
1032 |
mask-position-in-delay-1a.html |
mask-position animation in delay phase |
522 |
mask-position-in-delay-1b.html |
mask-position animation in delay phase |
783 |
mask-size-after-finish-1a.html |
mask-size animation after finish |
783 |
mask-size-after-finish-1b.html |
mask-size animation after finish |
1020 |
mask-size-in-delay-1a.html |
mask-size animation in delay phase |
566 |
mask-size-in-delay-1b.html |
mask-size animation in delay phase |
762 |
no-stacking-context-animation-ref.html |
Reference of testcases which don't create a stacking context for bug 1278136
321 |
no-stacking-context-offset-distance-animation-with-offset-path-none.html |
offset-distance animation doesn't create a stacking context if
offset-path is none
421 |
no-stacking-context-opacity-removing-animation-in-delay.html |
Removing CSS animation in delay phase destroys a stacking context
1269 |
no-stacking-context-transform-removing-animation-in-delay.html |
Removing CSS animation in delay phase destroys stacking context
1290 |
no-style-sharing-with-animations-ref.html |
132 |
no-style-sharing-with-animations.html |
582 |
opacity-animation-in-delay.html |
383 |
opacity-animation-in-fixed-opacity-parent-ref.html |
Testcase, bug 1395151 |
530 |
opacity-animation-in-fixed-opacity-parent.html |
Testcase, bug 1395151 |
655 |
partially-out-of-view-animation-ref.html |
Animation on element which is partially out of the view |
229 |
partially-out-of-view-animation.html |
Animation on element which is partially out of the view |
726 |
reframe-and-animation-starts-at-the-same-time-ref.html |
202 |
reframe-and-animation-starts-at-the-same-time.html |
634 |
reftest.list |
7981 |
replace-with-new-positive-delay-animation-ref.html |
158 |
replace-with-new-positive-delay-animation.html |
1200 |
screen-animations-notref.html |
Static CSS animation |
150 |
screen-animations-ref.html |
Static CSS animation |
149 |
screen-animations.html |
Static CSS animation |
223 |
scroll-timeline-in-delay-omta-ref.html |
288 |
scroll-timeline-in-delay-omta.html |
Scroll the scroll-driven animation from the active phase to delay |
1955 |
stacking-context-animation-ref.html |
Reference of testcases for bug 1273042 |
296 |
stacking-context-lose-opacity-1.html |
Opacity animation creates a stacking context even if the opacity property
is overridden by an !important rule
451 |
stacking-context-lose-transform-none.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even if the transform property
is overridden by an !important rule
489 |
stacking-context-offset-path-none-animation.html |
offset-path animation creates a stacking context even though it has only
'offset-path:none' keyframes
450 |
stacking-context-offset-path-none-in-delay.html |
offset-path animation creates stacking context in delay phase
406 |
stacking-context-offset-path-none-with-fill-backwards.html |
offset-path animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:backwards
465 |
stacking-context-offset-path-none-with-fill-forwards.html |
offset-path animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:forwards
456 |
stacking-context-opacity-1-animation.html |
Opacity animation creates a stacking context even if it has only 100% opacity
in its keyframes
421 |
stacking-context-opacity-1-in-delay.html |
Opacity animation creates stacking context in delay phase
379 |
stacking-context-opacity-1-on-table.html |
Opacity animation on display:table element creates a stacking context even if it
has only 100% opacity in its keyframes
464 |
stacking-context-opacity-1-with-fill-backwards.html |
Opacity animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:backwards
438 |
stacking-context-opacity-1-with-fill-forwards.html |
Opacity animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:forwards
429 |
stacking-context-opacity-removing-important-in-delay.html |
Removing !important rule during delay phase of animation creates
a stack context for correct style
1106 |
stacking-context-opacity-win-in-delay-on-main-thread.html |
Opacity animation winning over another opacity animation in delay phase
on the main-thread creates a stacking context
617 |
stacking-context-opacity-win-in-delay.html |
Opacity animation winning over another opacity animation in delay phase
creates a stacking context
491 |
stacking-context-opacity-wins-over-transition.html |
Opacity animation winning over opacity transition creates a stacking context
for correct style.
880 |
stacking-context-paused-on-opacity-1.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it's paused on
a 100% opacity keyframe
421 |
stacking-context-paused-on-transform-none.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it's paused on
a 'transform:none' keyframe
444 |
stacking-context-transform-none-animation-on-svg.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it has only
'transform:none' keyframes on an svg element |
498 |
stacking-context-transform-none-animation-with-backface-visibility.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it has only
'transform:none' keyframes and with a style which prevents performning
the animation on the compositor.
550 |
stacking-context-transform-none-animation-with-preserve-3d.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it has only
'transform:none' keyframes and with a style which prevents performning
the animation on the compositor.
551 |
stacking-context-transform-none-animation.html |
Transform animation creates a stacking context even though it has only
'transform:none' keyframes
442 |
stacking-context-transform-none-in-delay.html |
Transform animation creates stacking context in delay phase
400 |
stacking-context-transform-none-with-fill-backwards.html |
Transform animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:backwards
459 |
stacking-context-transform-none-with-fill-forwards.html |
Transform animation does not destroy stacking context when the animation
has finished but has fill:forwards
450 |
stacking-context-transform-removing-important-in-delay.html |
Removing !important rule during delay phase of animation creates
a stack context for correct style
1183 |
stacking-context-transform-win-in-delay-on-main-thread.html |
Transform animation winning over another transform animation in delay phase
on the main-thread creates a stacking context
666 |
stacking-context-transform-win-in-delay.html |
Transform animation winning over another transform animation in delay phase
creates a stacking context
540 |
stacking-context-transform-wins-over-transition.html |
Transform animation winning over transition creates a stacking context
for correct style
931 |
stop-animation-on-discarded-pseudo-element.html |
794 |
transform-animation-in-delay-ref.html |
183 |
transform-animation-in-delay.html |
417 |
updating-animation-on-marker-pseudo-element-ref.html |
209 |
updating-animation-on-marker-pseudo-element.html |
888 |
updating-animation-on-pseudo-element-ref.html |
153 |
updating-animation-on-pseudo-element.html |
832 |