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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from marionette_driver.marionette import Actions, errors
class CaretActions(Actions):
def __init__(self, marionette):
super(CaretActions, self).__init__(marionette)
def _reset_action_chain(self):
# Release the action so that two consecutive clicks won't become a
# double-click.
self.mouse_chain = self.sequence(
"pointer", "pointer_id", {"pointerType": "mouse"}
self.key_chain = self.sequence("key", "keyboard_id")
def move(self, element, x, y, duration=None):
"""Queue a pointer_move action.
:param element: an element where its top-left corner is the origin of
the coordinates.
:param x: Destination x-axis coordinate in CSS pixels.
:param y: Destination y-axis coordinate in CSS pixels.
:param duration: Number of milliseconds over which to distribute the
move. If None, remote end defaults to 0.
rect = element.rect
el_x, el_y = rect["x"], rect["y"]
# Add the element's top-left corner (el_x, el_y) to make the coordinate
# relative to the viewport.
dest_x, dest_y = int(el_x + x), int(el_y + y)
self.mouse_chain.pointer_move(dest_x, dest_y, duration=duration)
return self
def click(self, element=None):
"""Queue a click action.
If an element is given, move the pointer to that element first,
otherwise click current pointer coordinates.
:param element: Optional element to click.
return self
def flick(self, element, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration=200):
"""Queue a flick gesture on the target element.
:param element: The element to perform the flick gesture on. Its
top-left corner is the origin of the coordinates.
:param x1: Starting x-axis coordinate of the flick in CSS Pixels.
:param y1: Starting y-axis coordinate of the flick in CSS Pixels.
:param x2: Ending x-axis coordinate of the flick in CSS Pixels.
:param y2: Ending y-axis coordinate of the flick in CSS Pixels.
self.move(element, x1, y1, duration=0)
self.move(element, x2, y2, duration=duration)
return self
def send_keys(self, keys):
"""Perform a keyDown and keyUp action for each character in `keys`.
:param keys: String of keys to perform key actions with.
return self
def perform(self):
"""Perform the action chain built so far to the server side for execution
and clears the current chain of actions.
Warning: This method performs all the mouse actions before all the key
class SelectionManager(object):
"""Interface for manipulating the selection and carets of the element.
We call the blinking cursor (nsCaret) as cursor, and call AccessibleCaret as
caret for short.
Simple usage example:
element = marionette.find_element(By.ID, 'input')
sel = SelectionManager(element)
def __init__(self, element):
self.element = element
def _input_or_textarea(self):
"""Return True if element is either <input> or <textarea>."""
return self.element.tag_name in ("input", "textarea")
def js_selection_cmd(self):
"""Return a command snippet to get selection object.
If the element is <input> or <textarea>, return the selection object
associated with it. Otherwise, return the current selection object.
Note: "element" must be provided as the first argument to
if self._input_or_textarea():
# We must unwrap sel so that DOMRect could be returned to Python
# side.
return """var sel = arguments[0].editor.selection;"""
return """var sel = window.getSelection();"""
def move_cursor_by_offset(self, offset, backward=False):
"""Move cursor in the element by character offset.
:param offset: Move the cursor to the direction by offset characters.
:param backward: Optional, True to move backward; Default to False to
move forward.
cmd = (
+ """
for (let i = 0; i < {0}; ++i) {{
sel.modify("move", "{1}", "character");
offset, "backward" if backward else "forward"
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox="system"
def move_cursor_to_front(self):
"""Move cursor in the element to the front of the content."""
if self._input_or_textarea():
cmd = """arguments[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);"""
cmd = """var sel = window.getSelection();
sel.collapse(arguments[0].firstChild, 0);"""
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox=None
def move_cursor_to_end(self):
"""Move cursor in the element to the end of the content."""
if self._input_or_textarea():
cmd = """var len = arguments[0].value.length;
arguments[0].setSelectionRange(len, len);"""
cmd = """var sel = window.getSelection();
sel.collapse(arguments[0].lastChild, arguments[0].lastChild.length);"""
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox=None
def selection_rect_list(self, idx):
"""Return the selection's DOMRectList object for the range at given idx.
If the element is either <input> or <textarea>, return the DOMRectList of
the range at given idx of the selection within the element. Otherwise,
return the DOMRectList of the of the range at given idx of current selection.
cmd = (
+ """return sel.getRangeAt({}).getClientRects();""".format(idx)
return self.element.marionette.execute_script(
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox="system"
def range_count(self):
"""Get selection's range count"""
cmd = self.js_selection_cmd() + """return sel.rangeCount;"""
return self.element.marionette.execute_script(
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox="system"
def _selection_location_helper(self, location_type):
"""Return the start and end location of the selection in the element.
Return a tuple containing two pairs of (x, y) coordinates of the start
and end locations in the element. The coordinates are relative to the
top left-hand corner of the element. Both ltr and rtl directions are
range_count = self.range_count()
if range_count <= 0:
raise errors.MarionetteException(
"Expect at least one range object in Selection, but found nothing!"
# FIXME (Bug 1682382): We shouldn't need the retry for-loops if
# selection_rect_list() can reliably return a valid list.
retry_times = 3
for _ in range(retry_times):
first_rect_list = self.selection_rect_list(0)
first_rect = first_rect_list["0"]
except KeyError:
raise errors.MarionetteException(
"Expect at least one rect in the first range, but found nothing!"
for _ in range(retry_times):
# Making a selection over some non-selectable elements can
# create multiple ranges.
last_rect_list = (
if range_count == 1
else self.selection_rect_list(range_count - 1)
last_list_length = last_rect_list["length"]
last_rect = last_rect_list[str(last_list_length - 1)]
except KeyError:
raise errors.MarionetteException(
"Expect at least one rect in the last range, but found nothing!"
origin_x, origin_y = self.element.rect["x"], self.element.rect["y"]
if self.element.get_property("dir") == "rtl": # such as Arabic
start_pos, end_pos = "right", "left"
start_pos, end_pos = "left", "right"
# Calculate y offset according to different needs.
if location_type == "center":
start_y_offset = first_rect["height"] / 2.0
end_y_offset = last_rect["height"] / 2.0
elif location_type == "caret":
# Selection carets' tip are below the bottom of the two ends of the
# selection. Add 5px to y should be sufficient to locate them.
caret_tip_y_offset = 5
start_y_offset = first_rect["height"] + caret_tip_y_offset
end_y_offset = last_rect["height"] + caret_tip_y_offset
start_y_offset = end_y_offset = 0
caret1_x = first_rect[start_pos] - origin_x
caret1_y = first_rect["top"] + start_y_offset - origin_y
caret2_x = last_rect[end_pos] - origin_x
caret2_y = last_rect["top"] + end_y_offset - origin_y
return ((caret1_x, caret1_y), (caret2_x, caret2_y))
def selection_location(self):
"""Return the start and end location of the selection in the element.
Return a tuple containing two pairs of (x, y) coordinates of the start
and end of the selection. The coordinates are relative to the top
left-hand corner of the element. Both ltr and rtl direction are
return self._selection_location_helper("center")
def carets_location(self):
"""Return a pair of the two carets' location.
Return a tuple containing two pairs of (x, y) coordinates of the two
carets' tip. The coordinates are relative to the top left-hand corner of
the element. Both ltr and rtl direction are considered.
return self._selection_location_helper("caret")
def cursor_location(self):
"""Return the blanking cursor's center location within the element.
Return (x, y) coordinates of the cursor's center relative to the top
left-hand corner of the element.
return self._selection_location_helper("center")[0]
def first_caret_location(self):
"""Return the first caret's location.
Return (x, y) coordinates of the first caret's tip relative to the top
left-hand corner of the element.
return self.carets_location()[0]
def second_caret_location(self):
"""Return the second caret's location.
Return (x, y) coordinates of the second caret's tip relative to the top
left-hand corner of the element.
return self.carets_location()[1]
def select_all(self):
"""Select all the content in the element."""
if self._input_or_textarea():
cmd = """var len = arguments[0].value.length;
arguments[0].setSelectionRange(0, len);"""
cmd = """var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(arguments[0].firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(arguments[0].lastChild, arguments[0].lastChild.length);
var sel = window.getSelection();
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox=None
def content(self):
"""Return all the content of the element."""
if self._input_or_textarea():
return self.element.get_property("value")
return self.element.text
def selected_content(self):
"""Return the selected portion of the content in the element."""
cmd = self.js_selection_cmd() + """return sel.toString();"""
return self.element.marionette.execute_script(
cmd, script_args=(self.element,), sandbox="system"