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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?>
<window onload="runTests()"
<iframe style="min-height: 200px; min-width: 600px" type="content"></iframe>
<iframe style="min-height: 200px; min-width: 600px" type="content"></iframe>
<script type="application/javascript">
// Note: We can't use window.frames directly here because the type="content"
// attributes isolate the frames into their own BrowsingContext hierarchies.
let frameElts = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
var is = window.arguments[0].is;
var isnot = window.arguments[0].isnot;
var ok = window.arguments[0].ok;
var todo = window.arguments[0].todo;
var info = window.arguments[0].info;
var SimpleTest = window.arguments[0].SimpleTest;
var gWbp;
var gPrintPreviewWindow;
var gPrintPreviewBrowser;
var ctx1;
var ctx2;
var counter = 0;
var file = Cc[";1"]
.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
filePath = file.path;
function printpreview(options = {}) {
let resolve;
let promise = new Promise(r => { resolve = r });
var listener = {
onLocationChange: function(webProgress, request, location, flags) { },
onProgressChange: function(webProgress, request, curSelfProgress,
maxSelfProgress, curTotalProgress,
maxTotalProgress) {
info("onProgressChange", [...arguments].join(", "));
onSecurityChange: function(webProgress, request, state) { },
onStateChange: function(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) {
info("onStateChange", [...arguments].join(", "));
if (stateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) {
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
onStatusChange: function(webProgress, request, status, message) {
info("onStatusChange", [...arguments].join(", "));
onContentBlockingEvent: function(webProgress, request, event) {
info("onContentBlockingEvent", [...arguments].join(", "));
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
return this;
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_NOINTERFACE);
var settings = Cc[";1"]
settings.printBGColors = true;
settings.headerStrLeft = "";
settings.headerStrRight = "";
settings.footerStrLeft = "";
settings.footerStrRight = "";
settings.unwriteableMarginTop = 0;
settings.unwriteableMarginRight = 0;
settings.unwriteableMarginLeft = 0;
settings.unwriteableMarginBottom = 0;
if (options.settings) {
for (let key in options.settings) {
settings[key] = options.settings[key];
var before = 0;
var after = 0;
function beforeprint() { ++before; }
function afterprint() { ++after; }
frameElts[0].contentWindow.addEventListener("beforeprint", beforeprint, true);
frameElts[0].contentWindow.addEventListener("afterprint", afterprint, true);
let bc = frameElts[0].contentWindow.browsingContext;
let browser = document.createXULElement("browser");
browser.setAttribute("type", "content"); = "800px"; = = "800px";
browser.setAttribute("nodefaultsrc", "true");
gPrintPreviewBrowser = browser;
// Force docViewer creation and layout.
gPrintPreviewWindow = frameElts[0].contentWindow.printPreview(settings, listener, browser.browsingContext.docShell);
gWbp = gPrintPreviewWindow.docShell.docViewer;
is(before, 1, "Should have called beforeprint listener!");
if (!options.hasMozPrintCallback) {
// If there's a mozPrintCallback the after print event won't fire until
// later.
is(after, 1, "Should have called afterprint listener!");
frameElts[0].contentWindow.removeEventListener("beforeprint", beforeprint, true);
frameElts[0].contentWindow.removeEventListener("afterprint", afterprint, true);
return promise;
function exitprintpreview() {
function finish() {
async function runTests()
// This ensures we actually test the lazy-load of images in printpreview_images.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["", 0],
["dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.bottom", 0],
["dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.left", 0],
["dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.right", 0],
function compareCanvases(options = {}) {
const canvas1 = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
const canvas2 = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[1];
let maxDifference = {};
const differingPixels = window.windowUtils.compareCanvases(canvas1, canvas2, maxDifference);
if (differingPixels) {
todo(false, "different: " + differingPixels + ", maxDifference: " + maxDifference.value);
todo(false, "TEST CASE: " + canvas1.toDataURL());
todo(false, "REFERENCE: " + canvas2.toDataURL());
let maxAllowedDifferent = options.maxDifferent || 0;
let maxAllowedDifference = options.maxDifference || 0;
return differingPixels <= maxAllowedDifferent && maxDifference.value <= maxAllowedDifference;
function addHTMLContent(parent) {
var n = parent.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
var s = "<iframe width='500' height='40' src='data:text/plain,ThisIsAnIframeCreatedDuringPrintPreview'></iframe>";
s += "<table>";
for (var i = 1; i < 501; ++i) {
s += "<tr><td>Cell A" + i + "</td><td>Cell B" + i + "</td><td>Cell C" + i + "</td></tr>";
s += "</table>";
n.innerHTML = s;
async function startTest1() {
ctx1 = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0].getContext("2d");
ctx2 = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[1].getContext("2d");
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "<div> </div><div>" + counter + " timers</div><div> </div>";
// Note this timeout is needed so that we can check that timers run
// after print preview, but not during it.
frameElts[0].contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.counter = counter;
frameElts[0].contentWindow.counterTimeout = "document.body.firstChild.nextSibling.innerHTML = ++counter + ' timers';" +
"window.setTimeout(counterTimeout, 0);";
frameElts[0].contentWindow.setTimeout(frameElts[0].contentWindow.counterTimeout, 0);
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.innerHTML = "Print preview";
await printpreview();
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.innerHTML = "Galley presentation";
// Add some elements.
// Delete them.
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.lastChild.innerHTML = "";
// And readd.
setTimeout(finalizeTest1, 1000);
function finalizeTest1() {
ok(compareCanvases(), "Canvas should be the same!");
counter = frameElts[0].contentWindow.counter;
// This timeout is needed so that we can check that timers do run after
// print preview.
setTimeout(runTest2, 1000);
function runTest2() {
isnot(frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.nextSibling.textContent, "0 timers", "Timers should have run!");
isnot(frameElts[0].contentWindow.counter, 0, "Timers should have run!");
counter = frameElts[0].contentWindow.counter;
frameElts[0].contentWindow.counterTimeout = "";
setTimeout(runTest3, 0);
var elementIndex = 0;
var compareEmptyElement = true;
var emptyFormElements =
["<input type='text'>",
"<input type='password'>",
"<input type='file'>",
"<input type='button'>",
"<input type='submit'>",
"<input type='reset'>",
"<input type='checkbox'>",
"<input type='radio'>",
"<select size='5'></select>",
var formElements =
["<input type='text' value='text'>",
"<input type='password' value='password'>",
"<input type='file' value='" + filePath + "'>",
"<input type='button' value='button'>",
"<input type='submit' value='submit button'>",
"<input type='reset' value='reset button'>",
"<input type='checkbox' checked>",
"<input type='radio' checked>",
"<select size='5'><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option></select>",
"<textarea value='textarea'>textarea</textarea>"];
function runTest3() {
if (compareEmptyElement) {
var currentIndex = elementIndex;
if (elementIndex >= emptyFormElements.length) {
elementIndex = 0;
compareEmptyElement = false;
compareFormElementPrint(emptyFormElements[currentIndex], emptyFormElements[currentIndex], true);
} else if (elementIndex < emptyFormElements.length) {
var currentIndex = elementIndex;
compareFormElementPrint(emptyFormElements[currentIndex], formElements[currentIndex], false);
setTimeout(runTest4, 0)
async function compareFormElementPrint(el1, el2, equals) {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = el1;
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.value =
await printpreview();
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = el2;
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.value =
await printpreview();
is(compareCanvases(), equals,
"Comparing print preview didn't succeed [" + el1 + " : " + el2 + "]");
setTimeout(runTest3, 100);
// This is a crash test for bug 539060.
function runTest4() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
"<iframe style='display: none;' src='data:text/html,<iframe>'></iframe>";
setTimeout(runTest4end, 500);
async function runTest4end() {
await printpreview();
// This is a crash test for bug 595337
async function runTest5() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
'<iframe style="position: fixed; visibility: hidden; bottom: 10em;"></iframe>' +
'<input contenteditable="true" style="display: table; page-break-before: left; width: 10000px;">';
await printpreview();
setTimeout(runTest6, 0);
// Crash test for bug 878037
function runTest6() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
'<style> li { list-style-image: url("animated.gif"); } </style>' +
'<li>Firefox will crash if you try and print this page</li>';
setTimeout(runTest6end, 500);
async function runTest6end() {
await printpreview();
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest7); } );
async function runTest7() {
var contentText = "<a href='#'>mozilla</a><input>test<select><option>option1</option></select>";
// Create normal content
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
"<div>" + contentText + "</div>";
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.value =
await printpreview();
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
var sr = frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.firstChild.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
sr.innerHTML = contentText;
await printpreview();
ok(compareCanvases(), "Printing light DOM and shadow DOM should create same output");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest8); } );
async function runTest8() {
// Test that fonts loaded with CSS and JS are printed the same.
const iframeElement = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
// First, snapshot the page with font defined in CSS.
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", "printpreview_font_api_ref.html");
await printpreview();
// Second, snapshot the page with font loaded in JS.
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("message", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", "printpreview_font_api.html");
await printpreview();
ok(compareCanvases(), "Printing pages with fonts loaded from CSS and JS should be the same.");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest9); } );
// Test for bug 1487649
async function runTest9() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = `
<svg width="100" height="100">
<rect width='100' height='100' fill='lime'/>
await printpreview();
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML = `
<svg width="100" height="100">
<g id="useme">
<rect width='100' height='100' fill='lime'/>
<use />
// Set the attribute explicitly because this is a chrome document, and the
// href attribute would get sanitized.
frameElts[0].contentDocument.querySelector("use").setAttribute("href", "#useme");
// Ensure the <use> shadow tree is created so we test what we want to test.
await printpreview();
ok(compareCanvases(), "Printing <use> subtrees should create same output");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest10); } );
function drawPrintPreviewWindow(ctx) {
let width = gPrintPreviewWindow.innerWidth;
let height = gPrintPreviewWindow.innerHeight;
ctx.canvas.width = width;
ctx.canvas.height = height;
ctx.drawWindow(gPrintPreviewWindow, 0, 0, width, height, "rgb(255, 255, 255)");
// Test for bug 1524640
async function runTest10() {
// Test that fonts loaded during mozprint callback are loaded into the cloned
// document.
const iframeElement = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
// First, snapshot the page with font defined in CSS.
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", "printpreview_font_mozprintcallback_ref.html");
let mozPrintCallbackDone = new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("message", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
await printpreview({ hasMozPrintCallback: true });
await mozPrintCallbackDone;
// Second, snapshot the page with font loaded in JS.
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", "printpreview_font_mozprintcallback.html");
mozPrintCallbackDone = new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("message", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
await printpreview({ hasMozPrintCallback: true });
// Wait for the mozprintcallback to finish.
await mozPrintCallbackDone;
ok(compareCanvases(), "Printing pages with fonts loaded from a mozPrintCallback should be the same.");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest11); } );
async function compareFiles(src1, src2, options = {}) {
info(`Comparing ${src1} with ${src2}`);
const iframeElement = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
let messagePromise = null;
if (options.waitForMessage) {
messagePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("message", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", new URL(src1, BASE).href);
let mediaElements = iframeElement.contentDocument.querySelectorAll(
"audio, video"
for (let mediaElement of mediaElements) {
let { widget } = SpecialPowers.wrap(iframeElement.contentWindow)
await widget.impl.Utils.l10n.translateRoots();
if (messagePromise) {
info("awaiting for message to arrive");
await messagePromise;
await printpreview(options.test || options);
await new Promise((resolve) => {
iframeElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, { capture: true, once: true });
iframeElement.setAttribute("src", new URL(src2, BASE).href);
mediaElements = iframeElement.contentDocument.querySelectorAll(
"audio, video"
for (let mediaElement of mediaElements) {
let { widget } = SpecialPowers.wrap(iframeElement.contentWindow)
await widget.impl.Utils.l10n.translateRoots();
await printpreview(options.ref || options);
is(compareCanvases(options), !options.expectDifference, `Printing ${src1} and ${src2} should${options.expectDifference ? ' not' : ''} produce the same results`);
async function runTest11() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_quirks.html", "printpreview_quirks_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest12); } );
async function runTest12() {
await compareFiles("test_document_adopted_styles.html", "test_document_adopted_styles_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest13); } );
async function runTest13() {
await compareFiles("test_shadow_root_adopted_styles.html", "test_shadow_root_adopted_styles_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest14); } );
async function runTest14() {
await compareFiles("test_shared_adopted_styles.html", "test_shared_adopted_styles_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest15); } );
// Crash test for bug 1615261
async function runTest15() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
'<style>div { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image: url("animated.gif"); } </style>' +
'<div>Firefox will crash if you try and print this page</div>';
// XXX Is there a more reliable way to wait for the background-image to load?
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
await printpreview();
await exitprintpreview();
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest16); } );
// Various image tests.
async function runTest16() {
// fuzzy: SVG image in the test pixel-snaps different than <div> in the ref.
// (And on WebRender, the pixel-snapping seems to shift some pixels over a
// bit such that they're fully white vs. fully blue; hence 255 as the allowed
// color-channel difference.)
// XXXdholbert We should revisit this and adjust these thresholds (hopefully
// lower) after bug 1602410 lands.
await compareFiles("printpreview_images.html", "printpreview_images_ref.html", { maxDifferent: 118, maxDifference: 255 });
requestAnimationFrame(function() { setTimeout(runTest17); } );
async function runTest17() {
// fuzzy: SVG image in the test pixel-snaps different than <div> in the ref.
// (And on WebRender, the pixel-snapping seems to shift some pixels over a
// bit such that they're fully white vs. fully blue; hence 255 as the allowed
// color-channel difference.)
// XXXdholbert We should revisit this and adjust these thresholds (hopefully
// lower) after bug 1602410 lands.
await compareFiles("printpreview_images_sw.html", "printpreview_images_sw_ref.html", { waitForMessage: true, maxDifferent: 118, maxDifference: 255 });
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest18));
async function runTest18() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_quirks.html", "printpreview_quirks_ref.html", {
settings: {
marginTop: 22,
marginBottom: 22,
marginLeft: 22,
marginRight: 22,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest19));
async function runTest19() {
await compareFiles("color_adjust.html", "color_adjust_ref.html", {
test: {
settings: {
printBGColors: false,
printBGImages: false,
ref: {
settings: {
printBGColors: true,
printBGImages: true,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest20));
async function runTest20() {
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
'<style>div { page-break-after: always; }</style>' +
'<div>1</div>' +
'<div>2</div>' +
await printpreview();
is(gWbp.printPreviewCurrentPageNumber, 1,
"The initial current page number should be 1");
// Scroll to the second page.
gWbp.printPreviewScrollToPage(Ci.nsIWebBrowserPrint.PRINTPREVIEW_GOTO_PAGENUM, 2);
is(gWbp.printPreviewCurrentPageNumber, 2,
"The current page number should be 2");
// Scroll to the last page.
gWbp.printPreviewScrollToPage(Ci.nsIWebBrowserPrint.PRINTPREVIEW_END, 0);
is(gWbp.printPreviewCurrentPageNumber, 3,
"The current page number should be 3");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest21));
async function runTest21() {
await compareFiles("data:text/html,<audio controls>", "data:text/html,<audio controls >"); // Shouldn't crash.
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest22));
async function runTest22() {
// Similar to above runtTest20 but more specific for the logic to choose
// the current page in the new print preview UI so this test works only
// in the new print preview.
frameElts[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
'<style>div { page-break-after: always; max-height: 2in; }</style>' +
'<div>1</div>' +
'<div>2</div>' +
'<div>3</div>' +
'<div>4</div>' +
'<div>5</div>' +
'<div>6</div>' +
'<div>7</div>' +
'<div>8</div>' +
'<div>9</div>' +
await printpreview({ settings: { paperHeight: 3 } });
const initialCurrentPageNumber = gWbp.printPreviewCurrentPageNumber;
// NOTE: In the cases the page hight is less than the half height of the
// print preview scroll port height, the initial current page number will
// not be 1.
ok(initialCurrentPageNumber >= 1,
"The initial current page number should be equal to or greater than 1");
const totalPageNumber = gWbp.printPreviewNumPages;
for (let n = initialCurrentPageNumber;
n <= totalPageNumber - initialCurrentPageNumber;
n++) {
// Scroll to the given page number and check the current page number.
is(gWbp.printPreviewCurrentPageNumber, n,
`The current page number should be ${n}`);
// Scroll to the end of the scroll region.
gWbp.printPreviewScrollToPage(Ci.nsIWebBrowserPrint.PRINTPREVIEW_END, 0);
// Same as the initial current page number case, the last page might not
// be the current page if the page height is less than the half of the scroll
// port.
totalPageNumber + 1 - initialCurrentPageNumber,
`The current page number should be ${totalPageNumber + 1 - initialCurrentPageNumber}`);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest23));
async function runTest23() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_prettyprint.xml", "printpreview_prettyprint_ref.xhtml");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest24));
async function runTest24() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_mask.html", "data:text/html,", {
settings: {
printBGColors: false,
printBGImages: false,
expectDifference: true,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest25));
async function runTest25() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_downloadable_font.html", "printpreview_downloadable_font_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest26));
async function runTest26() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_downloadable_font_in_iframe.html", "printpreview_downloadable_font_in_iframe_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest27));
async function runTest27() {
await compareFiles("data:text/html,<style>:root { background-color: red; background-image: linear-gradient(red, red) }</style>", "data:text/html,", {
settings: {
printBGColors: false,
printBGImages: false,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest28));
async function runTest28() {
await compareFiles("data:text/html,<style>@page { margin: 0 }</style>Foo", "data:text/html,Foo", {
settings: {
honorPageRuleMargins: false,
marginTop: 1,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest29));
async function runTest29() {
await compareFiles("data:text/html,<style>@page { margin: 0 }</style>Foo", "data:text/html,Foo", {
settings: {
honorPageRuleMargins: true,
marginTop: 1,
expectDifference: true,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest30));
// Helper function to test trivial/unsupported pages-per-sheet values which we
// just treat as 1 page-per-sheet (as if the attribute were unset.)
// NOTE: The second data-URI's explicit "<body>" tag is not meant to affect the
// rendering -- it's just a hack to ensure that the URIs themselves are
// different, so that compareFiles() sees the two URIs as different and gets
// the "load" notification that it depends on after switching between them.
// We also include numPages in the tested URL/content here, so that if we get
// a test-failure, it's easy to figure out which call to this function had the
// failure.
async function checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(numPages) {
let stringToDisplay = "TrivialPagesPerSheetVal" + numPages;
await compareFiles("data:text/html," + stringToDisplay,
"data:text/html,<body>" + stringToDisplay, {
test: {
settings: {
numPagesPerSheet: numPages,
ref: { settings: {} },
async function runTest30() {
await checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(1);
await checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(0);
await checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(-5);
await checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(7);
await checkTrivialPagesPerSheetValue(500);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest31));
// Helper function to test supported pages-per-sheet values that actually do
// tiling (i.e. values greater than 1). We render the testcase and reference
// case with zero page-margins and zero unwritable margins. (This makes it
// tractable to create a reference case without having to account for margins
// that are outside of the content area.)
async function checkSupportedPagesPerSheetValue(src1, src2, numPages, fuzz) {
await compareFiles(src1, src2, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
numPagesPerSheet: numPages,
ref: {
settings: {
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
// Pages-per-sheet: test the supported values.
// First we test the perfect-square values: 4, 9, 16.
// Then we test the other values, 2 and 6. (They require some extra bespoke
// configuration to mock up their page-rotation, so their runTest functions are
// a bit more verbose.)
async function runTest31() {
// XXXdholbert On windows, our zero-margin settings aren't reliably respected
// for some reason; see bug 1680838. For now, we just account for that with a
// hefty amount of fuzz, guarded behind a platform-specific check so that we
// can keep this strict on other platforms.
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 101278, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
await checkSupportedPagesPerSheetValue("printpreview_pps4.html",
"printpreview_pps4_ref.html", 4, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest32));
async function runTest32() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 130170, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
await checkSupportedPagesPerSheetValue("printpreview_pps9.html",
"printpreview_pps9_ref.html", 9, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest33));
async function runTest33() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 145706, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
await checkSupportedPagesPerSheetValue("printpreview_pps16.html",
"printpreview_pps16_ref.html", 16,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest34));
async function runTest34() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ? // Workaround for bug 1680838
{ maxDifferent: 44256, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "printpreview_pps2.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps2_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
numPagesPerSheet: 2,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
orientation: 1, /* Landscape mode */
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest35));
async function runTest35() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ? // Workaround for bug 1680838
{ maxDifferent: 88751, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "printpreview_pps6.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps6_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 6,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
numPagesPerSheet: 6,
orientation: 1, /* Landscape mode */
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 6,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest36));
// Testcases for pages-per-sheet with nonzero unwriteable margin values:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// In this subtest, the vertical scale-factor is more-severe and hence ends up
// "winning", and we have a bit of extra space in the horizontal axis which we
// distribute equally on either side (see the _ref.html file used below for
// more details).
async function runTest36() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 139464, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "printpreview_pps_uw4.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps_uw4_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0.6,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0.1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0.4,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0.3,
numPagesPerSheet: 4,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest37));
// In this subtest, the horizontal scale-factor is more-severe and hence ends
// up "winning", and we have a bit of extra space in the vertical axis which we
// distribute equally on either side (see the _ref.html file used below for
// more details).
async function runTest37() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 152268, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "printpreview_pps_uw9.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps_uw9_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0.2,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0.8,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0.4,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1.2,
numPagesPerSheet: 9,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 10,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest38));
async function runTest38() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ? // Workaround for bug 1680838
{ maxDifferent: 117744, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "printpreview_pps_uw2.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps_uw2_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0.8,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0.6,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1.2,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0.4,
numPagesPerSheet: 2,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
/* Note: These are the same values we used for 'test' above, except
that here we've rotated the margins counterclockwise through the
sides, to account for the fact that we're specifying these margins
for a landscape-orientation page here vs. portrait-mode above.*/
unwriteableMarginTop: 0.6,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1.2,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0.4,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0.8,
orientation: 1, /* Landscape mode */
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest39));
// In this subtest, the vertical unwriteable margins exactly consume the full
// pageHeight, so we don't have any space available for printing and we just
// print a blank sheet. (This is mostly a stress test to be sure we don't
// crash, hang, divide-by-zero, etc. in this edge case.)
async function runTest39() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 254, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "data:text/html,Unwriteable-Margins-Too-Tall-To-See-This";
let ref = "data:text/html,<!-- runTest39 -->";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginTop: 3,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 2,
numPagesPerSheet: 4,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest40));
// In this subtest, the horizontal unwriteable margins consume more than the
// full pageWidth, so we don't have any space available for printing and we
// just print a blank sheet. (This is mostly a stress test to be sure we don't
// crash, hang, divide-by-zero, etc. in this edge case.)
async function runTest40() {
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 172, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "data:text/html,Unwriteable-Margins-Too-Wide-To-See-This";
let ref = "data:text/html,<!-- runTest40 -->";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginRight: 3,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 4,
numPagesPerSheet: 9,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 4,
paperHeight: 5,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest41));
// Drawing headers/footers with very large unwriteable margins. The specific
// bug occurs when combined unwriteable are larger than half of the page's
// dimensions.
async function runTest41() {
// This test compares a rendered page to the headers/footers that print code
// generates. On Windows, workaround bug 1680838. On OS X, the headers/
// footers are sometimes slightly offset. See bug 1714217.
// It's not too big a deal to have a higher fuzz factor, since when
// bug 1713404 occurs no headers/footers at all are rendered. These higher
// fuzz factors will still catch this worst case on OS X.
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 256, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
else if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 60, maxDifference: 200 }; // Bug 1714217
else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 14, maxDifference: 16 };
let test = "data:text/html,<!-- runTest41 -->";
let ref = "printpreview_bug1713404_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 2,
unwriteableMarginRight: 2,
unwriteableMarginTop: 2,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 2,
headerStrLeft: "|",
headerStrRight: "||",
footerStrLeft: "|||",
footerStrRight: "||||",
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest42));
// Test that @page{ size: ... } works correctly with a smaller specified
// @page{ size: ... } than the paper we are printing to. The test and ref use
// varying margin and size properties to place elements in the same location.
// This depends on Firefox's current behavior of putting undersized pages into
// the upper left corner, rather than scaling or centering the page.
async function runTest42() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 15, maxDifference: 8 };
let test = "print_page_size1.html";
let ref = "print_page_size1_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest43));
// Test that @page{ size: ... } works correctly with a larger specified
// @page{ size: ... } than the paper we are printing to. This specifically
// tests scaling when only one page edge is too large.
// This depends on Firefox's current behavior of scaling down any oversized
// pages to fit onto a single physical page, and putting this aligned to the
// upper left corner rather than centering the page.
async function runTest43() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 15, maxDifference: 8 };
let test = "print_page_size2.html";
let ref = "print_page_size2_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest44));
// Test that @page{ size: ... } works correctly with a smaller specified
// @page{ size: ... } than the paper we are printing to. The test case uses
// only the size property and the ref case uses only absolute positioning.
// This depends on Firefox's current behavior of putting undersized pages into
// the upper left corner, rather than scaling or centering the page.
async function runTest44() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 15, maxDifference: 8 };
let test = "print_page_size3.html";
let ref = "print_page_size3_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest45));
// Test that @page{ size: ... } results in scaling down the contents to fit on
// a smaller paper size.
// This depends on Firefox's current behavior of scaling oversized pages down
// to fit onto the paper size.
async function runTest45() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 15, maxDifference: 8 };
let test = "print_page_size4.html";
let ref = "print_page_size4_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, fuzz);
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest46));
// Test that small elements don't get clipped from the bottom of the page when
// using a < 1.0 scaling factor.
async function runTest46() {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
let test = "bug1722890.html";
let ref = "bug1722890_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
scaling: 0.5,
shrinkToFit: false
ref: {
settings: {
scaling: 1.0,
shrinkToFit: false
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest47));
// Test for header/footer text clipping when printing with scaling factor.
async function runTest47() {
// This test compares a rendered page to the headers/footers that print code
// generates. On Windows, workaround bug 1680838. On OS X, the headers/
// footers are sometimes slightly offset. See bug 1714217.
// It's not too big a deal to have a higher fuzz factor, since when
// bug 1730091 occurs most of the headers/footers are not rendered at all,
// and these fuzz factors will still catch that.
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 200, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
else if (navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 180, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1714217
else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 6, maxDifference: 16 };
let test = "data:text/html,<!-- runTest47 -->";
let ref = "printpreview_bug1730091_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
scaling: 1.3,
shrinkToFit: false,
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
headerStrLeft: "||||",
headerStrRight: "||||",
footerStrLeft: "||||",
footerStrRight: "||||",
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest48));
// Test that even when downscaling happens due to CSS page-size, the
// unwriteable margins are in units applicable to the resulting page as it is
// actually printed.
async function runTest48() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 816, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
} else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 16, maxDifference: 255 };
let test = "bug1769161_1.html";
let ref = "bug1769161_1_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest49));
// Same as runTest48, but uses different scaling factors.
async function runTest49() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 6472, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
} else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 24, maxDifference: 255 };
let test = "bug1769161_2.html";
let ref = "bug1769161_2_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest50));
// Test that when downscaling happens due to CSS page-size, the unwriteable
// margins are equivalent to the @page margins after those margins are scaled.
async function runTest50() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 816, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
} else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 16, maxDifference: 255 };
let test = "bug1769161_3.html";
let ref = "bug1769161_3_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest51));
// Same as runTest50, but uses different scaling factors.
async function runTest51() {
if (navigator.platform.includes("Win")) {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 11764, maxDifference: 255 }; // Bug 1680838
} else {
var fuzz = { maxDifferent: 24, maxDifference: 255 };
let test = "bug1769161_4.html";
let ref = "bug1769161_4_ref.html";
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 5,
paperHeight: 5,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest52));
async function runTest52() {
// Unwriteable margins can be ignored by setting the appropriate flag.
// Slightly different to avoid hang.
await compareFiles("data:text/html,Foo", "data:text/html,<div>Foo", {
maxDifferent: 0,
maxDifference: 0,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
ignoreUnwriteableMargins: true,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest53));
async function runTest53() {
// Ensure that even when unwriteable margins are set to be taken into
// account, page rule margins can override it.
await compareFiles(
"data:text/html,<style>@page { margin: 0 }</style>Foo",
maxDifferent: 0,
maxDifference: 0,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
ignoreUnwriteableMargins: false,
honorPageRuleMargins: true,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest54));
async function runTest54() {
// `ignoreUnwriteableMargins` lets author-specified margins ignore
// unwriteable margins as well. Without this flag, the unwriteable
// margin is ignored iff `Margins: Default` is set (i.e.
// `honorPageRuleMargins` set) and the author specified CSS page
// margin is zero.
// Note: At least currently, both `ignoreUnwriteableMargins`
// and `honorPageRuleMargins` cannot be set through the printing UI.
// TODO: If this behaviour is desired is up for debate.
await compareFiles(
"data:text/html,<style>@page { margin: 0.1in }</style>Foo",
maxDifferent: 0,
maxDifference: 0,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 1,
unwriteableMarginRight: 1,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 1,
ignoreUnwriteableMargins: true,
honorPageRuleMargins: true,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0.1,
marginRight: 0.1,
marginBottom: 0.1,
marginLeft: 0.1,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest55));
async function runTest55() {
let test = "printpreview_pps_uw2.html";
let ref = "printpreview_pps_uw2_no_margin_ref.html";
let fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ? // Workaround for bug 1680838
{ maxDifferent: 12870, maxDifference: 255 } :
{ maxDifferent: 0, maxDifference: 0 };
// Unwriteable margins are successfully ignored, if requested,
// for pages-per-sheet.
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
maxDifferent: fuzz.maxDifferent,
maxDifference: fuzz.maxDifference,
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0.8,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0.6,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 1.2,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0.4,
numPagesPerSheet: 2,
ignoreUnwriteableMargins: true,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8,
paperHeight: 10,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
orientation: 1, /* Landscape mode */
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest56));
async function runTest56() {
await compareFiles("printpreview_image_select.html", "printpreview_image_select_ref.html");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest57));
// Tests that printing with mixed page sizes doesn't crash.
// These tests can't actually compare any pages after the first, so this only
// verifies that we don't crash reflowing.
async function runTest57() {
let test = "printpreview_mixed_page_size_001.html";
// The params are just to give the file unique URLs.
await compareFiles(test + "?test", test + "?ref");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest58));
// As with runTest57, this is only testing for crashes.
// This includes fixed-position content, as this is the only way to get content
// within the same chain of continuations onto pages with different sizes.
async function runTest58() {
let test = "printpreview_mixed_page_size_002.html";
// The params are just to give the file unique URLs.
await compareFiles(test + "?test", test + "?ref");
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest59));
// Creates a data URL that has a single div of |divSize| em square, on a page
// of size |pageSize| inches square.
// |center| determines if the div should be centered horizontally.
function createScalingTestSource(pageSize, center, name) {
// Styling always used.
let baseStyle = 'background: blue;';
if (center) {
baseStyle += 'margin: auto;';
const div = '<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px;' + baseStyle + '"></div>';
const style = '<style>@page{size:' + pageSize + 'in}body{margin:0}</style>';
// Add the name as a comment, to ensure every test has a unique source even
// if the parameters are identical.
const comment = '<!-- ' + name + ' -->';
return 'data:text/html,' + style + div + comment;
async function runScalingCenteredTest(refPageSize, testPageSize, paperSize,
name, center = true, fuzz = null) {
const printSettings = {
settings: {
paperWidth: paperSize,
paperHeight: paperSize,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
let settings = Object.create(fuzz, {
ref: {value: printSettings},
test: {value: printSettings}
const testSrc = createScalingTestSource(testPageSize, center, name);
const refSrc = createScalingTestSource(refPageSize, center, name);
return compareFiles(testSrc, refSrc, settings);
// Tests that auto-detection and use of page centering.
// Has a smaller page on a larger sheet, where the difference is within the
// tolerance for auto-detection.
async function runTest59() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 2]]
// See bug 1680838
const fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 180, maxDifference: 255 } :
await runScalingCenteredTest(10, 9.5, 10, "runTest59", true, fuzz);
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest60));
// Tests that centering won't occur when the pref disables it, using the same
// values as runTest59.
async function runTest60() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 0]]
// See bug 1680838
const fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 180, maxDifference: 255 } :
await runScalingCenteredTest(10, 9.5, 10, "runTest60", false, fuzz);
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest61));
// Tests that auto-detection will reject too big a difference for page
// centering. Has a much smaller page on a larger sheet, where the difference
// is outside the threshold for auto-detection.
async function runTest61() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 2]]
// See bug 1680838
const fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 450, maxDifference: 255 } :
await runScalingCenteredTest(10, 8.9, 10, "runTest61", false, fuzz);
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest62));
// Tests that we can force page centering with the pref, using the same values
// as runTest61.
async function runTest62() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 1]]
// See bug 1680838
const fuzz = navigator.platform.includes("Win") ?
{ maxDifferent: 450, maxDifference: 255 } :
await runScalingCenteredTest(10, 8.9, 10, "runTest62", true, fuzz);
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest63));
// Tests that centering will always happen if the pref forces it.
// The sizes used in these files are very large and the scale factor very high
// here to ensure that any errors in the calculation for centering will be
// magnified.
async function runTest63() {
let test = "printpreview_scale_test_001.html";
let ref = "printpreview_scale_test_001_ref.html";
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 1]]
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest64));
// Tests that printing A4 pages on US Letter will be a close enough fit
// that we will automatically center the page.
async function runTest64() {
let test = "printpreview_scale_test_002.html";
let ref = "printpreview_scale_test_002_ref.html";
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 2]]
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(runTest65));
// Tests that auto-detection will reject a large enough difference in width
// when downscaling is used to make the page fit on the paper.
async function runTest65() {
let test = "printpreview_scale_test_003.html";
let ref = "printpreview_scale_test_003_ref.html";
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["print.center_page_on_sheet", 2]]
await compareFiles(test, ref, {
test: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
ref: {
settings: {
paperWidth: 8.5,
paperHeight: 11,
paperSizeUnit: Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kPaperSizeInches,
marginTop: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
unwriteableMarginTop: 0,
unwriteableMarginRight: 0,
unwriteableMarginBottom: 0,
unwriteableMarginLeft: 0,
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
<table style="border: 1px solid black;" xmlns="">
<tr><th>Print preview canvas 1</th><th>Print preview canvas 2</th></tr>
<td><canvas height="800" width="800"></canvas></td>
<td><canvas height="800" width="800"></canvas></td>