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Test Info: Warnings

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Mozilla Bug 522764"
<!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
target="_blank">Mozilla Bug 522764 </a>
<!-- test code goes here -->
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
add_task(async () => {
var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox("about:blank");
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.allow_eval_with_system_principal",
/* eslint-disable no-eval */
function getCOW(x) {
if (typeof x != 'object' && typeof x != 'function')
return x;
x = Cu.waiveXrays(x);
var rval = {};
if (typeof x == "function")
rval = eval(`(${x.toString()})`);
for (var i in x) {
if (x.__lookupGetter__(i))
rval.__defineGetter__(i, eval(`(${x.__lookupGetter__(i).toString()})`))
rval[i] = getCOW(x[i]);
return rval;
// Give the sandbox a way to create ChromeObjectWrapped objects.
sandbox.getCOW = getCOW;
// Define test API functions in the sandbox.
const TEST_API = ['is', 'isnot', 'ok', 'todo_is', 'todo_isnot', 'todo'];
TEST_API.forEach(function(name) { sandbox[name] = window[name]; });
sandbox.chromeGet = function (obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; };
function COWTests() {
function getNames(cow) {
let names = [];
for (let name in cow) {
return names;
// This function is actually stringified and run inside a
// sandbox with content privileges.
// TODO: This could use some refactoring; creating helper
// functions like assertIsWritable(myObj, 'someproperty') might
// be useful.
function isPropHidden(obj, propName, desc) {
try {
is(obj[propName], undefined,
"getting " + propName + " on " + desc + " should return undefined");
ok(!(propName in obj),
propName + " on " + desc + " should act as if it doesn't exist");
ok(!, propName),
propName + " on " + desc + " should act as if it doesn't exist");
} catch (e) {
ok(false, "getting " + propName + " on " + desc + " threw " + e);
const PROPS_TO_TEST = ['foo', 'bar', 'prototype'];
var empty = {};
var nonempty = {foo: 42, bar: 33};
is(getCOW(empty).foo, undefined,
"shouldn't throw when accessing exposed properties that don't exist");
PROPS_TO_TEST.forEach(function(name) {
isPropHidden(getCOW(nonempty), name, "object without exposedProps");
// Test function objects.
var func = function() { return 42; }; = "foo property";
var funcCOW = getCOW(func);
try {;
ok(false, 'Functions are no longer COWable');
} catch (e) {
ok(/denied|insecure/.test(e), 'Functions are no longer COWable');
is(funcCOW(), 42, "Chrome functions should be callable");
// Test writable property
var writable = getCOW({});
try {
ok(!("foo" in writable),
"non-existing write-only property shouldn't exist"); = 5;
ok(false, "writing to a write-only exposed prop should throw");
} catch (e) {
ok(/Permission denied/.test(e),
"writing to a write-only exposed prop should throw the right error");
is(, undefined,
"reading from a write-only exposed prop should return undefined");
try {
ok(false, "deleting a write-only exposed prop should throw");
} catch (e) {
ok(true, "deleting a write-only exposed prop should throw " + e);
// Test readable property
var readable = { foo: 5,
bar: 6 };
try {
isPropHidden(getCOW(readable), "foo", undefined,
"reading from a readable exposed prop shouldn't work");
} catch (e) {
ok(false, "reading from a readable exposed prop shouldn't throw " + e);
try {
getCOW(readable).foo = 1;
ok(false, "writing to a read-only exposed prop should fail");
} catch (e) {
ok(/Permission denied/.test(e),
"writing to a read-only exposed prop should fail");
try {
delete getCOW(readable).foo;
ok(false, "deleting a read-only exposed prop shouldn't work");
} catch (e) {
ok(/Permission denied/.test(e),
"deleting a read-only exposed prop should throw error");
try {
var props = getNames(getCOW(readable));
is(props.length, 0, "COW w/ one exposed prop should not enumerate");
} catch (e) {
ok(false, "COW w/ a readable prop should not raise exc " +
"on enumeration: " + e);
// Test read/write property
var readwrite = getCOW({});
try {
ok(!("foo" in readwrite),
"non-existing readwrite property shouldn't exist"); = 5;
ok(false, "writing to a readwrite exposed prop should throw");
} catch (e) {
ok(/Permission denied/.test(e),
"writing to a readwrite exposed prop should throw the right error");
try {
ok(false, "deleting a readwrite prop should throw");
} catch (e) {
ok(/Permission denied/.test(e),
"deleting a readwrite exposed prop should throw the right error");
// Readables and functions
try {
var COWFunc = getCOW((function() { return 5; }));
is(COWFunc(), 5, "COWed functions should be callable");
} catch (e) {
todo(false, "COWed functions should not raise " + e);
// Stringify the COW test suite and directly evaluate it in the sandbox.
Cu.evalInSandbox('(' + COWTests.toString() + ')()', sandbox);
// Test that COWed objects passing from content to chrome get unwrapped.
function returnCOW() {
return getCOW({bar: 6});
var unwrapped = Cu.evalInSandbox(
'(' + returnCOW.toString() + ')()',
try {
is(, 6,
"COWs should be unwrapped when entering chrome space");
} catch (e) {
todo(false, "COWs should be unwrapped when entering chrome space, " +
"not raise " + e);