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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef vm_Scope_h
#define vm_Scope_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // MOZ_ASSERT, MOZ_ASSERT_IF
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" // MOZ_IMPLICIT, MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR, MOZ_STACK_CLASS
#include "mozilla/Casting.h" // mozilla::AssertedCast
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h" // mozilla::Maybe
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" // mozilla::MallocSizeOf
#include "mozilla/Span.h" // mozilla::Span
#include <algorithm> // std::fill_n
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t
#include <type_traits> // std::is_same_v, std::is_base_of_v
#include "builtin/ModuleObject.h" // ModuleObject, Handle<ModuleObject*>
#include "frontend/ParserAtom.h" // frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex
#include "gc/Barrier.h" // HeapPtr
#include "gc/Cell.h" // TenuredCellWithNonGCPointer
#include "js/GCPolicyAPI.h" // GCPolicy, IgnoreGCPolicy
#include "js/HeapAPI.h" // CellFlagBitsReservedForGC
#include "js/RootingAPI.h" // Handle, MutableHandle
#include "js/TraceKind.h" // JS::TraceKind
#include "js/TypeDecls.h" // HandleFunction
#include "js/UbiNode.h" // ubi::*
#include "js/UniquePtr.h" // UniquePtr
#include "util/Poison.h" // AlwaysPoison, JS_SCOPE_DATA_TRAILING_NAMES_PATTERN, MemCheckKind
#include "vm/JSFunction.h" // JSFunction
#include "vm/ScopeKind.h" // ScopeKind
#include "vm/Shape.h" // Shape
#include "wasm/WasmJS.h" // WasmInstanceObject
class JSAtom;
class JSScript;
class JSTracer;
struct JSContext;
namespace js {
class JS_PUBLIC_API GenericPrinter;
namespace frontend {
class ScopeStencil;
struct ScopeStencilRef;
class RuntimeScopeBindingCache;
} // namespace frontend
template <typename NameT>
class AbstractBaseScopeData;
template <typename NameT>
class BaseAbstractBindingIter;
template <typename NameT>
class AbstractBindingIter;
template <typename NameT>
class AbstractPositionalFormalParameterIter;
using BindingIter = AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
class AbstractScopePtr;
static inline bool ScopeKindIsCatch(ScopeKind kind) {
return kind == ScopeKind::SimpleCatch || kind == ScopeKind::Catch;
static inline bool ScopeKindIsInBody(ScopeKind kind) {
return kind == ScopeKind::Lexical || kind == ScopeKind::SimpleCatch ||
kind == ScopeKind::Catch || kind == ScopeKind::With ||
kind == ScopeKind::FunctionLexical ||
kind == ScopeKind::FunctionBodyVar || kind == ScopeKind::ClassBody;
const char* BindingKindString(BindingKind kind);
const char* ScopeKindString(ScopeKind kind);
template <typename NameT>
class AbstractBindingName;
template <>
class AbstractBindingName<JSAtom> {
using NameT = JSAtom;
using NamePointerT = NameT*;
// A JSAtom* with its low bit used as a tag for the:
// * whether it is closed over (i.e., exists in the environment shape)
// * whether it is a top-level function binding in global or eval scope,
// instead of var binding (both are in the same range in Scope data)
uintptr_t bits_;
static constexpr uintptr_t ClosedOverFlag = 0x1;
// TODO: We should reuse this bit for let vs class distinction to
static constexpr uintptr_t TopLevelFunctionFlag = 0x2;
static constexpr uintptr_t FlagMask = 0x3;
AbstractBindingName() : bits_(0) {}
AbstractBindingName(NameT* name, bool closedOver,
bool isTopLevelFunction = false)
: bits_(uintptr_t(name) | (closedOver ? ClosedOverFlag : 0x0) |
(isTopLevelFunction ? TopLevelFunctionFlag : 0x0)) {}
NamePointerT name() const {
return reinterpret_cast<NameT*>(bits_ & ~FlagMask);
bool closedOver() const { return bits_ & ClosedOverFlag; }
friend class BaseAbstractBindingIter<NameT>;
// This method should be called only for binding names in `vars` range in
// BindingIter.
bool isTopLevelFunction() const { return bits_ & TopLevelFunctionFlag; }
void trace(JSTracer* trc) {
if (JSAtom* atom = name()) {
TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &atom, "binding name");
template <>
class AbstractBindingName<frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex> {
uint32_t bits_;
using TaggedParserAtomIndex = frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex;
using NameT = TaggedParserAtomIndex;
using NamePointerT = NameT;
static constexpr size_t TaggedIndexBit = TaggedParserAtomIndex::IndexBit + 2;
static constexpr size_t FlagShift = TaggedIndexBit;
static constexpr size_t FlagBit = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t FlagMask = BitMask(FlagBit) << FlagShift;
static constexpr uint32_t ClosedOverFlag = 1 << FlagShift;
static constexpr uint32_t TopLevelFunctionFlag = 2 << FlagShift;
AbstractBindingName() : bits_(TaggedParserAtomIndex::NullTag) {
// TaggedParserAtomIndex's tags shouldn't overlap with flags.
static_assert((TaggedParserAtomIndex::NullTag & FlagMask) == 0);
static_assert((TaggedParserAtomIndex::ParserAtomIndexTag & FlagMask) == 0);
static_assert((TaggedParserAtomIndex::WellKnownTag & FlagMask) == 0);
AbstractBindingName(TaggedParserAtomIndex name, bool closedOver,
bool isTopLevelFunction = false)
: bits_(name.rawData() | (closedOver ? ClosedOverFlag : 0x0) |
(isTopLevelFunction ? TopLevelFunctionFlag : 0x0)) {}
NamePointerT name() const {
return TaggedParserAtomIndex::fromRaw(bits_ & ~FlagMask);
bool closedOver() const { return bits_ & ClosedOverFlag; }
AbstractBindingName<JSAtom> copyWithNewAtom(JSAtom* newName) const {
return AbstractBindingName<JSAtom>(newName, closedOver(),
void updateNameAfterStencilMerge(TaggedParserAtomIndex name) {
bits_ = (bits_ & FlagMask) | name.rawData();
friend class BaseAbstractBindingIter<TaggedParserAtomIndex>;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
// This method should be called only for binding names in `vars` range in
// BindingIter.
bool isTopLevelFunction() const { return bits_ & TopLevelFunctionFlag; }
using BindingName = AbstractBindingName<JSAtom>;
static inline void TraceBindingNames(JSTracer* trc, BindingName* names,
uint32_t length) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
JSAtom* name = names[i].name();
TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &name, "scope name");
static inline void TraceNullableBindingNames(JSTracer* trc, BindingName* names,
uint32_t length) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (JSAtom* name = names[i].name()) {
TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &name, "scope name");
const size_t ScopeDataAlignBytes = size_t(1) << gc::CellFlagBitsReservedForGC;
* Base class for scope {Runtime,Parser}Data classes to inherit from.
* `js::Scope` stores a pointer to RuntimeData classes in their first word, so
* they must be suitably aligned to allow storing GC flags in the low bits.
template <typename NameT>
class AbstractBaseScopeData {
using NameType = NameT;
// The length of names after specialized ScopeData subclasses.
uint32_t length = 0;
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline void AssertDerivedScopeData() {
AbstractBaseScopeData<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>>,
"ScopeDataT shouldn't be AbstractBaseScopeData");
std::is_base_of_v<AbstractBaseScopeData<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>,
"ScopeDataT should be subclass of AbstractBaseScopeData");
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline size_t GetOffsetOfScopeDataTrailingNames() {
return sizeof(ScopeDataT);
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>*
GetScopeDataTrailingNamesPointer(ScopeDataT* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>*>(
data + 1);
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline const AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>*
GetScopeDataTrailingNamesPointer(const ScopeDataT* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<
const AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>*>(data + 1);
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline mozilla::Span<AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>>
GetScopeDataTrailingNames(ScopeDataT* data) {
return mozilla::Span(GetScopeDataTrailingNamesPointer(data), data->length);
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline mozilla::Span<
const AbstractBindingName<typename ScopeDataT::NameType>>
GetScopeDataTrailingNames(const ScopeDataT* data) {
return mozilla::Span(GetScopeDataTrailingNamesPointer(data), data->length);
using BaseScopeData = AbstractBaseScopeData<JSAtom>;
inline void PoisonNames(AbstractBindingName<JSAtom>* data, uint32_t length) {
sizeof(AbstractBindingName<JSAtom>) * length,
// frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex doesn't require poison value.
// Fill with null value instead.
inline void PoisonNames(
AbstractBindingName<frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex>* data,
uint32_t length) {
std::fill_n(data, length,
template <typename ScopeDataT>
static inline void PoisonNames(ScopeDataT* data, uint32_t length) {
if (length) {
PoisonNames(GetScopeDataTrailingNamesPointer(data), length);
// Allow using is<T> and as<T> on Rooted<Scope*> and Handle<Scope*>.
template <typename Wrapper>
class WrappedPtrOperations<Scope*, Wrapper> {
template <class U>
JS::Handle<U*> as() const {
const Wrapper& self = *static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(self, self->template is<U>());
return Handle<U*>::fromMarkedLocation(
reinterpret_cast<U* const*>(self.address()));
// The base class of all Scopes.
class Scope : public gc::TenuredCellWithNonGCPointer<BaseScopeData> {
friend class GCMarker;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
friend class js::AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class js::frontend::RuntimeScopeBindingCache;
friend class gc::CellAllocator;
// The raw data pointer, stored in the cell header.
BaseScopeData* rawData() { return headerPtr(); }
const BaseScopeData* rawData() const { return headerPtr(); }
// The kind determines data_.
const ScopeKind kind_;
// If there are any aliased bindings, the shape for the
// EnvironmentObject. Otherwise nullptr.
const HeapPtr<SharedShape*> environmentShape_;
// The enclosing scope or nullptr.
HeapPtr<Scope*> enclosingScope_;
Scope(ScopeKind kind, Scope* enclosing, SharedShape* environmentShape)
: TenuredCellWithNonGCPointer(nullptr),
enclosingScope_(enclosing) {}
static Scope* create(JSContext* cx, ScopeKind kind, Handle<Scope*> enclosing,
Handle<SharedShape*> envShape);
template <typename ConcreteScope>
void initData(
MutableHandle<UniquePtr<typename ConcreteScope::RuntimeData>> data);
template <typename F>
void applyScopeDataTyped(F&& f);
static void updateEnvShapeIfRequired(mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape,
bool needsEnvironment);
template <typename ConcreteScope>
static ConcreteScope* create(
JSContext* cx, ScopeKind kind, Handle<Scope*> enclosing,
Handle<SharedShape*> envShape,
MutableHandle<UniquePtr<typename ConcreteScope::RuntimeData>> data);
static const JS::TraceKind TraceKind = JS::TraceKind::Scope;
template <typename T>
bool is() const {
return kind_ == T::classScopeKind_;
template <typename T>
T& as() {
return *static_cast<T*>(this);
template <typename T>
const T& as() const {
return *static_cast<const T*>(this);
ScopeKind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool isNamedLambda() const {
return kind() == ScopeKind::NamedLambda ||
kind() == ScopeKind::StrictNamedLambda;
SharedShape* environmentShape() const { return environmentShape_; }
Scope* enclosing() const { return enclosingScope_; }
static bool hasEnvironment(ScopeKind kind, bool hasEnvironmentShape = false) {
switch (kind) {
case ScopeKind::With:
case ScopeKind::Global:
case ScopeKind::NonSyntactic:
return true;
// If there's a shape, an environment must be created for this scope.
return hasEnvironmentShape;
bool hasEnvironment() const {
return hasEnvironment(kind_, !!environmentShape());
uint32_t firstFrameSlot() const;
uint32_t chainLength() const;
uint32_t environmentChainLength() const;
template <typename T>
bool hasOnChain() const {
for (const Scope* it = this; it; it = it->enclosing()) {
if (it->is<T>()) {
return true;
return false;
bool hasOnChain(ScopeKind kind) const {
for (const Scope* it = this; it; it = it->enclosing()) {
if (it->kind() == kind) {
return true;
return false;
void traceChildren(JSTracer* trc);
void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
void dump();
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
static bool dumpForDisassemble(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<Scope*> scope,
GenericPrinter& out, const char* indent);
#endif /* defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW) */
template <class DataT>
inline size_t SizeOfScopeData(uint32_t length) {
using BindingT = AbstractBindingName<typename DataT::NameType>;
return GetOffsetOfScopeDataTrailingNames<DataT>() + length * sizeof(BindingT);
// A useful typedef for selecting between a gc-aware wrappers
// around pointers to BaseScopeData-derived types, and around raw
// pointer wrappers around BaseParserScopeData-derived types.
template <typename ScopeT, typename AtomT>
using AbstractScopeData = typename ScopeT::template AbstractData<AtomT>;
// Binding names are stored from `this+1`.
// Make sure the class aligns the binding name size.
template <typename SlotInfo>
struct alignas(alignof(AbstractBindingName<frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex>))
: public AbstractBaseScopeData<frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex> {
SlotInfo slotInfo;
explicit ParserScopeData(size_t length) { PoisonNames(this, length); }
ParserScopeData() = delete;
// RuntimeScopeData has 2 requirements:
// * It aligns with `BindingName`, that is stored after `this+1`
// * It aligns with ScopeDataAlignBytes, in order to put it in the first
// word of `js::Scope`
static_assert(alignof(BindingName) <= ScopeDataAlignBytes);
template <typename SlotInfo>
struct alignas(ScopeDataAlignBytes) RuntimeScopeData
: public AbstractBaseScopeData<JSAtom> {
SlotInfo slotInfo;
explicit RuntimeScopeData(size_t length) { PoisonNames(this, length); }
RuntimeScopeData() = delete;
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
// A lexical scope that holds let and const bindings. There are 4 kinds of
// LexicalScopes.
// Lexical
// A plain lexical scope.
// SimpleCatch
// Holds the single catch parameter of a catch block.
// Catch
// Holds the catch parameters (and only the catch parameters) of a catch
// block.
// NamedLambda
// StrictNamedLambda
// Holds the single name of the callee for a named lambda expression.
// All kinds of LexicalScopes correspond to LexicalEnvironmentObjects on the
// environment chain.
class LexicalScope : public Scope {
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Bindings are sorted by kind in both frames and environments.
// lets - [0, constStart)
// consts - [constStart, length)
uint32_t constStart = 0;
// consts - [constStart, usingStart)
// usings - [usingStart, length)
uint32_t usingStart = 0;
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(ScopeKind kind, uint32_t firstFrameSlot,
LexicalScope::ParserData* data,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
static uint32_t nextFrameSlot(Scope* scope);
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
// Returns an empty shape for extensible global and non-syntactic lexical
// scopes.
static SharedShape* getEmptyExtensibleEnvironmentShape(JSContext* cx);
template <>
inline bool Scope::is<LexicalScope>() const {
return kind_ == ScopeKind::Lexical || kind_ == ScopeKind::SimpleCatch ||
kind_ == ScopeKind::Catch || kind_ == ScopeKind::NamedLambda ||
kind_ == ScopeKind::StrictNamedLambda ||
kind_ == ScopeKind::FunctionLexical;
// The body scope of a JS class, containing only synthetic bindings for private
// class members. (The binding for the class name, `C` in the example below, is
// in another scope, a `LexicalScope`, that encloses the `ClassBodyScope`.)
// Example:
// class C {
// #f = 0;
// #m() {
// return this.#f++;
// }
// }
// This class has a ClassBodyScope with four synthetic bindings:
// - `#f` (private name)
// - `#m` (private name)
// - `#m.method` (function object)
// - `.privateBrand` (the class's private brand)
class ClassBodyScope : public Scope {
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::ClassBody;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Bindings are sorted by kind in both frames and environments.
// synthetic - [0, privateMethodStart)
// privateMethod - [privateMethodStart, length)
uint32_t privateMethodStart = 0;
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(ScopeKind kind, uint32_t firstFrameSlot,
ClassBodyScope::ParserData* data,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
static uint32_t nextFrameSlot(Scope* scope);
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
// Returns an empty shape for extensible global and non-syntactic lexical
// scopes.
static SharedShape* getEmptyExtensibleEnvironmentShape(JSContext* cx);
// Scope corresponding to a function. Holds formal parameter names, special
// internal names (see FunctionScope::isSpecialName), and, if the function
// parameters contain no expressions that might possibly be evaluated, the
// function's var bindings. For example, in these functions, the FunctionScope
// will store a/b/c bindings but not d/e/f bindings:
// function f1(a, b) {
// var c;
// let e;
// const f = 3;
// }
// function f2([a], b = 4, ...c) {
// var d, e, f; // stored in VarScope
// }
// Corresponds to CallObject on environment chain.
class FunctionScope : public Scope {
friend class GCMarker;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class AbstractPositionalFormalParameterIter<JSAtom>;
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::Function;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Flag bits.
// This uses uint32_t in order to make this struct packed.
uint32_t flags = 0;
// If parameter expressions are present, parameters act like lexical
// bindings.
static constexpr uint32_t HasParameterExprsFlag = 1;
// Bindings are sorted by kind in both frames and environments.
// Positional formal parameter names are those that are not
// destructured. They may be referred to by argument slots if
// !script()->hasParameterExprs().
// An argument slot that needs to be skipped due to being destructured
// or having defaults will have a nullptr name in the name array to
// advance the argument slot.
// Rest parameter binding is also included in positional formals.
// This also becomes nullptr if destructuring.
// The number of positional formals is equal to function.length if
// there's no rest, function.length+1 otherwise.
// Destructuring parameters and destructuring rest are included in
// "other formals" below.
// "vars" contains the following:
// * function's top level vars if !script()->hasParameterExprs()
// * special internal names (arguments, .this, .generator) if
// they're used.
// positional formals - [0, nonPositionalFormalStart)
// other formals - [nonPositionalParamStart, varStart)
// vars - [varStart, length)
uint16_t nonPositionalFormalStart = 0;
uint16_t varStart = 0;
bool hasParameterExprs() const { return flags & HasParameterExprsFlag; }
void setHasParameterExprs() { flags |= HasParameterExprsFlag; }
struct alignas(ScopeDataAlignBytes) RuntimeData
: public AbstractBaseScopeData<JSAtom> {
SlotInfo slotInfo;
// The canonical function of the scope, as during a scope walk we
// often query properties of the JSFunction (e.g., is the function an
// arrow).
HeapPtr<JSFunction*> canonicalFunction = {};
explicit RuntimeData(size_t length) { PoisonNames(this, length); }
RuntimeData() = delete;
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(FunctionScope::ParserData* data,
bool hasParameterExprs,
bool needsEnvironment,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
JSFunction* canonicalFunction() const { return data().canonicalFunction; }
void initCanonicalFunction(JSFunction* fun) {
JSScript* script() const;
bool hasParameterExprs() const { return data().slotInfo.hasParameterExprs(); }
uint32_t numPositionalFormalParameters() const {
return data().slotInfo.nonPositionalFormalStart;
static bool isSpecialName(frontend::TaggedParserAtomIndex name);
// Scope holding only vars. There is a single kind of VarScopes.
// FunctionBodyVar
// Corresponds to the extra var scope present in functions with parameter
// expressions. See examples in comment above FunctionScope.
// Corresponds to VarEnvironmentObject on environment chain.
class VarScope : public Scope {
friend class GCMarker;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class Scope;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// All bindings are vars.
// vars - [0, length)
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(ScopeKind kind,
VarScope::ParserData* data,
uint32_t firstFrameSlot,
bool needsEnvironment,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
template <>
inline bool Scope::is<VarScope>() const {
return kind_ == ScopeKind::FunctionBodyVar;
// Scope corresponding to both the global object scope and the global lexical
// scope.
// Both are extensible and are singletons across <script> tags, so these
// scopes are a fragment of the names in global scope. In other words, two
// global scripts may have two different GlobalScopes despite having the same
// GlobalObject.
// There are 2 kinds of GlobalScopes.
// Global
// Corresponds to a GlobalObject and its GlobalLexicalEnvironmentObject on
// the environment chain.
// NonSyntactic
// Corresponds to a non-GlobalObject created by the embedding on the
// environment chain. This distinction is important for optimizations.
class GlobalScope : public Scope {
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class GCMarker;
struct SlotInfo {
// Bindings are sorted by kind.
// `vars` includes top-level functions which is distinguished by a bit
// on the BindingName.
// vars - [0, letStart)
// lets - [letStart, constStart)
// consts - [constStart, length)
uint32_t letStart = 0;
uint32_t constStart = 0;
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static GlobalScope* createEmpty(JSContext* cx, ScopeKind kind);
static GlobalScope* createWithData(
JSContext* cx, ScopeKind kind,
MutableHandle<UniquePtr<RuntimeData>> data);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
bool isSyntactic() const { return kind() != ScopeKind::NonSyntactic; }
bool hasBindings() const { return data().length > 0; }
template <>
inline bool Scope::is<GlobalScope>() const {
return kind_ == ScopeKind::Global || kind_ == ScopeKind::NonSyntactic;
// Scope of a 'with' statement. Has no bindings.
// Corresponds to a WithEnvironmentObject on the environment chain.
class WithScope : public Scope {
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::With;
static WithScope* create(JSContext* cx, Handle<Scope*> enclosing);
// Scope of an eval. Holds var bindings. There are 2 kinds of EvalScopes.
// StrictEval
// A strict eval. Corresponds to a VarEnvironmentObject, where its var
// bindings lives.
// Eval
// A sloppy eval. This is an empty scope, used only in the frontend, to
// detect redeclaration errors. It has no Environment. Any `var`s declared
// in the eval code are bound on the nearest enclosing var environment.
class EvalScope : public Scope {
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// All bindings in an eval script are 'var' bindings. The implicit
// lexical scope around the eval is present regardless of strictness
// and is its own LexicalScope.
// `vars` includes top-level functions which is distinguished by a bit
// on the BindingName.
// vars - [0, length)
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(ScopeKind scopeKind,
EvalScope::ParserData* data,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
// Starting a scope, the nearest var scope that a direct eval can
// introduce vars on.
static Scope* nearestVarScopeForDirectEval(Scope* scope);
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
bool strict() const { return kind() == ScopeKind::StrictEval; }
bool hasBindings() const { return data().length > 0; }
bool isNonGlobal() const {
if (strict()) {
return true;
return !nearestVarScopeForDirectEval(enclosing())->is<GlobalScope>();
template <>
inline bool Scope::is<EvalScope>() const {
return kind_ == ScopeKind::Eval || kind_ == ScopeKind::StrictEval;
// Scope corresponding to the toplevel script in an ES module.
// Like GlobalScopes, these scopes contain both vars and lexical bindings, as
// the treating of imports and exports requires putting them in one scope.
// Corresponds to a ModuleEnvironmentObject on the environment chain.
class ModuleScope : public Scope {
friend class GCMarker;
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class Scope;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
friend class frontend::ScopeStencil;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::Module;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Bindings are sorted by kind.
// imports - [0, varStart)
// vars - [varStart, letStart)
// lets - [letStart, constStart)
// consts - [constStart, length)
uint32_t varStart = 0;
uint32_t letStart = 0;
uint32_t constStart = 0;
// consts - [constStart, usingStart)
// usings - [usingStart, length)
uint32_t usingStart = 0;
struct alignas(ScopeDataAlignBytes) RuntimeData
: public AbstractBaseScopeData<JSAtom> {
SlotInfo slotInfo;
// The module of the scope.
HeapPtr<ModuleObject*> module = {};
explicit RuntimeData(size_t length);
RuntimeData() = delete;
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static void prepareForScopeCreation(ModuleScope::ParserData* data,
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>* envShape);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
uint32_t nextFrameSlot() const { return data().slotInfo.nextFrameSlot; }
ModuleObject* module() const { return data().module; }
void initModule(ModuleObject* mod) { return data().module.init(mod); }
// Off-thread compilation needs to calculate environmentChainLength for
// an emptyGlobalScope where the global may not be available.
static const size_t EnclosingEnvironmentChainLength = 1;
class WasmInstanceScope : public Scope {
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class Scope;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::WasmInstance;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Bindings list the WASM memories and globals.
// memories - [0, globalsStart)
// globals - [globalsStart, length)
uint32_t memoriesStart = 0;
uint32_t globalsStart = 0;
struct alignas(ScopeDataAlignBytes) RuntimeData
: public AbstractBaseScopeData<JSAtom> {
SlotInfo slotInfo;
// The wasm instance of the scope.
HeapPtr<WasmInstanceObject*> instance = {};
explicit RuntimeData(size_t length);
RuntimeData() = delete;
void trace(JSTracer* trc);
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static WasmInstanceScope* create(JSContext* cx, WasmInstanceObject* instance);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
WasmInstanceObject* instance() const { return data().instance; }
uint32_t memoriesStart() const { return data().slotInfo.memoriesStart; }
uint32_t globalsStart() const { return data().slotInfo.globalsStart; }
uint32_t namesCount() const { return data().length; }
// Scope corresponding to the wasm function. A WasmFunctionScope is used by
// Debugger only, and not for wasm execution.
class WasmFunctionScope : public Scope {
friend class AbstractBindingIter<JSAtom>;
friend class Scope;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class AbstractScopePtr;
static const ScopeKind classScopeKind_ = ScopeKind::WasmFunction;
struct SlotInfo {
// Frame slots [0, nextFrameSlot) are live when this is the innermost
// scope.
uint32_t nextFrameSlot = 0;
// Bindings are the local variable names.
// vars - [0, length)
using RuntimeData = RuntimeScopeData<SlotInfo>;
using ParserData = ParserScopeData<SlotInfo>;
template <typename NameT>
using AbstractData =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<NameT, JSAtom>::value,
RuntimeData, ParserData>;
static WasmFunctionScope* create(JSContext* cx, Handle<Scope*> enclosing,
uint32_t funcIndex);
RuntimeData& data() { return *static_cast<RuntimeData*>(rawData()); }
const RuntimeData& data() const {
return *static_cast<const RuntimeData*>(rawData());
template <typename F>
void Scope::applyScopeDataTyped(F&& f) {
switch (kind()) {
case ScopeKind::Function: {
case ScopeKind::FunctionBodyVar:
case ScopeKind::Lexical:
case ScopeKind::SimpleCatch:
case ScopeKind::Catch:
case ScopeKind::NamedLambda:
case ScopeKind::StrictNamedLambda:
case ScopeKind::FunctionLexical:
case ScopeKind::ClassBody:
case ScopeKind::With:
// With scopes do not have data.
case ScopeKind::Eval:
case ScopeKind::StrictEval:
case ScopeKind::Global:
case ScopeKind::NonSyntactic:
case ScopeKind::Module:
case ScopeKind::WasmInstance:
case ScopeKind::WasmFunction:
// An iterator for a Scope's bindings. This is the source of truth for frame
// and environment object layout.
// It may be placed in GC containers; for example:
// for (Rooted<BindingIter> bi(cx, BindingIter(scope)); bi; bi++) {
// use(bi);
// SomeMayGCOperation();
// use(bi);
// }
template <typename NameT>
class BaseAbstractBindingIter {
// Bindings are sorted by kind. Because different Scopes have differently
// laid out {Runtime,Parser}Data for packing, BindingIter must handle all
// binding kinds.
// Kind ranges:
// imports - [0, positionalFormalStart)
// positional formals - [positionalFormalStart, nonPositionalFormalStart)
// other formals - [nonPositionalParamStart, varStart)
// vars - [varStart, letStart)
// lets - [letStart, constStart)
// consts - [constStart, syntheticStart)
// synthetic - [syntheticStart, privateMethodStart)
// private methods = [privateMethodStart, length)
// If ENABLE_EXPLICIT_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT is set, the consts range is split
// into the following:
// consts - [constStart, usingStart)
// usings - [usingStart, syntheticStart)
// Access method when not closed over:
// imports - name
// positional formals - argument slot
// other formals - frame slot
// vars - frame slot
// lets - frame slot
// consts - frame slot
// synthetic - frame slot
// private methods - frame slot
// Access method when closed over:
// imports - name
// positional formals - environment slot or name
// other formals - environment slot or name
// vars - environment slot or name
// lets - environment slot or name
// consts - environment slot or name
// synthetic - environment slot or name
// private methods - environment slot or name
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t positionalFormalStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t nonPositionalFormalStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t varStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t letStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t constStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t usingStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t syntheticStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t privateMethodStart_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t length_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t index_;
enum Flags : uint8_t {
CannotHaveSlots = 0,
CanHaveArgumentSlots = 1 << 0,
CanHaveFrameSlots = 1 << 1,
CanHaveEnvironmentSlots = 1 << 2,
// See comment in settle below.
HasFormalParameterExprs = 1 << 3,
IgnoreDestructuredFormalParameters = 1 << 4,
// Truly I hate named lambdas.
IsNamedLambda = 1 << 5
static const uint8_t CanHaveSlotsMask = 0x7;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint8_t flags_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint16_t argumentSlot_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t frameSlot_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR uint32_t environmentSlot_;
MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR AbstractBindingName<NameT>* names_;
void init(uint32_t positionalFormalStart, uint32_t nonPositionalFormalStart,
uint32_t varStart, uint32_t letStart, uint32_t constStart,
uint32_t usingStart,
uint32_t syntheticStart, uint32_t privateMethodStart, uint8_t flags,
uint32_t firstFrameSlot, uint32_t firstEnvironmentSlot,
mozilla::Span<AbstractBindingName<NameT>> names) {
positionalFormalStart_ = positionalFormalStart;
nonPositionalFormalStart_ = nonPositionalFormalStart;
varStart_ = varStart;
letStart_ = letStart;
constStart_ = constStart;
usingStart_ = usingStart;
syntheticStart_ = syntheticStart;
privateMethodStart_ = privateMethodStart;
length_ = names.size();
index_ = 0;
flags_ = flags;
argumentSlot_ = 0;
frameSlot_ = firstFrameSlot;
environmentSlot_ = firstEnvironmentSlot;
names_ =;
void init(LexicalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, uint32_t firstFrameSlot,
uint8_t flags);
void init(ClassBodyScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, uint32_t firstFrameSlot);
void init(FunctionScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, uint8_t flags);
void init(VarScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, uint32_t firstFrameSlot);
void init(GlobalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data);
void init(EvalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, bool strict);
void init(ModuleScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data);
void init(WasmInstanceScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data);
void init(WasmFunctionScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data);
bool hasFormalParameterExprs() const {
return flags_ & HasFormalParameterExprs;
bool ignoreDestructuredFormalParameters() const {
return flags_ & IgnoreDestructuredFormalParameters;
bool isNamedLambda() const { return flags_ & IsNamedLambda; }
void increment() {
if (flags_ & CanHaveSlotsMask) {
if (canHaveArgumentSlots()) {
if (index_ < nonPositionalFormalStart_) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index_ >= positionalFormalStart_);
if (closedOver()) {
// Imports must not be given known slots. They are
// indirect bindings.
MOZ_ASSERT(kind() != BindingKind::Import);
} else if (canHaveFrameSlots()) {
// Usually positional formal parameters don't have frame
// slots, except when there are parameter expressions, in
// which case they act like lets.
if (index_ >= nonPositionalFormalStart_ ||
(hasFormalParameterExprs() && name())) {
void settle() {
if (ignoreDestructuredFormalParameters()) {
while (!done() && !name()) {
BaseAbstractBindingIter() = default;
BaseAbstractBindingIter(LexicalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data,
uint32_t firstFrameSlot, bool isNamedLambda) {
init(data, firstFrameSlot, isNamedLambda ? IsNamedLambda : 0);
BaseAbstractBindingIter(ClassBodyScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data,
uint32_t firstFrameSlot) {
init(data, firstFrameSlot);
BaseAbstractBindingIter(FunctionScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data,
bool hasParameterExprs) {
init(data, IgnoreDestructuredFormalParameters |
(hasParameterExprs ? HasFormalParameterExprs : 0));
BaseAbstractBindingIter(VarScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data,
uint32_t firstFrameSlot) {
init(data, firstFrameSlot);
explicit BaseAbstractBindingIter(GlobalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data) {
explicit BaseAbstractBindingIter(ModuleScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data) {
explicit BaseAbstractBindingIter(
WasmFunctionScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data) {
BaseAbstractBindingIter(EvalScope::AbstractData<NameT>& data, bool strict) {
init(data, strict);
MOZ_IMPLICIT BaseAbstractBindingIter(
const BaseAbstractBindingIter<NameT>& bi) = default;
bool done() const { return index_ == length_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !done(); }
void operator++(int) {
bool isLast() const {
return index_ + 1 == length_;
bool canHaveArgumentSlots() const { return flags_ & CanHaveArgumentSlots; }
bool canHaveFrameSlots() const { return flags_ & CanHaveFrameSlots; }
bool canHaveEnvironmentSlots() const {
return flags_ & CanHaveEnvironmentSlots;
typename AbstractBindingName<NameT>::NamePointerT name() const {
return names_[index_].name();
bool closedOver() const {
return names_[index_].closedOver();
BindingLocation location() const {
if (!(flags_ & CanHaveSlotsMask)) {
return BindingLocation::Global();
if (index_ < positionalFormalStart_) {
return BindingLocation::Import();
if (closedOver()) {
return BindingLocation::Environment(environmentSlot_);
if (index_ < nonPositionalFormalStart_ && canHaveArgumentSlots()) {
return BindingLocation::Argument(argumentSlot_);
if (canHaveFrameSlots()) {
return BindingLocation::Frame(frameSlot_);
return BindingLocation::NamedLambdaCallee();
BindingKind kind() const {
if (index_ < positionalFormalStart_) {
return BindingKind::Import;
if (index_ < varStart_) {
// When the parameter list has expressions, the parameters act
// like lexical bindings and have TDZ.
if (hasFormalParameterExprs()) {
return BindingKind::Let;
return BindingKind::FormalParameter;
if (index_ < letStart_) {
return BindingKind::Var;
if (index_ < constStart_) {
return BindingKind::Let;
if (index_ < usingStart_) {
return isNamedLambda() ? BindingKind::NamedLambdaCallee
: BindingKind::Const;
if (index_ < syntheticStart_) {
return BindingKind::Using;
if (index_ < syntheticStart_) {
return isNamedLambda() ? BindingKind::NamedLambdaCallee
: BindingKind::Const;
if (index_ < privateMethodStart_) {
return BindingKind::Synthetic;
return BindingKind::PrivateMethod;
js::frontend::NameLocation nameLocation() const {
using js::frontend::NameLocation;
BindingKind bindKind = kind();
BindingLocation bl = location();
switch (bl.kind()) {
case BindingLocation::Kind::Global:
return NameLocation::Global(bindKind);
case BindingLocation::Kind::Argument:
return NameLocation::ArgumentSlot(bl.argumentSlot());
case BindingLocation::Kind::Frame:
return NameLocation::FrameSlot(bindKind, bl.slot());
case BindingLocation::Kind::Environment:
return NameLocation::EnvironmentCoordinate(bindKind, 0, bl.slot());
case BindingLocation::Kind::Import:
return NameLocation::Import();
case BindingLocation::Kind::NamedLambdaCallee:
return NameLocation::NamedLambdaCallee();
MOZ_CRASH("Bad BindingKind");