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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef vm_NativeObject_h
#define vm_NativeObject_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/BufferAllocator.h"
#include "gc/MaybeRooted.h"
#include "gc/ZoneAllocator.h"
#include "js/shadow/Object.h" // JS::shadow::Object
#include "js/shadow/Zone.h" // JS::shadow::Zone
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "vm/GetterSetter.h"
#include "vm/JSAtomUtils.h" // AtomIsMarked
#include "vm/JSObject.h"
#include "vm/Shape.h"
#include "vm/StringType.h"
namespace js {
class JS_PUBLIC_API GenericPrinter;
class PropertyResult;
namespace gc {
class TenuringTracer;
} // namespace gc
* To really poison a set of values, using 'magic' or 'undefined' isn't good
* in debug builds and crash in release builds. Instead, we use a safe-for-crash
* pointer.
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(Value* beg,
Value* end) {
#ifdef DEBUG
for (Value* v = beg; v != end; ++v) {
*v = js::PoisonedObjectValue(0x48);
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(Value* vec,
size_t len) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(vec, vec + len);
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(
GCPtr<Value>* vec, size_t len) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch((Value*)vec, len);
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void Debug_SetSlotRangeToCrashOnTouch(HeapSlot* vec,
uint32_t len) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch((Value*)vec, len);
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void Debug_SetSlotRangeToCrashOnTouch(HeapSlot* begin,
HeapSlot* end) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch((Value*)begin, end - begin);
class ArrayObject;
* ArraySetLength ( A, Desc )
* ES2025 draft rev ac21460fedf4b926520b06c9820bdbebad596a8b
* |id| must be "length", |desc| is the new non-accessor descriptor, and
* |result| receives an error code if the change is invalid.
extern bool ArraySetLength(JSContext* cx, Handle<ArrayObject*> obj, HandleId id,
Handle<PropertyDescriptor> desc,
ObjectOpResult& result);
* [SMDOC] NativeObject Elements layout
* Elements header used for native objects. The elements component of such
* objects offers an efficient representation for all or some of the indexed
* properties of the object, using a flat array of Values rather than a shape
* hierarchy stored in the object's slots. This structure is immediately
* followed by an array of elements, with the elements member in an object
* pointing to the beginning of that array (the end of this structure). See
* below for usage of this structure.
* The sets of properties represented by an object's elements and slots
* are disjoint. The elements contain only indexed properties, while the slots
* can contain both named and indexed properties; any indexes in the slots are
* distinct from those in the elements. If isIndexed() is false for an object,
* all indexed properties (if any) are stored in the dense elements.
* Indexes will be stored in the object's slots instead of its elements in
* the following case:
* - there are more than MIN_SPARSE_INDEX slots total and the load factor
* (COUNT / capacity) is less than 0.25
* - a property is defined that has non-default property attributes.
* We track these pieces of metadata for dense elements:
* - The length property as a uint32_t, accessible for array objects with
* ArrayObject::{length,setLength}(). This is unused for non-arrays.
* - The number of element slots (capacity), gettable with
* getDenseCapacity().
* - The array's initialized length, accessible with
* getDenseInitializedLength().
* Holes in the array are represented by MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE) values.
* These indicate indexes which are not dense properties of the array. The
* property may, however, be held by the object's properties.
* The capacity and length of an object's elements are almost entirely
* unrelated! In general the length may be greater than, less than, or equal
* to the capacity. The first case occurs with |new Array(100)|. The length
* is 100, but the capacity remains 0 (indices below length and above capacity
* must be treated as holes) until elements between capacity and length are
* set. The other two cases are common, depending upon the number of elements
* in an array and the underlying allocator used for element storage.
* The only case in which the capacity and length of an object's elements are
* related is when the object is an array with non-writable length. In this
* case the capacity is always less than or equal to the length. This permits
* JIT code to optimize away the check for non-writable length when assigning
* to possibly out-of-range elements: such code already has to check for
* |index < capacity|, and fallback code checks for non-writable length.
* The initialized length of an object specifies the number of elements that
* have been initialized. All elements above the initialized length are
* holes in the object, and the memory for all elements between the initialized
* length and capacity is left uninitialized. The initialized length is some
* value less than or equal to both the object's length and the object's
* capacity.
* There is flexibility in exactly the value the initialized length must hold,
* e.g. if an array has length 5, capacity 10, completely empty, it is valid
* for the initialized length to be any value between zero and 5, as long as
* the in memory values below the initialized length have been initialized with
* a hole value. However, in such cases we want to keep the initialized length
* as small as possible: if the object is known to have no hole values below
* its initialized length, then it is "packed" and can be accessed much faster
* by JIT code.
* Elements do not track property creation order, so enumerating the elements
* of an object does not necessarily visit indexes in the order they were
* created.
* [SMDOC] NativeObject shifted elements optimization
* Shifted elements
* ----------------
* It's pretty common to use an array as a queue, like this:
* while (arr.length > 0)
* foo(arr.shift());
* To ensure we don't get quadratic behavior on this, elements can be 'shifted'
* in memory. tryShiftDenseElements does this by incrementing elements_ to point
* to the next element and moving the ObjectElements header in memory (so it's
* stored where the shifted Value used to be).
* Shifted elements can be moved when we grow the array, when the array is
* made non-extensible (for simplicity, shifted elements are not supported on
* objects that are non-extensible, have copy-on-write elements, or on arrays
* with non-writable length).
class ObjectElements {
enum Flags : uint16_t {
// Elements are stored inline in the object allocation.
// An object allocated with the FIXED flag set can have the flag unset later
// if `growElements()` is called to increase the capacity beyond what was
// initially allocated. Once the flag is unset, it will remain so for the
// rest of the lifetime of the object.
FIXED = 0x1,
// Present only if these elements correspond to an array with
// non-writable length; never present for non-arrays.
// For TypedArrays only: this TypedArray's storage is mapping shared
// memory. This is a static property of the TypedArray, set when it
// is created and never changed.
// These elements are not extensible. If this flag is set, the object's
// Shape must also have the NotExtensible flag. This exists on
// ObjectElements in addition to Shape to simplify JIT code.
// These elements are set to integrity level "sealed". If this flag is
// set, the NOT_EXTENSIBLE flag must be set as well.
SEALED = 0x20,
// These elements are set to integrity level "frozen". If this flag is
// set, the SEALED flag must be set as well.
// This flag must only be set if the Shape has the FrozenElements flag.
// The Shape flag ensures a shape guard can be used to guard against frozen
// elements. The ObjectElements flag is convenient for JIT code and
// ObjectElements assertions.
FROZEN = 0x40,
// If this flag is not set, the elements are guaranteed to contain no hole
// values (the JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE MagicValue) in [0, initializedLength).
NON_PACKED = 0x80,
// If this flag is not set, there's definitely no for-in iterator that
// covers these dense elements so elements can be deleted without calling
// SuppressDeletedProperty. This is used by fast paths for various Array
// builtins. See also NativeObject::denseElementsMaybeInIteration.
// The flags word stores both the flags and the number of shifted elements.
// Allow shifting 2047 elements before actually moving the elements.
static const size_t NumShiftedElementsBits = 11;
static const size_t MaxShiftedElements = (1 << NumShiftedElementsBits) - 1;
static const size_t NumShiftedElementsShift = 32 - NumShiftedElementsBits;
static const size_t FlagsMask = (1 << NumShiftedElementsShift) - 1;
static_assert(MaxShiftedElements == 2047,
"MaxShiftedElements should match the comment");
friend class ::JSObject;
friend class ArrayObject;
friend class NativeObject;
friend class gc::TenuringTracer;
friend bool js::SetIntegrityLevel(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
IntegrityLevel level);
friend bool ArraySetLength(JSContext* cx, Handle<ArrayObject*> obj,
HandleId id, Handle<PropertyDescriptor> desc,
ObjectOpResult& result);
// The NumShiftedElementsBits high bits of this are used to store the
// number of shifted elements, the other bits are available for the flags.
// See Flags enum above.
uint32_t flags;
* Number of initialized elements. This is <= the capacity, and for arrays
* is <= the length. Memory for elements above the initialized length is
* uninitialized, but values between the initialized length and the proper
* length are conceptually holes.
uint32_t initializedLength;
/* Number of allocated slots. */
uint32_t capacity;
/* 'length' property of array objects, unused for other objects. */
uint32_t length;
void setNonwritableArrayLength() {
// See ArrayObject::setNonWritableLength.
MOZ_ASSERT(capacity == initializedLength);
MOZ_ASSERT(numShiftedElements() == 0);
void addShiftedElements(uint32_t count) {
MOZ_ASSERT(count < capacity);
MOZ_ASSERT(count < initializedLength);
uint32_t numShifted = numShiftedElements() + count;
MOZ_ASSERT(numShifted <= MaxShiftedElements);
flags = (numShifted << NumShiftedElementsShift) | (flags & FlagsMask);
capacity -= count;
initializedLength -= count;
void unshiftShiftedElements(uint32_t count) {
MOZ_ASSERT(count > 0);
uint32_t numShifted = numShiftedElements();
MOZ_ASSERT(count <= numShifted);
numShifted -= count;
flags = (numShifted << NumShiftedElementsShift) | (flags & FlagsMask);
capacity += count;
initializedLength += count;
void clearShiftedElements() {
flags &= FlagsMask;
MOZ_ASSERT(numShiftedElements() == 0);
void markNonPacked() { flags |= NON_PACKED; }
void markMaybeInIteration() { flags |= MAYBE_IN_ITERATION; }
void setNotExtensible() {
void seal() {
flags |= SEALED;
void freeze() {
flags |= FROZEN;
bool isFrozen() const { return flags & FROZEN; }
constexpr ObjectElements(uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length)
: flags(0), initializedLength(0), capacity(capacity), length(length) {}
enum class SharedMemory { IsShared };
constexpr ObjectElements(uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length,
SharedMemory shmem)
length(length) {}
HeapSlot* elements() {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapSlot*>(uintptr_t(this) +
const HeapSlot* elements() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const HeapSlot*>(uintptr_t(this) +
static ObjectElements* fromElements(HeapSlot* elems) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectElements*>(uintptr_t(elems) -
bool isSharedMemory() const { return flags & SHARED_MEMORY; }
static int offsetOfFlags() {
return int(offsetof(ObjectElements, flags)) - int(sizeof(ObjectElements));
static int offsetOfInitializedLength() {
return int(offsetof(ObjectElements, initializedLength)) -
static int offsetOfCapacity() {
return int(offsetof(ObjectElements, capacity)) -
static int offsetOfLength() {
return int(offsetof(ObjectElements, length)) - int(sizeof(ObjectElements));
static void PrepareForPreventExtensions(JSContext* cx, NativeObject* obj);
static void PreventExtensions(NativeObject* obj);
[[nodiscard]] static bool FreezeOrSeal(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
IntegrityLevel level);
bool isSealed() const { return flags & SEALED; }
bool isPacked() const { return !(flags & NON_PACKED); }
JS::PropertyAttributes elementAttributes() const {
if (isFrozen()) {
return {JS::PropertyAttribute::Enumerable};
if (isSealed()) {
return {JS::PropertyAttribute::Enumerable,
return {JS::PropertyAttribute::Configurable,
JS::PropertyAttribute::Enumerable, JS::PropertyAttribute::Writable};
uint32_t numShiftedElements() const {
uint32_t numShifted = flags >> NumShiftedElementsShift;
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(numShifted > 0,
return numShifted;
uint32_t numAllocatedElements() const {
return VALUES_PER_HEADER + capacity + numShiftedElements();
bool hasNonwritableArrayLength() const {
bool maybeInIteration() { return flags & MAYBE_IN_ITERATION; }
bool isNotExtensible() { return flags & NOT_EXTENSIBLE; }
// This is enough slots to store an object of this class. See the static
// assertion below.
static const size_t VALUES_PER_HEADER = 2;
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
void dumpStringContent(js::GenericPrinter& out) const;
static_assert(ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER * sizeof(HeapSlot) ==
"ObjectElements doesn't fit in the given number of slots");
* Slots header used for native objects. The header stores the capacity and the
* slot data follows in memory.
class alignas(HeapSlot) ObjectSlots {
uint32_t capacity_;
uint32_t dictionarySlotSpan_;
uint64_t maybeUniqueId_;
// Special values for maybeUniqueId_ to indicate no unique ID is present.
static constexpr uint64_t NoUniqueIdInDynamicSlots = 0;
static constexpr uint64_t NoUniqueIdInSharedEmptySlots = 1;
static constexpr uint64_t LastNoUniqueIdValue = NoUniqueIdInSharedEmptySlots;
static constexpr size_t VALUES_PER_HEADER = 2;
static inline size_t allocCount(size_t slotCount) {
static_assert(sizeof(ObjectSlots) ==
ObjectSlots::VALUES_PER_HEADER * sizeof(HeapSlot));
if (slotCount == 0) {
// Add an extra unused slot so that NativeObject::slots_ always points
// into the allocation otherwise valgrind thinks this is a leak.
slotCount = 1;
return slotCount + VALUES_PER_HEADER;
static inline size_t allocSize(size_t slotCount) {
return allocCount(slotCount) * sizeof(HeapSlot);
static ObjectSlots* fromSlots(HeapSlot* slots) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectSlots*>(uintptr_t(slots) -
static constexpr size_t offsetOfCapacity() {
return offsetof(ObjectSlots, capacity_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDictionarySlotSpan() {
return offsetof(ObjectSlots, dictionarySlotSpan_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfMaybeUniqueId() {
return offsetof(ObjectSlots, maybeUniqueId_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfSlots() { return sizeof(ObjectSlots); }
constexpr ObjectSlots(uint32_t capacity, uint32_t dictionarySlotSpan,
uint64_t maybeUniqueId);
constexpr uint32_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
constexpr uint32_t dictionarySlotSpan() const { return dictionarySlotSpan_; }
bool isSharedEmptySlots() const {
return maybeUniqueId_ == NoUniqueIdInSharedEmptySlots;
constexpr bool hasUniqueId() const {
return maybeUniqueId_ > LastNoUniqueIdValue;
uint64_t uniqueId() const {
return maybeUniqueId_;
uintptr_t maybeUniqueId() const { return hasUniqueId() ? maybeUniqueId_ : 0; }
void setUniqueId(uint64_t uid) {
MOZ_ASSERT(uid > LastNoUniqueIdValue);
maybeUniqueId_ = uid;
void setDictionarySlotSpan(uint32_t span) { dictionarySlotSpan_ = span; }
HeapSlot* slots() const {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapSlot*>(uintptr_t(this) + sizeof(ObjectSlots));
* Shared singletons for objects with no elements.
* emptyObjectElementsShared is used only for TypedArrays, when the TA
* maps shared memory.
extern HeapSlot* const emptyObjectElements;
extern HeapSlot* const emptyObjectElementsShared;
* Shared singletons for objects with no dynamic slots.
extern HeapSlot* const emptyObjectSlots;
extern HeapSlot* const emptyObjectSlotsForDictionaryObject[];
class AutoCheckShapeConsistency;
class GCMarker;
// Operations which change an object's dense elements can either succeed, fail,
// or be unable to complete. The latter is used when the object's elements must
// become sparse instead. The enum below is used for such operations.
enum class DenseElementResult { Failure, Success, Incomplete };
// Stores a slot offset in bytes relative to either the NativeObject* address
// (if isFixedSlot) or to NativeObject::slots_ (if !isFixedSlot).
class TaggedSlotOffset {
uint32_t bits_ = 0;
static constexpr size_t OffsetShift = 1;
static constexpr size_t IsFixedSlotFlag = 0b1;
static constexpr size_t MaxOffset = SHAPE_MAXIMUM_SLOT * sizeof(Value);
static_assert((uint64_t(MaxOffset) << OffsetShift) <= UINT32_MAX,
"maximum slot offset must fit in TaggedSlotOffset");
constexpr TaggedSlotOffset() = default;
TaggedSlotOffset(uint32_t offset, bool isFixedSlot)
: bits_((offset << OffsetShift) | isFixedSlot) {
MOZ_ASSERT(offset <= MaxOffset);
uint32_t offset() const { return bits_ >> OffsetShift; }
bool isFixedSlot() const { return bits_ & IsFixedSlotFlag; }
bool operator==(const TaggedSlotOffset& other) const {
return bits_ == other.bits_;
bool operator!=(const TaggedSlotOffset& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
enum class CanReuseShape {
// The Shape can be reused. This implies CanReusePropMap.
// Only the PropMap can be reused.
// Neither the PropMap nor Shape can be reused.
* [SMDOC] NativeObject layout
* NativeObject specifies the internal implementation of a native object.
* Native objects use ShapedObject::shape to record property information. Two
* native objects with the same shape are guaranteed to have the same number of
* fixed slots.
* Native objects extend the base implementation of an object with storage for
* the object's named properties and indexed elements.
* These are stored separately from one another. Objects are followed by a
* variable-sized array of values for inline storage, which may be used by
* either properties of native objects (fixed slots), by elements (fixed
* elements), or by other data for certain kinds of objects, such as
* ArrayBufferObjects and TypedArrayObjects.
* Named property storage can be split between fixed slots and a dynamically
* allocated array (the slots member). For an object with N fixed slots, shapes
* with slots [0..N-1] are stored in the fixed slots, and the remainder are
* stored in the dynamic array. If all properties fit in the fixed slots, the
* 'slots_' member is nullptr.
* Elements are indexed via the 'elements_' member. This member can point to
* either the shared emptyObjectElements and emptyObjectElementsShared
* singletons, into the inline value array (the address of the third value, to
* leave room for a ObjectElements header;in this case numFixedSlots() is zero)
* or to a dynamically allocated array.
* Slots and elements may both be non-empty. The slots may be either names or
* indexes; no indexed property will be in both the slots and elements.
class NativeObject : public JSObject {
/* Slots for object properties. */
js::HeapSlot* slots_;
/* Slots for object dense elements. */
js::HeapSlot* elements_;
friend class ::JSObject;
static void staticAsserts() {
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) == sizeof(JSObject_Slots0),
"native object size must match GC thing size");
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) == sizeof(JS::shadow::Object),
"shadow interface must match actual implementation");
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) % sizeof(Value) == 0,
"fixed slots after an object must be aligned");
static_assert(offsetOfShape() == offsetof(JS::shadow::Object, shape),
"shadow type must match actual type");
offsetof(NativeObject, slots_) == offsetof(JS::shadow::Object, slots),
"shadow slots must match actual slots");
offsetof(NativeObject, elements_) == offsetof(JS::shadow::Object, _1),
"shadow placeholder must match actual elements");
static_assert(MAX_FIXED_SLOTS <= Shape::FIXED_SLOTS_MAX,
"verify numFixedSlots() bitfield is big enough");
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) + MAX_FIXED_SLOTS * sizeof(Value) ==
"inconsistent maximum object size");
// Sanity check NativeObject size is what we expect.
#ifdef JS_64BIT
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) == 3 * sizeof(void*));
static_assert(sizeof(NativeObject) == 4 * sizeof(void*));
NativeShape* shape() const { return &JSObject::shape()->asNative(); }
SharedShape* sharedShape() const { return &shape()->asShared(); }
DictionaryShape* dictionaryShape() const { return &shape()->asDictionary(); }
PropertyInfoWithKey getLastProperty() const {
return shape()->lastProperty();
HeapSlotArray getDenseElements() const { return HeapSlotArray(elements_); }
const Value& getDenseElement(uint32_t idx) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(idx < getDenseInitializedLength());
return elements_[idx];
bool containsDenseElement(uint32_t idx) const {
return idx < getDenseInitializedLength() &&
uint32_t getDenseInitializedLength() const {
return getElementsHeader()->initializedLength;
uint32_t getDenseCapacity() const { return getElementsHeader()->capacity; }
bool isSharedMemory() const { return getElementsHeader()->isSharedMemory(); }
// Update the object's shape and allocate slots if needed to match the shape's
// slot span.
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool setShapeAndAddNewSlots(JSContext* cx,
SharedShape* newShape,
uint32_t oldSpan,
uint32_t newSpan);
// Methods optimized for adding/removing a single slot. Must only be used for
// non-dictionary objects.
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool setShapeAndAddNewSlot(JSContext* cx,
SharedShape* newShape,
uint32_t slot);
void setShapeAndRemoveLastSlot(JSContext* cx, SharedShape* newShape,
uint32_t slot);
canReuseShapeForNewProperties(NativeShape* newShape) const {
NativeShape* oldShape = shape();
MOZ_ASSERT(oldShape->propMapLength() == 0,
"object must have no properties");
MOZ_ASSERT(newShape->propMapLength() > 0,
"new shape must have at least one property");
if (oldShape->isDictionary() || newShape->isDictionary()) {
return CanReuseShape::NoReuse;
// We only handle the common case where the old shape has no object flags
// (expected because it's an empty object) and the new shape has just the
// HasEnumerable flag that we can copy safely.
if (!oldShape->objectFlags().isEmpty()) {
return CanReuseShape::NoReuse;
if (newShape->objectFlags() != ObjectFlags({ObjectFlag::HasEnumerable})) {
return CanReuseShape::NoReuse;
// If the number of fixed slots or the BaseShape is different, we can't
// reuse the Shape but we can still reuse the PropMap.
if (oldShape->numFixedSlots() != newShape->numFixedSlots() ||
oldShape->base() != newShape->base()) {
return CanReuseShape::CanReusePropMap;
MOZ_ASSERT(oldShape->getObjectClass() == newShape->getObjectClass());
MOZ_ASSERT(oldShape->proto() == newShape->proto());
MOZ_ASSERT(oldShape->realm() == newShape->realm());
return CanReuseShape::CanReuseShape;
// Newly-created TypedArrays that map a SharedArrayBuffer are
// marked as shared by giving them an ObjectElements that has the
// ObjectElements::SHARED_MEMORY flag set.
void setIsSharedMemory() {
MOZ_ASSERT(elements_ == emptyObjectElements);
elements_ = emptyObjectElementsShared;
static inline NativeObject* create(JSContext* cx, gc::AllocKind kind,
gc::Heap heap, Handle<SharedShape*> shape,
gc::AllocSite* site = nullptr);
template <typename T>
static inline T* create(JSContext* cx, gc::AllocKind kind, gc::Heap heap,
Handle<SharedShape*> shape,
gc::AllocSite* site = nullptr) {
NativeObject* nobj = create(cx, kind, heap, shape, site);
return nobj ? &nobj->as<T>() : nullptr;
#ifdef DEBUG
static void enableShapeConsistencyChecks();
#ifdef DEBUG
friend class js::AutoCheckShapeConsistency;
void checkShapeConsistency();
void checkShapeConsistency() {}
void maybeFreeDictionaryPropSlots(JSContext* cx, DictionaryPropMap* map,
uint32_t mapLength);
[[nodiscard]] static bool toDictionaryMode(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj);
inline void setEmptyDynamicSlots(uint32_t dictonarySlotSpan);
inline void setDictionaryModeSlotSpan(uint32_t span);
friend class gc::TenuringTracer;
// Given a slot range from |start| to |end| exclusive, call |fun| with
// pointers to the corresponding fixed slot and/or dynamic slot ranges.
template <typename Fun>
void forEachSlotRangeUnchecked(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, const Fun& fun) {
MOZ_ASSERT(end >= start);
uint32_t nfixed = numFixedSlots();
if (start < nfixed) {
HeapSlot* fixedStart = &fixedSlots()[start];
HeapSlot* fixedEnd = &fixedSlots()[std::min(nfixed, end)];
fun(fixedStart, fixedEnd);
start = nfixed;
if (end > nfixed) {
HeapSlot* dynStart = &slots_[start - nfixed];
HeapSlot* dynEnd = &slots_[end - nfixed];
fun(dynStart, dynEnd);
template <typename Fun>
void forEachSlotRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, const Fun& fun) {
forEachSlotRangeUnchecked(start, end, fun);
friend class DictionaryPropMap;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class Shape;
void invalidateSlotRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
#ifdef DEBUG
forEachSlotRange(start, end, [](HeapSlot* slotsStart, HeapSlot* slotsEnd) {
Debug_SetSlotRangeToCrashOnTouch(slotsStart, slotsEnd);
#endif /* DEBUG */
void initFixedSlots(uint32_t numSlots) {
MOZ_ASSERT(numSlots == numUsedFixedSlots());
HeapSlot* slots = fixedSlots();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
void initDynamicSlots(uint32_t numSlots) {
MOZ_ASSERT(numSlots == sharedShape()->slotSpan() - numFixedSlots());
HeapSlot* slots = slots_;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
void initSlots(uint32_t nfixed, uint32_t slotSpan) {
initFixedSlots(std::min(nfixed, slotSpan));
if (slotSpan > nfixed) {
initDynamicSlots(slotSpan - nfixed);
#ifdef DEBUG
* Check that slot is in range for the object's allocated slots.
* If sentinelAllowed then slot may equal the slot capacity.
bool slotInRange(uint32_t slot,
SentinelAllowed sentinel = SENTINEL_NOT_ALLOWED) const;
* Check whether a slot is a fixed slot.
bool slotIsFixed(uint32_t slot) const;
* Check whether the supplied number of fixed slots is correct.
bool isNumFixedSlots(uint32_t nfixed) const;
* Minimum size for dynamically allocated slots in normal Objects.
* ArrayObjects don't use this limit and can have a lower slot capacity,
* since they normally don't have a lot of slots.
static const uint32_t SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN = 5;
* Minimum size for dynamically allocated elements in normal Objects.
static const uint32_t ELEMENT_CAPACITY_MIN = 5;
HeapSlot* fixedSlots() const {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapSlot*>(uintptr_t(this) + sizeof(NativeObject));
inline void initEmptyDynamicSlots();
[[nodiscard]] static bool generateNewDictionaryShape(
JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj);
// The maximum number of slots in an object.
// |MAX_SLOTS_COUNT * sizeof(JS::Value)| shouldn't overflow
// int32_t (see slotsSizeMustNotOverflow).
static const uint32_t MAX_SLOTS_COUNT = (1 << 28) - 1;
static void slotsSizeMustNotOverflow() {
NativeObject::MAX_SLOTS_COUNT <= INT32_MAX / sizeof(JS::Value),
"every caller of this method requires that a slot "
"number (or slot count) count multiplied by "
"sizeof(Value) can't overflow uint32_t (and sometimes "
"int32_t, too)");
uint32_t numFixedSlots() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const JS::shadow::Object*>(this)->numFixedSlots();
// Get the number of fixed slots when the shape pointer may have been
// forwarded by a moving GC. You need to use this rather that
// numFixedSlots() in a trace hook if you access an object that is not the
// object being traced, since it may have a stale shape pointer.
inline uint32_t numFixedSlotsMaybeForwarded() const;
uint32_t numUsedFixedSlots() const {
uint32_t nslots = sharedShape()->slotSpan();
return std::min(nslots, numFixedSlots());
uint32_t slotSpan() const {
if (inDictionaryMode()) {
return dictionaryModeSlotSpan();
MOZ_ASSERT(getSlotsHeader()->dictionarySlotSpan() == 0);
return sharedShape()->slotSpan();
uint32_t dictionaryModeSlotSpan() const {
return getSlotsHeader()->dictionarySlotSpan();
/* Whether a slot is at a fixed offset from this object. */
bool isFixedSlot(size_t slot) { return slot < numFixedSlots(); }
/* Index into the dynamic slots array to use for a dynamic slot. */
size_t dynamicSlotIndex(size_t slot) {
MOZ_ASSERT(slot >= numFixedSlots());
return slot - numFixedSlots();
// Native objects are never proxies. Call isExtensible instead.
bool nonProxyIsExtensible() const = delete;
bool isExtensible() const { return !hasFlag(ObjectFlag::NotExtensible); }
* Whether there may be indexed properties on this object, excluding any in
* the object's elements.
bool isIndexed() const { return hasFlag(ObjectFlag::Indexed); }
bool hasInterestingSymbol() const {
return hasFlag(ObjectFlag::HasInterestingSymbol);
bool hasEnumerableProperty() const {
return hasFlag(ObjectFlag::HasEnumerable);
static bool setHadGetterSetterChange(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj) {
return setFlag(cx, obj, ObjectFlag::HadGetterSetterChange);
bool hadGetterSetterChange() const {
return hasFlag(ObjectFlag::HadGetterSetterChange);
bool allocateInitialSlots(JSContext* cx, uint32_t capacity);
* Grow or shrink slots immediately before changing the slot span.
* The number of allocated slots is not stored explicitly, and changes to
* the slots must track changes in the slot span.
bool growSlots(JSContext* cx, uint32_t oldCapacity, uint32_t newCapacity);
bool growSlotsForNewSlot(JSContext* cx, uint32_t numFixed, uint32_t slot);
void shrinkSlots(JSContext* cx, uint32_t oldCapacity, uint32_t newCapacity);
bool allocateSlots(Nursery& nursery, uint32_t newCapacity);
* This method is static because it's called from JIT code. On OOM, returns
* false without leaving a pending exception on the context.
static bool growSlotsPure(JSContext* cx, NativeObject* obj,
uint32_t newCapacity);
* Like growSlotsPure but for dense elements. This will return
* false if we failed to allocate a dense element for some reason (OOM, too
* many dense elements, non-writable array length, etc).
static bool addDenseElementPure(JSContext* cx, NativeObject* obj);
* Indicates whether this object has an ObjectSlots allocation attached. The
* capacity of this can be zero if it is only used to hold a unique ID.
bool hasDynamicSlots() const {
return !getSlotsHeader()->isSharedEmptySlots();
/* Compute the number of dynamic slots required for this object. */
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t calculateDynamicSlots() const;
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t numDynamicSlots() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t outOfLineNumDynamicSlots() const;
bool empty() const { return shape()->propMapLength() == 0; }
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> lookup(JSContext* cx, jsid id);
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> lookup(JSContext* cx, PropertyName* name) {
return lookup(cx, NameToId(name));
bool contains(JSContext* cx, jsid id) { return lookup(cx, id).isSome(); }
bool contains(JSContext* cx, PropertyName* name) {
return lookup(cx, name).isSome();
bool contains(JSContext* cx, jsid id, PropertyInfo prop) {
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> found = lookup(cx, id);
return found.isSome() && *found == prop;
/* Contextless; can be called from other pure code. */
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> lookupPure(jsid id);
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> lookupPure(PropertyName* name) {
return lookupPure(NameToId(name));
bool containsPure(jsid id) { return lookupPure(id).isSome(); }
bool containsPure(PropertyName* name) { return containsPure(NameToId(name)); }
bool containsPure(jsid id, PropertyInfo prop) {
mozilla::Maybe<PropertyInfo> found = lookupPure(id);
return found.isSome() && *found == prop;
* Allocate and free an object slot.
* after calling object-parameter-free shape methods, avoiding coupling
* logic across the object vs. shape module wall.
static bool allocDictionarySlot(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
uint32_t* slotp);
void freeDictionarySlot(uint32_t slot);
static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool maybeConvertToDictionaryForAdd(
JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj);
// Add a new property. Must only be used when the |id| is not already present
// in the object's shape. Checks for non-extensibility must be done by the
// callers.
static bool addProperty(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj, HandleId id,
PropertyFlags flags, uint32_t* slotOut);
static bool addProperty(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
Handle<PropertyName*> name, PropertyFlags flags,
uint32_t* slotOut) {
RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
return addProperty(cx, obj, id, flags, slotOut);
static bool addPropertyInReservedSlot(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj, HandleId id,
uint32_t slot, PropertyFlags flags);
static bool addPropertyInReservedSlot(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
Handle<PropertyName*> name,
uint32_t slot, PropertyFlags flags) {
RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
return addPropertyInReservedSlot(cx, obj, id, slot, flags);
static bool addCustomDataProperty(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
HandleId id, PropertyFlags flags);
// Change a property with key |id| in this object. The object must already
// have a property (stored in the shape tree) with this |id|.
static bool changeProperty(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
HandleId id, PropertyFlags flags,
uint32_t* slotOut);
static bool changeCustomDataPropAttributes(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
HandleId id, PropertyFlags flags);
// Remove the property named by id from this object.
static bool removeProperty(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
HandleId id);
static bool freezeOrSealProperties(JSContext* cx, Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
IntegrityLevel level);
static bool changeNumFixedSlotsAfterSwap(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
uint32_t nfixed);
// For use from JSObject::swap.
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForSwap(JSContext* cx, JSObject* other,
MutableHandleValueVector slotValuesOut);
[[nodiscard]] static bool fixupAfterSwap(JSContext* cx,
Handle<NativeObject*> obj,
gc::AllocKind kind,
HandleValueVector slotValues);
// Return true if this object has been converted from shared-immutable
// shapes to object-owned dictionary shapes.
bool inDictionaryMode() const { return shape()->isDictionary(); }
const Value& getSlot(uint32_t slot) const {