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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_FrameIter_h
#define vm_FrameIter_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // MOZ_ASSERT
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" // MOZ_IMPLICIT, MOZ_RAII
#include "mozilla/MaybeOneOf.h" // mozilla::MaybeOneOf
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t
#include "jstypes.h" // JS_PUBLIC_API
#include "jit/JSJitFrameIter.h" // js::jit::{InlineFrameIterator,JSJitFrameIter}
#include "js/ColumnNumber.h" // JS::TaggedColumnNumberOneOrigin
#include "js/RootingAPI.h" // JS::Handle, JS::Rooted
#include "js/TypeDecls.h" // jsbytecode, JSContext, JSAtom, JSFunction, JSObject, JSScript
#include "js/Value.h" // JS::Value
#include "vm/Activation.h" // js::InterpreterActivation
#include "vm/Stack.h" // js::{AbstractFramePtr,MaybeCheckAliasing}
#include "wasm/WasmFrameIter.h" // js::wasm::{ExitReason,RegisterState,WasmFrameIter}
struct JSPrincipals;
namespace JS {
class JS_PUBLIC_API Compartment;
class JS_PUBLIC_API Realm;
} // namespace JS
namespace js {
class ArgumentsObject;
class CallObject;
namespace jit {
class CommonFrameLayout;
class JitActivation;
} // namespace jit
namespace wasm {
class Instance;
} // namespace wasm
// Iterates over the frames of a single InterpreterActivation.
class InterpreterFrameIterator {
InterpreterActivation* activation_;
InterpreterFrame* fp_;
jsbytecode* pc_;
JS::Value* sp_;
explicit InterpreterFrameIterator(InterpreterActivation* activation)
: activation_(activation), fp_(nullptr), pc_(nullptr), sp_(nullptr) {
if (activation) {
fp_ = activation->current();
pc_ = activation->regs().pc;
sp_ = activation->regs().sp;
InterpreterFrame* frame() const {
return fp_;
jsbytecode* pc() const {
return pc_;
JS::Value* sp() const {
return sp_;
InterpreterFrameIterator& operator++();
bool done() const { return fp_ == nullptr; }
// A JitFrameIter can iterate over all kind of frames emitted by our code
// generators, be they composed of JS jit frames or wasm frames, interleaved or
// not, in any order.
// In the following class:
// - code generated for JS is referred to as JSJit.
// - code generated for wasm is referred to as Wasm.
// Also, Jit refers to any one of them.
// JitFrameIter uses JSJitFrameIter to iterate over JSJit code or a
// WasmFrameIter to iterate over wasm code; only one of them is active at the
// time. When a sub-iterator is done, the JitFrameIter knows how to stop, move
// onto the next activation or move onto another kind of Jit code.
// For ease of use, there is also OnlyJSJitFrameIter, which skips all the
// non-JSJit frames.
// Note it is allowed to get a handle to the internal frame iterator via
// asJSJit() and asWasm(), but the user has to be careful not to have those be
// used after JitFrameIter leaves the scope or the operator++ is called.
// In particular, this can handle the transition from wasm to jit and from jit
// to wasm, since these can be interleaved in the same JitActivation.
class JitFrameIter {
jit::JitActivation* act_ = nullptr;
mozilla::MaybeOneOf<jit::JSJitFrameIter, wasm::WasmFrameIter> iter_ = {};
bool mustUnwindActivation_ = false;
void settle();
JitFrameIter() = default;
explicit JitFrameIter(jit::JitActivation* activation,
bool mustUnwindActivation = false);
explicit JitFrameIter(const JitFrameIter& another);
JitFrameIter& operator=(const JitFrameIter& another);
bool isSome() const { return !iter_.empty(); }
void reset() {
bool isJSJit() const {
return isSome() && iter_.constructed<jit::JSJitFrameIter>();
jit::JSJitFrameIter& asJSJit() { return iter_.ref<jit::JSJitFrameIter>(); }
const jit::JSJitFrameIter& asJSJit() const {
return iter_.ref<jit::JSJitFrameIter>();
bool isWasm() const {
return isSome() && iter_.constructed<wasm::WasmFrameIter>();
wasm::WasmFrameIter& asWasm() { return iter_.ref<wasm::WasmFrameIter>(); }
const wasm::WasmFrameIter& asWasm() const {
return iter_.ref<wasm::WasmFrameIter>();
// Operations common to all frame iterators.
const jit::JitActivation* activation() const { return act_; }
bool done() const;
void operator++();
JS::Realm* realm() const;
// Returns the address of the next instruction that will execute in this
// frame, once control returns to this frame.
uint8_t* resumePCinCurrentFrame() const;
// Operations which have an effect only on JIT frames.
void skipNonScriptedJSFrames();
// Returns true iff this is a JIT frame with a self-hosted script. Note: be
// careful, JitFrameIter does not consider functions inlined by Ion.
bool isSelfHostedIgnoringInlining() const;
// A JitFrameIter that skips all the non-JSJit frames, skipping interleaved
// frames of any another kind.
class OnlyJSJitFrameIter : public JitFrameIter {
void settle() {
while (!done() && !isJSJit()) {
explicit OnlyJSJitFrameIter(jit::JitActivation* act);
explicit OnlyJSJitFrameIter(const ActivationIterator& cx);
void operator++() {
const jit::JSJitFrameIter& frame() const { return asJSJit(); }
class ScriptSource;
// A FrameIter walks over a context's stack of JS script activations,
// abstracting over whether the JS scripts were running in the interpreter or
// different modes of compiled code.
// FrameIter is parameterized by what it includes in the stack iteration:
// - When provided, the optional JSPrincipal argument will cause FrameIter to
// only show frames in globals whose JSPrincipals are subsumed (via
// JSSecurityCallbacks::subsume) by the given JSPrincipal.
// Additionally, there are derived FrameIter types that automatically skip
// certain frames:
// - ScriptFrameIter only shows frames that have an associated JSScript
// (currently everything other than wasm stack frames). When !hasScript(),
// clients must stick to the portion of the
// interface marked below.
// - NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter additionally filters out builtin (self-hosted)
// scripts.
class FrameIter {
enum DebuggerEvalOption {
enum State {
DONE, // when there are no more frames nor activations to unwind.
INTERP, // interpreter activation on the stack
JIT // jit or wasm activations on the stack
// Unlike ScriptFrameIter itself, ScriptFrameIter::Data can be allocated on
// the heap, so this structure should not contain any GC things.
struct Data {
JSContext* cx_;
DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption_;
JSPrincipals* principals_;
State state_;
jsbytecode* pc_;
InterpreterFrameIterator interpFrames_;
ActivationIterator activations_;
JitFrameIter jitFrames_;
unsigned ionInlineFrameNo_;
Data(JSContext* cx, DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption,
JSPrincipals* principals);
Data(const Data& other);
explicit FrameIter(JSContext* cx,
FrameIter(JSContext* cx, DebuggerEvalOption, JSPrincipals*);
FrameIter(const FrameIter& iter);
MOZ_IMPLICIT FrameIter(const Data& data);
bool done() const { return data_.state_ == DONE; }
// -------------------------------------------------------
// The following functions can only be called when !done()
// -------------------------------------------------------
FrameIter& operator++();
JS::Realm* realm() const;
JS::Compartment* compartment() const;
Activation* activation() const { return data_.activations_.activation(); }
bool isInterp() const {
return data_.state_ == INTERP;
bool isJSJit() const {
return data_.state_ == JIT && data_.jitFrames_.isJSJit();
bool isWasm() const {
return data_.state_ == JIT && data_.jitFrames_.isWasm();
inline bool isIon() const;
inline bool isBaseline() const;
inline bool isPhysicalJitFrame() const;
bool isEvalFrame() const;
bool isModuleFrame() const;
bool isFunctionFrame() const;
bool hasArgs() const { return isFunctionFrame(); }
ScriptSource* scriptSource() const;
const char* filename() const;
const char16_t* displayURL() const;
unsigned computeLine(JS::TaggedColumnNumberOneOrigin* column = nullptr) const;
JSAtom* maybeFunctionDisplayAtom() const;
bool mutedErrors() const;
bool hasScript() const { return !isWasm(); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// The following functions can only be called when isWasm()
// -----------------------------------------------------------
inline bool wasmDebugEnabled() const;
inline wasm::Instance* wasmInstance() const;
inline uint32_t wasmFuncIndex() const;
inline unsigned wasmBytecodeOffset() const;
void wasmUpdateBytecodeOffset();
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// The following functions can only be called when hasScript()
// -----------------------------------------------------------
inline JSScript* script() const;
bool isConstructing() const;
jsbytecode* pc() const {
return data_.pc_;
void updatePcQuadratic();
// The function |calleeTemplate()| returns either the function from which
// the current |callee| was cloned or the |callee| if it can be read. As
// long as we do not have to investigate the environment chain or build a
// new frame, we should prefer to use |calleeTemplate| instead of
// |callee|, as requesting the |callee| might cause the invalidation of
// the frame. (see js::Lambda)
JSFunction* calleeTemplate() const;
JSFunction* callee(JSContext* cx) const;
JSFunction* maybeCallee(JSContext* cx) const {
return isFunctionFrame() ? callee(cx) : nullptr;
bool matchCallee(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSFunction*> fun) const;
unsigned numActualArgs() const;
unsigned numFormalArgs() const;
JS::Value unaliasedActual(unsigned i,
MaybeCheckAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING) const;
template <class Op>
inline void unaliasedForEachActual(JSContext* cx, Op op);
JSObject* environmentChain(JSContext* cx) const;
bool hasInitialEnvironment(JSContext* cx) const;
CallObject& callObj(JSContext* cx) const;
bool hasArgsObj() const;
ArgumentsObject& argsObj() const;
// Get the original |this| value passed to this function. May not be the
// actual this-binding (for instance, derived class constructors will
// change their this-value later and non-strict functions will box
// primitives).
JS::Value thisArgument(JSContext* cx) const;
JS::Value returnValue() const;
void setReturnValue(const JS::Value& v);
// These are only valid for the top frame.
size_t numFrameSlots() const;
JS::Value frameSlotValue(size_t index) const;
// Ensures that we have rematerialized the top frame and its associated
// inline frames. Can only be called when isIon().
bool ensureHasRematerializedFrame(JSContext* cx);
// True when isInterp() or isBaseline(). True when isIon() if it
// has a rematerialized frame. False otherwise.
bool hasUsableAbstractFramePtr() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// The following functions can only be called when isInterp(),
// isBaseline(), isWasm() or isIon(). Further, abstractFramePtr() can
// only be called when hasUsableAbstractFramePtr().
// -----------------------------------------------------------
AbstractFramePtr abstractFramePtr() const;
Data* copyData() const;
// This can only be called when isInterp():
inline InterpreterFrame* interpFrame() const;
// This can only be called when isPhysicalJitFrame():
inline jit::CommonFrameLayout* physicalJitFrame() const;
// This is used to provide a raw interface for debugging.
void* rawFramePtr() const;
bool inPrologue() const;
const wasm::WasmFrameIter& wasmFrame() const {
return data_.jitFrames_.asWasm();
wasm::WasmFrameIter& wasmFrame() { return data_.jitFrames_.asWasm(); }
Data data_;
jit::InlineFrameIterator ionInlineFrames_;
const jit::JSJitFrameIter& jsJitFrame() const {
return data_.jitFrames_.asJSJit();
jit::JSJitFrameIter& jsJitFrame() { return data_.jitFrames_.asJSJit(); }
bool isIonScripted() const {
return isJSJit() && jsJitFrame().isIonScripted();
bool principalsSubsumeFrame() const;
void popActivation();
void popInterpreterFrame();
void nextJitFrame();
void popJitFrame();
void settleOnActivation();
class ScriptFrameIter : public FrameIter {
void settle() {
while (!done() && !hasScript()) {
explicit ScriptFrameIter(
JSContext* cx,
DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption = FOLLOW_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK)
: FrameIter(cx, debuggerEvalOption) {
ScriptFrameIter& operator++() {
return *this;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool SelfHostedFramesVisible();
static inline bool SelfHostedFramesVisible() { return false; }
/* A filtering of the FrameIter to only stop at non-self-hosted scripts. */
class NonBuiltinFrameIter : public FrameIter {
void settle();
explicit NonBuiltinFrameIter(
JSContext* cx, FrameIter::DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption =
: FrameIter(cx, debuggerEvalOption) {
NonBuiltinFrameIter(JSContext* cx,
FrameIter::DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption,
JSPrincipals* principals)
: FrameIter(cx, debuggerEvalOption, principals) {
NonBuiltinFrameIter(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals)
: FrameIter(cx, FrameIter::FOLLOW_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK, principals) {
NonBuiltinFrameIter& operator++() {
return *this;
// A filtering of the ScriptFrameIter to only stop at non-self-hosted scripts.
class NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter : public ScriptFrameIter {
void settle();
explicit NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter(
JSContext* cx, ScriptFrameIter::DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption =
: ScriptFrameIter(cx, debuggerEvalOption) {
NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter& operator++() {
return *this;
* Blindly iterate over all frames in the current thread's stack. These frames
* can be from different contexts and compartments, so beware.
class AllFramesIter : public FrameIter {
explicit AllFramesIter(JSContext* cx)
: FrameIter(cx, ScriptFrameIter::IGNORE_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK) {}
/* Iterates over all script frame in the current thread's stack.
* See also AllFramesIter and ScriptFrameIter.
class AllScriptFramesIter : public ScriptFrameIter {
explicit AllScriptFramesIter(JSContext* cx)
: ScriptFrameIter(cx, ScriptFrameIter::IGNORE_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK) {}
/* Popular inline definitions. */
inline JSScript* FrameIter::script() const {
if (data_.state_ == INTERP) {
return interpFrame()->script();
if (jsJitFrame().isIonJS()) {
return ionInlineFrames_.script();
return jsJitFrame().script();
inline bool FrameIter::wasmDebugEnabled() const {
return wasmFrame().debugEnabled();
inline wasm::Instance* FrameIter::wasmInstance() const {
return wasmFrame().instance();
inline unsigned FrameIter::wasmBytecodeOffset() const {
return wasmFrame().lineOrBytecode();
inline uint32_t FrameIter::wasmFuncIndex() const {
return wasmFrame().funcIndex();
inline bool FrameIter::isIon() const {
return isJSJit() && jsJitFrame().isIonJS();
inline bool FrameIter::isBaseline() const {
return isJSJit() && jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS();
inline InterpreterFrame* FrameIter::interpFrame() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(data_.state_ == INTERP);
return data_.interpFrames_.frame();
inline bool FrameIter::isPhysicalJitFrame() const {
if (!isJSJit()) {
return false;
auto& jitFrame = jsJitFrame();
if (jitFrame.isBaselineJS()) {
return true;
if (jitFrame.isIonScripted()) {
// Only the bottom of a group of inlined Ion frames is a physical frame.
return ionInlineFrames_.frameNo() == 0;
return false;
inline jit::CommonFrameLayout* FrameIter::physicalJitFrame() const {
return jsJitFrame().current();
} // namespace js
#endif // vm_FrameIter_h