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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef vm_ConcurrentDelazification_h
#define vm_ConcurrentDelazification_h
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" // mozilla::MallocSizeOf
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <utility> // std::pair
#include "frontend/CompilationStencil.h" // frontend::{CompilationStencil, ScriptStencilRef, CompilationStencilMerger}
#include "frontend/ScriptIndex.h" // frontend::ScriptIndex
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h" // SystemAllocPolicy
#include "js/CompileOptions.h" // JS::PrefableCompileOptions, JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions
#include "js/UniquePtr.h" // UniquePtr
#include "js/Vector.h" // Vector
namespace js {
class FrontendContext;
// Base class for implementing the various strategies to iterate over the
// functions to be delazified, or to decide when to stop doing any
// delazification.
// When created, the `add` function should be called with the top-level
// ScriptIndex.
struct DelazifyStrategy {
using ScriptIndex = frontend::ScriptIndex;
virtual ~DelazifyStrategy() = default;
// Returns true if no more functions should be delazified. Note, this does not
// imply that every function got delazified.
virtual bool done() const = 0;
// Return a function identifier which represent the next function to be
// delazified. If no more function should be delazified, then return 0.
virtual ScriptIndex next() = 0;
// Empty the list of functions to be processed next. done() should return true
// after this call.
virtual void clear() = 0;
// Insert an index in the container of the delazification strategy. A strategy
// can choose to ignore the insertion of an index in its queue of function to
// delazify. Return false only in case of errors while inserting, and true
// otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool insert(ScriptIndex index,
frontend::ScriptStencilRef& ref) = 0;
// Add the inner functions of a delazified function. This function should only
// be called with a function which has some bytecode associated with it, and
// register functions which parent are already delazified.
// This function is called with the script index of:
// - top-level script, when starting the off-thread delazification.
// - functions added by `add` and delazified by `DelazificationContext`.
[[nodiscard]] bool add(FrontendContext* fc,
const frontend::CompilationStencil& stencil,
ScriptIndex index);
// Delazify all functions using a Depth First traversal of the function-tree
// ordered, where each functions is visited in source-order.
// When `add` is called with the top-level ScriptIndex. This will push all inner
// functions to a stack such that they are popped in source order. Each
// function, once delazified, would be used to schedule their inner functions
// the same way.
// Hypothesis: This strategy parses all functions in source order, with the
// expectation that calls will follow the same order, and that helper thread
// would always be ahead of the execution.
struct DepthFirstDelazification final : public DelazifyStrategy {
Vector<ScriptIndex, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> stack;
bool done() const override { return stack.empty(); }
ScriptIndex next() override { return stack.popCopy(); }
void clear() override { return stack.clear(); }
bool insert(ScriptIndex index, frontend::ScriptStencilRef&) override {
return stack.append(index);
// Delazify all functions using a traversal which select the largest function
// first. The intent being that if the main thread races with the helper thread,
// then the main thread should only have to parse small functions instead of the
// large ones which would be prioritized by this delazification strategy.
struct LargeFirstDelazification final : public DelazifyStrategy {
using SourceSize = uint32_t;
Vector<std::pair<SourceSize, ScriptIndex>, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> heap;
bool done() const override { return heap.empty(); }
ScriptIndex next() override;
void clear() override { return heap.clear(); }
bool insert(ScriptIndex, frontend::ScriptStencilRef&) override;
class DelazificationContext {
const JS::PrefableCompileOptions initialPrefableOptions_;
// Queue of functions to be processed while delazifying.
UniquePtr<DelazifyStrategy> strategy_;
// Every delazified function is merged back to provide context for delazifying
// even more functions.
frontend::CompilationStencilMerger merger_;
// Record any errors happening while parsing or generating bytecode.
FrontendContext fc_;
size_t stackQuota_;
bool isInterrupted_ = false;
explicit DelazificationContext(
const JS::PrefableCompileOptions& initialPrefableOptions,
size_t stackQuota)
: initialPrefableOptions_(initialPrefableOptions),
stackQuota_(stackQuota) {}
bool init(const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
const frontend::CompilationStencil& stencil);
bool delazify();
// This function is called by `delazify` function to know whether the
// delazification should be interrupted.
// The `delazify` function holds on a thread until all functions iterated
// over by the strategy. However, as a `delazify` function iterates over
// multiple functions, it can easily be interrupted at function boundaries.
// function which is wrapping HelperThreads tasks within Mozilla.
bool isInterrupted() const { return isInterrupted_; }
void interrupt() { isInterrupted_ = true; }
bool done() const;
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* vm_ConcurrentDelazification_h */